The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 207

Chapter 207: Xenos

‘It’s been around two and a half months since father disappeared on the mission. Queen Shanna, also known as my mother, was very accommodating. We had fun even when he wasn’t there. Who knew that an unwanted child like me would have the opportunity to experience what life in a loving family was. Though the people around the queen... sorry, mother, were mostly eccentric with a perpetual smile. Arda is a good place to live in. Currently, I decided to start writing a diary. I don’t know why but it came to me on the day I arrived at school. With my photographic memory, forgetting isn’t a trouble, however, putting the memories I deem worthy in here feels more real. The inter-magical tournament is to take place next month in March. Preparation has been taken care of, my training with the Director began as soon as I returned. Instructor Sophie partook in said exercise as well – she had a different feel to her, almost like one who had been set free from a heavy burden. The smile she gave was clearer and devoid of sadness. Well, it’s time to say goodbye, my roommate has been urging me to leave – it’s Friday, meaning; Good food.’

A new year, a new start, a new journey. Both Rosespire and Arda began their construction and deliberation about how the embassies would work and get along. For Arda, the small town was being built. It would take another two to three months to be fully operational. On Rosespire’s side, the Queen decided to build a separate building, one lavished and worthy of an Ardanian ambassador to stay. This was her way of atoning for the discrimination many had forced onto the Ardanian’s in fear of their disparities.

The underworld was taken asunder – the balance of power laid on a fine edge. The Dark Guild, the organization which had ruled over said empire for decades – was challenged by a new group. One still unnamed but powerful, their invasion began the day Sprinkles was hit. Bosses of various families and factions grew scared of one another. Gang-related shootings and murders happened all across Hidros – it didn’t matter where people hid or took refuge. This new organization had the ability to track without fail. Rumors began to float around that Kreston had a hand in such a deed. Still, being as almighty as they were rumored to be – the Dark-guild didn’t take this declaration of war lightly. Pulling all their resources together, the Overlord ordered for all who seemed a threat to be killed on the spot without interrogation. To that end, the Assassination Sect got involved to carry out his bidding. Thus, a war began – a war between the Dark-guild and some unnamed organization. Cake who now worked for Staxius was drafted to lead the operations. A job request that only a strategist like her had the prowess to do. To which a phone call later, her leader accepted. The condition laid was that Cake would only work through phone and remain in a secluded office inside Rosespire. No one had the authority to try and meet her in person, else their life would be at risk. A message from the famed Shadow, that the others respected. As for God’s ale; delivery was made without anyone knowing who or what did it. The boxes would appear suddenly on the day of departure.

The substance was a great hit, Renaud rejoiced. Through that alone, Shadow’s name grew slowly. The other bosses were curious about who this mysterious guy or group was. A name that sent shivers; the people responsible for eliminating the Red Seals. Each week, as promised, cards filled with gold were sent. Jason took the liberty of personally delivering the payment. Alas, with no activity from the man responsible, he could but hold said commodities. It had been so long; none knew where that man was – gone as if a Shadow when the light fades.

*Void Flame Aspect,* three gunshots echoed around the field. Drenched in sweat and blood, those who stood behind cheered loudly. “IT’S OVER,” they screamed, time was the break of dawn.

“Good job everyone,” dressed in a white buttoned shirt with torn jeans, the man responsible turned. “Time to head back,” he ordered to which the adventurers obeyed. About five kilometers away from the would-be wall, they marched forth. Recruits went around collecting loot and Qaisar.

“It’s been two months hasn’t it sister?” Emma voiced.


“I think more sister, but it sure has been a long time,” Emmy replied. The wind blew, the sun rose, the air cold and refreshing.

“Master,” waved the leader of a squad of marksmen. A thumbs-up was the only response he got.

“Here they come,” after a few minutes later, stood before the newly rebuilt Reforge; Reinhardt and Jannette. The town seemed more alive than before, more people were willing to stay over and work. Most importantly, smiles, they had grown braver, monsters didn’t phase many.

“Lieutenant, Sergeant” he stopped with a quick bow of the head as a greeting.

“Good morning, Staxius,” Reinhardt returned the gesture with a smile. Rather than speaking, the Sergeant saluted instead. Behind him, around fifty to sixty of both men and women walked. Built strong with the aura of killers, it seemed as if their eyes lit brightly red, a mere illusion of their killing intent manifesting in whoever chose to gaze upon them. As soon as the first step inside Reforge was taken, their eyes relaxed into one tamer and friendlier. A frightful change of persona. All nodded at the officers and headed inside. Rumors and chatter resumed; the sleeping outpost awoke.

“Care to join me for breakfast?” Reinhardt asked with a courteous smile.

“With pleasure,” he replied with a matching smile, “-care for me to wash up first?” the gaze changed from the officer to his clothes. “It would be disrespectful for me to partake in a meal like this.”

“I apologize for being tactless, may we meet in thirty minutes?” the voice polite and dignified, the conversation ended with nods from both parties.

‘It’s been so long,’ the walk continued, ‘-look at them all,’ the eyes peered at all who stood and chatted. ‘Confident and filled with the drive to win as opposed to fighting to the death. A pleasant change if I do say so myself.’ Now stood under a shower, steam fogged up the mirrors and windows around.

Outside, many sat with legs crossed in the courtyard. Two of the squads that were to lead the assault a few months prior, spoke.

“Man,” sighed the first leader. Built strongly with brown hair and eyes with a diagonal scar on a rather large nose, he stared up at the sky. “We sure have come along.”

“Yea, I agree,” build similarly with darker hair and tanned complexion with a scar on his forehead, the second leader added.

“Ferry,” called the first leader.

“What is it, Jon?” asked the second leader.

“This has been clawing me from the inside, but I feel like Guild Leader Staxius might disappear someday,” the voice filled with worry and tension, Ferry’s eyes felt empty as if losing someone precious.

“It’s a given,” Jon sighed for he had a more rational way of thinking, “-with that much power at his disposal, spending time hunting monsters and protecting the wall isn’t going to do much. Remember the day he created that havoc? Most of our men were skeptical of his words. They thought of him as a showoff without any proof to back that confidence.”

“Yeah I do,” Ferry interjected, “-imagine my surprise when he told us to stand back and do nothing. In a single flash, the horde of monsters that approached was killed. I could not see anything, just faint flickers of light. What impressed me most was that that fight continued till the night was over.”

“We were all taken by surprise,” Jon added, “-that night felt like minutes. A single man fought against that overwhelming number with a gun alone.”

“How can we forget the sunrise that morning,” Ferry’s eyes lit with wonder.

“He returned with a nonchalant look, the eyes screamed of death and destruction. The red hair felt as if it were alive,” Jon completed the thought.

“Xenos...” Ferry added.

“Yeah, Xenos, the curse of destruction from the elder tongue,”

“Excuse us,” a girl from the party that sat around the men were drawn into the conversation.

“What is it?” Jon asked with a gentle voice.

“Care to tell us more about this Xenos thing?” she asked with intrigue.

“Oh,” Jon let out a small chuckle, “-Ferry, care to do the honors?”

“Xenos, ay,” he wondered, “-it’s a word that comes from the ancient tongue. Not many know the real origin nor how it came to pass. Legend has it that, Syphon was once mortally wounded. Her status at that time was of an Angel. The god in charge of taking her life was the Death Reaper. After months of arguments from Qhildir the God of philosophy, the Death Reaper could but resent that feeling. Hence, as a compromise, the world was plunged into darkness by a processed named Xenosious. With a new life, Syphon lived to see another day at the peril of the world which had been sunken into the abyss. As repentance, she vowed to help those in need, to which, after many years of trying to reach the status of Goddess, her lifeforce was exchanged into the light one sees at night. This was the condition laid before her by the God of death. To which she accepted and died after Qhildir’s attempt at fighting back the inevitable. At that moment, when the angel clipped her wings to fall into the pits of darkness – Creation spoke. Her will to be the beacon of hope was felt throughout every realm. As punishment as well as a boon, Syhton became the Goddess of Stars. Bound to remain living yet dead, she served as the faint lights representing hope. From that, the word Xenosious, else known as the curse of eternal darkness, came to light,” Ferry stopped.

“Xenosious, which shortened to Xenos, the nickname guild leader Staxius got given. It came out involuntarily from a recruit’s mouth. From that day forth, many decided to refer the man by Xenos,” Jon concluded the story.

“That story sure is sad,” the girl voiced woefully. “Look, isn’t that him?” she pointed at Staxius who returned from the shower.

“Good job as always,” he complimented the leaders and headed for the military building.

“Xenos, the curse of eternal darkness,” Ferry mumbled underneath his breath. “It fits him perfectly, not as an insult but as a compliment, one can’t help but wonder what’s behind those fierce eyes that always seem unbothered.”

“If he’s Xenos, then I wonder who Syphon is?” the girl asked joyfully, to which the party laughed.

“Oi vampire,” Adete stood with her hair wet, “-you didn’t dry my hair,” she pouted.

“I forgot... or rather, I chose to forget,” he voiced with a smirk.

“...” agitated, her teeth sank into his cheeks.

“Stop it,” a quick tug later, he held her in between the thumb and index finger, “-biting people isn’t very lady-like,” the voice monotonous with an underline tone of mischievousness.

“Stop treating me like a doll,” she wailed, “-if you had taken care of me, this would have never happened.”

“Fine,” he sighed and placed the little girl on his left palm. Using the right hand, after taking out a handkerchief – he dried her hair while she sat.

‘I think it’s time to go investigate Updust. Reports have come that the fog has started to grow less and less intense. Not to mention Cake with the war against that organization, this place has gotten a lot more complicated.’ The door to the office opened, ‘-once again, I left Eira alone without saying a word. I’m such a great father,’ to which the head shook in disappointment.

“Right on time,” sat in the center, Reinhardt welcomed with a smile.

“Shall we begin?”

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