The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 206

Chapter 206: Turmoil

“Good afternoon everyone,” stood in the middle of the courtyard, the briefing commenced. All who arrived earlier this morning stood in line. No sound, no noise, no unnecessary motion, they were as calm as images. At the back of the line rested Kniq with the Lymsey sisters.

“As most of you know, yesterday Reforge was attacked by beings that have never been seen before. We counted around fifty of humanoid goblins with high-regeneration, information is lacking concerning their weakness. Amongst them, there was also a giant, one bigger than the building to your right. The third floor was damaged courtesy of the said giant. By the first look, it stood bigger and taller than the rumored ogre. Needless to say, the latter is by far the worst threat we can imagine,” he paused to let the information be digested. Nervousness paired with the fear of the unknown rose. “Despite this, hope isn’t lost. Many of the people sent to Ground-zero should make their way back tomorrow or so. The top-guilds namely: Blades End and Pegasus, have decided to join our fight,” the mere mention of those names sent a wave of relief across.

“Question,” asked one of the party leaders.

“Go ahead,” rather than being stern, Reinhardt felt generous.

“If the humanoid goblins and giant were that big a threat, how come only the military base was destroyed and nothing else?”

“That’s a simple question, as you all know – yesterday’s win was brought about by Kniq, a guild sent over by the guild master himself. It’s safe to say that without their intervention; this briefing would have never taken place. Concerning that question, Staxius, the leader of Kniq, lured the beast farther into the continent. There, after a rather short battle, all who had threatened us, perished.” A nod of acknowledgment later, the leader stepped away.

“Now if there’s any more question, please speak up.”


“What can we expect later tonight, will those abnormal join the fight?” another leader asked.

“No idea; we’ll have to wait and see,” a pause later, none had questions to which he stepped off.

“Concerning today’s formation,” the sergeant took over, “-seeing there are about twenty people ready to fight. We’ll split into four teams of five. I know many have their parties fighting off at the first outpost. It’s unfair to break up the group for our selfishness but it’s what many signed for. The teams will be reorganized to our discretion, we’ll consider everything. Bound by the same ordeal – strength by unity is what is needed at this moment. Set aside differences and look forward.” Unbalanced with teams scattered around the outpost, this was the only way to come up with a line of defense. Each team would have support, tis was necessary for a long period of time-fighting. The space from Totrya’s border and the would-be wall was about thirty-five to fifty kilometers. Long to allow movement and time to retreat if needed.

“Here,” she went around and handed notes on which was written who would join what team. Two at the front would act as the close-range fighters. One in the middle, those specialized in mid-to-long range combat. The back, those with special talents and skills. This was the formation – primitive and basic at best, they would be separated a kilometer across. Those on the front lines were basically bait if it went wrong. The people at the back were those deemed special and given priority over the others. Many caught onto what Jannette was trying to get at but decided to ignore it.

“Guess we’re the lucky one who shall be the head of the attack,” the first two teams met and got along. The remainder returned to their respective teams. The special unit only but nodded and glared at one another.

“Question,” amidst the chatter, a deep voice called from behind.

“Yes?” Jannette turned to answer the one who spoke.

“What will Kniq be doing?” the eyes cold and voice unimpressed, Staxius approached the officers with torn clothes.

“Oh...” her gaze wandered around again.

“You’ll be staying back at Reforge to defend the outpost,” Reinhardt jumped in.

“Is that so,” Staxius’s tone felt colder than usual, “-this may be overstepping my boundaries, but I can’t help to see the point in sending two parties to be bait. In that case, it would be better to only send one party and leave the rest behind. After all,” he stared at the special unit, “-those respectful individuals are being saved for some other purpose. It’s quite intriguing.” Something was definitely off – foul play of the highest degree.

“Guild Leader,” Reinhardt called, “-I know that this situation isn’t pleasing for anyone. But I implore you to remain a little tactful.”

“Mind your place,” a girl from the special unit spat, her eyes filled with disgust.

“I don’t know who the hell you are,” the others from the same team were riled up, “-but what you say is true. We are being treated differently, those who stand before us must kneel and give their lives, we’re superior to weaklings like them,” from silent, they approached menacingly. Two ladies and three men, eyes filled with confidence and pride, the kind of people Staxius liked to torment.

“Hey man, I appreciate you sticking up for us,” the leader of the vanguard came forth, “-but it’s alright. Adventurers have their pride and some are more worthwhile than others. To be honest, we’re fine with fighting to our death if it gives Hidros a surviving chance,” the face innocent and tone sincere.

“It’s all good,” the other leader said politely as well, “-you better not get involved with that special team, there’s a reason why the officers want them alive. They have the potential to become Platinum ranked, a talent that comes rarely. Compared to us whose potential is but Ruby or Emerald, there’s no helping it.”

“Hear that?” the first lady said with a voice of disgust, “-don’t jump in thinking you’re a hotshot,” their eyes lit with hate, each one got ready to fight. Hand on swords, fingers on trigger.

“I see,” he turned around and ignored them, “-I’d take adventurers with a good heart rather than egotistical idiots anyway. What’s the point of being strong if it turns one into a pest, a nuisance.”

“Guild leader or no, we don’t care,” the special unit jumped.

*Death Element: Unleash Aura,* their faces hit the ground instantly, the so-called platinum potential adventurers could but do nothing.

“Platinum potential,” he added, all stood perplexed, the officers remained silent, “-I don’t care about potential, what is important is how a person behaves. I loath people who act high and mighty. Some may say the same about me, but I care not,” he knelt, “-listen up special unit. I don’t know who or what you are, my purpose in coming here was to provide aid to the outposts. All I asked for was some clarification about the formation to make my job easier. Since the intent I felt was malicious whilst I only asked a mere question, doesn’t that make it unfair?” he stood.

“Sergeant,” he called, the voice imposing and powerful, “-I want to know what makes these five so special.”

“Guild Leader, Staxius,” Reinhardt intervene, “-this is enough, it’s a clear violation. The orders given by us is final, your job is to obey our command, nothing more nothing less. Don’t do anything foolish,” though intimidated, the man stood strong.

“Dear Reinhardt,” Staxius walked over, “-as it stands now, I could end everyone and everything here without batting an eye. My ways of doing things have always followed the path of bloodshed, therefore – I’d highly consider the option of not interrupting me when I do my job.”

“There he goes again,” Viola sighed and watched.

“That’s him for you, always itching for a fight and conflict,” Avon added with a chuckle.

“The man who we call master is truly the worse of the worse,” Achilles shook her head with a smile.

“Should we step in?” Deadeyes asked.

“No, it’s all good, don’t worry,” Undrar reassured the party who watched in awe.

“Surely you jest,” Reinhardt coughed, “-killing everyone here, how preposterous.”

“Stare into my eyes and tell me if I’m joking,” filled with killing intent, to which the man stepped away.

“Hey man,” called the leader of team one, “-are you sure about this?”

“Yeah,” the other leader added in turn, “what’s the point of causing all this turmoil on our account,” they had doubts but felt at ease. A hierarchy amongst adventurers, bound by each individual’s potential.

“You get me wrong,” he turned and faced the crowd, “-my intention isn’t to create turmoil nor anything of sorts. All I want is for people to go into battle without a death wish. It makes thy weak and useless. As the one who retook Reforge, I vow to lead the battle later on. Follow me to victory as opposed to die for others. One must always have the intent to win, but you,” he stared at all, “-the gazes are filled with regret. I met a man earlier, one who had his arm, legs, and tongue tore who kept on fighting against the odds. Even as he breathed the last breath, the fighting spirit never broke.”

Jannette and Reinhardt listened carefully, that act being put on wasn’t to create an uproar. It was a drama, one to rekindle the will to live of the fighters. All the death and despair had to have taken a toll on their psyche. Conscious or not, many had given up. A single glance sufficed – if they were to go off to battle in such a mindset, it wouldn’t last a mere ten minutes.

“A picture speaks a thousand words, and this display before you is proof enough. Those with the power to become platinum lay on the floor without a say in the matter,” he faced the officers. “I deeply regret my actions for trying to overturn thy authority. To which I humbly apologize.”

“Guild Leader,” Reinhardt came forth, “-it wasn’t wrong to interfere. Heroes are people who move without thinking. When things are out of order, they speak out. A trait that Jannette and I respect. Therefore, I ask this, do you have a better plan, one that doesn’t require men to be sent off to a pointless death?”

“Yes,” the voice confident, “-I shall lead the assault alone. Kniq will stand as support for the rest. Watch and learn, my fellow comrades – I’ll show rather than speak. Learn from how I fight, monsters are clever but with a few mind games, everything is possible.”

“Is what you say true or is it an act?” the vanguard asked.

“We’ll see later, won’t we?” a cold gaze that sent shivers down their spine. *Dispel,* Unleash aura lifted. “Kniq will swap places with the Special team, make them guard the outpost instead,” the small revolt ended. In that confusing moment, Staxius managed to establish a new hierarchy with him at the top. One subtle and subconscious. Second, the special team had a taste of what power felt like. Third, the officers found that it was best to not try and order him around. Freedom and power, he acquired what most wanted.

“You’ve heard the man,” Jannette said in a loud voice, he shall lead the assault at 18:00 hours. Special team, you’re with us, may the god of war be by thy side,” the crowd dispersed baffled by what transpired.

“Is it necessary to always be so crude?” Undrar asked, the party stood next to the RFS after a few minutes.

“Not really,” he shook his head, “-I was bored and found a way to lash out. The special team intrigued me a little, honestly, there was no purpose apart from causing a bit of trouble. The town felt boring and dull,” he changed into jeans and a loose shirt.

“You were bored and decided to pick a fight with everyone?” Undrar asked rhetorically.

“Well, I guess so,” Tharis though destroyed yesterday, was fixed with a bit of tinkering. The structure itself was untouched; tis was the magic circuit inside – a fix that Staxius accomplished without much effort.

Three hours went by, time was at hand. Menacingly, Staxius walked, the gaze fixed on the upcoming battle. The adventurers could but admire the man who had the guts to stand up against the military. It lit a fire and passion unlike any other.

‘Death to those who oppose and threaten my companions,’ the gun aimed, ‘-allow me to guide you to the afterlife.’ *BANG.*

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