The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 190

Chapter 190: Kniq’s founding

As ordered, the motorbike sped along the street leaving Staxius alone to prepare. Tharis sustained damage from going all out during the battle earlier. One-shot that broke the barrel, the amount of mana used was beyond the gun’s limit. Nothing difficult to fix, he’d have to wait till tomorrow for the ability to head out again.

It didn’t seem obvious, mana capacity was used thoroughly throughout the day. Transferring the queen back and forth took a toll. Around a quarter was left, it regenerated but slowly. The delivery was what came next – a short rest was in order.

“Raulf sure is a beast,” the preparations were complete. A dozen boxes of flasks filled with highly concentrated God’s ale stood on the whiteish table.

“If you say so,” Adete replied.

“Well, a win is a win, I did my job. It’s time to move onto another task – convincing the Order to allow Arda have its central guild won’t be tough. Meeting my sister was lucky,” he thought out loud – minutes turned to hours. The consciousness faded into the world of dreams, a quick nap.

*Beep,* the phone came to life, it danced and shook the table.

“Are you there?” Staxius asked to her location.


“Yes,” the reply short and easy.

“Where’s Jason?”

“In front,”

“Alright, give me a few minutes,” the phone hung.

“Are you sure Staxius will come with the cargo?” Skeptical, Jason stood and faced a plane. The airfield was the same used by others – a private jet.

“Honestly,” she sighed and stared, “-I don’t know,” the jet’s engine calmed. Cargoes of other natures were loaded. Weapons and merchandise only accessed in Hidros.

“Did you wait long?” in a blue mist, Staxius manifested.

“Holy shit,” confused, Jason and Cake pulled out a gun, they were taken by surprise. The hoodlums around took notice and pointed their rifles, the screams were loud.

“Calm down,” he spoke monotonously.

“You scared the living hell out of me,” Jason sighed, the guns lowered. “Where’s the cargo?” he asked.

“Right over...” he paused, “-here,” a snap later, boxes filled with flask teleported from the shop.

“Here,” a sample was thrown, “-dilute it before testing; I’ll carry them inside,” the delivery went on without delay nor incident. All were happy, the business could continue as usual – the amount sent remained a mystery.

“That’s it for today,” Jason yelled, “-the delivery was a success, return to thy bosses,” a collaboration of gangs to deter any sudden uprise. They were here to watch for intruders and themselves.

“Staxius,” Jason called, “-the money will be delivered as soon as the big boss approves,” a soothing smile later, “-good job,” the motorbike started up. Cake rode in front.

“Take me home,” he asked in a jestful manner, it sounded like a jingle. “My pleasure,” it kicked into action and rushed for the capital. The day ended; it would be another few hours till Staxius arrived at the shop. Cake decided to stay at her nephew’s place, the little guy was a reporter and had a large apartment inside Rosespire.

Night replaced by day; it all began with a few knocks on the door early morning.

“Who is it?” unwilling to answer, he spoke through the circular window up top.

“Open up, it’s us,” Avon shouted back, the whole gang was here. Force to wake, Staxius headed downstairs.

“Morning, master,” the door opened, everyone walked, including the still recovering Deadeyes.

“Morning everyone,” he wiped his eyes, they all came for the first time – the shop was changed completely.

“This place sure has changed,” Undrar pointed out – her vigor returned.

“Yes, it’s esthetically pleasing,” Achilles commented, footsteps scurried and took a seat in the lab.

“This is quite the surprise visit,” the door closed, Staxius followed behind.

“Yes, we heard from Diane that Raulf was defeated,” Viola added, “-they requested us to come and fetch you,” she explained the reason for the visit.

“I see,” he yawned and scoured around for something.

“Kniq might have been bested once, but we’ll stand strong again,” Achilles’ determination never failed. Auic and Lizzie were back at the hotel; only the adventuring party came.

“I like the spirit,” he walked over to Deadeyes, *Rare Scroll: Healing Magic.* The body healed, a green light came from the injury, the one that made it impossible to pursue combat.

“There’s a thing we need to discuss,” the scroll finished its job – Staxius stood, all sat around on stools. “I realize that the prior incident came as a shock,” deep breath in, the voice changed from casual to serious. “All who wish to go out and live a normal and peaceful life, please set out the room. Tis the only time I’m giving this offer, if you wish to leave, then now is the time. I won’t reprimand anyone,” silence, none wanted to run-away.

“Good,” he sat down, “-starting today, the party will be officially recognized as a guild. Our headquarters will be based somewhere special. This means that we’ll have the possibility of recruits wanting to join us for training or go out on quests. It comes with the territory; guilds often assign themselves with a business to make more revenue. In our case, we’ll be a fighter’s guild that can provide magical equipment. Our journey starts now, Viola will be in charge of the fighting aspect; her rank is Silver, which shouldn’t cause a problem and I’ll be in charge of the equipment side of things. I know this is asking a lot – expect a lot of tough fights to come. Many battles looms over the horizon – lives might be lost. Consider these the risk of being in this guild.”

“Hell yeah,” Deadeyes yelled out of reflex, the other joined in.

“Avon will take care of Auic as usual. Lizzie will continue school as normal,” with that out of the way, dressed in a white shirt and jeans – Staxius setoff to fill out paperwork. A day had gone by, the grief experience yesterday was all but gone. The place echoed with noise and cacophony, they all looked ready to undertake anything.

“How’s it going Achilles,” some adventurers approached, all were familiar with Kniq at this point. “Viola, could you please explain how this spell works?” the party was popular. “Deadeyes, won’t you join us already?” guys with guns, marksman, wanted to recruit him

“Avon,” a party composed of cute girls yelled, “-join us please,” their eyes held the same amount of sparkles as the boy did. “Heya ladies,” he quickly headed over.

‘I can’t believe that Kniq grew famous,’ he watched with a feeling of pride. Everyone interacted, people still boasted but shared memories.

“Over here,” Melisa called, it was nearly time for quests to be displayed.

“Morning,” he greeted, Diane’s eyes focused on the work at hand.

“Head to the meeting room upstairs,” her fingers pointed upwards.

“Alright,” without much time wasted, he walked up the stairs. The noticeboard flashed with quests and the noise grew.

“Always a lively bunch, aren’t they?” as soon as the door opened, a deep, familiar voice spoke.

“Guild master,”

“Morning Staxius,” Raulf smiled.

“I’m guessing this is about the guild opening?” he figured as much.

“Yes, and this,” a card with number one written on it. The ownership to the first floor of the new guild-headquarters – one made for independent guilds. A few minutes went by, details were filled out, signatures and other verifications taken, Raulf personally compiled the files.

“May I ask a question?” Staxius voiced.

“Go ahead,”

“How tall is that building and does it have a name?”

“45 floors; the tallest in Hidros. The name is Rosenvan. You’ll see it soon enough. Have you decided on an emblem and name yet?”

“Yes, the name will stay as Kniq. The emblem will be,” he took a piece of paper and drew, “-a pair of wings, one red, while the other white. Not too large but compact,” it was drawn elegantly. An emblem welcoming and friendly.

“Good choice,” the final stamp, “-from today forth, Kniq is officially recognized as a Guild.” Both shook hands, “-good luck in the future. There are already a few independent guilds throughout the kingdom. From fighters to traders, the way to the top isn’t easy,” he stood, “-feel free to go visit the Kniq’s headquarters. Emblems and patches will be delivered tomorrow. Do with it as you wish, there’s no rent nor fee – Guild Leader Staxius Haggard, this is a good opportunity. Neither of this is a favor – you fought for this right and were awarded what is due, I’ll wait patiently to see what sort of quest Kniq accomplishes.”

Instantly, the guild cards updated, rather than saying the user’s name and rank – it had a new line burnt inside. [Member of Kniq] for everyone inside the party and [Guild Leader] on Staxius’s card.

‘Guess a new journey begins,’ he climbed down to be ambushed. “MASTER,” everyone rushed for an embrace, “-congratulations on starting our guild,” they cheered. Happiness overwhelmed, the goal all worked towards was accomplished. This was a team effort, Staxius could but smile and pat their heads.

“Look at them,” the others smiled in turn, “-that’s the face of a newly formed guild,” all who stood in that room had experienced the same emotions. Tis was a thing worthy of celebrations.

“Where’s our headquarters located?” Avon asked.

“Is it the shop?” Achilles figured a guess.

“You’ll see,” he dodged questions and stepped out. A few minutes of walk later, they entered the business district, one close to the main-guild. The feel changed substantially, it felt as if the place owned and ruled over by nobles. Each building was expensive and radiated with flashiness.

“You must have taken a wrong turn,” Deadeyes felt intimidated.

“Nope,” he arrived in front of a gigantic building, it stretched onto the heavens.

“Don’t tell me,” Viola grabbed his shirt, “-did you buy it?” her eyes narrowed with doubt. Heavily armored and good-looking warriors stepped out, their gear was worth over thousands of gold.

“Just follow and don’t make a sound,” a pathway made of carved stone, trees and flowers which gave the feeling of home and bliss. The glass door opened, “-greetings, how may we serve you today?” a receptionist stood in the front. Behind rested trophies and awards by other guilds, her face smiled but eyes doubtful.

“Greetings,” the tone changed to one formal and dignified, “-we’re a new guild named Kniq,” a quick pause later, the lady looked confused. “-Raulf must have informed you about us taking the first floor of the establishment,” he showed the necessary proof including an access pass.

Her movements seemed erratic, from checking his face to companions and back to the papers, the mind blown by what happened. “I s-see,” she voiced softly, “-please take the elevator on the right,” she pointed, Kniq left.

“Who were they?” the other receptionist asked.

“An adventuring guild who was granted permanent access to the top floor,” she pointed at her screen, Kniq’s stood atop the hierarchy. “You can be sure the other guilds aren’t going to take this easily,” the other lady chuckled.

“Staxius...” Viola urged; the elevator headed up.

“I didn’t buy it,” he sighed, “-I defeated the guild-master and gained this as a reward.”

“The divine-blade...” Deadeyes muttered.

“YOU’RE CRAZY,” Viola grabbed him by the neck. The face remained monotonous, the eyes opened wide, he pulled out a grimace. In the end, she gave up, the elevator arrived. The entire floor was theirs. After the elevator opened, another door came, one black and metallic, the card slid in, “-Voila,” he proclaimed, it opened. Immense and filled with open space and empty rooms. A hallway led straight to a large window, one that overlooked Rosespire, it felt as if flying.

Close left to the end, an office with, [Guild-Leader] written on the door. The left side held three-rooms while the opposite side held four, they were smaller but still large. Most of the place empty, only the guild leader’s room was furnished.

“Good luck getting accommodated here, despite how high we are the sheer size of this place puts our shop to shame,” Viola added in astonishment.

“Welcome to Kniq,” he sat, the rest stood in the office.

“Ha-ha,” they laughed.

“The planning will be done soon enough,” he stood and stepped out, “-the elevator is far too cumbersome for easy movement. I’ll convert one of the rooms into one filled with portals which will link our buildings together. There’s no point hiding my abilities,” they all stared out the hall’s window.


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