The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 189

Chapter 189: Peace

The battle ended; the Protectors were escorted inside. The Queen decided it would be best to discuss and continue the conversation someplace esthetically more pleasing than the aftermath of the duel. What used to be an arena was destroyed, no sign of holding back. The blood which dried, broken down walls, scorches on the earth and more – a guard sustained lasting injuries from a shockwave. Those guards weren’t weaklings to which proved just how powerful those two were.

A few minutes later, after the injuries were treated by a medic, Raulf and Staxius sat inside a room. One immense and filled with portraits and relics from the past. No apparent reason for said arrangement was given.

Being able to use Blood-arts came to a surprise to the user himself. It felt like a moment of inspiration, the blood felt alive to which all the things he could do was transferred over to the consciousness. Similar to how the new breed of adventurers unlocked and learned skills – no training was required. After a few conditions were met; depending on the person, a certain set-of-skills could be mastered. The details of each individual’s limit were a mystery to themselves. Rather than focusing on the don’t know, attention was placed into what kind of Arts it was.

While both Protectors waited for Gallienne to arrive, Staxius thought. He stood opposite Raulf whomst stared outside.

‘Guess I’m a vampire now,’ the face returned to the normal emotionless state. The mind thought, images of the fight continued to be replayed. Using every scenario, all the possibilities ended with Raulf being the winner. If it wasn’t for Blood-arts kicking in, the battle would have been lost during the first frontal attack. ‘The ability to manipulate the host’s blood which can be used only if comes in contact with the outside world.’ A vague sentence Adete whispered on the way inside. ‘An ability rare and given to only night-walkers who had reached Lord status. Of which, their blood must have been pure.’ Those thoughts went around, now capable of using both Mana and Blood as weapons, he effectively became a killing machine. The thought of being able to use his blood reflected in a smile – he was happy.

“Gentlemen,” the door opened with the aid of guards, the Queen entered with a stern face.

“Majesty,” both stood and bowed.


“Now then,” she sat, the room devoid and secretive – the conversation would only concern that trio, “-I must congratulate you on defeating the strongest swordsman in Hidros,” she spoke grudgingly, a sour taste of defeat.

No reply apart from a nod, the aura tense and visages troubled; Staxius studied their mannerism.

“Queen Gallienne,” Staxius spoke out.

“Yes?” it took her by surprise.

“Before we begin, can I ask a question?” the gaze piercing, it could not but intimidate her.

“Sure,” she remained composed.

“Being newly crowned, what are your aspirations and dreams about this continent of ours. What is it that you wish, depending on thy answer – I’ll exert my authority as the winner,” a tough question; one that carried the weight of the continent.

“I must admit,” she sighed, “-I’ve done a lot of things in the past. One fouler than the other, in no way, am I a virtuous lady,” the eyes shone with sincerity. “Despite my past, with the death of King Blaine, my eyes were opened, my ways had always been trouble onto everyone around. Many people came into my life, they slowly changed the less than attractive personality into one fit of someone who can atone for her sin,” the gaze never backed-down- she stared Staxius with resolve.

“I apologize for what I did so many years ago,” her head bowed, “-I realized that my fear about you was baseless. From being shunned as a lust-crazed fiend to cursing thee -my prejudice and action are not worthy of being forgiven,” all the while she spoke, Staxius used Dark-arts, all the things said were truthful. “Therefore, do what is needed to compensate for my actions; as Gallienne and not the Queen. Seek retribution on the girl who did wrong and not the kingdom as a whole, please.”

“Queen Gallienne,” he spoke, “-the past is but the past, thinking about what is done isn’t the way forward. In no way am I going to forgive with words; what I need is actions. However, that can come on a later date. I’m here as the Protector and King of Arda. You’re here as the Queen, let’s not bring things of the past into this conversation,” the voice friendly and courteous, he didn’t care about what happened.

“...” the reply came as shock, it rendered her speechless.

“You still haven’t answered my question,” he urged.

A quick shake of the head later, she returned to her senses. “As queen, there’s but one thing I wish; that is for our kingdom to become whole again. Not via intimidation nor war; through cooperation. Each province will have its autonomy but we’ll work as one. I’m sure the news about monsters growing stronger each day has reached your ears. There are more things at play outside our continent. The world is a big place – with continents far bigger and more powerful than us waiting to pounce. The fear of impending disaster looms overhead constantly. From the visit to the main continent, you must have realized how far behind we are in terms of technology. Rather than grow separately, why not work as one and grow together. This is what I want, and this was what the previous monarch wanted as well. The Unity of Hidros,” her goals and aspiration placed on the table; Staxius thought.

“I’m not opposed to the idea,” he added. Her face lit gently, “-though what you ask is improbable,” the mind wandered.

“As King, there are much I must consider,” he voiced, “-our people have been oppressed and still are being oppressed by humans,” the eyes stern, “for a change to happen, one must be radical,” the voice confident. “Thus, what I want from the Kingdom of Hidros is a peace-treaty; one everlasting and one that binds our countries into a friendly relation,” he smiled, “-you wanted to have a chance to grow with others right?” he stood, *snap,* a portal manifested.

“What are you doing?” confused, Raulf voice strongly.

“Queen Shanna Islegust,” he voiced, green-hair and beauty exceeding reality, she stepped through.

“Greetings Queen Gallienne,” she smiled.

“Greetings Queen Shanna,” her eyes opened, she was more confused by her visit than anything else.

“I apologize,” Staxius spoke softly, “-but here’s the chance at convincing the ruler of Arda about how strongly you feel. This is what I seek, as the winner of the duel – I want Queen Gallienne to speak with Queen Shanna. All the tools are at your disposal, I shall leave you both to it,” a hand gesture later, Raulf followed.

“I apologize for my husband’s behavior,” Shanna smiled.

“There’s no need for such a thing, I should be thanking him instead for this opportunity,” to which, the conversation began. It wasn’t right to decide peace from the get-go, there had conditions and changes to be negotiated. With lesser knowledge than Xula, he smartly used the reward. What happened next laid in the queen’s hand. Under normal circumstances, this would have been the farthest thing one could have thought.

“What is it that you wish?” Raulf asked; both stood outside for the garden was located close to the room. The wind blew gently, the sun shone.

“No idea,” he answered, “-it all depends on what happens in that meeting. I did what I could to lay down the groundwork. This is a first where I went into battle without thinking about the future; I guess it turned out in my favor,” they sat.

“You sure are an enigma,” Raulf chuckled, “-still, there’s another wish due, ask what you want from me.”

“An adventuring headquarters,”

“Should be easy enough,” the guild-master smiled.

“The top-floor in the newly built headquarters,” the eyes serious and unfaltering, Staxius watched. “You and the queen own said building; it should be easy.”

“...” lost for words, Raulf stared off into the distance, “ha-ha,” laughter burst out. “You’re worthy,” he smiled, “-you’ve proven yourself both in strength and wit – consider it yours and consider the guild registered with no fee.”

It was done, after weeks and months, the connections made, the titles acquired all helped. Staxius finally opened a guild, one that was yet to be decided for paper-work were due. On top of that; he acquired the first floor – a sign of power, one that remained above all the other guilds, above the top-guilds.

‘I did it,’ he smiled, ‘-after all this time,’ the body relaxed, the quest complete.

Meanwhile, minutes turned into hours, the conversation continued.

“It all comes down to this, what I wish for is peace. To compensate for the suffering endured by the demi-humans, I shall do what is under my power to redeem their faith and trust.”

“I’d be lying if I said that there wasn’t a lingering feeling of hate towards Hidros. Nevertheless, the King pathed the way for us to be allies – I shan’t jeopardize the future generations on emotions.”

“To a fruitful future,” Gallienne stood,

“To one filled with bliss and prosperity,” Shanna did the same, it ended. The decision was made. Staxius entered at the perfect time.

“King of Arda, I must thank you wholeheartedly for being considerate of my feelings and the wishes of my late-father, again, thank you,” she bowed.

“A friend of Aceline must not be such a bad person, there isn’t a need to apologize nor thanks,” he added in hopes of calming her troubled mind. “Judging by the facial expressions, did the talk end smoothly?”

“Yes,” Shanna spoke, “-each kingdom had their differences and differing mindsets but the same goal. One of peace and unity. Starting next year, after preparations have been done; we decided that embassies would be opened in both our capitals. The ambassadors will be decided on another date. Trade routes and free access will be given to Oxshield. To one condition, they will have to pass through Dorchester first. A trading town will be built on the outskirts of our province, the Ardanian hate humans but that doesn’t mean we can’t get along. It will be a slow process,” she stood, “-Arda and Oxshield are officially allies,” with a smile – she walked out.

“Who would have thought,” he mumbled, “-allies,” the eyes neutral. “Guess my business is done here,” the door opened, “-your majesty,” before leaving, “-don’t apologize and beg for forgiveness. It’s a sign of weakness, rather, earn said forgiveness,” a word of advice.

‘Going with the flow and not planning,’ Void started, ‘-what a weird way of life,’ the mind focused, ‘-papers will be handed over tomorrow.’ The time now was four, the plane would take-off at six, God’s ale had to be delivered. The castle gates opened, Staxius drove out; the first time he felt compelled to save a foe.

“Good job out there,” Adete flew from outside the pocket.

“Where have you been?” he asked, forgetting the time she whispered inside the castle.

“Watching how a new vampire fought,” she added casually, “-I’m impressed. Utilizing Blood-arts as if it was second-nature, welcome to the group of elites.”

The day of misunderstanding between Kingdoms resolved, the day where the impossible turned into reality. Staxius took a gamble, one of bringing Shanna into Oxshield. He didn’t know what she thought, that conversation might have turned into a declaration of war. Nevertheless, Gallienne held true to her new ideals – a faint ray of unification laid in the distance. This process would take years, tis was but a step towards climbing that mountain.

What it all meant was just that Arda’s borders would be opened to a few traders from Oxshield. All remain normal, the embassy was where things would start. A thought left for next year.

Having fought earlier, Staxius’s day was yet from over. Cake waited patiently at the shop; it was time to export the first batch of God’s ale. “You’re late,” she pointed out.

“No need to be prickly, I just fought Raulf,” the head shook in disappointment, “-give me a break,” the door opened. He was late by thirty minutes.

“Are we going to load these boxes in the car?”

“No,” he handed over a note, “-go to that location and wait. Call if when they’re ready to transfer the merchandise. Be careful and try to not stand out. Jason should be on the scene already – speak to him only and no one else, understand?” the voice stern, Cake understood and left.

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