The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 168

Chapter 168: Razer

A few hours went by since the idol’s arrival. The airfield was crowded with reporters from the local news. Everyone wanted to see the Pride of Hidros return. To catch a glimpse of the lady who made the continent proud. A mysterious black car remained hidden from view; a surprise guest – Queen Gallienne.

Whilst getting ready to leave, Theodore approached Scott. “Thanks for everything, I’ll never forget these days,” Aceline spoke as the bodyguard walked through the crowd.

“Anytime,” the crowd gathered around, Staxius vanished. The butler took charge an escorted the duo to meet her majesty. Tension around the capital was low, it gave the queen time to come fetch her friends. The return wasn’t glamourous; for the journey back home was mundane at best.

After an unexpected meeting with Axius, another few hours passed. Kreston’s long slumber came to an end. They were on the move,

“Pope, are you sure it’s wise to start trouble?” sat around a circular table, the duke asked.

“Do you wish to say that the fake apostle the queen brought is worthy of disrespecting our faith?” outside, devotees protested – they wanted the truth. The truth about Syhton’s champion.

“Surely you jest pope, have you forgotten that we led a holy war against Dorchester around a year ago, don’t you think it’s predictable. The apparition of the fallen-ones is a prospect that we should be more worried around,” the duke remained adamant. Over time – fighting and war were seen as unnecessary.


“No dear duke,” the pope stood with a holy book in hand. “Oh, Angel who protects, angel who saves, and angel who avenge – please come forth and enlightened this whomst been devoured by the darkness of ignorance,”

A ball of light radiated in the middle of the table, like a flower coming to bloom – it opened. Hamael stood with the wings covering his body, “you’ve summoned me?” the voice soothing and refined, the duke could not but stare with the mouth open.

Following a bow of respect, “-could you please enlighten this man about the nature of the fallen-ones,” the pope asked courteously.

“With pleasure,” from standing on the table to now sitting, the angel began, “-Duke Hawkin, there isn’t a thing to be worried about. The land of Kreston has been blessed by our god; I’m proof that the protection is active. No fallen-ones shall ever harm the citizens and believers.”

Amazed, Hawkin took a few moments to compose, “-despite this your holiness; isn’t going to war the worst thing we could do? We began the last war because of a fake apostle, as the ruler of Kreston; I cannot condone said actions,” without a break, the body changed from relaxed to formal. “Even if we were to lead a war against the queen, the repercussion would be unavoidable – it will lead to us being labeled as traitors thus ousting the province from her rule,” a quick pause later, the pope didn’t speak nor did the angel. “Let’s consider if we were to go all out; there will be a need for people to take over the border. The one between Kreston and Oxshield has remained broken for more than a decade now. The only plausible way to enter her territory is through Dorchester. A province that has seen a growth in popularity and prosperity, Arda has backed them fully. They have one of the most secretive and powerful provinces as their ally. With Gallienne at the throne, they may even have her protection. All that adds up to us being the losers,” the fact laid before all to see.

“Dear Pope, I must agree with the duke, there is in no way a change that the holy land could win that fight.” The angel backed Hawkin – a holy man could not oppose the will of one of the people whomst he prayed to.

“Who said Kreston had to fight,” he spoke in a menacing tone, “-who said the holy land is to take on the damage,” the shadiness grew. “We only need to shake the kingdom and bring out that fake apostle; my prodigies will do the rest.”

“What do you mean?” Hawkin asked as the pope spoke in riddles.

“My friend, you’ve lost your edge,” the head shook in disappointment. “It’s not the province of Kreston who’s going to fight, but mercenaries and fighters under the name of Razer. An organization that will be independent on the outside but controlled by us from the inside. The Dark-Guilds will be willing to get involved for a few coins, they care about money and nothing more.”

“A syndicate that will seem independent but actively tries to provoke the Queen,” Hawkin wondered long and hard.

“It’s going to be a challenge,” the angel added.

“You needn’t worry, I’ve got elite soldiers ready to fight. The blessing bestowed by our god has proven to be more than the weaklings could handle. For those who survived, they wait in the shadows: the eyes beg for blood, the teeth hunger for flesh – the church is ready to fight,” hidden from view, the pope experimented with body alteration. Hamael provided a method that proved to be a boon – normal humans were turned into Saints. People who had the abilities and skill of an angel; a band of individuals that would make up the organization named Razer.

“What about the lady?” Hamael asked.

“The one from Whisper?” the pope replied seeking confirmation.


“She’s currently imprisoned. We’ve tried various methods to get information but it all ended in naught. We’ll have to send the Inquisitors for questioning,” more ruthless than tortures and a level below Bishop rank – those were the Inquisitors.

“I guess the council is over,” Hawkin stood, “-though I hate to say this, count the noble faction out,” he stared at the pope, “-the church has the same power and influence as us. You needn’t my support nor authorization; please do as you wish – I’ve already lost more than I can bear,” disappointed by said meeting, he left.

“The path of righteousness has been rendered foreign to my old friend. May the gods bless his soul,” saddened by the decision. His holiness took things in hand and preparations began.

Back in Rosespire, Staxius sat beside the boy who slept ever so peacefully. The others left out on quests. Letters and requests from the Alchemist faction were scattered on the ground. ‘Neither of these jobs brings out the hunger for knowledge,’ lost, the eyes wandered around the dim room.

‘God’s ale, this kid, alchemy, the task of opening the adventuring guild in Arda. Time is running out; I hope Arda is hanging tight.’

“Man I’m lost,” he sighed.

“That’s weird,” Adete flew out the pocket. “-here I thought the King of Arda had things under control,” she teased.

“I had a plan but this new development has thrown a snapper in the works.”

“Heh,” she laughed, “-how long would it take to track down that boy’s mother using the All-seeing eyes?” a small hint that pulled him out of the dazed state.

“I see,” a smirk later, “-I need information before searching,” to which he awakened Axius.

“There isn’t time to sleep,” the voice soft yet felt urgent.

“What is it?” he awoke, the face sleepy and the mouth yawning.

“We’re going to find Claudia,” he smiled.

“Have you found mother?”

“Not yet, we need to get you home for that to happen. Care to help uncle in finding mother?” he said in a calm and relaxed way.

“Sure,” without much persuasion, he agreed.

The priority was arranged. Finding a lost person would be faster than trying to make god’s ale for that process was slow and required concentration. The quicker Axius was out of the picture, the quicker he could get back to work. Claudia being the lost long sister loomed around. A reunion with family, something that made the heart shudder. The boy who called him uncle was also the same one who called him a hero. The same child he met at the tournament, everything fit – a bit too perfectly.

“STOP,” the boy screamed, the car screeched.

“What is it?” Staxius asked; the boy pointed at a mansion. “We’re here,” he exclaimed and stepped out.

‘The noble district,’ it came as a shock to see the castle so close. It stood directly in front of said mansion. One built with the utmost care and precision. The craftsmanship on the wooden frames that made the entrance was commendable. Slated roof, brick walls, and a lovely garden with a fountain. It resembled houses the Order built back in the days for Scholars.

“Over here,” nonchalant, the boy rushed inside.

No strange auras or presence were sensed. Hand in hand, both entered the house. Lovely interior, not too fancy nor too cheap – it had a perfect balance. A feeling of nostalgia emanated deep within, an uncanny resemblance to the childhood home in Krigi of old.

A few steps later, after reaching the first floor – the place where the alarm had been triggered was shown. ‘Alright, we’ve got a computer, the room feels like a study. How the hell can parents be so irresponsible to leave out their child,’ he chuckled, ‘as if I did any better,’ the eyes looked at every detail possible. Any evidence that could give a hint to where she was.

“No luck,” the search went on for ages, from carpets to behind paintings, Staxius looked. Even the bookshelves weren’t left alone. “Uncle, over here,” the boy called out – a small box rested underneath a bed. “I forgot this earlier but mom also said that If you ever came to visit, then,” he handed over the box, “-I should give you this.”

Both sat in the study, the box rested on the table filled with papers and notes. ‘There’s a strange aura coming from it,’ he took a good look. An imprisonment spell combined with an illusion spell. ‘Should be easy to disarm,’ *Dark-Art: Mana Cancellation,*

*Click,* it opened, inside a few pictures and a letter.

“Hello Staxius,” the letter was opened, “-if you’re reading this then something bad must have happened. It may come as a shock, but my name is Claudia Haggard, the daughter of Tempest Haggard. The day the war began: you, mother and I were going to live together. Well, that would have happened if only you kept quiet and didn’t run away to dad. Mother’s job forced us to move. Ever since that day, I’ve always wondered about what happened to my older brother. Then one day, a letter came from mother; she managed to track you down after god knows how many years. It was then and there that I decided to come to meet you with Axius, however, things happened and duty called. Sworn to secrecy, there isn’t much I can say. Nevertheless, the reason for your visit is probably to seek out my location. In the computer, there’s a folder hidden by a password known by us only.” It ended.

‘A password known by us, I’m not convinced.’

“UNCLE LOOK, ITS YOU AND MOM,” Axius smiled and yelled, they were pictures of the Haggard family long ago; the short days of peace. Memories from a forgotten past came to light, he stared at the boy and pictures. In no way was this lady the sister, it had been far too long – the mind refused to agree.

“Yeah, we look alike,” he patted the boy, Axius resembled Staxius at the age of nine.

‘Now the computer,’ leaving the nephew, he sat and searched through the machine for answers. Password... Rather than words, it wanted an audible password.

“Way to make it harder than it is,” he leaned back and relaxed after trying out names and places for thirty minutes. ‘Something that only we know,’ images of Eira and her time as a babe came to mind, more importantly – a melody.

“It can’t be,” he hummed the childhood tune. *Access Granted* ‘I guess you really are my kid sister,’ the head rested on the keyboard, a sense of relief soothed the erratic mind.

“Nice song,” Adete popped out of nowhere, “-I like it,” she hovered.

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