The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 167

Chapter 167: Axius

The promise to never pick up an instrument; the resolve to never disrespect people who worked hard. It was on the verge of breaking from the action of a single selfish man. Sugar didn’t know about said promise so it was expected. Since the stage was open for anyone from the artist’s camp to perform as the main event ended. He thought that it would be nice to have the man who lit a fire under him play.

“Staxius,” the crowd cheered, “Staxius, Staxius, Staxius,” they knew not who it was. Seeing their favorite singer and musicians beg for the man to step on stage; logic states that said person must be incredible.

“Staxius,” another voice came from the speaker, this one was of the manager. “-Don’t worry,” he stepped on stage and replaced the keyboard player.

‘People are idiots,’ he sighed. “Best get going,” Adete pinched his cheeks. *Ancient Magic: Teleportation,* a quick trip to the changing room, he got a mask and picked up Daisy.

“Staxius, finally, go on stage,” Tom ran around the backstage until the man in question was found. “I don’t know why but they want you to perform. Go play and have fun, it’s the least you can do before the event ends. Make it a night that everyone will remember,” the face held a smile, he patted Staxius’s back. “GO GET EM.”

‘Selfish people everywhere,’ he chuckled, the mask fit perfectly.

As if time stopped, the sound of footsteps climbing up the stairs took the performers by shock. “He’s here,” the drummer yelled; the beat began. “Let’s give them hell,” the bassist played, the silent girl had a change in personality. Scott did nothing but smirk, the piano beautifully accompanied the other instruments. “LET’S GO,” Sugar screamed, Aceline joined in, both sang.


The song revitalized the crowd, the fatigue vanished. “Where’s this Staxius fellow?” a single note turned everyone’s head around. “Is that him?” the audience grew impatient, a masked-man stepped on stage. The music stopped; each stared intently.

With eyes closed, he stood in front of approximately, 100,000 people. “Take the lead,” Scott yelled. The guitar screamed into action, it cried; the instrument lit of a thousand lights, the bloodstains made an impact.

“This is why I told you to play,” Sugar added smugly, everyone joined in. The audience cheered beyond belief, music played, all had fun. The aura changed from stressed to peaceful and relaxed. From nine, it reached eleven, the singers were exhausted. Scott could barely touch a key, the drummer had cramps. Keeping up with Staxius’s high pace was a challenge in itself, rather than the drummer setting the tempo; he forced everyone to follow.

On the last strum, on the last note, he broke two strings. “That’s it for us, thanks for being awesome,” Sugar took the lead and ended the show. All who performed stood in line and bowed. Aceline nearly passed out, Staxius caught her; it was over. The seven-day trip into the main continent came to an end.

Fatigued took the reins; adrenaline had been the only thing keeping them active in the last few minutes. “And with this, we are done,” Staxius sighed, all their stuff was placed into the car by the staff. “We can’t afford to take rest; the plane is waiting,” the manager spoke with urgency as they waited inside the changing room.

“I know but look at her,” he pointed at the girl who slept on a couch.

“We’ll have to carry her,” Scott stepped in and helped her onto Staxius’s back.

“You carry her, I’ll take the guitar and other stuff.” Just as they were about to leave the room, Sugar and his crew walked in.

“That was epic,” he proclaimed.

“Sorry but we have a plane to catch, see you guys later,” Scott ended the conversation before it began.

“Catch,” Staxius yelled; the mask was thrown, “-become a better guitarist than me, I leave you my legacy,” the trio ran out.

‘Your legacy,’ he thought not realizing Staxius said that in jest. “COUNT ON IT,” he screamed but the voice was silenced by the stage.

At one AM, they reached the plane – Aceline slept peacefully. No goodbyes, no farewells, they left as quietly as they came. The prince threw a tantrum when the news about them leaving reached his ear. On that day, the imperial capital forever changed. Music became an integral part of life.

A new day rose in Hidros. Today was the day their idol would return home.

*Knock, knock,* “who is making all that noise?” half-asleep, Avon stumbled into the main room. He stayed over at the shop for last night had been one filled with alcohol and food. *Click,* the door opened, “-sorry but the shop is closed,” he said with a yawn.

“I’m sorry b-but i-is this were I c-can find my uncle?” a small child stood with a picture. The boy looked on the verge of crying, Avon could not but wonder.

“I’m sorry,” he leaned, “-here we only sell potions and magic items. I’m afraid that your uncle might not be here,” the spirit patted his head reassuringly.

“N-no,” the kid refused, “-look,” a note with a picture was handed over.

“Axius, if mother or father ever get into trouble; please go to this place and ask for a man named Staxius Haggard, he’ll take care of you,” the note was signed by Claudia, H.

‘Don’t tell me this is master’s nephew,’ he watched intently. An uncanny resemblance, a boy that looked girlish, long hair with a pretty face – eyes in the color of honey.

“Avon,” a voice yelled, two figures walked. The boy cried, “what are you doing with that child?” Undrar rushed over. “Calm down and tell me what happened,” she spoke softly; almost motherlike – the boy sobbed. “Let’s go inside,” she offered her hand and the small boy walked in.

“Avon, care to explain?” Achilles asked in a polite tone, they stood in the dim backroom.

“I’ve no idea, the boy walked in claiming to be master’s nephew,” soon, the letter was handed over.

“I see,” Viola took a seat. Auic took the boy into the main room for she had stayed over. “-Well, there’s nothing else we can do except wait for Staxius. He should be here soon.”

“The letter feels oddly suspicious,” Achilles spoke, “-didn’t master say he was an orphan with no family?” the question raised eyebrows.

“No,” Viola firmly added, “-he has a mother and a sister. Both abandoned him and his father long ago – that’s about the extent of what I know,” she concluded.

Outside, a raging thunderous sound stopped. “Don’t tell me he’s back,” they mumbled, Deadeyes jumped from one of the clocktowers and glided across the street till landing atop the shop.

“That’s a nice little suit you have there,” the tone casual.

“Welcome back home,” he dropped down.

“Thanks,” rather than a handshake, Staxius went for a quick hug. A show of affection never performed before, “-I’m glad to see you’re alive and well.” Both men stepped into the shop.

“UNCLE,” the boy screamed and latched onto his legs.

“STAXIUS,” simultaneously, the trio stepped out the backroom.

The face remained expressionless; it had not been a minute. No time to rest nor time to say hi – another thing came up. “There, there, why are you crying?” he picked up the unknown child.

“M-mother s-said to f-find you i-if ever t-they were in trouble,” he sobbed. Not wanting to impose on the little boy, he patted his back and stared at the rest.

“Care to explain this situation?” he asked menacingly. Avon reluctantly showed the letter.

‘Impossible,’ the shoulders relaxed, “-Claudia?” the memories were vague. It had been more than a decade since he heard that name. Claudia H, as in Claudia Haggard, the long-lost sister whomst he never got to know.

“Dearest Pope, I found an intruder,” far away from the capital, a lady dressed in black was thrown onto the floor.

“Angel Hamael,” the morning prayers stopped, “-it’s a pleasure to see you again,” he turned around.

“The pleasure is all mine, though I apologize for interrupting your prayers to our god,”

“There isn’t a need for such politeness, what brings you here?” he asked intrigued about the angel’s visit.

“I found this lady spying around in an ethereal form,” tied with a silvery string, the lady in black laid on the ground with her mouth covered.

“Interesting,” he walked closer, “that crest on your chest, blank and without a symbol – you belong to Whisper don’t you?” he laughed. Her eyes opened, *Spiritual Element: Transmigration,* her body turned transparent; the strings were unbound.

“I’m surprised that you know of Whisper,” she stepped back, ‘the mission has been compromised. I’m sorry but mother has to leave for a while,’ a small button on her glove was pressed. It triggered an alarm at home. One that the boy was taught to always obey, it had orders to go and meet Staxius.

“I’m sure you’re powerful,” Hamael spoke, the wings stretched, “-but you see, I’m an angel. We don’t take kindly to people who trespass into the holy land,” with both arms, he made a gesture as if grabbing her neck. Strings came from the fingers and immobilized the lady.

“Please, don’t kill her,” the pope intervened. “-If we do anything rash, then the Order might come after us. At the moment, we lack the strength to go against them, thus I plead for thy forgiveness.”

The grip lessened, “as you wish,” the wings flapped. Ignoring the lady, he went back to praying.

“So, let me get this straight,” Staxius sat with the boy in front, “-your mother told you to always obey that alarm and message if it ever came on?”

“Y-yes, but this time it said to come here,” he replied in a more relaxed tone. Auic went and got some snacks, one that made the so-called nephew feel at ease.

‘It’s not even been five minutes,’ he sighed, the party stared with no clue, ‘-I’ve good got to move back all my equipment for making God’s ale. I need to make that delivery soon or later. I’ve given the scholars and craftsmen in Arda plenty of time to improve said apparatuses. It should technically lower the brewing time from five days to 24 hours. Having someone from my lost family just pop out from nowhere does put me in a dire situation.’

“Where’s Lizzie?”

“She’s at school,” Avon replied.

“Auic, are you good with kids?”

“I can manage somehow, master,” her shyness diminished a little.

“Viola, could you kindly cast a sleeping spell on my nephew here,” to which she agreed.

“Now that most of you guys are here,” he stood, “-I wish I could have had more time conversing with each one,” he stepped out and brought in the presents.

“Each box has one of your names on it,” swiftly, everyone took turned searching for presents. It revealed clothes and daily commodities that could come in handy. The clothes were high-end and expensive, the crew had no idea about how to react.

Deadeyes was given a new leather jacket, a new pair of glasses and a whole new outfit. The others were given the same. Clothes imbued with magic and a protection spell. Ones that provided more mobility; brown leather jackets that acted as body armor – the combatants were all given the same thing. Undrar’s insignia was marked on the back

“We sure look menacing,” Avon voiced, he stood in line with Viola, Achilles, and Deadeyes. Auic was given a lovely dress rather than combat-ready outfits.

“Now for weapons,” Viola and Achilles were given the long swords – the spare one was reserved for Eira. Deadeyes got given a new sniper rifle, one that Staxius managed to acquire with connections from Renaud. Not to feel left out, Auic and Lizzie were given smartphones, the same as the teenagers used in Vlaiwia. The chatter grew louder by the minute – none could believe their eyes.

“Listen up people,” the voice serious, Staxius spoke, silence befell the room.

“Viola, I’ll need you to give me a report about how the adventuring has been going so far. Avon, I want a report on the sale of potions – Deadeyes, I see that the rank has increased. Achilles, I’ve heard that you made quite a name for yourself. Everything seemed fine in Viola’s tutelage. Therefore, you guys will continue to take orders from her.”

“Yes sir,” they all agreed.

“I’ll take care of this nephew business,” he looked around, the party representing Kniq was menacing with those leather jackets. “-It’s probably time for the new quests to be announced in the guild, I’ve business to attend,” with a nod, they all returned to their duties.

Undrar could not believe her eyes, the man had grown over the seven days. A good growth, he relegated most of the daily stuff into her hands. Nothing new, there were much bigger things that needed his attention.

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