The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 165

Chapter 165: Syhton

The sixth day, also known as a Friday – Iqeavea awoke to a pleasant morning. The shady weather whomst had ailed many for the past few days gave in. The sky felt clear though it was six in the morning.

Early birds everywhere; many rushed to work and many got their kids ready for school. Teenagers were semi-responsible and did those things alone and without their parent’s help. Compared to Hidros, life here was way above the norm. Even some of the upper average class here could be compared to wealthy people in that ignored continent.

It came as a surprise that despite being in the Emperor’s rule, Hidros didn’t have any say in how things were for the empire. King Blaine in the final days made a contract with Paradus – one that remained hidden to everyone else. One that states, “the empire shan’t interfere in the matters of Hidros.” At the bottom, both the imperial seal and signature could be found.

As a result, both grew apart – allies but distant. Since Gallienne became Queen, no longer were emissaries send to Vlaiwia. Paradus didn’t care; the only condition asked from the ex-king, “if the empire is to not interfere with Hidros, it stands to reason that Vlaiwia is not obliged to send over coins and commodities for its growth,” a condition and small price to pay for a chance at freedom. Henceforth, the Empire and Hidros grew apart. A non-concerned Emperor and a novice queen who slowly settled into her responsibilities.

For the past few months, Kreston remained calm. An unusual silence since the burning of Frostrest. It was decided that the apparition of monsters was the reason. On the King’s day of birth – the pope and the duke left suspiciously. Some nobles, Gallienne included, figured that they were up to something. Envoys from Rosespire were sent to that province but the borders remained close. The order came straight from the pope. A person who held as much authority as a duke.

The day prior, whilst chaos ran rampant in Vlaiwia; Gallienne and her people turned faces around the capital. The castle was opened to the public for visits, it didn’t matter for commoners and nobles were welcomed. An attempt to make the people feel as if their new ruler was transparent. It went to reason that only the yard and the mini-town could be accessed. The inner castle itself – the reception hall and throne room was made public as well.

An opportunity that many didn’t want to slip by. The news broadcasted the whole event locally. Unfortunate souls who could not participate were given a chance to see inside.


Then and there, the truth came to light. The Queen didn’t sit alone, a lady stood beside her.

“Welcome, dear people of Hidros,” Gallienne spoke with confidence and pride. “-today, in honor of my late father, the king. Long has this secret been kept from the family,” she pointed at the girl dressed in a white robe.

“This lady, the one who’s served as our medic and healer for the past decade is an apostle of Syhton; the Goddess of Stars,” the name reverberated around the hall. Many breaths cut short; out of respect most knelt and prayed. The God of Stars was what the people of Oxshield believed in, the prominent deity that had lit the way for many generations. The ways of the stars, astrology, and astronomy, one scientific and one religious; both had a connection. From the many scholars to the many priests, a single thread connected them both, tis was the stars.

Revealing the apostle proved to be quite a shock. The people hailed Gallienne as the chosen Queen. On the surface, it might have looked like wanting to come clean about most of the stuff kept hidden. Sadly, nothing was as black and white; this was a plot to antagonize Kreston. No longer could she sit back and let those fanatics do as pleased. A reaction from either the Pope or Duke would be sufficient. She needed a way to converse and resolve any problems that may arise later. On that day, the church of Stars could not hold any more people. The masses had rushed to see the apostle in actions.

“Another fake apostle,” stood in front of heliographs and paintings, the pope received news from the capital. “-we pray only one god, and he’s almighty,” the eyes lit with determination; the same one when they fought against Dorchester. “Another sin added to thy head, princess Gallienne, judgment shall befall thee soon,” the tone sinister, a pile of corpses laid before him. The hands worked separate from the mind, “-with the power from the true apostle, I shall revive these people and grant eternal bliss.”

“Yes pope, that is the way one is to be to spread the word of our God,” stood in a corner with wings and a halo, a man waited ever so patiently.

“Angel Hamael, if it wasn’t for thy enlightenment then these people would have never survived the wrath of the fallen ones.”

“No need to fret, the fallen ones shan’t bring harm any longer. The land of Kreston has been blessed by our Lord, I’m but a messenger in charge of overlooking and protecting the followers,” the body shone with radiance, with a flap – the angel flew. He flew off in the direction of Totrya.

‘No fallen one will ever try and hurt our citizens. Those vile creatures, the reapers of sin and evil, with Angel Hamael by our side; our protection is guaranteed,’ a smirk could be seen as the people came to life.

*Heavy Snores,* ‘again,’ the eyes opened. A cold breeze rushed in from the opened window, the sun had yet to rise. Despite this, the darkness from the night lifted slowly. ‘Still can’t believe that a place like this is the capital,’ he looked through the window, the curtained were pushed aside. The buildings and light were like stars, so far yet so close.

“Morning,” from next to the pillow, Adete awoke.

“Morning,” the reply subtle, a new day began. One where nothing had to be done, a day of relaxation and fun. The breeze continued its invasion, this sent shivers down the body, a sensation that could be described as ecstasy.

“Could you kindly shut that window, I want to sleep some more,” the head buried into the white pillows, Scott mumbled out of spite. The cold had broken the then deep slumber. No reply, the windows shut and the door closed.

“Staxius,” Adete spoke, she laid on her stomach with both hands hanging off each side of his shoulder. “What is it?” he entered the bathroom.

“Today’s our day off, what’s the plan?” her face changed; the lady always loved to have fun.

“Nothing much,” the reply nonchalant, he brushed both his and Adete’s teeth, “-these canines sure are annoying,” each day, they grew longer and sharper.

“Deal with it, vampire,” she fired back, her mood changed from joyful to angry, the reason was that nothing had been planned, nothing that involved FUN.

“Can you stop being a brat for once,” they now stood under a showerhead, the water ran – warm and uplifting.

“Brat or not, you owe me a favor since yesterday night,” they now stood in the kitchen with only a towel separating their flesh to the outside.

“Seriously?” the duo now sat and ate.

“Yes, seriously, I’m going to pester till the ears grow deaf from my voice,” arms on her hips, the emphasis on trying to remain serious whilst getting fed made Staxius laugh.

“Fine, I’ll take you around town,” he agreed. ‘Not to mention I need to buy presents,’ he thought, ‘cash is a problem.’ The sun rose, the room came to life. “I guess we’ll need to pay Renaud a visit.” *Knock, knock,*

“Coming,” the door opened, Aceline stood with her face flushed.

“Anything I can help you with?” he asked with a casual tone.

“Not really, I- I wanted to get some food,” her eyes constantly looked to the side, her right foot fidgeted around nervously.

“Come on,” a decent enough breakfast was served. Adete ate less than usual.

“Thank you so much,” she dug right in. “Have a good meal, I’ll be off for today; see you guys at noon,” *Snap,* the guard vanished. Her attention was solely on the food, Staxius disappeared without her realizing.

The mansion looked more sinister than usual, screams and cries could be heard outback. Staxius walked in as if owning the place, the mages and protectors were notified of his identity. Rather than pointing their gun, each gave a quick nod acknowledging his presence.

“More, make them cry more before taking the shot. Those reporters need to know that they dug their own grave,” sat outside overlooking the forests, Renaud had tea. The scene that played out in front wasn’t of a lovely sunrise, but the torture of the poor souls who knew too much.

“So, this is the purge,” Staxius stepped out and stood near the boss.

“Good to have you, what’s the nature of this visit,” he asked in a friendly manner. The victims stared at the brown-headed man, their eyes cried for help, the body semi-exposed with lashes and injuries everywhere. One lady and five men, the crew responsible for unraveling the truth about the Dark guilds. They were all tied up on chairs.

“Please help us,” she screamed, the torturers took a break. Renaud and Staxius spoke, they needed a moment of silence. “HELP US, WE DID NOTHING WRONG,” the men begged.

“Renaud,” Staxius ignored the victims.


“Choose your tone carefully when addressing someone who might hold the key to one’s survival,” ahead rolled down to Renaud’s feet. Blood flew all over the lovely green garden.

“I’m sorry I got the lawn dirty,” the tone apologetic, Staxius approached the boss.

“It’s no matter, they were going to die anyway,” he replied with a dignified tone. The girl was beheaded in a single motion. “Let’s head inside,” they walked in. “Guards, kill them,” four gunshots later, the screams turned peaceful.

“I didn’t expect an alchemist to be so rough but considering the fate of my previous bodyguard, you sure are merciless,” they walked till the underground office.

“I regret it,” he sighed, “- I regret getting my sword dirtied this early in the morning,” blood dripped slowly.

“Ha-ha,” tears of joy could be seen, “-you regret getting a weapon dirty and not about ending one’s life, are you even human?” he sat.

“Define human,” Staxius fired back. “Touché, what brings you here?” he said in an intrigued manner.

“I came to ask for a favor,” the voice serious.

“If it’s under my control, I’ll gladly see what is possible.” Both men stared at one another, Renaud tried to read the intent but was unsuccessful.

“I’ll be frank, I need some gold and that’s about it. Of course, I’ll happily do a job to compensate for the effort,”

“Depends on how much you’re looking for?”

“Around 100 gold pieces,” that amount was expensive. People would kill for that amount of cash. Since Staxius usually dealt with a lot of gold and didn’t care about spending, people might not realize how valuable that one piece of gold was.

“Is that all?” he asked in an unimpressed tone, “-only a mere 100 gold, I thought you were a man of status and pride,” the shoulders relaxed.

“I care not what you say, Renaud, tis the amount I need,” the voice firm.

“Dear Staxius,” he reached out underneath the desk, “-here,” he threw a card, one that resembled a guild card. “A bank account containing 1000 gold, 50 silvers, and 3 copper,” the face held a smile. “Consider it a gift for our coming partnership – I went back to check on our test subject, the man had only praised to give.” He smiled, “take it, there’s no need to wait any longer; all I ask is for quality god’s ale.”

“Will do,” they shook hands and Staxius disappeared.

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