The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 164

Chapter 164: Dinner

“I can’t believe how much has happened in the last few days,”

“Ha-ha, tell me about it,” two lovely ladies of high-class spoke. They gossiped around a good dinner and a vintage glass of wine. A butler stood by as they conversed, he catered to their every move. Smooth and gentle music played in the background, a live performance by talented musicians.

Time went by faster than usual, the sun retired after a day of work. Though its radiance was cut short by clouds. As subtle as a warm evening breeze, the tense atmosphere blew away. People were given a chance to sit back and breathe. The heaviness lifted; the visible agitation swapped for a smile and light-hearted jokes. From fancy restaurants to taverns, bars, and the common folk’s home. People gathered around a nice meal.

“Over here please,” a waiter welcomed three individuals. Dressed in formal attire, Staxius and his party entered. Tonight’s reservation came as a gift from Akhtar and the organizers. Many of the performing stars who were badly treated were given as a compromise and apology. Sugar and his team could be seen in the corner. The ladies ‘ attention wasn’t only focused on the food alone. Many purposefully took a seat from where that lovely face of his could be seen.

Tonight didn’t only compromise of singers, but stars and other influential people. The same restaurant the team from Hidros had dined for the few days. “Here you are,” the young waiter showed the table, one suitable for six people.

“I guess that this is in conjuncture with the guests you invited earlier?” the tone felt soothing, Staxius asked in a relaxed manner.

“Yes, I got a call confirming their arrival,” the manager soon turned to Aceline and conversed.


‘Sophie, why after so long,’ he sighed and leaned. ‘Using teleportation so frequently does make one sleepy,’ the mana reserve wasn’t low but had reached half-way. Mana cancellation on that scale used up a tremendous amount of power. Though it was recovered throughout the day. It felt nice to take a break; away from all the scheming and plotting. The goal of meeting the boss was a success. The riot came as a surprise; the situation had been handled. A good sleep was what he waited forward too. Tomorrow was a day off, a day to recuperate and prepare for the concert.

Aceline’s excitement could not be contained for her face glimmered with anticipation.

“You’ve been having fun,” a familiar voice spoke.

“Where have you been the whole day, it’s weird to not have you pestering,” he asked in jest.

“I’ll just translate that too; hey Adete, I missed you,” she flew and sat on the table. “And to answer the question, I’ve been sleeping,” there loomed a sense of pride in that sentence.

“You basically did nothing for the whole day, how quaint,” the index-finger patted her head. “Either way, it’s nice to have you back,” he smiled and stared outside.

“Over here,” far out, the faint sound of the waiters uttering Sophie’s name was heard.

Scott and Aceline had a clear view of the entrance. Staxius sat opposite the singer. “They’re here,” Scott whispered and signaled with his eyes.

“Good evening everyone,” Silvester walked in, the man was dressed in a lovely dark-blue suit. Sophie followed behind and nodded; she wore a red dress. Behind her, a young girl who seemed around fourteen.

“Good evening Marquess,” Scott stood and shook hands. Staxius did the same, the atmosphere seemed more formal than anything. People on other tables stared, the Clyfford family was renowned. Especially since Piers was wedded to royalty. After the greetings later, Silvester sat opposite Sophie and the girl sat next to Staxius on the left side.

The manager and Marquess hit it off immediately. Both men had a similar interest, Aceline spoke with Sophie who seemed hesitant. The bodyguard was left alone and watched as everyone had a partner to converse with. It didn’t matter; the mind was at ease resting.

The girl seemed uncomfortable; in that instant – an image of Eira popped into mind. No longer could he ignore the quiet lady.

“You sure resemble your mother,” he broke the ice with a lovely smile.

“T-thank you,” the voice cracked a little.

“No need to worry young lady,” Adete stood with her arms crossed. “-If that man tries anything, I’ll punch him for you,” she said in a friendly voice.

“You can try,” Staxius added smugly to which she flew and played around with his hair.

“Give up now or I shall cut your hair,” she proclaimed as if victorious.

“I yield,” he played along. The little charade helped in lightening her mind.

“A lovely smile,” Adete took charge, she spoke with the girl.

“Thank you, I’m Meriel,” she introduced with a smile. Hearing her name, Staxius choked.

“Is there something wrong?” Aceline asked, her attention changed.

“Not really,” he looked at Sophie, “-Meriel Mirabelle Clyfford, I’m guessing? he paused, “-isn’t that a mouthful.”

“Oh, shut up,” the face lit with embarrassment, the awkwardness around the table lifted. Food was ordered, the Clyfford family were nice people. Time went by, they grew to know each other. Adete played with the prodigious young mage, whilst Staxius dozed off without anyone noticing.

“Staxius,” Sophie called, the meal ended. Aceline joined in a conversation with Scott and Silvester.

“Yes?” the would-be nap broke.

“How have you been?” the intent was to start small talk.

“Listen, if there’s something you want to say then go ahead. Small talk isn’t going to take us anywhere,” he said in a way that only she heard.

“Fine,” she replied, her eyes lit with determination. “-I’ll tell you what’s going on. I’ve regained my memories from way back then. Apparently, for more than a decade, Josiah trapped and altered my memories. I lived in a fake but cozy world. I made a family, became a good instructor but always lacked something. I never knew why I felt sad – not until now anyway. It was my regret from the day you left, from the day everything changed. I never got the chance to apologize, so here,” her head bowed, “-I apologize for acting like an idiot so many years ago.” All at the table heard it.

Silvester was aware of the situation, she told him everything. The remainder decided to face away and focus on the husband instead.

“Apologize for acting like an idiot,” he mumbled. Her eyes closed, ‘he’s going to get mad and leave, I just know it.’ Her assumption was right, the old Staxius would have done something along those lines. “Honestly,” he sighed, “- I still don’t get why you act the way you do,” he patted her head, “-but it’s fine. I’m at fault for leaving without saying anything; so, we’re equal,” her head rose to see a smiling young man.

“People grow over the years you know,” he took a sip, “-but I’m glad you’re the one teaching Eira.” Her heart now at ease, but more and more questions arose.

“Yes, on the subject of Eira – you have a daughter?” the face shone with curiosity. “-also, how is it that you look the same as you did so many years ago. By all means, you should be in your late thirties.”

*Cough,* “-your mistaken ma’am, Staxius is aged around twenty, isn’t he?” the singer asked, the manager remained at a loss for words.

“The secret is out of the bag,” he sighed, “-unofficially I’m close to forty, but official I’m about twenty.” He smiled, “-there isn’t a need for further explanation. It will grow confusing,” the duo gave in and spoke to Silvester.

“Can’t you be any tactful?” the eyes opened wide, he gritted.

“Sorry,” she winked.

“Anyways, on the subject of Eira – she’s my daughter. We may not be related, but she’s one of the people who awaken the feeling I thought I never had. Her protection became my priority. Sadly, I failed her many times but she still calls me dad. The feeling of pride hasn’t left yet. To that, I’m grateful,” he replied in a reminiscent way.

“What about your love life, are you single?” her prying nature returned.

Not wanting to reply, he faced away and ordered another drink. “Come on, don’t avoid the question,” she pouted.

“My lady, the man who sits there is married,” the idol whispered and quickly turned away.

“Really?” she faced the now tired-looking Staxius. “Who is it?” her face looked like a child wanting a toy.

‘Revealing my title as King here might not be such a good thing. Arda is its own nation and I’m probably not even welcomed here.’

“Her name is Shanna, another person for whomst I’d turned the whole world against me,” the reply stern, Sophie stopped and sat back. Conversation partners rotated from here onwards, it took about two hours but the dinner ended splendidly. Sugar and the other members stopped by their table to give their regards.

“It’s been great seeing you again,” they now stood outside. “Likewise, Sophie, likewise,” he smiled – their relation returned to a place comfortable. She had a family and so did he, trying to intrude into the once brother’s life, wasn’t the smartest idea.

‘If I could not train the father, then I shall train the daughter instead,’ both parted ways. She returned to normal and smiled. Silvester walked beside her, he smiled, the girl also showed happiness.

‘It’s good to see that the crimson princess has settled down.’ An image of Silvester holding her hand and her holding Melisa’s hand was engraved. An idyllic moment, one that finally turned over a new leaf.

“Staxius Haggard, are you going to stand and gawk at that couple or are you joining us for a late-night stroll,” Scott stopped and spoke.

“Get over here already,” she ordered as well.

Since the next day was a day off, the trio strolled around town. The city didn’t seem the least concerned about whether it was day or not. People still walked the streets shopping or having fun in arcades. The malls were packed – teenagers ran around shooting videos and fooling around. Couples could be seen hidden from view, they flirted.

‘It seems that killing Akhtar isn’t a concern any longer,” Renaud finished the conversation with Stanley. The money rested on the table, every coin with interest. ‘That man has proved to be more useful than I thought,’ with the risk of them getting exposed out of the picture. The organization went back to where it belonged – into the shadows.

“Look over there,” Scott pointed at a giant screen. It played Aceline’s song as well as many others. People could be seen swaying their heads back and forth along with the beat.

“I think this concert shall be one that Iqeavea is never going to forget,” he placed his hands onto the singers’ shoulder.

“I’ll do my best, Staxius,” she replied firmly.

For the next few hours, the trio continued to experience the nightlife. Staxius had only one thing in mind, and that was sleep. The last place came in view, a park with a lake in the middle. Trees and plants overlooked said area, the meadow was well maintained. A path led further inside; a crowd of people could be seen running.

“LADY ACELINE,” from said crowd, a man yelled. “PLEASE BE MINE, I LOVE YOU,” he leaped.

Staxius dozed off, “WAKE UP,” Adete pinched his cheeks in time. *BANG,* the gun fired; the fanatic fell to the ground with a light injury.

“Good job Staxius,” Scott yelled as he went to check up on the victim.

“Be more aware, what the hell was that, come on – you’re a vampire; night should make you stronger,” Adete yelled. That situation could have ended way worse without her aid.

“Sorry,” he apologized. ‘I must be more careful, that situation could have ended badly. Relaxing now isn’t a wise idea, I need to refocus.’ The body demanded sleep; fatigue had reached its peak.

“Scott, Aceline,” a crowd gathered around the past out fan.

“What is it?”

“Let’s go home,” teleportation was used. “-Shout later, I want to rest,” they reappeared at the hotel. “Good night,” he dozed off.

“I guess our guardian can get tired as well; I’m off to sleep, goodnight Scott,” she walked out, the fifth day came to a close.

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