The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 148

Chapter 148: Iqeavea

The stares felt envious, both the manager and the singer wanted to know more. More about a subject that Staxius had no clue about. In turn, he looked outside and admired the clouds and scenery. In the end, their gaze felt discomforting.

“What do you wish to discuss,” from staring outside, he faced forward and crossed the arms. The aura around him changed from neutral to serious, it made them shudder a little.

“It’s about the nature of the assignment we’ve hired you to perform.” Scott took charge, the voice as snobbish as ever – each word that rolled off the tongue had a dignified accent to it. Aceline sat and watched; tis was a conversation the lady had no part in.

“Do tell, if there’s anything more apart from protecting the lady; then I’m all ears. But I must make it clear you haven’t hired a butler, no chores nor other tasks will be covered by me,” with haste, the condition was laid out. Anything that concerned cleaning and going out on errands was out of the picture.

“No need to worry about that, we’ve got assistants for that very purpose,” he coughed. “I shall ask a few questions,” with a nod from Staxius, the manager began. “First of all, the choice of weapons. If by chance you’ve come unarmed, then we’ll be happy to lend anything which matches your liking.” No weapons nor bag had been brought over by Staxius – to which he assumed that the man was unprepared.

Waiting for an answer, Scott watched. Unwillingly, Tharis was pulled out as well as the cursed steel sword. The concealment spell broke, both weapons were placed on the empty seat. “If this isn’t enough,” a levitating fireball hovered over the right hand. “Scott, I assure you that I’ve not come unprepared. If tis the issue about killing someone then a single pin is sufficient,” the fireball vanished.

“I apologize, it was foolish to think that you would portrait yourself as someone mighty. We did specify that someone inconspicuous would be the perfect match,” a big exhaled lowered his back, the face raised again into a big smile. “Now the nature of the job. You are to protect Aceline even if your life is at risk. A lot of money has been placed into hiring you, the guild extremely cared about the contract. Quite a hefty price tag for hiring a silver ranked adventurer. ” more than explaining the assignment – it turned into a rant.


“If money was that much of an issue, should have sought me out directly. I’d have still taken the job without care for how much you would have paid. More importantly, care to get into the finer details?” he grew annoyed – sleep loomed overhead.

“Sure,” Scott’s trance broke, “-apart from protecting lady Aceline. You’ll stay by her side on a twenty-four-hour basis. It means constantly watching over her; even at night. No breaks will be allowed – I hope you understand how much her life is worth to us.” The message loud and clear, he acknowledged and fell asleep.

“Emperor Paradus,” a man dressed in a formal suit called out. “What is it?” sat behind the table onto which notes and papers were placed accompanied by other devices, the emperor asked. “We’ve received news that Aceline from Hidros has boarded our plane and is set to arrive tomorrow,” the message quick, he bowed.

“Excellent, do inform my son – this whole charade was put in place because of that boy,” with a gesture signaling the assistant to leave; Paradus went back to work. As opposed to Hidros where the royal family lived inside a castle – the Empire differed. The Emperor worked in the capital whilst he stayed on the outskirt of said city – though a five-hour drive was necessary to reach back home. To which, on said building, a helipad waited patiently. The office overlooked the prosperous city of Vlaiwia; the major capital of Iqeavea. This may come as a surprise to many, but the emperor had a change of heart; the name of the main continent was altered. The reason being that he simply forgot; this name fitted the overall atmosphere better.

From the office, a peak outside revealed how advanced the continent actually was. Despite being on the top floor of a rather high building, it failed compared to others that dotted themselves across at regular intervals. They lit of different colors, advertisements, many big-name companies made their headquarters here. A strategical location – all trade routes, major airports, essential railway lines and roads led into here. No wall separated the outside from the inside, the only border that exists prevented people from the other kingdom to sneak into the empire. In total, five other kingdoms surrounded the land ruled by the Emperor – except the south, the place was barren for it was the only point of access to the sea.

The continent was divided into three countries under the rule of Paradus. Life was far better than out in Hidros. Not to mention monsters hadn’t fully appeared there, it only ran rampant out in the desolate continent. The imperial capital was located near the other boarders into the two-remaining province.

From waging war to now trading amongst one another – trying to solve conflict using military strength wasn’t deemed human any longer. The other kingdom hated conflict to which the alliance of Wracia came to life. A treaty that prevented war and encouraged trade and democratic discussion instead. Though there were other kingdoms farther away, those that refused to deal with Wracia. In order to not be ever defeated, resources from each kingdom merged into one, it brought wealth to one another. Side by side, technology advanced quicker than alone.

“Imperial Prince Ernis,” the message about Aceline’s departure from Hidros traveled. A quick phone call from the capital; the personal butler got notified. “What is it?” sat outside and basking in the warm sunlight – a young adult aged twenty. He held a book named, *My Life on Ice, by Neuburg.* the eyes ever so warm and tender, he read with passion. “We’ve got news that Aceline has left Hidros.” Hearing the message, the eyes raised and stared at the garden in front. “You’re dismissed,” the butler left.

“Time has come for us to meet, the pride of Hidros; Miss Aceline,” a gentle smile could not be hidden any longer. “The amount of pressure I had to put on the father for this opportunity is unbelievable. I promise that once you come here, there is no going back – you will bow down before me like all the previous up and coming stars in this industry,” the book slammed shut. Hidden behind those innocent eyes laid one of a man who had an obsession with things that were pretty.

The flight took longer than expected; a new day rose. Out in Vlaiwia, preparation was made to welcome the idol with open hands. “Just look at that,” Staxius awoke a few hours ago. A magazine laid around; it enabled a few peeks into the foreign land. “Amazing, isn’t it?” Scott was born and raised in the main continent, but a job offer from Hidros could not be passed over. “Is this where we are to spend the next week?” her voice filled with excitement. Almost subconsciously, she began to get ready; from makeup to her hair, it was done all over again. Appearance mattered in her line of profession.

“Staxius,” the manager whispered, “-we’re about to land. I’ll say one thing, people aren’t what they seem here; be on guard. I’ve spent my childhood in this supposed paradise, be wary and protect Aceline – she’s the only reason I was able to change my ways,” a subtle fear could be sensed. “No need to worry, if it comes to a fight; I can guarantee that me losing isn’t going to happen,” he leaned back.

“I must ask, who the hell is that miniature girl on your shoulder? I thought I’d been hallucinating but it’s really there,” the finger pointed at the bat-girl. “This is Adete,” he took a look and decided to ignore her. “IS THAT ALL YOU HAVE TO SAY?” she yelled but sounded adorable. “Mister with glasses, I’m Adete, this big jerk’s assistant,” her arms crossed, she stood trying to be imposing. “Well with monsters being a reality, I guess things like her should be expected. Nice to meet you,” he turned around and waited.

In turn, she flew closer to Staxius’s face. “Don’t act as if you don’t care about me,” her hands on her hips. “Calm down, I’m just messing around,” he whispered then blew, it made her fall back. “Screw you,” she pulled out her tongue and landed on his head. Rather than sitting, she laid on her stomach and bobbed left and right.

The jet began its descent, ‘here we go,’ it landed. “Alright,” Staxius stood, it slowly headed inside a hangar. “From here on out, I’ll take charge.” All the weapons reequipped themselves. As a preliminary check, both eyes closed – he saw through the plane and looked around. The auras didn’t seem keen on slaughter, but a single soul was spotted atop a building. It felt weird considering the building was empty. *All-seeing eye,* the right eye opened; he saw through the suspicious man. Turned out that the man held a camera; probably a news reporter.

Back in the plane, the duo watched as Staxius stared at the walls. “Hello?” Aceline’s voice snapped him out of the concentration. “Excuse me,” he faced her, the right eye brightly red; it felt as if it moved – a fire burnt, Aceline’s face changed. “Your r-right eye,” she tried to speak. “Don’t worry, it’s the perks of being an adventurer,” he lied; the plane came to a stop.

The door opened, “Aceline, you go first, I’ll remain at the back. If anything happens; I’ll be there faster than you think – no need to be scared, I’ll protect thee without restraint.” The words felt reassuring, she stepped off.

Staxius expected a crowd of fans but saw a few people in suit and a car waiting. It worked better; the face remained neutral; he watched each person with care. None could escape the hawk eyes.

“Lady Aceline,” a rather large man with a mustache approached. The intent was a hug but soon changed into a handshake. “Scott, personal contact permitted yeah? I don’t want to cause a problem where it’s not due.”

“For the most part, shaking hands and hugs comes with the territory. There isn’t a need to be alert – well most of the time anyway,” the whispers ended. Inconspicuously, Staxius walked shoulder to shoulder with the manager, being too close to Aceline would create problems.

“Hello Akhter,” the man was in charge of many up and coming stars out in Iqeavea. “It’s a pleasure to have the pride of Hidros visit our quaint little continent. The stuff you’ve brought over will be sent to the hotel – please take a seat in that car; it’s headed straight to the place you’re to stay in the coming week.” With a bow, she walked over and entered. Scott followed and sat in the backseat whilst Staxius took the front seat. The driver and passenger were cut off, none could see what the other did. That applied to normal people, the now bodyguard could see just fine with the eyes closed.

“Is the hotel that far away?” the question took the driver by surprise. “Not really, about a forty-five to one-hour drive,” he answered, the voice trembled. Nothing much was said, the car drove – it took the main road out. The streets filled with cars, a complete opposite of Hidros. The buildings reached on high, the place looked sophisticated and clean, not to mention the people walking – all well-dressed. ‘So, this is the famed Iqeavea,’ he wondered. ‘I guess exporting God’s ale here does have its perks. People seem well-off,’ sadly the guards in charge of law patrolled around. Some in vehicles and some on foot, though many accepted their presence with a smile.

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