The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 147

Chapter 147: Departure

“Princess Gallienne, today is the day Lady Aceline is headed to the empire’s capital,” Theodore spoke, he stood in the doorway. The now new Queen of Hidros was constantly surrounded by maids and guards – the fear of those shady individuals remained. The one who invited themselves into the castle on the King’s birthday.

With a nod of confirmation, the butler left to help with training the prodigy, Rose’s child. ‘Aceline, the pride of Hidros – due to the circumstances; I wish I could personally bid thee farewell. Sadly, the kingdom’s duties bind me to this castle – do us proud and make the continent gleam with happiness.’ Not many people knew about this, but her majesty and the young idol were friends. An interview for the radio lit the spark of friendship – a relationship that would later become important to both.

“I can’t believe we missed the king’s procession,” sat before a mirror located inside the multimedia complex for Rosespire, Aceline got ready. Scott sat in the next room with countless phone ringing; time for the departure approached steadily. “Miss Diane, could you please get a hold of Staxius, the plane is to leave in about two hours,” a new day had risen, the man in question stayed up all night getting things ready. “As soon as possible,” Diane replied and hung. “Melisa, have you seen anyone from Kniq today?” with time closing in for the daily announcement of quests – the loud guild hall boomed with anticipation. “Yes, I saw Deadeyes a few seconds ago,” she pointed at the café where he sat with Auic.

“I’ll get right on it,” he replied with a firm voice, Deadeyes left looking for his master. To which they headed to the shop.

*Knock, knock,* the door opened. The media complex named the Memento, where Aceline worked grew popular over the months. From radio to broadcasting shows and news across the continent – money stopped being an issue. Emphasis was put on quality – thus getting expanded into a large complex, one with studios, arenas and many more. All these changes happened behind the scene; technology had advanced by a rather large margin overseas. It’s only in the past few months that the influence began to affect the daily lives. More importantly, smartphones were imported. At first, it was only available to prosperous families – but as parts and the ways of manufacturing grew common. The rivalry between companies made said device cheaper and better.

In spite of this, people loved the books and the overall atmosphere Hidros had. Not too advanced – a perfect balance between the older generation and new; the growth got limited due to monsters. None really paid heed, but many facilities were made public – most notability in Rosespire. The sole province that was on par with the empire in terms of said advancements.

“What is it?” Aceline asked, her hands moved gently without shaking – surgery level concentration whilst putting on makeup. “All the arrangements have been made; a jet shall be waiting for us at the airfield,” all the necessary details were told. “Thank you, we’ll leave as soon as we get word from the Guild,” her lips didn’t move as much when pronouncing.


“Lady Viola,” on the way to the shop – Deadeyes came across the dragon who did some window shopping. “Yes?” the reply calm and dignified. “Diane from the guild has asked for master,” nothing more needed to be said – she understood and reassured that everything would be taken care of.

“STAXIUS,” telepathy was used. Face buried deep into a fluffy pillow, he reluctantly answered. “What is it,” he asked, to which Undrar explained her call. “On it,” he awoke. ‘Must have dozed off whilst getting ready,’ he thought, Xula laid beside – her legs wrapped around his hips. Gently, he rose and teleported to the garage; not before giving her a quick peck on the forehead.

“Staxius,” a voice called out. “Yes master,” he turned to see a case with a golden crest in the sage’s hand. “The weapon you ordered was finished within the delay – though the engineers had to work without sleep.”

It got placed atop a table, the room felt empty without Void. “Remarkable, they worked so hard just for me – the people of Arda sure are considerate,” impressed – the case opened. “Beautiful,” the eyes could not but stare in awe. A silver revolver with edges of gold and the handle crafted with a flowery design – an homage to the Queen. “As specified, this gun doesn’t require bullets. You’re the King of Arda, using something mechanical would not suit the image – the bullets that are to be fired will consume mana. The intensity can be varied with how much mana is inputted. From nonlethal to an object of mass destruction, it’s all in thy hands,” the sage finished.

This was what Staxius did that whole night – making a plan for a perfect ally. Taking out a sword in public would not be that elegant when it came to protecting someone. Especially when said weapon was curse beyond belief. The inspiration came due to how quickly people died without much blood spilled. It had aspects that matched Void in terms of mana and the Absolute Barrier spell.

*Bang, bang,* as a test – he took aim at some paint cans that disintegrated when contact was made. “Let’s try this,” *Void Flame aspect,* another gunshot; this time it burnt with a black-flame. “So, the bullets can have different properties depending on the mana – basically a staff. Arda sure is a haven for mages.”

The newfound weapon was named Tharis, as in the goddess of judgment. The outfit changed from a simple shirt to a suit, grey with golden edges, brown shoes, a purple vest, a blueish shirt, and a black-tie. Tharis was strapped on the inside whilst the sword remained hidden on the hip. The crest and guild necklace was hidden underneath the purple shirt. The suit was enhanced quite a bit by the craftsmen. From clothes to weapons – everything came from Arda. Being King had more perks than one could imagine.

“Aright master, I’ll head off.” Healing scrolls, potions, just a few of them got packed. ‘Tharis feels amazing, not to mention it can only respond to my mana. Can someone be any more prepared,’ a snap later – Void stood in front. “God damn, I’ve neglected you,” the hand ran from the hood and up to the door. Rather than teleporting, using the very expensive car – Staxius drove to the guild.

“Finally,” Diane sighed; adventurers now left in a hurry to complete quests. “I apologize for preparing,” the voice sarcastic – Staxius walked in. Many looked at how well dressed he was – a noble by all rights, a scary one with the scarlet eye being the culprit. “So, the job request, I’m here to fill the papers.” A phone call later, Scott asked for him to head to the airport directly. “Good luck, and bring back a souvenir or something – cheapskate,” a stamp from Diane confirmed the job. “Sure, I’ll bring back a noose,” mocking Diane became a force of habit. “Yes, I’ll try it on you first,” she fired back, the face always stoic.

“Hello master,” Achilles stood with the rest of Kniq. Even the fox-girl and Lizzie were present. “Good morning everyone,” he stopped and took a good look. Undrar, Achilles, Deadeyes, Avon, Lizzie, Auic and Adete stood in line. “Just look at you, can a party get any cooler than this,” the arms crossed, the face portrait a smile. “I’m sure Viola has told everyone about the job I found. Everything will be in her hands; any question or query please ask her,” he reached inside the car and took out seven pouches. “Here, a gift from yours truly.” It contained gold coins, ten of them for each person – quite a lot of money for a gift. “But master,” Achilles tried to protest. “No need to fret, I have the right to spoil my companions whenever is needed. It’s thanks for all the hard work you’ve all been doing.” An act of generosity that took their breaths away. “Thank you, Master,” in tandem – everyone bowed with smiles. “Anyways, Adete, you’re coming with me.” She flew and took a seat on the shoulders. “I’d ask Avon to come as well, but there’s someone else who needs thy assistance more than I,” he referred to the fox-girl. “Anyways,” the door opened, “-stay out of trouble and make safety the top priority. None of you are to die before I bring back gifts from the empire,” with a wink – the car drove off.

“Viola,” Deadeyes asked, the face baffled but hidden behind glasses, “-just how rich is the man I call master?” he wondered – from the pristine suit to the luxurious car and giving out gold as if spare change – it was bound to raise questions. “I forgot to say this, but Staxius Haggard is actually married to the Queen of Arda. A King is obliged to look the part, now doesn’t he?” she chuckled. “Today is a day off, go out and have fun. We’ll start adventuring tomorrow. Avon and Auic will manage the shop – there’s a dozen of potions that needs selling. Achilles and Lizzie will stay with me. Deadeyes you’re to train, the rank of Steel isn’t going to increase whilst lounging around.” To that, all set off to do their own thing.

“The nerve on that man,” Scott walked around impatiently. “Calm down, we got here a few minutes early – don’t blame the guy,” Aceline spoke, she sat on the jet’s staircase. “Please get off there – it doesn’t really suit the image of an idol.” It had been the tenth time, but the words came in one ear and left out the other.

Rosespire housed two airfields: one for airships and one for planes. The latter was used for transport between the main continent and Hidros whilst the former for journeys to local provinces. The one Aceline waited in was located to the south, on a piece of land secluded and out of Rosespire. It stood on the way to Claireville Academy, remote and usually quiet unless people came to visit.

A thunderous roar echoed; a black car approached at neck-breaking speed. The realization that the speed at which he drove would make it impossible to stop next to the plane, Staxius hit the break hard and spun. It turned, the tires screamed for mercy, but the car stopped. Smoke rose, he stepped out. “Why are you early, isn’t the star supposed to arrive late?” no apology was given, he approached. “About time,” Scott gnarled. “Good to have you,” Aceline stood – the father who she saw in action remained as impressive as ever. “Are you really just a nobody?” the manager asked, it showed yet again, the car and vestment – the amount of gold spent could not be quantified. “Depends, but that isn’t the issue. I’ve been hired to protect our continent’s pride, therefore; I’m but a bodyguard for this journey,” the answer logical.

“What about the car,” she pointed, it rested empty with no way of getting back. “Oh, don’t worry,” he turned and spoke, “Avon, you can take her back home,” it roared as if acknowledging the voice and left. “Amazing,” she stared in awe.

“Let’s go,” Scott called. They entered the plane, the seats made of leather and the interior rather boastful. The Emperor’s ship screamed of wealth. “Overdoing it a bit, aren’t we?” Staxius added whilst taking a seat at the back. “As if you have room to speak,” Scott added in jest which made Aceline laugh. The engines turned on; the journey to the Empire began. The excitement was hidden, but Staxius could not contain the joy of venturing into a foreign land.

“Why don’t we all have a little chat,” Scott spun his seat along with Aceline. “Can’t we do this later? I’m sleepy,” Staxius stared out into the blueish sky. “No, this is important – your job begins the moment we step off the plane.”

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