The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 144

Chapter 144: A New Queen

“Staxius,” Undrar asked, both the girl and Deadeyes waited patiently. “What is it?” he replied, she held a small figure in her hand. “Let me go,” the small creature adorably tried to get away, it wailed around to no end. “That’s...” he took a good look then decided to ignore the tiny bat-winged girl. “Don’t act as if you don’t know me,” she demanded, it looked like she screamed however the voice was as fragile as glass.

“Whatever,” obliged, he snatched the little girl and placed her inside the shirt’s pocket. A perfect fit to which she rested the arms along the edge. “Anyways,” the confusion calmed, “-seeing as his majesty just passed away, many are to grieve and the town is going to be lonesome and quiet. Take this opportunity to go around and make the roads and streets familiar – this applies to Deadeyes only.” Hearing the order, the newcomer nodded.

“Before you ask, short stack, you are to stay here with me. I’ll teach you some craftmanship,” the rest departed with their own task in mind.

“Batgirl, and you as well, don’t you guys have a name?” he asked, no name was inconvenient. “I’m Lizzie,” the girl spoke first. “And I’m Adete,” the batgirl added. “Pleased to meet you both, I’m Staxius Haggard, from today forth, both of you can refer to me either as master or Staxius – I care not for titles nor honors. Whatever feels right, I would not mind a nickname either, just make yourself comfortable,” still exhausted, he scratched his head and headed into the backroom.

Adete’s complexion was tan, her hair brown and eyes red – nothing else stood out apart from the batwings. Lizzie, on the other hand, looked like a tomboy, her clothes made her boyish. The cap was removed, at last, her complexion was light brown, the hair cut short with a blondish color. Her body remained covered by long clothes, no wonder none could figure out her gender.

“First of all, Lizzie, you are to head out with Viola,” he ordered. Undrar stood outside – despite leaving earlier, Staxius asked using telepathy. “-she’s going to get you cleaned and ready for work. In the meantime, I’ll figure out a job for you to do,” with a wave, she joined up with the dragon. “What about me?” Adete asked. “You are to stay put,” from the pocket, she was placed onto the table. “I’m not that useless you know,” her voice sad but filled with attitude. “I know, but stay put, there isn’t a need for you and your unknown skillset.”

Thus, the party spent the day, Staxius remained in the shop and continued research into God’s ale, relic class scrolls and potions – three tasks done simultaneously. Deadeyes walked around the capital as ordered, the place grew to be familiar. Spots that were favorable for long-range sniping were sought after. Undrar took care of Lizzie whomst change into other boyish clothes. None cared, whatever made one comfortable was better. Achilles slept, for the most part, exhaustion from a few quests caught up. Avon and the fox-eared lady whose name got revealed as Auic remained at the hotel. He taught her the ways of how people lived and ways to hide her identity as a demi-human. In total, three rooms right next to one another were rented for the whole month. One for Achilles and Undrar, one for Avon and Deadeyes, and one for Lizzie and Auic.


A cost that wasn’t that much when the free food came into play. There no longer was a need to worry about shelter – the focus changed to amassing cash fast, the adventuring party now needed to become a guild as soon as possible.

The rest of the day went by quickly, not a single soul was spotted outside. The inhabitants remained indoors and watched television; it showed the history of how the king came to be the ruler of Hidros.

“Already six,” he mumbled, a pile of notes laid to rest on the table. Adete was used as a paperweight, in the end, her petite body napped. Not much information about her visit to the real world got given. *A conduit,* he remembered, thanks to her – the ability to sleep was restored. It didn’t stop the nightmares, for they were integral in Nox’s curse.

Without much effort, night came; the work continued. Hours became minutes and minutes turn to seconds, said night went by in a flash. The party apart from Staxius remained at the hotel and bonded. Undrar took charge and explained many questions that Deadeyes had. Achilles joined the fray, a well-mannered conversation that turned into a drunken mess. Avon and Lizzie didn’t partake – the former had bad memories from the previous nights while the latter didn’t care – her only concern was sleep.

“Your highness,” back in the castle, many nobles had arrived. Gallienne stood next to the empty throne and welcomed many; her face held a smile but the eyes screamed of pain and grief. The heartlessness of how power could influence a person became apparent, though she grieved, it didn’t stop the nobles from getting in her good side – from flattering compliments to obnoxious promises about military strength, the mouths ran throughout the evening.

“You should probably get some sleep,” unwillingly, Piers stood a few meters away and spoke. The arriving nobles left; her face had turned blue. “T-thanks,” she replied. “WATCH IT,” he yelled, she tripped but was caught. “Leave it to me,” he mumbled, her highness was carried off to the room. “I’m sorry for being a worthless wife,” she whispered along the way. “No need to apologize, I hate your guts and personality,” the answer firm. “But I’m still bound to you by marriage. I care not about the abuse you’ve dished out over the years – its water under the bridge. The pain of losing someone special can cut even diamonds. Leave the nobles to me, I’m a prince after all,” he tucked her in bed and left. With a childish smile, the pain of losing a father was forgotten for a few instants.

‘How many people have I wronged in this way,’ her eyes remained open, the brain reflected on the past actions. ‘First, it was my daughter who I abandoned. Then that mage mother told me to be wary of. My own family, my husband – the list goes on and on,’ everything turned dark – she slept and a new day rose.

*Knock, Knock,* the door violently yelled, unwilling to wake, Staxius headed over to the door. “It’s not a punching bag,” he mumbled, every day began the same way. “Get ready, we are heading out to pay respect to the king – it’s the least we can do,” Undrar stood with the whole gang behind. “As you wish,” with haste, he dashed inside and picked Adete.

The streets were empty, no car nothing, the pavement filled with people dressed in black. Each held flowers that were thrown on the slow-moving car. A black vehicle, the royal family rode behind in another car. The local news reported on said incident, “All hail King Blaine Mcleod Riverty,” the crowd cheered. Tears shed, especially the middle-aged and elder, they knew how great of a king that man was. A King worthy of the title of Savior; the first hero. Long before, when Hidros was first acquired, he took it upon himself and made this savage continent work. Aided by the Order and a few companions, the land newly discovered united under the same banner – the same goal to become prosperous. Alone, using wit in trading; he managed to gather wealth beyond human comprehension. As time went by, the man turned slow-witted and began to rely on others whomst wanted only for the downfall of Hidros.

Thus, the six provinces and the council of nobles got put in place, to limit the power of the king. He knew about the plot but didn’t have the strength or energy needed to fight back the downfall of what he built. Each province took on a different personality and Hidros came to how it was today. To what end, many asked – the proof of how that man could change a country was shown in Rosespire. The only province under the royal families’ rule was the most prosperous and technologically advanced. A testament to the clever and good relations he made.

Nothing of that sort mattered anymore, a king dies, another born – this time, Gallienne was to take charge. The car went around the capital, Kniq decided to follow it till the tomb, a place where only a few people were allowed inside. A tomb located inside the castle from whence it came.

“Thank you all for coming this far, words can’t describe the appreciation and happiness I feel. My father truly was a king worthy to be named a Hero,” out of the blue, the princess took charge and spoke, her tone felt sincere. “Someone has had a change of heart,” Staxius added, dark-arts got used – the aura around her felt somewhat pure.

“Whatever do you mean?” Avon asked. “No need to worry, I think we might be witnessing the birth of a ruler that could change the fate of this whole kingdom,” the sentence cryptic and mysterious. “Would you stop with the riddles?” Achilles sighed. “Let’s head back, there’s nothing more to do,” to that, they left.

Hidden from prying eyes, the king’s coffin was lowered into the royal tomb. One build especially for occasions like these – a place for their family to rest. It remained empty till now – the king was placed in the center. “Everyone,” a priest from the church of Kreston spoke, the hands held a staff with the holy symbol. “Please say the final goodbyes, the tomb is to be locked for none is to disturb the dead,” many prayed, Gallienne watched – tears reluctantly flowed. For the first time in years, her mother stood and cried alongside, both embraced – each shared the pain. In death, Blaine managed to do the unthinkable; the unification of the royal family.

*May thy soul rest in peace,* the tomb closed, the door locked by spells and other means. “Your highness,” a butler came, “-I’ve got news from the Order. It’s about the ascension to the rightful title of Queen,” he spoke, the voice scared from her wrath. “Lead the way,” she replied in a calm tone.

An audience was called with the representative from the main continent. The Emperor sent a heartfelt letter – though it was probably written by someone else. On the same day, from fear of unforeseeable scenarios, the title of Queen was bestowed onto Gallienne. Normally, the Emperor would have to be present, but it didn’t matter. The continent of Hidros didn’t interest the least. A blood pact was formed yet again with the royal crest, it finalized the ceremony. The latter of which none were invited too – it was kept hidden from the nobles themselves.

“The kingdom is now in thine hands, Queen Gallienne,” Sely spoke, she placed a crown atop the princess’s head. Graciously, the title and responsibilities were accepted. At this point, cheers and applause should have resounded across the throne room – however, the only noise was a single butler, namely Theodore, clapping.

*Bang,* gunshots echoed down the street. “Nice shooting, now try this one,” an empty flask shot up in the sky, *bang,* another one broke, Staxius applauded. “I see the marksmanship you brag about isn’t for show,” he smiled. The only response from the shooter was a nod. “Could you not waste any more potion vials, aren’t they important?” Undrar asked – her tone confused. “These ones are broken and not important, don’t worry about it – we’ve got more in stock,” a gentle smile portraited on the always emotionless face.

The air felt calm and blissful, the new companions he made were outside standing in the warmth of the sun. Many things happened along the way, and many were to come. From being destroyed by a demon who remained dormant, to courting and eventually marrying the Queen of Arda. Staxius’s personality changed slightly – he valued relations more than before – all these thanks to the person who he trusted in for the first time.

“Why does the name Axius feel so familiar.”

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