The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 143

Chapter 143: Blaine Riverty

*Knock, knock,* at around one, the door to the closed shop began making noise. It went on for a solid thirty minutes, the perpetrator was revealed as Dead eyes. He came back for the possibility to join Kniq. Little did the young man know that Staxius was present, but lost – lost in the world of dreams. Mana used whilst teleporting void recharged itself quickly. In a span of one hour, it had already filled halfway – though another two hours remained.

This regeneration would have taken around thirty minutes for any average skilled mage. Reason being that the mana they wielded and could store was minute and looked like a dust particle next to Staxius’s.

“Why are you being so noisy?” a boy approached. “Mind your business kid,” Dead eyes fired back. “Don’t you dare use that tone with me,” the kid answered. “Isn’t your mommy searching for ya? Go on scram – you’re ruining my sight,” the response adamant and unfaltering. “Sure,” with two steps, the boy dashed in a went for a punch. Not much effort was required – a simple flick of the wrist stopped the attack. “Not good to go around punching people,” Dead eyes added, for a Silver Ranked adventurer – as opposed to normal humans; the strength he possessed could easily kill if not careful. “fine,” the boy stepped back, “-is this where a man named Staxius can be found?” he asked. “Yes,” the marksman replied, both found an even ground to stand on. A common task that linked them together.

Not so far away, in a place so gigantic it housed its own district, footsteps were heard. Not one, not two, but dozens upon dozens, the large hallways echoed with each step. Chaos ensured, amidst said cacophony, a young butler ran towards a room many dreaded to visit. “Princess, princess,” the voice called out from whence he came. “No need to shout so loud,” before the butler arrived, the door opened – she sensed the disarray. “i-it’s h-his majesty,” hands rested atop the knee, the boy crouched and panted. “Damn it,” without time wasting, she ran as opposed to walking.

“what happened?” Theodore came out of the shadows, her highness vanished into the crowd of maids and butlers. “t-the king is tethering on the verge of death – nothing can be done. The doctors personally requested for someone to inform her highness,” he explained with the face now red from exhaustion. “What about the queen?” the boy’s teacher inquired further, “her majesty is already beside the king’s side,” the announcement concluded.

Somewhere not so far away, Piers stood in the garden. The news about the king arrived with haste, many of the influential people who stayed at the castle hurried to his majesties side. The door remained shut, the doctors asked many to wait patiently. In the fray, Gallienne, Theodore, Piers, and Raulf Serlo – the queen had been by her betrothed side since before the health condition grew worse.

*Click,* the giant door opened, it revealed a bed of red and gold color. A portrait of the royal family when Gallienne was but a child hung. For the most part, the room seemed empty, but this was due to its enormous size. To the right, a balcony that overlooked the town remained closed by heavy curtains on which the royal crest was embroidered.


“Father,” she rushed to his side, the rest remain at the foot of the bed. “C-calm d-down,’ the voice was weakened beyond recognition. Shortness of breath limited the ability to speak, though he forced and choked many times. Tears flow down the girl’s cheek – judging by her demeanor as a conniving individual; one would assume it were crocodile tears. But this time, the tears were genuine and the pain real. The heart sunk, a feeling of pins and needles whelmed the throat.

“I-I’ve lived a fruitful life – I was happy to marry Sely, oh – after so long; thy beauty hasn’t diminished whatsoever,” a quick pause was needed, strength in the arm began to lessen. “A will has been written which states who is to get what, I don’t want to care about politics. My family, us whomst have been separated for long – I wish our time never came to an end. Gallienne, my precious daughter; I know that many of the people know me as the gullible king. Don’t worry about that image, I trusted you to help in the ruling of this kingdom, and still do to this day,” another pause, the breathing grew erratic.

“I’ve but one regret, to not have seen or held a grandchild. I wish I could have stopped you from abandoning that child so long ago, the girl who resembled an angel, white hair and rosy cheeks and with eyes. The embodiment of both the queen and the princess, I’m sure she would have made a wonderful person with beauty surpassing each of us. Even so, I have hope that she lives somewhere in this very kingdom. I’ve but a small request, if even she is found, give her this necklace,” the hand placed a jewel and fell, he breathed the last breath. Tears could not be held back, Blaine Mcleod Riverty; was in no way a perfect king. Though the people adored the man with all their heart.

The royal council was notified, the family mourned the death. The maids and butlers all were given the day off. Despite this, many chose to stay beside their masters – a heavy mist whelmed the castle.

“Father, why did you have to leave so early.” Gallienne stood atop a watchtower and stared towards Totrya, “-it wasn’t supposed to be this way,” her fist clenched. “I failed as your daughter, the joys of becoming a grandfather must have been weighed heavily. Tis was my foolishness and not so envious personality that pushed my husband away. How was I to make a child alone – not to forget I abandoned my firstborn sixteen years ago.” It didn’t stand out at first, but a small letter rested in the other fist.

The things that were kept hidden due to circumstances were now told, “Dear Gallienne,” the letter read. “I hope this letter finds you well. By the time it reaches thine eyes, I must have already passed into the afterlife. It’s the circle of life, people die and people live. There is more I want to say, but time is rather short. First and foremost, never ever doubt and blame yourself. I was the one who decided to turn gullible in my later years. Your mother has worked quite hard to solve and not let each of your schemes blow out of proportion. I’m fully aware of that conniving nature of yours, but deep inside – I know it’s for the good of Hidros. There was always a goal than I never manage to complete, the politics and power struggles made it impossible. I wanted to see Hidros become free from the main continent, away from the grasp of the Emperor. We live on a continent that is just booming with minerals and precious stones, and not to mention the vastness of our land. Hidros is almost like a paradise – a paradise that is now in thine hands, Queen Gallienne. The provinces have separated into practically different kingdoms – in no way are you to invade their land without permission. War in this already monster-infested era will only bring about chaos. Despite this, I want you to seek a unification using other means. Since Arda grew independent, they’re a neighboring nation of people who’ve been oppressed for far too long. With our technology and their use in magic – words can’t describe the endless possibilities. Either way, it’s in thine hands – the people await someone who is ready to change her ways. Not a shady queen, but one of virtue and integrity; it’s hard to stay honest where darkness has every opportunity to kick you whilst one is down. But fight on, my dear daughter, fight on. I shall support you from the afterlife – I happily await your evolution into the queen you were meant to be.”

The letter ended, she wept. What the old man said stood true, he had her figured out since the very beginning. Gallienne thought she could outsmart her parents but they fixed and ruled from the shadows. The realization hit hard, Blain and Sely weren’t as inept as they were made out to be. “I see, father,” she stood and took a breath of fresh air. “-If the kingdom requires me to change into a better person, then so be it. A unified continent does seem nice,” she smiled – the heart felt clear and kind. Since that meteor entered and crashed into Hidros, the subtly changing princess was given a major shock. All and all, the arrival of that young butler, a husband who seems to not care but rushes to her aid at any time – parents who ruled from the shadows. It shaped her into someone who at best could be described as the female embodiment of heir to the god of death.

*At two-forty-five, we from the royal family with grieve and sadness announce that his majesty Blaine Mcleod Riverty has passed on into the afterlife.* a special broadcast shot in every television and radio, the news spread rapidly. The one who announced said news was none other than Piers Riverty, no further words were spoken. Additional information was given through the hosts. “As many have heard from Prince Consort Piers Riverty, his majesty Blaine Mcleod Riverty has sadly died. The funeral will take place tomorrow at nine-thirty, the casket will drive around the town for many to catch a glimpse before getting buried at the royal tomb,” the transmission ended.

The first hour became the worst of it all, every single building including the central guild closed. People were sent home; many mourned the death of a once caring king. Access from the outside was cut off, in no way were people allowed in Rosespire. It didn’t matter if one was a wealthy trader or not, this was necessary to reduce the risk of restlessness.

Many didn’t talk about the subject, for the king just died. Preparation for the princess’s ascension to the position of Queen was readied. Queen Sely now held another title, it changed to Queen Mother. Piers remained prince consort – Gallienne was to lead the continent as the new monarch.

Time went on, the body got preserved using ice. Prayers were said, many deposited flowers near the castle. “Staxius,” the door knocked once more, this time harder and rougher – he could not but wake. “What is it?” half-asleep, the door opened slowly. “These two have been standing for god knows how long,” Undrar walked in. “I apologize,” he yawned and wiped the eyes. It wasn’t apparent, but the boy noticed it first.

“Mister, is it me or did your eye change color?” he pointed at Staxius. “Whatever do you mean?” Undrar rushed and grabbed Staxius’s cheek. “Let me go, I’m not a child,” the monster grip loosened, both visitors stepped inside. “So, what’s the reason for this visit?” the still sleepy master leaned on the edge of the shop window. “Have you not heard the news, the king has died,” she gave the news without much consideration. “The old man kicked the bucket, can’t say I’ll moan him personally, but,” he took a look outside, “-the people sure are respectful of him,” the streets were empty. She headed in the backroom.

“What about you two, do we have a business?” he asked; then remembered. “Dead eyes was it?” to which a nod of confirmation was given. “You want to be a part of Kniq,” he stood and stretched. “Well what about you little one, have you gathered the guts to live or did you come begging for I to end thy life?” the eyes showed no remorse. It came as natural as walking, taking a life became seamless.

“I’m confident that I can be of use, please, give me a chance,” Dead eyes spoke first, the talk about killing that child wasn’t any of his business.

“I’ve made a decision as well,” the boy spoke, “-I’ve had enough stealing and getting ripped off, I’m done,” he took out a knife, “please, end my suffering.”

The atmosphere changed, the room grew dark and vile. A sigh later, he picked up the knife, *SLASH,* blood dripped. “STAXIUS,” Undrar yelled. “Don’t worry,” he added casually, the boy fell to his knee. “You aren’t destined to die yet,” he mumbled, the boy who had the face partly covered by a cap shuddered. The knife got covered with blood, the blood of Staxius, he sliced his hand to give the illusion of having slain the poor boy.

“And as for you, Deadeyes,” the eyes moved rapidly. Staring the marksman down, the eyes of a demon – one red and one dark brown; paired with the symbol on the face and dragon on the neck. Staxius could easily get by as one of the leaders for the dark guilds. “-Consider yourself accepted. Though the guild isn’t officially recognized at the moment, you’re welcome to join Viola in her quests.” To that, the man bowed and smiled, he had a chance to prove his worth.

“Short stuff,” the voice loud and imposing, he jumped. “-you can stop trying to pass by as a boy. I’ve known you were a girl since the start. Either way, from today, that worthless life of yours is mine. Decide, a chance has presented itself, walk out now, or stay here and work for me.” Nothing more needed to be said, the little boy who turned out to be a girl stayed back. More members were added to the now growing adventuring band known as Kniq.

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