The Red Hand

Chapter 251 – Mika v. Chloe.

Chapter 251 – Mika v. Chloe.

"Well, that escalated quickly." Akagi laughed as the match between Mami and Superbia was called in a matter of moments. "I guess my estimation that it would last longer than a few moments was quite a ways off the mark!"

{Oh well...} (Akagi)

"S-She's gonna be alright, right?" Shisa asked nervously.

"Yeah, Mami will be fine. Superbia just went for damage, and Mami wasn't really too badly harmed by her strikes, so don't worry about it." Akagi answered.


"Makes you want to tuck your tail and run, doesn't it?" Silfana smirked. She could tell what the blue Oni was thinking.

"I... um..." Shisa didn't really want to answer.

{Nail on the head.} (Silfana)

"Hey, if you want to back out, then go right ahead." Akagi shrugged. She didn't care if somebody ran for the hills, though she would prefer they stay for the entertainment factor. "You'll probably disappoint Avahn since that crazy girl wants to tear you apart." She winked.

{EEP!} (Shisa)

"But we'll save that for later because now we move on to the next match!" Akagi cheered as Mika and Chloe made their way onto the stage. "Our next match is between one of my one and only pupil and Kyoto's own Magical Girl Star Guardian! So everyone give them both a rousing welcome!" At her words, the crowd roared, and Shisa departed the booth, visibly shaken by what she just watched.

"For this match, there will be no guest commentators as between Silfana and I there isn't really anyone who knows either of these competitors better than we do." Akagi said. Chloe was her own student and Mika was Mika so the Demon was the only person who could really give any insightful comments about them.

"Yes, your cat is quite annoying, and in our sparring matches she's proved quite an irritating opponent." Silfana sighed. While she'd won against Chloe, it was never easy and there were a few times where the matches were a close call.

{I suppose that's what happens when you take an Ondai clan prodigy and put her underneath something with as much power and skill as Akagi.} (Silfana)

"She's my student! So it's only natural that she puts up a good fight." Akagi laughed. "Of course, the threat of punishment if she fails is an amazing motivator." She cackled.

{Yeah, though, in this case, punishment means being forced to dress in silly outfits rather than physical abuse... I can't say which is worse given what kind of things you dream up in that messed up mind of yours though.} (Silfana)

"So, how do you think it's going to go?" Akagi asked the Vampire for her prediction.

"Knowing what I know about that 'Magical Girl' and Chloe, this can only end with the cat cutting that poor girl to ribbons." Silfana laughed. "I hope you'll be ready to revive her once the kitty is finished playing with its food."

"I agree that Chloe will probably win, but I do think you're underestimating our little Magical Girl." Akagi replied. She figured that Mika was probably doomed, but also had a feeling that the Magical Girl could easily pull out some unexpected bullshit and win. "I know her well enough to say she's a fighter, and I doubt she's gonna go out without a fight."

"Isn't that what you said about Mami, only for her to be taken down in the blink of an eye?" Silfana quipped with a smirk on her lips.

"Fair point. I guess we shall just wait and see what happens." Akagi shrugged.


Mika walked slowly and nervously to the center of the arena. After watching Mami be taken down in a quick and very painful manner by Superbia, the blue-haired Magical Girl was now coming to regret her decision to enter the tournament.


"Chloe, please don't do something like that to me..." Mika whimpered to the cat, only to be given a wily grin in return.

"If you don't want to be sliced up, then you can give up right now, nya!" Chloe laughed. “Otherwise prepare to be part of my next sandwich! I've already got some nice bread and cheese picked out!”

"Y-You do recall that killing isn't allowed, right?!?" Mika said as she started sweating profusely.

"Killing is banned, yes, but as long as you're still alive when the match is called that means I'm in the clear, nya!" Chloe snickered.

{That makes me think she'll ensure I die the moment the match is called...} (Mika)

"A-Akagi will be angry if you cause my d-death..." Mika said nervously. Hoping that the threat of Akagi's anger would keep her from going overboard.

"It will be fine, nya." Chloe shrugged. "Myaster will get over it, not to mention if you die, then you get to come back with cool eyes and as a devotee of myaster!"


Naturally, Chloe was just messing with Mika. The cat knew well that causing Mika's death, even if it was done in a way that didn't result in disqualification, would result in a very angry Akagi.

{Mika is just too fun to pick on, nya!} (Chloe)

"So what will it be, nya?" Chloe asked. "Will you run away like the little chicken you are? Or will the birdy stay and fight, nya?"

"I... um..." Mika couldn't give an immediate answer.


Chloe stared to cluck like a chicken as she tucked her arms for added effect.

"Come on, little chicken, show everyone just how scared you are and run away." Chloe continued to cluck. "Go home to your coop. I'm sure your two hens will comfort you." She laughed as she referenced Suzu and Yuzu. "Then again, those two Yuki-Onna have quite poor taste in partners, so it's only natural they'd be okay with a big chicken like you!" She snickered. "I guess when you're so desperate for love, you'll take any old thing that comes your way! I just feel bad that they settled for you, but then again a chicken like you is probably about all their worth!"

"YOU BITCH!" Mika exclaimed in absolute fury. "Don't you dare start making fun of them!" She didn't appreciate Chloe bringing the Yuki-Onna into things.


"Oh? Did I touch a nerve?" Chloe smirked. "Well, what are you going to do about it, chicken?" The cat laughed as she clucked again.

"I'm going to shut you up! That's what I'm going to do!" Mika growled as she pointed her wand at Chloe.

{Good. I knew I had to distract her with something else. This way, I might have some fun, nya!} Chloe was intentionally trying to get Mika angry so that she would actually fight rather than instantly giving up.

"Are the contestants ready?" Kira looked between them.

"You're damn right I am!" Mika exclaimed, ready to knock Chloe's head off.

"Yupper!" Chloe said playfully.

"Then, begin!" Kira started the match, and instantly Mika took the initiative by casting a bright flash of light from her wand.

"Star Burst!" Mika's wand glowed with a bright light that was even more intense than the Sun, which caused everyone, sans Akagi, to avert their eyes.

Chloe's quick reaction time meant that she saw the attack coming, and looked away to prevent herself from becoming blinded, but when she looked back Mika had taken to the sky and flew back quite some distance.

{I see, nya. She figures that fighting me close up won't work, so putting a bit of distance between us is for the best, nya. A smart and logical choice, but one that fails to realize that I'm just as deadly at range, nya!} (Chloe)

"I see the chicken is good at running, but if that's all you can do, then this is already over, nya!" Chloe snickered as she did a few more clucks.

"I'll show you that I can do far more than run, Chloe!" Mika spun her wand in her hand and let loose her next attack. "Ice Storm!" Her wand became coated in an icy sheen, and the air temperature around her dropped profusely before a massive torrent of icy shards formed around her and shot toward Chloe at high speed.

However, Chloe was no fool and was far too dexterous for such a slow attack to cause her any harm. "Nyahaha! This is too easy!" The cat laughed as she dodged the incoming shards. "Is that the best you can do?" She cackled as she turned and wagged her tail at Mika.

{She is such a pain in the ass, just like her master...} (Mika)

"Now it's my turn, nya!" Chloe's hands filled with Kunai, and she began to hurl them toward Mika at high speed. “NYA!”

{EEP!} Mika dodged the majority of them, though one managed to scrape her shoulder. "OW!" It didn't do much damage but was immensely painful.

"You're lucky that my poisons are too strong for this and would kill you. Otherwise, that little scrape would be the end of things, nya!" Chloe snickered as she continued to throw a seemingly unending volley of Kunai and other knives.

{Damn that stings... Though it's not as bad as when we got exploded before...} (Mika)

"I'll pay you back for that one, cat!" Mika hissed at Chloe as she chucked a volley of fireballs toward Chloe, who again deftly avoided them.

"Nyahahah! You can't catch me!" Chloe laughed and taunted Mika as she bounced around the arena, easily avoiding the Magical Girl's attacks. It didn't matter what type of energy Mika fired off or how numerous the blasts were, Chloe would dodge them all with ease.

{This is a complete waste of magic.} Mika figured that continuing with this route of attack was pointless. {Getting close to her is also bad since she'd just carve me up with either her knife or entangle me with those strings of hers. Speaking of which, why hasn't she used them yet?} She knew they were the cat's weapon of choice but was confused as to why Chloe hadn't bothered to use them as of yet. {Surely it can't be that she can't reach me up here, right?}

"Giving up?" Chloe asked, noticing that Mika's attacks had stopped. "I hope you've realized that your stupid little magic blasts are pointless. Myaster has fired off more at higher power than that as part of my training, so don't expect me to be hit by something that pathetic, nya!" She laughed.

{Stupid flying is stupid. Just a bit more, and my plan will kick in. I just need to keep her distracted for a bit longer.} From Chloe's right hand, a small glint could be seen as the light hit it correctly, and a close inspection revealed a group of strings that jutted downward into the arena itself.

As the two combatants stared at each other from their respective conditions, it quickly became clear to Mika that she was out of ideas already.

{I'm not a super gamer, nor am I some crazy magical genius... I have no idea how to actually fight, and I figured that sending blasts of magic would do something to her... WHAT THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO DO NOW?!?} Mika hadn't really planned much before coming to the tournament, and now realized that things wouldn't be so easy, especially after seeing what the other competitors were capable of. {I really got myself in over my head with this one, huh? I guess there's not much left to do besides try that one thing I practiced with...}

Mika decided to try what was likely her most powerful option, twirling her wand and summoning a small bright white ball of magic that floated in front of her.

"Alright, now I just need to-" However, before she could get any further, Chloe's plan activated and dozens of strings shot up from the ground below her and quickly tied her up. "What?!? When did they get there?!?" She tried to break free but found the bonds around her to be unbreakable. She was far too weak to resist Chloe's strings and was slowly pulled to the ground where a laughing cat was waiting.

"Nyahahah! I got you now, little chicken!" Chloe pulled out a Kunai in her other hand and pointed it toward Mika, who was less than a foot away. "So will you surrender, or do I need to stab you with this? I really don't want to, so maybe call it quits.”

{And that's that, nya!} (Chloe)

{Well, I guess that answers the question of how I'm going to get close to her without being stabbed repeatedly.} Mika sighed internally, relieved.

"I won't surrender, not just yet." Mika laughed as she was squeezed by the strings.

“Do you want me to stab you?" Chloe was puzzled by her refusal.

{What is wrong with this girl? Does she not understand that it's over?} (Chloe)

"No, not really." Mika smirked. "I just need to see the look on your face after this! SOLAR FLARE!" She called out the name of her final attack, and the little glowing ball moved in between Chloe and Mika. The cat was initially confused by it, but quickly realized that something bad was about to happen as it shimmered before it grew even brighter than the attack from the start of the battle.

"NYA!" Chloe cried out as she attempted to move, but by the time she realized that she was going to be attacked, it was too late and the white ball exploded in a burst the energy that flowed directly at Chloe in the form of a massive cone. The cat was engulfed by the blast and sent flying, the intensity of the blast blinding nearly everyone who was watching.

After a few moments, the light disappeared and what remained in its place was a massive crater in the arena that stretched from one end to the other. Mika was still entangled by Chloe's threads but had slumped over onto the arena floor, while Chloe was burned and singed from the attack and there was quite a bit of burns on her body.

"Ack!" Chloe coughed up some blood as she stood up, disoriented. "Bright light go boom, nya...." She stumbled for a moment before glaring at the fallen-down Mika.

{That girl... She unleashed WAY too much magic there...} Chloe slowly walked over to Mika, holding her burned arm the entire time.

"That was a nice attack." Chloe smiled as Mika looked back up at her.

"Yeah... Better than what you expected, huh?" Mika laughed as she lay on the floor, exhausted. "But that's about all I've got, and it seems that it didn't really phase you that much, huh?"

{I was hoping that she would've been ejected from the arena... Oh well...} (Mika)

"It hurt me quite a bit, so don't discount yourself." Chloe leaned down and placed her Kunai to Mika's throat, which caused Kira to call the match. "Good job, Mika. Sorry for being mean to you. I just wanted to see how well you could fight."

"You are an absolute pain in the ass..." Mika said as she fainted and Akagi put a black barrier around her to prevent anyone from seeing her transform back to normal.

"And you were a very fun opponent, nya!" Chloe as she carried Mika to medical.

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