The Red Hand

Chapter 250 – Mami v. Superbia.

Chapter 250 – Mami v. Superbia.

"And there you have it!" Akagi cheered as Alice's victory was declared. "We have a completely unexpected upset as Alice takes down Eris! Even I didn't see this one coming!" She had a big smile on her face.

{Well, I kinda did, but I'm still so proud of you!} (Akagi)

"Is Eris going to be okay?" Ayame looked a bit worried due to the amount of damage she'd received. “That was a lot of little spikes...”

"She'll be fine. Mimi and her team can handle all those wounds no problem." Akagi answered before turning back to the viewing screen that was floating in front of her. "Folks, that was an amazing battle, and, yes as her Mama, it's absolutely great to see my little one kick some ass!" She laughed. Akagi'd been practicing with Alice over these past months and was doing what she could to help her become stronger where possible, but wasn't really sure if she could win against some of the more seasoned players. "But let's not forget to give Eris her due. She nearly pulled things off despite such an intense disadvantage due to Alice's trap. So everyone, let's hear it for our raging Barbarian!" She called out to the audience to cheer, which is exactly what they did.

"Alice used a very nasty trick by faking your sudden intervention." Silfana pursed her lips.

{One that a certain lizard used on me too...} (Silfana)

"Yeah, but I can't be mad since Eris should've known better than to fall for it." Ayame sighed. "I guess it's understandable to think that Akagi would've jumped in like that, so suppose it's also not something I can reprimand her for."

{It was dirty as hell though...} (Ayame)

"I told you all that I'd let things fall where they fell, and I have no intention of jumping in to save Alice." Akagi shrugged. "Eris' blow would've harmed her greatly, but we can patch those injuries up with magic." She was a bit worried that Eris or somebody else would end up causing significant damage, and there was a part of her that didn't want Alice to experience any pain, but she'd managed to quiet that down.

{Though I would jump in to stop one if it would've been lethal. I'm not permitting anyone, especially Alice, to die during this thing.} (Akagi)

"I'm impressed with how well Alice did, though." Ayame commented. "She's a summoner, and we've never seen them handle duels well. There were a few in Shining Blade, and most were used for scouting or providing buffs/debuffs.” She'd seen a few players try it over the years and almost all swapped to something else quickly.

"That she can command so many summons in such rapid succession and with such a high degree of control and coordination is deserving of praise." Silfana nodded. "Though she found out quickly that verbal commands are not the most reliable form of communication with one's summons." She had a few summoners in her employ, but most were used for scouting or sending messages.

{Using one's mind is infinitely quicker and has less chance of being distorted or blocked. I wonder why she didn't use that method?} (Silfana)

"We're working on that issue." Akagi commented that it was a work in progress.. "Players could do some commands via the in-game interface, but the majority were verbal, and trying to use summons via telepathy is currently in the early stages of development." She'd been trying to adapt Yumi's telepathy to be used in other ways, but Imp and Imperial's research had been slow so far due to lack of knowledge.

"That's right." Silfana had a look of realization wash over her. "I forgot that your abilities were a bit more limited than my own." She was part of the system so what she could interface with was far more advanced than a player.

"By the way, what the hell was up with that song and also the frog?" Ayame turned to Akagi, wanting to know about the choice of music.

"Alice's gonna Alice." Akagi shrugged and laughed. "She likes to make things silly, and that's what she did!" She turned and looked at the massive chat stream that was on the left side of the floating screen.

"Did Alice get permission to use that song? It's quite a popular one." Akagi read off a question that she saw fly by. "Pay? What are they gonna do, take her to court? I'd love to see them try!" She laughed. "Go ahead and try, but that might result in a few burned courthouses and dead lawyers." She snickered.

{At least that's one thing we can agree on. Might makes right, and those with the power can do whatever they want with those who don't.} (Silfana)

"Getting back to Eris though, I'm glad to see her boots came in handy." Akagi moved the screen away. "She got a few neat items in the dungeon and I figured a way of hitting ranged targets would be appreciated." Barbarians typically struggled hard against anything they couldn't wack directly, and their ranged options were very limited, especially since most of their class abilities didn't work with them.

"Yeah, that was always her biggest issue in-game." Ayame nodded. "She does have some fire attacks that work at range, but they don't combo well with her other features, so being able to chuck javelins that return like that and flight really helped her out." She didn't have much in the way of ranged attacks, but made up for it with her high speed and swift attacks.

"I presume that you also got some interesting toys during your delves?" Silfana asked about what she'd gotten. Silfana had tried out the dungeon once or twice but found it boring.

"Who knows?" Ayame put her finger on her lips as she giggled. "You'll just have to wait and see!"

{I think people will enjoy what she pulled.} (Akagi)

"Well, we won't have to wait much longer!" Akagi exclaimed as Kira's team finished repairing the ring, and Ayame departed with a small thank you. "Alright, the next contenders may make their way to the arena!" She called out, and the audience broke into another roar. "This fight will include our first contestant from Omara, so everyone make sure to give a warm welcome to Mami the Moon Elf!" Akagi continued her introductions. "And the opponent she'll be facing is none other than the star of the RRT, Superbia!" As the two walked toward the center of the arena the crowd cheered again, and this match's special guest came up from behind her.

"For this match, I decided to tap into one of Mami's teammates on the Exploration team, so allow me to introduce Shisa!" Akagi smiled as she introduced the blue Oni.

"H-Hello!" Shisa was visibly nervous as she took her seat. "I-I'm glad to b-be here!"


"No need to be nervous little Oni, the audience will not bite you." Silfana laughed.

"They might not, but Silfana on the other hand!" Akagi laughed.

"Oni blood is too bitter for my taste." Silfana shook her head. "I much prefer the blood of Elves, specifically Dark Elves, if I can find them, as they have a much more smooth and rich taste."

"I totally get where you're coming from." Akagi nodded in agreement. "Souls taste different, and I prefer ones packed with lots of fear!" She laughed.

"It adds a nice spice." Silfana smiled in agreement.

{...} (Shisa)

"But getting back on topic, our third match will be between one of the members of Omara's exploration team and Superbia. Shisa as one of Mami's compatriots, what do you make of things? Do you think your friend will win?" Akagi asked a question that she already knew the answer to.

"No." Shisa shook her head rapidly. "We can't handle any of you! I'm pretty sure Mami will be taken down in five seconds!"

{Why are you even asking?!? It's clear that you lot are far more powerful than us! The most we can hope to do is survive long enough to surrender! The only reason we're here is because Ferrix wanted to test things out! That damn fool!} (Shisa)

"Silfana?" Akagi looked to the Vampire for her take.

"Do you even need to ask?" Silfana rolled her eyes.

"It's kind of my job, so yeah." Akagi snickered.

"Well then, if you want my prediction, I'll say that if the Elf isn't a red stain on the arena floor by the end of this that things went well for her." Silfana laughed.

"I think she'll last a bit longer than either of you expect, but yeah, if Superbia doesn't throw the match she isn't going to lose." Akagi figured that this would be a short match. "But I guess a quick match is just part of this whole experience, so, to the folks at home, I'm sorry if this one might be a bit disappointing."


As Mami and Superbia met in the center of the arena, the Elf could tell immediately that she was far outmatched by her opponent.

{Holy hell, the aura radiating off this woman is fucking CRAZY! I want to go home!} (Mami)

"I'd advise surrendering, Mami." Superbia said with a smile. "I'm not entirely sure how much I can hold back, and there's a chance that one strike might be enough to kill you." With her recent power boost she'd already noticed that her 'holding back' was still far too powerful.

"I want to surrender, but I'm afraid that not only would everyone back home shame the hell out of me for just giving up without a fight, and Lady Mizumi would chew me out for embarrassing Omara like that." Mami sighed. "So please try and go easy on me..."

"I guarantee nothing." Superbia laughed. "I've recently got a bit more power to play with, so I'm not entirely sure how 'weak' my 'weakest' strike would be."

{I'm fucking dead, aren't I?} Mami gulped as she drew her sword and took a fighting stance.

"Are the competitors ready?" Kira looked between them and asked.

"Yes." Superbia nodded.

"Y-Yeah." Mami answered.

{NO!} (Mami)

"Then, begin!" Kira swung her arm down to begin the match, and as soon as she did Superbia's form disappeared in front of Mami.

{She's gone?!?} Mami looked around the arena, trying to find her, but couldn't.

"Did she go invisible?!?" Mami said as she panicked. She was no amateur in combat, but Superbia had her completely outmatched and she knew it.

"Not invisible..." Superbia's words echoed in her left ear. "I'm just too fast for your eyes to see!" A split second later, Mami screamed in pain as her entire body was slashed and blood began to pour out of the myriad of cuts that covered her body.

"AH!" Mami's screamed as she collapsed to the floor in a puddle of her own blood.

"Good, it looks like I was able to restrain myself." Superbia smiled as she appeared in front of the downed Mami, and just as the Elf was about to lose consciousness she swore that Superbia started talking to someone else.

{Well... I didn't die... That's nice...} (Mami)

"Winner, Superbia!" Kira called the match a few moments after it began, as it was obvious that Mami was not getting back up.

"That wasn't even really a match." Superbia commented as she put her blade away. "The real one is yet to come." She smirked as she looked into the arena entrance where Chloe was standing next to a visibly shaking Mika.

{Cat, I hope you're ready to lose!} (Superbia)

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