The Red Hand

Chapter 245 – The Bracket is Seeded.

Chapter 245 – The Bracket is Seeded.


Make sure to stick around, we've got a bonus chap tonight! All hail the kitty!

"Thank you for your time!" Hishya smiled as she turned away from one of the Spanish-language news reporters. She'd just wrapped up a flurry of interviews with nearly half a dozen different news outlets, and she was quite pleased with all the attention she was getting. Most wanted to know her thoughts on her new home as well as what she intended to ask of Akagi if she won. Naturally, the Dragon had given it quite a bit of thought, but she'd declined to answer, telling everyone to wait until she won to find out.

{Ah, it's so much fun having all those cameras pointed at me! I could get used to this!} (Hishya)

Not long after Kirika got settled in, Akagi's clan members called the contestants and other observers into a large audience hall where they explained the rules and regulations for the tournament. There would be sixteen contestants, each pitted against each other in 1v1 matches which would be decided at random via the drawing of numbers. Matches would occur over three days with the first two covering the opening fights, the quarter-finals, and the semi-finals. The third day was reserved for the grand finale after which another match would be done to decide third and fourth place. After that prizes for first through fourth place would be awarded in an elaborate celebration, and as explained previously, first place would get one wish from Akagi, though it would still need to be something within her power and not contradict her interests. While second through fourth would be granted a variety of magical items and other interesting prizes.

"Somebody's in a cheery mood. Did you enjoy having all those people fawn over you?" Eris commented as she saw Hishya walking down the main stairway with a massive smile on her face. She was leaning against the wall while chewing on a scone and sipping coffee.

"Maybe a bit." Hishya snickered. "But I'm surprised that you're here. I figured your last ass whooping would've made you turn tail and hide between Ayame's legs." She decided to tease her a bit.

"While Ayame's legs are nice, I won't be hiding between them right now." Eris rolled her eyes. She was used to such jokes by this point and didn't let them get under her skin. "Beating you won't be easy, but know I've got a few tricks up my sleeve, and you not being able to go kaju on me during a fight helps out a bunch." She still had her magical items in her back pocket and was planning on busting them out during the tourney. Not to mention that she'd come up with a special plan to deal with Hishya.

{I hope you enjoy our plan, little Dragon.} (Eris)

"Well, I look forward to sending you to the ER again!" Hishya laughed as Eris mocked her. "Has everyone else shown up yet? The drawing is going to be soon."

"Yeah, we've got everyone, and they're all waiting in the hall from before." Eris moved away from the wall and motioned for Hishya to follow, tossing the scone into her mouth. "Though we've got a small problem that you might want to see."

{Problem? I don't like the sound of that...) (Hishya)

Following along, Hishya and Eris moved into the large hall where the other players and members of the media were gathered. Akagi had invited some of the players who weren't participating to watch in person, so there were far more people in here than one would expect.

{I see that Shinlua and those Spirits that got brainwashed are here. It should be interesting to see what they can do.} (Hishya)

"So what's the big 'problem'?" Hishya asked Eris as the two funneled in to the back of the room. "I don't see a problem. Unless you mean the Magical Girl over there." She figured Eris was nervous about hurting Mika.

"Nope, it's not her I'm worried about." Eris sighed, though she did see Mika as an issue, it wasn't what she was worried about. "Look over at Superbia." She glanced over at the Oni who was leaning against the wall and was seemingly talking to herself and laughing.

"Is she on the phone with someone?" Hishya tilted her head in confusion. Seeing people speak to 'themselves' was normal nowadays with completely hands free devices.

"Superbia has no AR device, Hishya." Eris shook her head. "And ever since she showed up, she's been nothing but smiles and rainbows."

"Isn't that good?" Hishya didn't see the problem since that was an improvement over how brooding the Oni could be.

{I know that Superbia has always been a bit brooding, and even before Munechika's death she wasn't exactly the most bubbly person, but I don't see the issue.} (Hishya)

"From what Excel told me, she's been unusually cheery ever since last week, and apparently they've heard her talking to herself during training or when she was alone." Eris continued. "We're starting to get worried about her. She's been mentally unstable ever since Munechika passed, and it's possible she's finally lost it." She was worried that a mood change like this signaled something bad.

"Have you guys asked her about what's going on?" Hishya figured being straightforward was the best option here.

"Apparently Mixu did just that and she got told that all questions would be answered in the tournament." Eris sighed. "Naturally that raised red flags and were all keeping an eye on her. I really hope she's not going to do something crazy."

"I see..." Hishya didn't really know what to say. "Do you want me to say something? Or maybe we should get Akagi. Lord knows she's got the most insight into broken minds."

{Though there's always the chance that Akagi is in on whatever is going on...} (Hishya)

"For now, just let things alone. Hopefully whatever she's going to do isn't a problem, but keep your eyes peeled." Eris said while glancing over at the Oni. "Akagi is, as far as I'm aware, not in the loop, so let's keep it that way. I don't need her doing anything rash." She didn't want Akagi sticking her nose in and making things worse, especially since the Demon might do a bit more than offer kind words.

"Keeping secrets from her isn't easy, but fine." Hishya shrugged as she looked around the room. At the far back wall was a a large board that had an empty bracket and off to the side was a group of sixteen pictures pinned to a board with a small box underneath it, and as Hishya looked at the group of pictures, one caught her eye.

"Who the hell is that?" Hishya pointed out the image of a hooded figure who's face couldn't be seen. "I don't recognize them, and the name just says Anle for their name." It was definitely not one of the returnees' avatar's names, and Hishya knew them all by heart at this point.

"That's..." Eris sighed. "I've got a feeling that I know who that is, but I'll hold my tongue."

{Akagi really went out and took Elna for her own devices, didn't she? But what the fuck is she thinking putting her in this fight? Whatever, all I know is she's gonna get a fucking beating...} (Eris)

"Can't you just tell me?" Hishya asked.

"Figure it out on your own, you're smart enough." Eris smirked. "Or is the Dragon not good with her brain?" She tapped the side of Hishya's head.

"You're such a pain in the ass, you know that right?" Hishya sighed as she brushed her away. "Oh well, I'll just beat her down if I come across her and rip that mask off."

{And you know what, I wouldn't mind that at all.} (Eris)

With the discussion of Superbia and the mysterious 'Anle' over the two moved onto a few other topics while they waited, and around thirty minutes later Akagi appeared and called everyone to attention.

"Alright! All contestants please line up starting where Tsuchimi is!” Akagi made her voice louder and clapped to get everyone's attention. “We're going to draw your numbers for the lineup. Once you reach in and grab it, take it and pin your number to the cork-board underneath your picture." She pointed to the board in question. "Remember, this is supposed to be random, so nobody better try and cheese the lineup with magic. Trust me, I'll know and I will eject your ass if you try it." She smiled.

{Though I doubt that would stop HER from tilting her seeding to her pleasure.} (Hishya)

After lining up, the players began going one by one to the small box where Sagara recorded their numbers, which were as follows.

Hishya: 1

Ferrix: 2

Zephiria: 3

Mika (Under the name Magical Girl Star Guardian): 4

Superbia: 5

Aymae: 6

Avahn: 7

Alice: 8

Eris: 9

Shisa: 10

Shinlua: 11

Mami: 12

Chloe: 13

Anle: 14

Halifax: 15

Tiball: 16

"Now that we've got the numbers I will randomize the seeding." Akagi said as she pulled a small box out of her sleeve. "I have the numbers you guys picked on small slips in here, and when I call them out. I want you to step forward so we can visually assign pairs. Tsuchimi and Sagara, you should write the names down below so everyone can see things."

"Sounds good." Sagara said as she threw a marker to Tsuchimi who nearly fumbled it. "You take the right and I'll take the left."

“Alright.” Tsuchimi said as she moved over to the other side., and once they were in position, Akagi pulled the first pairing out of the box.

"One and Sixteen." Akagi looked between Hishya and Tiball.

"Well fuck." Tiball laughed at his bad luck. "Guess I'm out in the first round.” Though his face didn't match his words prompting Akagi to think he had some kind of plan for the Dragon.

"Better you than me!" Zephiria laughed at his misfortune.

"Don't be hard on yourself, Tiball. It will still be a fun fight even if you lose." Hishya snickered.

"Next is nine and eight." Akagi glanced between Alice and Eris.

"Oh hell. I get to fight the world's most dangerous little girl." Eris sighed. She was hoping not to be the one who has to fight Alice, mostly because she was worried about harming Akagi's daughter. "Just please don't get mad if I hurt her, Akagi."

"All's fair game here." Akagi shrugged. She wasn't about to play helicopter parent in this case. "So don't go crying to me if Eris beats your ass, Alice." She laughed.

"I'll destroy her, Mama!" Alice smiled.

"Smite her!" Ayama yelled out. "Kick her ass, Alice! No mercy!"

"What is with you and wishing defeat on me?!?" Eris growled at her wife.

"Hey, you'd do the same to me." Ayame stuck her tongue out playfully.

{That's not the point!} (Eris)

"Next is five and twelve." Akagi said as her eyes moved between Superbia and Mami.

"I was hoping for the cat, but I guess that just means I need to wait a bit longer." Superbia laughed.

"Of course I get one of the most dangerous to start with." Mami sighed. She and the explorer team joined mostly out of curiosity but were painfully aware that they were little more than speed bumps to the players.

"Don't worry, Mami. I'll make sure to come to your funeral." Ferrix laughed as he pat her on the back. "What kind of flowers do you want?"

"If I die, stay away from my funeral." Mami glared at him. “And Shisa, make sure he doesn't piss on my grave.”

“I'll try.” Shisa shrugged.

"Up next we have... thirteen and four." Akagi may or may have not engaged in a bit of tomfoolery to guarantee a match between Chloe and Superbia in the second round. Though that sadly meant that Mika was thrown under the proverbial bus.

"Chloe, please don't slice me into pieces..." Mika knew she was doomed against the cat.

"I shall make ham out of you and serve you to myaster as a sandwich, nya!" Chloe laughed and Mika gulped.

{I hope Akagi can revive me if I've been turned into cold cuts!} (Mika)

"Then we have three and fourteen." Akagi read off the next grouping.

"Cool, I get to kick the mysterious woman's ass!" Zephira cheered.

"I think it will be you who will be going down Zef. I know damn well you suck at this kind of thing." Anle laughed, her voice heavily distorted by her mask. Most of the other players had already pegged her as Elna, and the fact that she was wearing a Black Company uniform only increased suspicion.

"Up next we have eleven and six." Akagi said as she pulled two more slips out.

"Oh? I get to fight the Spirit? I did hear you were a skilled swordsman, so I'm honestly looking forward to this." Ayame grinned.

"My oath discourages the drawing of my blade, but I believe that I can make an exception for a friendly match like this." Shinlua smiled. She'd joined last minute and surprised both Akagi and Mizumi with her request to participate.

"Then we have seven and ten." Akagi read off the second to last pairing.

{Poor Shisa is about to get obliterated by Avahn. That crazy Demon cat has no fucking chill.} (Hishya)

"She's not going to kill me, right?" Shisa started sweating as Avahn glared at her.

"I won't try to kill you, but you're so weak I might do it accidentally." Avahn gave a toothy and sadistic smile.

“Let her have nyit, nyavahn meow~!” Ara cheered from the back.

"I guess that means I'm against Ferrix." Halifax commented. "I suppose that should be interesting."

"Well, this should be good." Ferrix laughed.

{Yeah no.} (Akagi)

"Alright. The pairings are complete, and matches will start tomorrow at eight in the morning. Remember not to be late, and until then you're free to roam around and do as you please." Akagi continued. "If you have any questions direct them to either Sagara or Tsuchimi, since that's what I'm paying them for."

"I mean my job was to do admin work and accounting, not this..." Sagara sighed.

"Too bad, I sign your paycheck and I'm telling you to do this." Akagi laughed, and so did Tsuchimi.

With the pairing decided and the bracket seeded, there was only one more day until the Interworld Tournament. The contestants were eager to fight and excitement filled the air as everyone prepared for the coming battles. There had once been a tournament in FWO like this, and while Hishya had won that contest, there was no telling who would come out on top this time.


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