The Red Hand

Chapter 237 –  Fear the Cheese!

Chapter 237 –  Fear the Cheese!

After spending a good few days enjoying a luxurious beach vacation in Osaka, the girls returned home refreshed and relaxed. They were all slightly tanned, though Yumi and Miji a bit more pink than the others due to their bodies not being used to such intense sunlight.

"Onee-chan, we're home!" Kana yelled into the house, flicking her hat onto a rack.

"And I've got something for you!" Mika snickered as they walked into the living room. “Here kitty, kitty, kitty. Psss Pss Pss!”

{I really hope she does what she has in mind. But I doubt even Mika is that stupid.} (Naomi)

"Oh? She's not here?" Naomi said as she and the others looked around the house but saw no Akagi.

"Strange, I thought I heard a noise coming from in here." Kana could hear the faint sound of music in the distance along with what sounded like singing. “Is somebody singing?”

"Maybe she's in the shower!" Mika laughed. “I do that sometimes too.”

"I... does Onee-chan even shower?" Kana thought about it for a moment. She'd never seen her sister bathe outside of the hot spring now that she thought of it.

{Onee-chan do I need to start making sure you take baths?} (Kana)

"I don't think she does?" Yumi couldn't recall such an event. "I mean guess she doesn't need to, since well her body can just be refreshed." She shrugged, not caring much about it. "But what's that noise anyway?" She could also hear music resounding through the house, and it sounded like it was coming from the back.

"I think it's coming from the interior garden." Naomi started walking towards the main house's entrance to its enclosed garden, followed by the other girls. As they got closer to the music, they could make out words, though they couldn't understand them.

"That's English." Kana commented. She could perfectly understand it and could tell that it was her sister singing. "What the heck is she doing singing in English?"

{Onee-chan can't speak English. The last time I heard her try, it was horrible.} (Kana)

“Maybe the kitty is just singing along and not understanding what the words are.” Mika chuckled.

“You mean like you with those British bands?” Naomi commented.

“I understand a few words!” Mika retorted.

“Knowing how to say swear words doesn't count as knowing a language, Mika.” Kana sighed.

As they approached the interior garden they saw Akagi in cat mode sitting on one of the decorative rocks. She was singing while a small speaker played music, and at her side were several empty chocolate pudding cups.

{Kitty likes chocolate pudding? I see how it is.} (Mika)

"Oh hey." Akagi tapped the top of the speaker which stopped the music. "There you are. I thought I sensed your energy. Welcome back." She smiled. "Was your vacation good?"

"It was great!" Miji smiled. "I got to swim around in the ocean! Did you know how big it is?!?" She ran up to Akagi with a toothy smile.

"Yes, I did. It's very big, isn't it?" Akagi laughed as she pat the girl on the head. "And I'm glad to hear you had fun." She looked at Alice. "Did you enjoy yourself too?"

"Yup!" Alice nodded. "It was great! Thanks for asking them to take me, Mama."

"Good, I'm glad to hear it." Akagi smiled. "Thanks for taking her. I know she's a bit of a hassle, and having her and Mika to deal with must have been rough." She smirked.

"Oi!" Mika protested.


"Yeah, Mika was probably the worst of the bunch, given that she got lost a few times in Osaka." Kana snickered.

"I only got lost because you idiots left without me!" Mika cried.

"You wouldn't get up." Naomi added important context. "You kept saying five more minutes, and we got sick of waiting."


Mika blew a raspberry.

"Glad to hear that Mika once again takes the mantle of most pain in the ass friend!" Akagi laughed, as did everyone else.

{Oh yeah. Well, kitty, I've got something for you!} (Mika)

"Oh, that's right!" Mika's eyes glinted as the dastardly plan she had in mind took form. "I have something for you, kitty." She slowly approached the innocent Catkagi, who had no idea of her impending fate. "Do you want a treat?"


"Treat?" Akagi tilted her head like the innocent Catkagi she was, never expecting Mika to do something mean to her. "What kind?"

"This kind!" Mika whipped out a small flat square of cheese from behind her back and threw it at Akagi, smacking her straight in the face.

{SHE DID!} (Kana)

Taken completely off guard, Akagi stumbled backward until she fell off the rock, cheese still planted firmly on her face. It was truly a horrible crime against cuteness to do something so evil to something so adorable and innocent.

"Hah! Mika laughed triumphantly as Akagi flailed on the ground. "That's what you get! He-He!"

"The kitty got hit with the cheese!" Miji started laughing hysterically. "It's like that one video Sister showed me!" She started giggling uncontrollably, while Alice glared at Mika.

"I hope that was worth it." Alice noted that Mika was going to reap the whirlwind. "Mama is going to make your life a living hell, you know that, right?"

{Is she really that stupid? Nobody pranks Mama and gets away with it.} (Alice)

"I shall take the punishment!" Mika smirked. "No matter what, I see this as an absolute win!" She snickered.

"Oh really?" Akagi slowly rose from the ground, hopping back on top of the rock cheese still stuck to her face and covering her eyes. "I hope you know that this means war." She peeled the cheese off her face and quickly ate it.

"Hit me with your best shot, kitty!" Mika laughed as Akagi's shadow rose up behind her.

"Hey, so you do recall that people taken into my shadow can be reformed as I desire, right?" Akagi gave a scary smile.

"Y-Yeah." Mika suddenly got a very bad feeling.

"I've never tested it out on a living person before, so I wonder what happens if I make a few changes and instead of making you a Mika again, I change you into a piece of cheese? Alveron's got some rat buddies that would love to take a bite of such an item." Akagi cackled as her shadow crept toward Mika.

{DANGER!} (Mika)

"I-It was just a joke! Come on! You can laugh about it! It was funny! Hah-Hah-Hah!" Mika backed away slowly, and everyone else just shook their heads, knowing Mika was doomed.

{Rest in Cheese, Mika.} (Naomi)

"I'll make sure to tell your parents that you were eaten by rats." Kana said. "I hope they'll understand that this was something you brought on yourself."

"Mika will get what she deserves for being so mean to the kitty." Yumi huffed. "She was so innocent looking and you took advantage of the fact that she trusted you. So perish." She glared coldly at her.

{EVEN YOU?!?} (Mika)

"Come here, Mika." Akagi cackled as her shadow got closer and closer. "What kind of cheese do you want to be? I can do Gouda or maybe even Swiss!" She snickered.

{Spray cheese is possible, but then you have lewd uses for such a thing and I'm not about to give Mika something akin to a reward.} (Akagi)

"NONE!" Mika screamed as she closed her eyes and braced herself for her cheesy fate. “I DO NOT WISH TO BECOME THE CHEESE!”

“Well, here it comes!” Akagi laughed and Mika flinched.


But rather than becoming a cheese spread on Akagi's cracker, Mika was hit with a water balloon.

"What?" Mika slowly opened her eyes, only to see a torrent of water balloons coming toward her. "What the fuck?!?"


"WHY ARE THEY FILLED WITH GLITTER?!?" Mika screamed as she fell over from the high volume of balloons hitting her. "OH GOD, IT'S EVERYWHERE!"


"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Akagi laughed as an unrelenting number of balloons poured from her shadow. "THAT'S RIGHT! YOU HIT ME WITH CHEESE, SO I HIT YOU WITH FUCKING GLITTER BALLOONS! FEAR THE GLITTER!" She continued cackling as the girls looked on.

{I... Why am I not surprised...} (Kana)

{I've been glitter bombed before and its not fun... Good thing its Mika and not me!} (Naomi)

"Look at the shiny glitter!" Miji's eyes lit up. "Can I go get some?" She looked up at her sister, but before Yumi could answer, Akagi gave stretched out a shadow tendril, gave her a few and told her to pelt Mika with them, which she happily did.

"NOOOOO!" Mika cried out as she was pelted by the balloons, and Miji giggled uncontrollably as she helped to cover Mika in the shiny substance.

"She had this coming, right?" Kana looked over at Naomi.

"Yeah, yeah she did." Naomi sighed. Mika had a habit of bringing punishment on herself, and this was just the latest example.

After a few minutes, Mika was soaked to the bone, and covered from head to toe in glitter. While Miji was triumphantly laughing as she looked upon the blue-haired girl's drenched form.

"It's in places, that glitter should never be." Mika whimpered as she lay on the wet ground, her body completely covered in the shiny substance. “And my hair... Do you have any idea how long it will take to fix all this...”

{I'll be seeing glitter in my bathtub for WEEKS!} (Mika)

"Was it worth it, Mika?" Akagi asked as she tossed a balloon back and forth between her hands.

'Yes!" Mika declared from the ground. "I got to hit you with the cheese, and you acted like one of those cats from the online videos! So it was worth the glitter!"

{What a pain in the ass... But then again, that's what we love about her.} (Kana)

"Onee-chan, please turn her into cheese." Kana shook her head. "Maybe that way we'll get some peace and quiet."

"I could go for some of that spray cheese." Naomi snickered.

{I could make comments about that, but I won't.} (Akagi)

"I'll get some wine!" Yumi laughed.

“I'll eat some cheese!” Miji smiled.

"You idiots told me to do it!" Mika complained that only she was being punished.

"Oh, did they?" Akagi pulled back her arm, ready to throw more balloons.

"Yeah! Sister gave her the idea and everything!" Miji casually ratted out Yumi, and the look in Akagi's eye sent a chill down the Priestess's spine.

"I guess that means I'll have to cover all of you in glitter." Akagi laughed.

"WAIT! We didn't actually do anything!" Kana protested their impending glitter filled doom. "We just thought it would be funny! We didn't think she'd really do it!"


"But you were hoping that she did, right? " Akagi smirked. She knew her sister far too well.

"Yes..." Kana nodded. "Just please make it quick..." She'd resigned herself to her glittery fate but was instead struck in the face with a yellow square of cheese, as were Naomi and Yumi.

"EW!" Naomi shrieked as she peeled it off and threw it on the ground. "WHY IS IT SLIMY?!?"

"OH GOD, ITS STICKY!" Kana freaked out as it oozed down her face.

"It's so nasty!" Yumi screamed. "What kind of cheese is this?!?"


"FEAR THE CHEESE!" Akagi cackled as the girls freaked out over the disgusting attack. "FOR IT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT AND DEADLY PART OF THE DAIRY FOOD GROUP!"

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