The Red Hand

Chapter 211 – A Lesson Learned.

Chapter 211 – A Lesson Learned.

Great Friend

  • So... how is everyone's day going? I hope not as fucking awful as mine...


  • Pretty good actually! I just went on lunch with my coworkers, and we're having buffalo chicken wraps at this cute little bistro!

Great Friend

  • Ok, let me ask this again...How is everyone's day going, who isn't living it up in Dumetor...


  • Not exactly great... but I guess not bad, at least compared to some people I know.

Black Box

  • I had some lady throw a shoe at me at work, so I've had better. Fucking thing left a nice red mark on my leg...


  • I just got fired today because I'm a safety hazard. So I'm about five seconds from making Libra look like a fucking joke.

Great Friend

  • Oh damn... was it because of your powers?


  • No, it was because of my pretty smile... (sarcasm)

Black Box

  • I'm impressed they had the guts to fire you. I'd be terrified of pissing off the six-foot-tall woman whose hands are registered as lethal weapons. (Please don't kill me...)


  • I was two seconds from nuking the building with a single punch, but I decided to be better than that... Seriously I went through all that hell to get my CPA, and now I've got nothing... Also, you're already dead.


  • WHAT?!?


  • Did someone say Libra 2 Electric boogaloo?

Blue Dog

  • Ah yes, trouble herself has arrived...


  • I'm just happy to be here :)


  • Akagi, don't aggravate them...


  • But it's fun! I like riling them up and getting them all excited!


  • Fun for everyone who hasn't had their lives turned upside down...


  • I mean, you can just come here and hang out at my place. At least people won't cause you problems anymore, not to mention we have free cookies! ;)

Blue Dog

  • I don't really want to become one of your minions.

Purple Rose

  • Yeah, you've already tamed the dragon. So do you really need more of us?


  • I swear to god, Mina...


  • Now, now. Don't go making the pet angry. She tends to mess the carpet when she gets excited.


- …


  • Poor Hishya, it must be so hard being leashed by the Demon Lord. Though the scales we farm from her hide are nice.


  • Yeah, I even heard she lives in a dog house and drinks from a water bowl!

Blue Dog

  • Dang, I never knew Hishya was into that kind of play.


  • Keep it up, but remember @Blue Dog. I know where you live.

Blue Dog



  • Mighty Dragon lord, and also cuddly lizard. At least according to Kana...


  • Give me a moment. I need to go kill two idiots.

Hishya has logged out.


  • Well, RIP Kana and Kaori.

Purple Rose.

  • Shouldn't you stop her?


  • Why would I do that? This is far more entertaining.

Purple Rose.

  • Oh wait, forgive me. I forgot that this was you we were talking about. My mistake, for a moment I thought you were a kind and caring person.


  • An understandable mistake, you are forgiven.


  • Fuck it, @Akagi. You got any need for a certified accountant? Because I'm kinda out of options, and I just want to go somewhere and cry...


  • Why not come work with us?


  • Because I don't want to fight anymore, and I'm just so done with people being pricks to me. Some fucking kid called me a murderer yesterday when I was out at dinner with my parents...

Black Box

  • That's fucking rough. But I can relate. Some old man told me to go live with the other monsters, and I'm like I DON'T HAVE POWERS!!!


  • Actually yeah, I don't know crap about accounting and financial stuff like that. I'll have my people get in contact with you. I suspect you'll be doing lots of work as we get the city established.


  • I'm gonna work for the Demon Lord... Oh well... just make sure people don't bother me anymore...


  • I'm sure Tsuchimi will be happy to have someone working alongside her in Omara. She could use a buddy.

Blue Dog

  • Do you really want people who didn't keep their powers too?


  • Yeah. I need people, and preferably people who have at least some prior experience working with magic would be for the best.

Blue Dog

  • Hmmmm. I'ma think about it...

Black Box

  • Hmmmm indeed.

Great Friend

  • I'm kinda interested in that torny though...


  • I think everyone is.


  • Are you gonna come?


  • There is no way I wouldn't.

Purple Rose.

  • Isn't Hishya just gonna win this?


  • Not necessarily. I'm inviting the Spirits to come, and I'm banning Dragon mode. On top of that TKOs are a thing, so winning with strategy is also possible.

Hishya has logged in.


  • Alright, I'm back!


  • Did you kill your girlfriend and that poor girl?


  • I tied them to a tree in the front yard.


  • PFFFF! I guess Sakura will have a buddy!


  • That poor girl has been tied up somewhere every time we've come over...


  • That's usually Chloe's doing, and the Ninja enjoy playing pranks like that on each other. Poor Sakura is just their favorite target.


  • At this point, perhaps she could just quit being a ninja and become a full-time babysitter. What with both Miji and Alice being around her all the time.


  • I honestly think she wouldn't mind. But I don't have the luxury of giving up anyone at the moment.


  • Well, you just had the first marriage between two of your people yesterday, so I imagine you'll be gaining one soon!

Purple Rose

  • PLEASE tell me that Akagi officiated the wedding with an evil speech of darkness.


  • I signed a paper, and that was that. They didn't want a ceremony. Besides, Shora and Ijin were basically already married since before FWO's timeline. So it wasn't really unexpected. Though they did request that I bless their marriage.


  • Yumi told me those two were unbelievably excited about that. I think they're doing some kind of party this week to celebrate.


  • Ah yes, the evil religion of the Demon Lord does potlucks and feasts.


  • Food sounds nice right about now, I wonder what I should make for dinner?


  • Not gonna lie. The cooking they do at the house is crazy good! How they got so amazing is beyond me! *drools thinking about the lasagna Yumi made two nights ago...*


  • That was really good.


  • Ema's cooking is also really good. Maybe it's an NPC thing?


  • Nope. Chloe and Marshal couldn't cook to save their lives. In fact, I think their cooking would count as poison in FWO.


  • Oh god... Please never put Chloe on kitchen duty again! When she was on punishment, I remember when she made us lunch that one day and it was horrible.


  • Good thing I don't need to eat, so I just tossed it onto the other side of the planet.


  • I'm just now imagining some poor person getting whacked with a plate of wet food out of nowhere.


  • Hey vampy, catch!

Blue Dog

  • She's not really gonna throw something and hit Mixu all the way from Kyoto... right?


  • Oh, she fucking just did...


  • What was it?


  • I don't wanna say...


  • I threw a dog treat at her.


  • LMFAO!


  • I hate you...

Purple Rose

  • That's some aim.

After a bit more teasing and discussion, Akagi logged off the group forum and decided to check out what Hishya did to her sister and Kaori.

"Well, well, well. Look what the Dragon dragged in." Akagi laughed as she looked at the hilarious picture of Kana and Kaori tied to the trunk of one of the trees at the estate. Each girl was bound with a very strong rope, and around their necks hang a small sign with a bit of writing. Kana's said I Spread Lies, while Kaori's said I Repeat Lies. Clearly, the Dragon did not appreciate her embarrassing habits being spread to the wider world.

"Please untie us..." Kana said with a defeated voice.

"I don't know..." Akagi cackled. "I might just leave you there for a few more hours."

"I need to go to the bathroom..." Kaori squeaked and her face contorted in pain.

"Just break out. I'm sure you could if you tried." Akagi was still laughing at her sister.

"That was the first thing I did, and it didn't work." Kana sighed. "This isn't normal rope. Hishya said they were made of some monster's hair."

"Oh yeah, Nayral rope! it's tougher than tungsten." Akagi chuckled as she walked over and ripped the rope apart.

"BATHROOM!" Kaori ran at full speed into the closest building, kicking up a dust cloud behind her a she ran.

"She was probably about five minutes from exploding." Kana sighed. "She just had lunch right before Hishya tied us up, and a very big helping of water."

{I need to give that girl such a verbal lashing for spilling the beans! Don't go dragging me down with you, Kaori!} (Kana)

"You really need to learn your lesson, Kana." Akagi smirked. "That Dragon is more than capable of paying you back for your actions."

"She goes overboard. I only told Kaori a little." Kana grinned, she thought it might have been worth it to see Hishya embarrassed.

"You see, ordinarily, I would condemn spreading embarrassing information about people just to see them squirm." Akagi started cackling. "But since it's Hishya, I will hold my tongue."

"Listen, if I told you half the embarrassing things that lizard does, she'd probably bury herself in a hole and never come out." Kana cackled as well.

{Onee-chan isn't the only one who likes pets!} (Kana)

"I wouldn't doubt it. For all her high and mighty attitude, the little Dragon is quite the cute little thing." Akagi continued. "In FWO, she frequented a special little cafe that had all kinds of fluffy monsters and creatures you could play with. Not to mention she liked the giant fluffy beds you could jump on."

"I'd believe it!" Kana nodded along. "Her pillow hoard is probably her favorite thing, but she loves anything cute, fluffy, and adorable."

"Which is why she has struggled to keep herself from petting me." Akagi laughed.

"I know, right!" Kana agreed. "She thinks she's slick, but everyone can tell that she's dying on the inside when you go cat mode around her." She continued to laugh. "When we caught her playing with you the other day, I thought she was going to die of embarrassment!"

{The fact that she was playing tug of war with Onee-chan with that sock was fucking hysterical.} (Kana)

"Do I have to drop you on a mountain to keep you quiet?!?" Hishya said as she approached the two sisters.

"EEEP!" Kana hid behind her sister. "The scary Dragon is here to eat me!"

"No domestic violence allowed in the house, Hishya." Akagi stuck out her tongue.

"Not even if I let you watch?" Hishya smirked.

"Hmmmm." Akagi thought about it for a moment.

"Onee-chan?!?" Kana couldn't believe that her sister was thinking about allowing this.

{Traitor!} (Kana)

"I'll have to decline, but you've my permission to bust out some clown stuff if she gets too bad." Akagi grinned.

"NOOOO!" Kana shrank behind her sister.

"That might be necessary." Hishya nodded. “She's been getting pretty uppity lately. Perhaps I need to get a crew together and chase her around dressed as clowns.”

"I will end you, lizard!" Kana growled.

"We can put on a lovely circus and force Kana to watch! All with a front-row seat and everything." Hishya cackled.

"I already have our star performer." Akagi winked.

"Oh yeah, that's right! You and Alice made Bonko!" Hishya laughed, she'd gone to see the bear for herself and found it hilarious.

"Bonko?!?" Kana's entire body tensed. "Why do I not like the sound of that name?!?"

{That sounds like a clown from hell!} (Kana)

"He's cute." Akagi smiled. "I think you and he will get along swimmingly."

"Yeah, I think Kana would love the circus." Hishya stuck out her tongue.

"Show me a clown, and I will end both of you!" Kana hissed.

"Should I turn into one?" As Akagi mused over the decision, Kana smacked her on the back of the head.

“Do it and this world will be Demon Lord free!” Kana declared through grit teeth.

“Oh, the Princess is angry.” Hishya laughed.

“Its not becoming of a Princess to act in such a manner, Kana.” Akagi turned around with a massive smirk.

“Evil Princess!” Himari laughed.

“Himari, you're on doorstop duty for the day!” Kana growled.

“Nooooo.” Himari cried.

“The Evil Princess abuses her friends!” Hishya said with fake shock. “We must defeat her and liberate the people from her tyranny!”

“Indeed!” Akagi nodded.

“WHY MUST YOU TWO PICK ON ME?!?” Kana cried out in dispair as Akagi pat her on the head.

“Because its fun!” (Akagi x Hishya)

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