The Red Hand

Chapter 210 – The Tickle Monster.

Chapter 210 – The Tickle Monster.

Once the formal ceremonies and such were completed, Akagi and the Prime Minster moved to have a short joint press conference. The Demon navigated about as well as possible, trying to assuage people's fears and lay out her plans for her new nation. The Prime Minster himself was hammered with questions, and Akagi could tell that he was at the end of his rope. Thus she moved to cut the press conference short with a small twin announcement.

"Before we finish up here today, I would like to make two announcements." Akagi's words caused the muttering among the reporters to stop. "First, I am formally inviting all those who survived our time in Free World Online to apply for Citizenship in the Kingdom of Dumetor. The illogical persecution and anger towards these innocent people have been something that I've kept an eye on over the last year, and unfortunately, it seems that rather than re-integrate into society many have been cast out." Tsuchimi had been the first person to formally seek refuge in Dumetor, and Akagi knew that many others were in similar positions. "Any and all survivors, even those who did not retain their abilities, are welcome in my new home." Akagi smiled. "A member of my government will follow up with details regarding the admission process and such later, so keep an eye out for that."

{Now we wait and see just how many answer the call.} (Akagi)

"Does this mean you wish to monopolize the returnees?" Reporter Kirika asked unprompted, which earned her a large number of angry stares.

"No, I do not need more power." Akagi laughed. "I simply... I don't..." She paused for a moment before continuing. "Something about those who went through so much hardship and pain being given nothing but further suffering is just not sitting right with me is all." Even she didn't understand her own feelings on the matter, but just chose not to question it.

"So you just want to... help them?" Kirika asked, unsure of her own question.

"Yes." Akagi nodded. "I don't intend to conscript them or even force them to use their abilities for my own needs." She continued. "If they wanted to be left alone in peace, then that's what I'd do."

"I see..." Kirika nodded. "And please excuse my rudeness." She apologized as she sat back down.

{That lady is something else. Who the hell else would blurt out a question to any high-ranking official out of turn? Especially in a situation like this} Akagi appreciated Kirika's fire.

"I take no issue with it, so it's fine." Akagi smiled. "And as for my second announcement." She snapped her fingers and went into Demon Lord Mode. "I am pleased to announce that to commemorate the founding of my Kingdom. Dumetor will be hosting a tournament." She continued. "In one month, we shall host a contest of strength between this world and Omara's best. Anyone is allowed to enter, not just returnees and Spirits. Details will be forthcoming, so keep your ear to the ground. And of course, the victor will be granted a worthwhile reward." She grinned. "The winner will receive... a wish." Her words caused a stir. "My power is great, and I can do MANY things. So I figured what better incentive for a good competition than to grant the victor whatever they wanted, within reason of course." Akagi laughed. "I won't do something that interferes with my own designs of course, and I do have my limits so don't go asking the impossible. So keep those things in mind while you theory craft, and I hope to see as many competitors as possible." She cackled as she vanished in front of the audience.


<Kana POV>

"Did she really have to make that kind of an exit..." Kana sighed as she and her class watched the news in class. “Couldn't she just walk out all smiles for the camera?”

"I mean, this is Akagi..." Naomi was trying hard not to laugh as she whispered to her. “It would be out of character if she did this whole thing by the book.”

"I was hoping she'd do the entire thing in cat mode." Mika whispered as she giggled. The thought of the Japanese Prime Minister doing this entire event with a catgirl was simply too much for her and she started laughing.

{That would have been simultaneously embarrassing and... and also very funny...} Kana couldn't admit to her friends that she would have liked to see such a sight. If nothing else, the hilarity of watching the Prime Minster go through all this formality for a catgirl would have probably counteracted her dying on the inside from seeing her sister do something so stupid.

"I wonder if Lady Akagi would take me in?" Misha asked herself quietly, though the girls still overheard her.

{Why did Onee-chan have to break Misha... She was such a good girl before, and now she's...} Kana sighed. Misha's brush with death and subsequent 'awakening' had caused her to change immensely, at least on this one issue. Beyond her whole obsession with the Demon Lord, she was otherwise normal, at least Kana hoped that was the case. {I know Onee-chan didn't do this on purpose, but I still feel bad...}

"The cult will soon have its newest Priestess!" Mika whispered while laughing.

"It's not funny, Mika!" Kana scolded her. "Misha is messed up because of what happened, so don't be laughing!"

"At this point, there isn't anything we can do about it, so just leave Misha alone." Naomi interjected. "She seems happy, so I think it's fine."

{Yeah... sure... happy...} Kana glanced over at the girl who had a big smile on her face as she imagined working for her Lady in Dumetor.


"So, how does it feel to leave Japan for the first time?" Akagi asked Mika as Yumi pet her on the head. She'd come home directly after the events at the Diet, leaving Kukurihime to handle her part alone.

"Honestly, I'm not impressed." Mika answered as she took a seat on the couch across from her. They'd gotten out of school just a bit ago, and came to the estate to meet the newest 'monarch' in all the world.

"Yeah." Naomi agreed. "I was expecting the Demon Kingdom to have a bit more in the way of evil castles, moats of lava, and maybe some screams of the dammed. Its too quaint and cutesy here for my taste."

"Smart assess..." Akagi sighed as Yumi scratched her ears. "I guess I could ask Silfana for decoration advice. She did have some pretty horror-esque design within her land."

{Maybe I need lava sharks with laser eyes to keep out the intruders?} (Akagi)

"What, no cat theme?" Kana asked as she came from the kitchen spinning a water bottle in her hand. "You might as well show the world your true self." She pointed to her sister being scratched as a Catkagi.

"You have no idea how tempted I was to go to this whole thing looking like this." Akagi smirked.

"I KNEW IT!" Kana exclaimed. "I knew that was on your mind!"

{I hate that I wish you would've done it too!} (Kana)

"You should have." Mika laughed. "That would have been amazing!"

"It would have been an interesting event if she did." Naomi was also giggling. "Everyone would be acting super serious and respectful as they spoke to the Demon Kitty about her new nation of evil."

"When nyi nyexterminyate humyanity, nyi'll myake sure I'm nyas kanyaii nyas possible meow~!"

[When I exterminate humanity, I'll make sure I'm as cute as possible!] Akagi spoke in nyanspeak, which made everyone but Yumi cringe.

"Please don't do that again..." (Mika x Naomi x Kana)

"You have no idea how much hearing that kind of speech... hurts..." Kana sighed. She could barely understand Ara when she spoke like that. Former NPCs and players had no problem understanding cat speak, but people from Earth or Omara were left bewildered by the catgirl's words.

"I know, but it was funny." Akagi laughed.

"And it was cute." Yumi giggled. "You should do that more often."

"NOOOO!" (Kana x Mika x Naomi)

"Yumi, don't you dare encourage her!" Kana scolded her. "If you get her to start doing it with you, it will spread, and we don't want that." She couldn't imagine living with a Catkagi doing that 24/7.

"But the kitty girl speaking all funny is so cute!" Yumi hugged onto Akagi. “Do it again, kitty!”

“MEW!” Akagi gave a meow, rather than speak in cat.

"This is the one thing I won't relent on!" Kana was putting her foot down. "No cat speak! Please! Otherwise I will kick your ass!"

"Don't worry." Akagi smiled. "I won't do it. I don't really like it myself, to be honest."

"Thank god..." Mika sighed. "I want kitty, but I don't want kitty to start speaking like that." While she did find it cute, it was also very annoying.

"Yeah, please just stick to meowing like you already do." Naomi agreed. “I like kitty meows best.”

"MEW! MEW!" Akagi meowed as Yumi started to rub her. "Oh yeah, before I forget. Kana, I'm borrowing your girlfriend for a few days."

"What are you doing to poor Hishya?" Kana sighed, figuring that Hishya was doomed.

"This time, it's going to be fun, so don't worry." Akagi smiled. "We're gonna go exploring in Omara for a few days, kinda like we used to do back in the day."

"Oh... good." Kana was relieved to hear her girlfriend wouldn't be returning as boots. "I was worried it would be some kind of crazy thing where you like... I don't know, throw her into planets for kicks."

{Wait, this time?} (Kana)

"So mean!" Akagi cried out in fake outrage. "What kind of person do you think I am?"

"Think? More like know." Kana rolled her eyes. "You do all sorts of things to people because you find it fun, so don't try acting all innocent. My skepticism of you is completely warranted, and you know it." She'd seen what happens to those who Akagi 'played with.'

"Do you see this?" Akagi looked to Mika and Naomi for help. "My little sister is being so mean to me! She thinks her big sister is some kind of evil monster that takes pleasure in tormenting people! Isn't that awful of her?!?"

"No." (Mika x Naomi x Yumi)

"Why did you say no?!?" Akagi glared at the Priestess.

"Because it was funny." Yumi giggled. "And also because Kana is dead on when it comes to you and your antics. Even you can't deny her words ring true."

"See! Even Yumi knows you're trouble!" Kana said with a smug look.

{Evil kitty is evil, and even your partner in crime won't try and deny it!} (Kana)

"Such meanies!" Akagi huffed. "Perhaps I should unleash the tickling!" She threatened the girls with her most powerful weapon.

"I think your tickles are banned under international law as a war crime." Mika shivered as she moved away from the danger, recalling the time she let Akagi tickle her, which was something that she'd immediately regretted.

"Fear the tickles!" Akagi wiggled her fingers toward Mika as she cackled manically.

"No tickles!" Yumi chopped her on the head. "Bad Kitty!"

"Owchi! Yumi has committed kitty abuse! Is no one going to stick up for me?!?" Akagi looked to her friends for support, but was ignored.

"Is it really that bad?" Naomi was the only one who never experienced Akagi's tickling before, and had no idea how bad it was.

"YES!" (Mika x Kana x Himari x Yumi)

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