The Red Hand

Chapter 140 – Using the Demon Lord.

Chapter 140 – Using the Demon Lord.


3 today! Thank you so much for getting us to FIRST on trending!!!!!!!!

"Why are people always so stupid?" Akagi sighed. She was still wrapped around Yumi and had made both of them invisible with her ability. "I really want to go out and slap that kid silly, but I'm not in the best headspace at the moment. Going out right now would probably just make things worse."

{And honestly with my current stress levels, I'm probably one stupid comment away from killing people. So lets not go out there and tempt fate.} (Akagi)

"Should I go say something instead?" Yumi asked.

"That would also be a bad idea. You're directly related to me, and if one of those fucks attacked you or even just insulted you...." She didn't finish. "We'll just have to let Kana and the girls handle this one."

{We might be running out of time though. People's fear of returnees is bleeding further into society. At this rate, I don't know if those three will be able to lead even semi-normal lives anymore.} (Akagi)


"Libra has been defeated, and Onee-chan doesn't want to hurt people. You all have nothing to fear!" Kana tried to reason with them. "Please, all your doing is making things worse. Treating innocent people like pariahs will make them resent society and turn to crime! That's how we got Libra in the first place!"

"If it weren't for people like you, my uncle would still be alive!" (Student A)

"Yeah, and my friend was killed because of freaks like you!" (Student B)

"Those people should have all just died in that game and done the world a favor!" (Student C)

Seeing the other students jump on the anti-returnee bandwagon, Hito smirked.

"I told you! We're sick of living in fear, and we don't want people like you around. So leave and never return!" As he said this, some students cheered in agreement.

Hearing all the commotion, a group of teachers and staff came out to see what was going on. After a bit of effort, they managed to disperse the students, and Kana, Mika, Naomi, and Hito were brought to the principal's office. Akagi and Yumi followed unnoticed, keen to see what was going to happen.

Principal Erika Fubuki was an older woman, in her seventies. She'd been doing this job for a long time and had a history of being strict and inflexible. The girls had never been called to the office before and were a bit intimidated by her.

"This situation is getting out of hand." The older woman grumbled. "Hito I understand you and the other students' fears, but you have no right to harass people. You even went as far as to push Ms. Mika on the ground, a criminal action I might add, thus there will be punishment for your actions.” Mika's leg had only bled a bit, and Kana placed a band-aide on the scrape.

"Principle Fubuki, you must understand how we all feel." Hito was irritated with her. "These three are dangerous and we all feel unsafe with them at school. Not only is Kana related to such a horrible person, but she herself is a monster!”

{I don't know how Onee-chan puts up with being called that word...} (Kana)

"Be that as it may, your actions are inappropriate and unbecoming of a student of this school. These are difficult times, but we cannot allow fear to overtake reason. Ms. Kana has been an exemplary student during her time here, that she has some interesting abilities or ancestry is of no concern in an academic setting. Similarly, Ms. Naomi and Ms. Mika have never caused any problems during their time here. There are no rules which forbid a student from pursuing magic as an extracurricular activity, and thus you have no right to demand they leave the school." She shook her head. "Mr. Hito I will decide on your punishment later, so you are dismissed." She waved Hito away, who grumbled as he left the office.

Principal Fubuki let out a big sigh when he left the office. "I never imagined I'd need to have a discussion about fear of supernatural powers in my lifetime. But I guess we can't exactly predict the future now, can we." She let out a dry laugh.

{This world really is going to hell, isn't it?} (Fubuki)

"I understand why they're so scared, but if they'd just listen to reason..." Kana shook her head.

{There's no danger from any of us, but if they keep acting like this... its going to CREATE problems.} (Kana)

"Unfortunately, not all are like you. You understand the cold logic of things, analyzed the threat these abilities and their wielders pose to the world, and determined that fear is unnecessary. However, people's emotions are not logical, Ms. Kana, and I know you understand that." Principal Fubuki smiled.

"I thought things had settled down a bit after Libra was defeated, but I guess they were just hiding their fear and anger under facades." Naomi commented. "I can't believe I misjudged the other students."

"Yes, and unfortunately due to the nature of this situation, things have become rather difficult." The principal gripped the bridge of her nose. "No matter how much I or the staff tell the students to behave, or instruct them on their attitudes. It won't stop them from repeating the events of earlier."

"Are you going to kick us out?" Mika asked quietly.

"No." The principal shook her head. "I do not have the authority to do so, and wouldn't even if I could. You three have done nothing wrong, and punishing you would only embolden such foolish behavior. I wish you were in your final year, if that were the case, I'd just tell you to go home early, and you'd be graduated with no issue. But I cannot do that with over a year left in your education."

{I might be able to push through such a thing, but it would get blow back from the board. Kana is more than qualified for graduation, while the other two lack her level of genius.} (Fubuki)

"So what should we do?" Kana said. "I know I said Onee-chan isn't an issue, but if one of them goes too far... Well, I don't think she'd kill anyone, but her getting involved wouldn't be good."

{She joked about scaring people, but I don't know how far her patience will last.} (Kana)

"It's strange hearing about her causing all this trouble. The last time I met your sister, she was just a quiet girl with a dark cloud hanging over her head and an attitude problem. It's hard to believe she's the same person I met all those years ago." She laughed.

"All it took was finding out what I really wanted to be in life, just like you told me." Akagi appeared behind the three girls, startling them.

"How long were you here?!?" Kana exclaimed.

{Did you follow us?!?} (Kana)

"Yumi and I never left. We watched that whole display from afar, since we didn't want to make things worse, and we stayed out of the argument and followed you into the office after the teachers showed up." Akagi looked at Principal Fubuki. "It's been a while." She greeted her.

"Yes it has, and you've grown into, well, I want to say a fine young woman, but I don't think that necessarily applies to you." The principal sighed.

"I'd say I became a fine Demon." Akagi laughed. "I've got all the basics of the trade down."

"Yes, the least problematic problem child has now become my biggest headache." She shook her head. "I don't know what's worse, having your grandfather breathing down my neck over you, or dealing with your new attitude."

"Who knows." Akagi shrugged. "The old man was a gigantic prick. But he's gone now, so you don't need to worry about him." Akagi grinned.

"Yes well, discussion of your kin slaying aside. What do you want? I doubt you appeared for no reason." Principal Fubuki figured Akagi was here with a purpose.

"I just want to make sure these three idiots are fine." Akagi shrugged. "My actions haven't exactly made things easy on them, and I don't want their lives turned completely upside down because of me."

{So a small amount is fine?} (Kana x Mika x Naomi)

"Well, I'm afraid there is little we can do to change the past. Not unless those powers of yours allow the rewinding of time, in which case I've got a list of things for you to change.” The principal laughed.

“It's on my list.” Akagi chuckled.

"Unfortunate. But getting back on topic, while I can tell you they will not be removed from the school, I can do little to stop the students from harassing them. As sad as that is to admit." She gave a bitter smile.

{A principal that cannot protect her own students, how low have I fallen.} (Fubuki)

"And we don't exactly want to leave." Kana said, and the girls agreed. They wanted to finish school, even if it would be hard on them. "Nor do we want to be placed in a separate class all alone." She sighed. "I think we'll have no choice but to just suck it up and deal with it. At least until graduation next year."

“That is most likely the only option, I'm sorry.” Fubuki groaned

"I hate that it comes down to that, but I've got no options that won't drastically mess with your lives." Akagi sighed. "Funny, I've got all the power in the world, but fixing this seems to be beyond me." She gave a dry laugh.

"So even the mighty Demon Lord is powerless in some situations." Mika smirked. "Nice to know even you have some weaknesses."

"It's not that I'm powerless, you smartass." She flicked Mika on the forehead.

"Owchi!" She cried in pain.

"It's just that my solutions would require things you three don't want. I do feel bad since this is my fault, to begin with." Akagi's attack on Camp Katsura is what caused a large chunk of this mess in the first place. Though, she didn't regret her actions.

Kana thought for a moment before she got an evil look on her face. "I have an idea."

"Scary Kana has arrived!" (Mika x Naomi)

"If we can't convince them not to be afraid, then why don't we make them so terrified they don't dare do anything?" Kana chuckled.

"I don't exactly think I can sign off on some kind of drastic action." The principal tried to interject, but was ignored.

"What was your idea?" Akagi asked. She was more than happy to be Kana's partner in crime.

"I was thinking something like this." Kana explained her plan, which made Akagi's eyes sparkle.

"Scary Kana has gotten scarier!" (Mika x Naomi)

{I really should've retired last year when I had the chance...} (Fubuki)


The girls returned to their classroom just in time for homeroom to begin. The other students were wary of them, and they could hear whispers and other comments as they took their seats.

"They're still here?" (Student 1)

"I wish they'd just leave." (Student 2)

Just after the second bell rang, the homeroom teacher was called out and the students began to chat amongst themselves until the door opened once again. But this time it was not the homeroom teacher that returned, it was someone far less fun.

"Hello, everyone." Akagi arrived in full Demon Lord mode. "It's been a long time since I've been in one of these rooms. I'd say it's nostalgic, but that would be a lie." She laughed demonically as she sat on the teacher's desk. The other students started shaking and panicking, a few even tried to flee the room, but found the doors were sealed shut. "Where did all that confidence from earlier go? You were all more than happy to trash those three, but the moment a bigger fish shows up you start wetting your pants." She looked at Hito who was both angry and scared.

"I believe I warned you that my patience, while large, is not infinite, Hito." She smirked. "So here's what's going to happen." She clapped her hands and took the entire classroom into her shadow, causing the students to freak out. "You lot as well as the entire rest of the student body are going to agree to leave these three alone. You don't have to be friends with them, and all I'm asking for is basic civility, like two divorced parents who hate one another but act normal for the kid's sake." Kana thought that was oddly specific, but stayed quiet. "Just do that until those three graduate next year, that's all I ask."

"A-and if we don't." Hito asked while stammering.

Akagi gave an evil smile. "I'm glad you asked! If you refuse, then I'm more than happy to stick you and your entire families in the same fun place that Armalthy is currently enjoying." She cackled as she snapped her fingers and opened a small black window, through which you could hear Armalthy's horrific screams. "He's having fun being tortured for all eternity. Since he's just a soul, I can keep him alive and sane! Ain't it nice!" Akagi's smile showed she enjoyed listening to him scream, and the sound horrified the students. The Demon allowed the screams to linger a bit before closing the window, returning silence back to the room. "Now, what will it be? Will you cut the crap and act like reasonable human beings? Or will you require an eternity of torment in my happy farm? Honestly, I don't care which you choose. I win either way."

Mika and Naomi knew what the plan was, but this still surprised them. They knew Akagi wasn't acting, and she was dead serious about her threats. Though funny enough, they weren't exactly disturbed by the whole situation.

{I don't like it in here.} Himari complained to Kana. The inside of Akagi's shadow was not a pleasant place for the holy sword, but this was Kana's plan. A Demon Lord is a terrifying existence whose mere presence causes mortals to quake in fear. Kana figured that if she had her sister put on just a bit of a show, the other students would buckle. If they wouldn't show a basic level of respect and decency, she'd get them to fear her.

{She really is the Demon Princess, isn't she...} (Mika x Naomi)

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