The Red Hand

Chapter 115 – Seeing the Parents Again.

Chapter 115 – Seeing the Parents Again.


2 Chaps!

A little while later, the girls finished up their movie, and after a bit more discussion, Akagi, Kana and Naomi decided to head home as it was starting to get late. They still had school tomorrow, and wanted to get home at a decent time. Before they left, Mika's parents told Akagi she was always welcome, and Shinobu even gave her a hug, which embarrassed the Demon. There was a warmth to their words that touched Akagi's heart, though ironically while it made her feel joy, it also ignited her anger at Taichi and Shima for how they never treated her like this.

{Is this what its like to have parents?} Akagi thought to herself as she left the house.

Naomi opted to call her driver rather than have Akagi take her home, since she wanted to do some work during the drive, so Kana and Akagi left the house together. Akagi opted to stay in her usual form, and Kana found it funny to see her wearing a t-shirt and shorts in the cold. A few passers by on the sidewalk found it strange, and there was some people who stared at the girl wearing shorts in such cold weather.

"Do you feel better now?" Kana asked her sister as they walked along the sidewalk. “I know you stopped yourself from crying earlier, you really shouldn't do that by the way, but are you good now? No more questioning if your friends really are your friends?”

“I do feel better, and yes I now understand that those two aren't just sticking around because they're afraid of me.” Akagi gave a wry smile. “Having all these mental issues is really a pain in the ass. I'd hoped that by becoming whole many would go away, but it seems life isn't that kind.”

"Good." Kana smiled. "And remember, you can always talk to me. It's the least I can do."

{I'm partially responsible for how messed up you've become, its only fair I do what I can to help you.} (Kana)

"Thanks. I really do have the best little sister in the world." Akagi scratched her cheek.

"Yes, you do." Kana nodded her head vigorously. "And don't you forget it!"

"So, what do you want to do now? Head home? It's getting kind of late, and I know you wanted to review for that math quiz." Akagi asked. They still had time before the sun went down.

Kana thought for a moment. "Yeah, I think we can-"Akagi cut her off.

"You don't want to stop and see your parents? The house isn't that far from here." (Akagi)

{I know you must want to, its been months since you've seen them.} (Akagi)

"I can't ask you to do that!" Kana exclaimed.

{We finally got some progress on your mental health, I don't want to risk that!} (Kana)

“I know you want to see them...” Akagi wasn't happy with that answer.

"It's fine. I text them every day." She put on a smile, but Akagi knew she wanted to visit them. “So we don't need to go. I know how much you hate them, so its best if I stay away from them.”

"Kana, just because I hate them doesn't mean you have to keep them at arm's length. I won't get mad if you go see them, and it's only natural for you to want to." Akagi gave a wry smile.

"Let's go over, I'll be hiding in your shadow since I have no interest in speaking to those two. And also, my very presence will probably cause issues." She could leave Kana there alone, but she was worried about that the family might do some thing.

"Thanks." Kana said quietly.

"They're your parents, Kana. You don't need to thank me for anything. If you want to see them, then go. You don't need my permission." Akagi sighed. "I've told you that before. You might live with me, but that doesn't give me any right to control what you do or who you spend time with."

{She's about as stubborn as I am...} (Akagi)

Kana nodded. She knew that, but it was still hard to come to terms with all her emotions on the subject, and still felt like having a good relationship with her parents was tantamount to betraying her sister. The two walked for about twenty minutes before arriving in front of the house. Akagi hugged Kana and hopped into her shadow to prevent issues. She'd be fully aware of what was going on and was ready to jump into action at a moment's notice. Kana told her parents she'd be coming to visit on the walk over, though she refrained from mentioning anything about Akagi.

The outside of the house looked as normal as it ever did, and Kana could tell that Shima had been decorating as there was a variety of different ornaments and other things in the small front yard. It reminded Kana of a happier time, where she'd play with Shima as she decorated around the house.

Taking a deep breath to psych herself up, Kana opened the door and headed inside. "I'm here-" She was cut off by a sudden hug from her mother, it was so fast that it surprised Kana.

"Kana!" Shima hugged her tight. "You really came. I'm so glad..."

"Uhh, yeah, I'm here." Kana gave a wry smile. "It's good to see you again, Mom." Kana hadn't seen either of her parents for months. When she left with Akagi, she'd intentionally distanced herself from the two of them out of anger at their actions and concern for her sister. They'd tried to get her to come home a few times, but Kana always put her foot down. She didn't want to kick them out of her life completely, but she still hadn't sorted out her feelings.

"I thought I'd never see you again." Shima squeezed her. “When I heard what happened at the mall...” They'd seen about the attack and knew Kana planned on being there that day.

"Yeah, we've been so worried about you this whole time." Taichi came down the hall and hugged her too. After a moment, the three of them went into the kitchen where Shima prepared some tea, and they sat at the kitchen table.

{Seems they really did miss her...} (Akagi)

"So, things at school have been going well? Have you been eating good? Has anyone caused you any problems?" Shima shot out a variety of questions out of nervousness. She was a bit unsure of what to say or how to act with her daughter, as funny as that was. Seeing how emotional her mother was, Kana decided to play along and answer questions about what she'd been doing, her time in school and other more mundane things. Eventually Kana told them about Hishya, and how she'd begun dating the dragon girl. Both Akagi and her sister could tell that neither Shima or Taichi were happy with this turn of events, but they held their tongues.

After a bit, the discussion shifted to the inevitable topic of Akagi. Something Kana was dreading.

"So where is, um, you know who?" Shima asked. She didn't exactly want to say Akagi or Rishia.

"Onee-chan is around." Kana emphasized the first word. "If you won't call her your daughter, at least have the decency to call her by her name." She was a bit annoyed.

{Seriously, have these two not changed at all?} (Kana)

"Uh-" Taichi didn't know what to say. "She hasn't done anything strange to you, right?"

{I mean she was imprinted on by me and perhaps I've skewed her common sense, but that's not exactly strange is it?} (Akagi)

"No, she hasn't." Kana shook her head. "Contrary to what you might think, Onee-chan is quite overprotective of me, and while I've been staying with her, I've not wanted for anything." Akagi was more than happy to spoil Kana.

{I have a feeling that if I let her, she'd probably spoil me rotten. It took so much effort to convince her to at least CAP the amount of money she gives me as an allowance, and its still more than I can reasonably use...} (Kana)

"Besides, it was her idea to come here and speak with you. We were hanging out at Mika's house, and she pushed me to stop here since it was close. She told me it wasn't right to ignore you and I'll admit I did miss you two." Kana said.

"Oh... I'm glad you came." Shima didn't really know how to take that. "I was worried she wouldn't let you see us again."

{I'm surprised. I expected that monster to hold her hostage and keep her away from us.} (Shima)

"Yeah, seeing her on T.V. the other week really hammered home that she was never our child. There's no way a monster like that could be our daughter. I mean, she ate people and did such horrible things, she truly is an inhuman creature. How dare she pretend to be our child!" Taichi was angry.

Kana sighed. "You two... I swear. " She got even more irritated. "Onee-chan has been so nice to the two of you, and yet you still act like this!" She continued. "She hates the two of you, and I can't blame her! All you do is degrade her and push her away! It's funny because when we went to Mika's house today, her parents accepted her with open arms and no issues! They didn't care what she looked like or what she was, they were just glad to see Mika had a friend that cared about her!" Kana wasn't done. "I was hoping that you might have had a change of heart after everything. That maybe you realized what you'd done to her! But I see you're just as bad as you were all those months ago!"

"Kana, please understand," Shima spoke. "That thi-" She stopped when Kana glared. "Akagi is not a good being. She's a monster! You've seen what she can do and what she did to those people! Terrorists or not!”

{What do you see in that creature? That thing is not your sister, she's a monster that's just pretending to care about you! I'm sure that one day she'll kill you too!} (Shima)

“How on earth can we accept something like that as a child of ours? It's hard enough seeing you beside her, let alone accept something like her as our own!” Shima fought back. “I know I told you that the family was plotting something and that you were safer with her, but as your mom, I'm still worried about you!"

{Please understand that we only want what's best for you and to keep you safe.} (Shima)

"Your mother is right." Taichi spoke. "You don't belong with her, Kana. You're a normal person, and you should stay away from someone like her. Who knows what might happen if you stay with her! She'll probably kill you, or even turn you into a creature like her! As your parents, do you know how awful its been everyday? Praying that we don't see you on T.V. killing people?"

{You two have no right to try and pull the parents card!} (Akagi)

"You're right, at least partially.” Kana's face went dark and she gave a quiet laugh. "Onee-chan is different, she isn't human and she does things that I personally find objectionable. But that's what's different between you and I.” Kana glared at them. “You turned your back on your own daughter because she's different, because she had issues. You didn't even try to work with her, to understand just who she is or why she acts like she does. Heck you're both responsible for what she is today. But me? I've always been by her side, perhaps not as much as I could or should have been, but infinitely more than you two. And I plan on staying, its what I both must and need to do. For while I might not know what will happen if I stay. I do know what happens if I leave her." Kana's face got dark.

"What do you mean?" Shima asked.

"She kills you, both of you. And perhaps so many more people..." Kana said quietly. "I'm not sure why, but I was granted a vision of a world in which I never existed. In that world, Onee-chan went mad because of her power. She had no one to confide in or keep her sane, and thus when it came time to confront the darkness within her heart, she gave in..." That dream was still fresh in her mind and was a constant reminder of what Akagi was capable of.

"That's..." Shima didn't know what to say.

{S-she would actually kill us? R-really?} (Shima)

"I watched her kill you in that vision, mom." Kana said this causing Shima's eyes to widen in shock. "She burned Kyoto to the ground and even killed Mika. The entire world was doomed, all because I wasn't there to help her in her time of need. So when you tell me to leave, you're effectively telling me to chance this worlds destruction. Onee-chan would probably be fine, but I don't think its worth the risk. Plus, even if the world isn't destroyed, Onee-chan needs me and I want to be there to help her come to grips with the trauma in her mind, and at least try to undo some of the damage you've done to her."

Both Taichi and Shima couldn't speak as they were completely shocked by Kana's statement.

"The two of you nearly caused this world to be destroyed with your actions!" Kana's anger had reached a boiling point. "You pushed Onee-chan to the point that she would willingly give into the hatred in her heart and allow the darkness to take over!” She continued.” Lucky for us, Onee-chan isn't like that in the real world. She's had me and so many other people to rely on, but things were much closer than they should have been. When she was confronted with that darkness in this timeline, she was able to cast it away and retain what's left of her sanity. But make no mistake." Kana leaned in across the table. "Onee-chan is still capable of making that vision become reality. Except this time... this time she'd be in her right mind when she did it, and that... that would be far worse."

Kana knew just what kind of twisted mind her sister had, and the hell she could unleash if she so chose to. The display the other day only solidified Kana's view that her sister needed someone to anchor her down and keep her stable, a job she was perfect for. "Right now, Onee-chan just wants to enjoy a peaceful life with me and her people. But if push comes to shove, I won't talk her out of doing whatever is necessary to protect what she cares about. Her happiness is my highest priority right now, and that means I care more about her than you two." Kana's face turned serious. "I don't hate you, but I am disappointed in you! I'd hoped this would be a much better discussion, that perhaps you'd changed a bit and maybe at least a small amount of reconciliation could happen, but it seems the two of you learned nothing in my absence!" She slammed down on the table in anger.

"Kana." Shima looked at her. "I'm sorry. I've failed you as your mother. Perhaps you're right, perhaps..."

{Is... is she really right... did we...} Shima pushed these thoughts away.

Kana shook her head. "You didn't fail me. You failed Onee-chan, and you will never get a chance to fix that mistake." She was right, no matter how much of a change of heart her mother had, Akagi would sooner kill her than forgive her.

"Just... be careful ok. I still don't know what your grandfather is up to, but knowing him, it can't be good. Whatever you do, don't trust my brother and sister.” She stopped for a second.” No... don't trust any other member of the family, not even your cousins." Shima's face went dark. "They've always kept me in the dark about things, but I can tell you that they're ruthless. I think they're planning to take you away, but they won't tell me anything...”

"Your right, for once. They are keeping you in the dark, and have been for a long, long time." Akagi popped out of Kana's shadow, forming next to her. "Hello there." Her demonic eyes glared at Shima. "It's been a while, Shima."

Both Taichi and Shima stiffened up when Akagi appeared. It seems the two had finally learned to fear her.

"You didn't need to come out." Kana looked at her.

{I thought the point was to stay hidden so things wouldn't escalate?} (Kana)

"Actually, I do since I needed to expand upon something Shima said." Akagi turned to her. "I've had my people surveying the Tomogawa family since not long after I awoke, and I found out something quite interesting." Akagi said.

"It's something about the family compound, isn't it?" Shima said nervously. She had an idea that something went on there, but was never told more.

"Well yes and no. What I discovered is that the Tomogawa family is an off-shoot of the Tokugawa family, and was created to be dedicated Demon/Yokai hunters sometime during the 1700s. Your father, brother, and sister, plus some nieces and nephews, are Onmyoji." Akagi explained.

"What?!?" (Shima x Kana x Taichi)

"You never told me this!" Kana exclaimed.

{How long have you known?!?} (Kana)

"I was keeping it quiet since it's a pretty big revelation, Kana." Akagi sighed. "However, I can't keep it a secret anymore."

"Because they're coming for you." Shima declared. "That would explain why father was so confident that you'd be dealt with. He told me that my mistake would be corrected." She bit her thumb. “I guess being Onmyoji would mean they have some way of dealing with a literal Demon.”

"They're going to try to hurt you?!?" Kana was furious that her family would attack Akagi.

"Try, being the operative word." Akagi laughed. "They are too weak to harm me, but it's not me I'm worried about, Kana."

"What do you mean?" Kana asked.

"In order to use something the Tokugawa gave them in the past, they plan to sacrifice member of the family to release the seals around whatever it is they have. And well, there's only one member left. Three guesses as to who it is." Akagi's eyes got serious.

"Sacrifice?!? Naomi!" Kana exclaimed. She was the only living member of the Tokugawa family. "We need to save her!"

"Don't worry.” Akagi pat her on the head to calm her down. “Did you forget? This is me we're talking about. I'm already on it." She winked.

Akagi knew they were planning to go after the girl and took steps to set up a trap. If the Tomogawa's actually attacked Naomi, that would spell their doom. "Though this means that a good chunk of the family might die, Kana. Since I have no intention of letting those who cross me live." (Akagi)


Around the same time, Naomi was sitting in her car on her way back home. Her driver had come to pick her up from Mika's house and was taking her back to her estate when suddenly.


The driver slammed on the brakes and came to a hard stop as something jumped in front of the vehicle.

"What happened?!?" Naomi exclaimed as she was pushed forward in her seat. This was a residential street, and there wasn't much traffic, so a sudden stop like this was unexpected.

"There's someone in the road my Lady." The driver said. "She's blocking the way forward. She looks like a... a shrine maiden?" He was quite confused.

{A Miko?} (Naomi)

"Descendant of the Tokugawa clan!" Miyabi yelled. "I call upon you as the last member of your family to come forth and perform your sacred duty. Your blood will allow us to banish the darkness that seeks to destroy this world!" She walked a bit closer to the stopped car. "If you come willingly, I promise you will not be harmed. Refuse, and I will take you by force!"

{What the hell is going on?!?} (Naomi)

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