The Insider System

Chapter 273: Nope

Chapter 273: Nope

Lake wasn't sure how long it would take for the man to come back with the Temple Head so he just watched all the people that had come to look at the formation do their job. A few seconds later he saw a golden person through the walls running in their direction. Knowing that it was the Temple head who he could see because of the effects of Detector Lake got his greeting ready.

As the door opened Lake started. "Hello..." But was cut off when the Temple Head grabbed him and started to pull him from the room. Wanting to at least say bye to Helain Lake started to wave but wasn't sure she saw him because he was already out of the room and hadn't seen if she looked at what was going on. Wanting to know what had got the Temple Head so worked up Lake was about to start asking questions but was once again cut off. "I need to talk to you about yesterday."

Realizing the last time they had seen each other had been only yesterday Lake could guess she was going to ask about the dagger again. If Tiff had put it together so had the Temple Head in all likelihood. "Alright, go ahead." Lake was fine with them knowing more about him since it seemed the Demon Lord had sort of found him already and he was 100% sure he didn't want anything to do with the Demon Worshipers.

That really just left the Temple of Light since you usually had to pick a side after getting as involved as he had. "The girl who set up a meeting with you yesterday, do you remember her?" Lake nodded and got ready to hand over the dagger. "Well she thought you were a person who saved her in the past and went to meet you at the place she told you but she was kidnapped and I wanted to know if she was right or if you were involved in any way."

Lake was about to start talking when he stopped to let the vision the Insider was showing him finish. Once it was done and he knew what it wanted him to do Lake said. "Nope. I don't know anything about what you or her want so I never went, but I can help you find her if you would like." Lake had no idea why the Insider seemed to like Tiffany so much but he would do what it told him since it seemed to be right all the time.

"How can you help?" Lake knew the Temple Head really only knew about his legendary Alchemist skill so he wasn't surprised that she didn't think he would be of any help but he had already decided he was on their side so he said. "I got another Legendary skill since the last time you saw me and it's related to finding things and people."

After he got done talking he was about to tell her that he was a member of the fighters guild now as well but he didn't get the chance because she asked. "What would you need to find her?" For some reason a picture of him sniffing a t-shirt before tracking Tiffany like a dog ran through his brain but his skill didn't work like that so he said. "I don't need anything but it could take a while to find something so I should get started right away."

"Alright let's go." Hearing the Temple Head planned to go as well Lake wasn't sure there was anything he could say to change her mind so he just kept talking like he was fine with her coming with him and said. "Yeah, lead me to her last known location." Lake kind of already knew where it was because he had seen her being carried away in all likelihood.

"So was that bright cloud in the sky last night because of her being attacked." Lake had almost said Tiffany's name there but he wasn't supposed to know it yet because the Temple Head hadn't used it yet. It wouldn't have given him away but there was a chance the Temple Head would have found it odd.

"Yeah but whoever grabbed her got away somehow so the Demigod never actually came down to chase them." Hearing the person that had grabbed Tiffany evaded a Demigod Lake started to get worried that they might have a skill that threw off Detector. It hadn't happened yet but that didn't mean it was impossible, he was just pretty sure someone who could do it would be as rare as a person that had a skill as powerful as Detector.

"So whoever we are looking for is untrackable?" Lake could tell his question made the Temple Head start to worry but she didn't say yes and instead said. "So far, but maybe your skill will have the advantage over theirs. We'll never know until we try." Lake nodded and was about to say that he would be getting to work since they were there but he once again remembered that he shouldn't know that so he instead asked. "Is this the place?"

They were outside the Alchemist guild and the Temple Head had stopped running so it wasn't crazy for him to be able to put that together. "Yeah it's around here." Lake was about to use Detector but stopped to try to think what he should set it to. The Temple Head said they had had problems tracking whoever had taken Tiffany so he needed to try to do something only Detector could.

Thinking of the footprints setting he had tried to use earlier, Lake had an idea and set Detector to look for where the person who took Tiffany had placed their feet or shoes. Seeing what looked like golden boot prints had appeared all over the place, Lake said. "I've got their tracks. Are you ready to go after them?"

"Really? Yes, let's go." Hearing the Temple Head saying she was ready Lake located the tracks that led away from where they were and said. "Follow me." It didn't take long for them to get out of the city and Lake picked up the speed slightly because it was really obvious that wherever they were going would be really far away.

"What's in this direction?" Lake really hadn't spent a lot of time here so even if he had a map he couldn't tell you right away which direction they were heading or what they would get to if they ran this direction the whole time. "There's free land in this direction that doesn't really belong to any of the domains yet but if we change directions slightly we could end up going to the Wind Domain or Fire Domain but neither are exactly close."

"Alright, well keep me posted on where you think we might end up." Lake hadn't really thought about the amount of time this could take since the Insider had been the one that thought he should do this and he needed to know the time scale so he could think about how long it would take him to return to the Metal Domain.

It would really suck if this was all over when he got back and all the rewards had already been handed out. He would still probably get something but who knew if they would even know who he was. There was a chance that everyone who could identify him would die in whatever battle happened after the barrier fell and that included the Metal Temples Head.

This would be a real problem since he no longer had his badge from the Fighters guild. They might just think he was someone who was trying to lie to get reward money. Turning to the Temple Head Lake asked. "Do you know how they would identify someone as a guild member of the fighters guild who didn't have their guild badge and didn't know anyone?"

Lake could tell the Temple Head was confused by this question that didn't have anything to do with what they were doing but she still answered. "It might still be possible if you were lucky and they had someone with a skill that could tell if you were lying or something like that but in most cases you would just have to try to find someone who could confirm your identity or just rejoin the guild and get a new badge."

"What about the money I had inside the guild?" Lake had a lot of money saved up inside the Fighters guild from the bandits he had killed. "There's no way everyone who knows you will be dead. The members are so spread out." She was right, Lake stopped worrying and made plans to go back to the guild branch that he had started at.

The clerk who had signed him up or the Master that had sent him to the Metal Domain would still remember him and he could just get a new badge before going back to the Metal Domain to claim his reward. "Hey it looks like the tracks stop here for some reason, we're going to have to stop so I can look around."

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