The Insider System

Chapter 272: She Is

Chapter 272: She Is

Lake had just used Detector to see if they were on the same road as the people they were looking for and found that they weren't so he looked at Helain and said. "I'm sorry but I have to pick you up again."

"Are we not near them?" Lake shook his head and said. "I have no idea where they are, that's why we need to go fast for a while."

"Alright go ahead and pick me up." Scooping Helian into his arms, Lake started to run to the capital. Right now the only thing he could think to do was get close to where all the roads came together and see if one of them lit up.

If he wasn't able to find the road they would be on he would have to start looking for footprints that they might have left as they passed through the area. Getting to where a large amount of roads met together to head into the capital Lake didn't see any of them start to glow so he switched Detector to look for evidence of the people he was looking for.

Still not seeing anything, Lake had to wonder if maybe the people hadn't left the city yet. Depending on how fast they planned to move the day they had set to get there really didn't tell him much about where they would be. It was also possible that they had gone another way and planned to wrap around to make it less obvious where they were going.

After a while of running around and seeing no signs of the people Lake stopped and said. "I don't think they have left the city yet. I'm about to run us all the way to the capital." Lake wasn't 100% sure but he really felt this was the most obvious thing that could be going on. Getting back up to speed they arrived in around 20 minutes and Lake slowed down to let her walk into the city on her own feet.

"Have you ever been here before?" Lake had no idea how often people traveled in this world but he couldn't see people coming to the Holy Domain for anything other than business. "No, I've always been told it's a mess here but it looks pretty good compared to the Metal Domain now."

"It's not this nice when the fighting is actually going on." All the fires were out and the streets had been cleared of rubble so carts could get through so the city actually looked a lot better than the current Metal Domain. "Where are we going?" Hearing Helain's question, Lake started to think about where he should go to figure out if the people had left yet.

He wasn't really on good terms with anyone that would be sending people other than the people from the Temple of Light and the Fighters guild but without his badge for the fighters guild his only option was the Temple of Light. Lake didn't know where they were though so it was going to take a second to find it.

Setting Detector to look for buildings that held people from the Light Temple Lake only had to go down a few streets before a building started to glow. Walking up to it and knocking on the door Lake waited for a while before he heard someone call through the door. "Go away."

Lake wasn't surprised that they didn't plan to open the door but since he really needed to get in touch with someone important from the temple so he said. "We're from the Metal Domain. We have information from the Metal Temple." Lake figured making it sound like he and Helian were from another temple would increase their odds of getting inside.

"Do you have any proof?" Lake knew he didn't so he looked back at Helain to see if she did. Seeing her start to dig around in one of her pockets, Lake stood back to let her get to the door. "Here, this is my ring." Lake didn't know how a ring would identify someone unless it worked in a similar way to the guild badges but the door opened and a man in a white robe stepped out to inspect the ring Helain was holding.

After he had looked at it for a while the man walked back inside without saying anything. Lake thought they had failed whatever kind of test they had just been given but a few seconds later the man reappeared and said. "I'll take you to where someone important can hear what you have to say."

After being led through the city for a while they were brought to a normal looking building in the nicer part of town. The man that was leading them knocked on the door and told the person who opened it that they were claiming to have information from the Metal Temple. Once they had seen Helain's ring as well they were led into something that lake found familiar.

It seemed this building's interior was almost exactly the same as the Light Temple he had spent the night in once. Being led through the building, Lake went ahead and set Detector to look for the Temple Head on the off chance she was here because he knew she would talk to him if they saw each other.

She was really the person he had been hoping to find this whole time because he was sure she would have a large amount of experience when it came to formations so even if she just looked at it for a few seconds she might see something the Temple head from the Metal Temple had missed.

Looking all around him Lake saw she was here but they were walking in the opposite direction to where she was. He took this to mean whoever they would be talking to wouldn't be her but he didn't lose hope because he was sure she would come once Helain showed them what she had brought them.

Being brought into a room that had an older man behind a desk, Lake assumed this would be the person they would be talking to. "These two say they've been sent by the Metal Temple with information." After the man who had brought them said this he was quickly shooed out of the room and the man asked. "Who are you and what have you brought for us?"

Lake had faded into the background already with Helain obviously being the one with the information so he just kept his mouth shut and let her do the talking. "I have a copy of the formation that the Demon Worshipers set in the Metal Domain." After she said this a glowing copy started to appear in the air in front of Helain.

Looking at it, Lake was able to tell it was exactly like the one the Temple Head had been working on before the disaster had even happened and wondered if he had taught Helain through the barrier what it looked like. "Let me get a look at this." The man leaned forward slightly and Lake was expecting for him to take his time looking at every part of it but less than a minute later he sat back and said. "Wait here I need to go get more people."

Once the man left the room Lake took the opportunity to talk to Helain. "When they get back I'm going to ask to see the Temple Head. I know her and I want to ask about the group we were looking for." Lake had no idea how his request would be taken or if they would say yes but he was sure he could talk his way into getting a meeting.

"Alright. Will you be leaving and going back to the Metal Domain or staying here and waiting to bring me back once we're done." Lake understood she was asking because she didn't want him to leave since he was the only person she even kind of knew that was here and she didn't know how she would get back so he answered in a way that would give her hope.

"It depends on what the Temple Head says. If the group we're after is gone already I'll probably bring you to them once I know where to go." Helain seemed happy enough with his answer but he didn't get to continue the conversation because the man was back with more people. Not wanting to wait till they had already started, Lake asked. "May I talk with the temple head? I need to tell her some things?"

Lake was about to add his name and that they knew each other but was cut off with an answer. "The Temple Head isn't here?" Lake knew the man was lying so he said. "She is, would you tell her Lake is here and wants to talk." The man obviously didn't like being called out but seeing Lake drop his name like it was important he left to go get the Temple Head.

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