The Exalt Cultivation Fantasy

Act 1: Blue Ocean Pavilion - Chapter 283: Oscar The Demon

Act 1: Blue Ocean Pavilion - Chapter 283: Oscar The Demon

"So this demon state–" Remulus cleaned out the rest of the snacks, making Draven clench his fist in frustration. "How does it work? What exactly changes about the boy?"

Draven slammed the table, scattering the empty plates and cups before they turned into dust. After this outburst, he sighed and set up a new table with fresh plates full of snacks and a pot of tea. "I suppose it's when he's truly at the backfoot and at a point where he can't back down. That sounds typical, but for Oscar, he's always thinking; although he sometimes comes up with maniacal plans, it's all from his thoughts turning to find a way to win."

"A proper warrior and Exalt," Remulus said as he helped himself to the new snacks but coughed from the dry crumbs.

"However, what if he can't retreat and can't find a way to win? He's the type I'd say would give up an arm if he could win, but what if giving up an arm wasn't enough? That, combined with a spiked emotional state and at the brink of losing consciousness, might be the cause." Draven flicked his wrist, and all the snacks went to his side, making Remulus frown. "The fighting demon comes out and is one hell of a monster."


"His spells, Ein, Reis, and techniques all flow seamlessly." Draven laughed.


At this moment, Oscar moved the bulwark from his grip and used the thread to tie it around his forearm, freeing his left hand. With both hands clenched into fists, he took up a stance.

Orden looked at Oscar with a slightly pale face; a hint of fear had crept into his heart and latched itself firmly. There was no helping it because of Oscar's current state, which would unnerve anyone. Orden chuckled weakly to rouse himself, but Oscar was too terrifying at the moment with his dark eyes and bloodstained face. "Is this a trick? Just because you've changed demeanors doesn't mean you've suddenly become stronger."

However, instead of getting a response, Orden looked taken aback at Oscar's incredible speed as metal protruded from his heels and instantly closed the gap between them. It was unbelievable because Orden had seen Oscar use the 'Silver Burst' many times and had a good gauge of its speed. Shaken but not deterred by Oscar's sudden boost, Orden swung his hammer, intent on ending this battle.

'Twenty Multiple Weight Boost'

'Twenty Multiple Earthen Echo'

His trusty hammer fell upon Oscar. He knew Oscar had a superior Prinstyct, but that mattered very little to his Meld Stage hammer. As his hammer struck against Oscar's bulwark, Orden felt uneasy at how there was little resistance from Oscar.

In their previous exchanges, Oscar had always met against his hammer and retaliated with another strange empowered attack, but now, Orden felt he had struck air. Suddenly, Oscar spun with the hammer, his entire body parallel to the floor, and Orden saw what came next. A burning blue kick to his temple; it was so fast that Orden could barely recall his hammer to defend against it.

In an instant, the kick swerved down, and Oscar shifted his center of gravity by rotating with his hands on the floor. His other leg came swinging with a fierce kick right into Orden's abdomen, all of this at an erratic pace and timing that threw off Orden's Prinstyct.

"This strength!" Orden had used 'Weight Boost' on himself and tightened his muscles, but Oscar's toes still pierced through and spewed out blood. The thing Orden knew, he was thrown several yards to the side, an incredulous expression across his face at how powerful Oscar's kick was. Then, a groan of a beast caught his attention, and Oscar's deer anima kicked Orden back away, not too much damage but a heavy blow nonetheless. "What kind of beast does a backflip?"

Skidding his feet across the floor, Orden used the momentum to swing at Oscar, focusing every fiber of his body on Oscar's next move. However, Orden let out a confused mumble as Oscar swiped his hands over Orden's hammer. In the next moment, he was thrown up into the air and slammed onto the floor.

'I used Weight Boost, so I should be so heavy he can't lift me, and yet he was able to throw me around like this?' Orden didn't feel much pain in his back due to his overwhelming stature and dense muscles, but he felt disorientated by the sudden nonsensical throw. His eyes widened at the hoof and lance nearing him. He managed to roll away, but Oscar and the deer anima kicked him, causing him to smash into a wall.

"Kuh!" Orden managed to block that, but he still felt Oscar's toes had pierced his forearm, and blood trickled down.

'Edureisclad x Flowing Mountain'

Combining the two Reis techniques turned Oscar's feet into a deadly spear that cracked through Orden's titanium muscles.

Orden groaned and tightened his muscles, stopping the blood from flowing out. He got to his feet and saw Oscar and his deer anima charging toward him. For some reason, Oscar brandished two silver lances on his left and right arms, making Orden wary.

This story has been stolen from Royal Road. If you read it on Amazon, please report it

"Come then!" Orden unleashed a wave of earth spikes and charged at Oscar.


"It's quite a sight to see." Draven tapped on the edge of his teacup. "Before, he would take the blow and withstand it, but in his demon state, he becomes like a leaf, unfettered and flowing with the air. His attacks, encompassing all the martial arts I've taught him, make use of all everything, flexible and powerful. In this way, he takes little damage and attacks unpredictably unless someone can surpass his Prinstyct. Additionally, he mixes and matches the Reis techniques without issue, creating amazing combinations."

"With such freedom, the Reis should be rejoicing as it courses through him. But that seems only good if the enemy is close and willing to do melee combat. What about spells?" Remulus said as he cracked his neck to relieve some tension. He had no idea what was happening in Ashen Grove and was stressed out.

"As I said, it's a fusion." Draven's shoulder trembled as he held back his laughter.


With a single swipe of his leg, Oscar stamped out the earthen spikes and engaged against Orden. His eyes were still dark and his expression cold, but his arms were lively with the two lances barraging Orden. Rather than lances, Oscar wielded them like two spiked gloves, letting loose punches and jabs while twisting his arms in a corkscrew manner.

Orden swung his hammer ferociously like a maddened beast against the combination of Oscar and his deer anima. While the deer anima was deterred despite its savage attacks, Orden felt a cold sweat against Oscar. Every time his hammer touched one of the lances, Orden felt it rotating and diverting his strike away before countering with more power.

Each time Oscar rotated to divert the hammer, he took in some of its Reis and flowed it back to his lances to increase their power. A very delicate process that even Draven could not help but praise in the past.

They exchanged tens of blows, yet none of Orden's twenty-multiplied hammer strikes could phase Oscar's lances away. 'I can understand the way he diverts away my blows, but the earthen echo should still shatter his lances. They're suddenly harder and sharper than I remember.'

'Stone Tower'

Orden erected his defense to buy time, but the stone structure that had stopped Oscar's lance in the past became a pile of rubble in mere seconds. With a shout, Orden swung wildly, but Oscar easily matched him, and the inevitable occurred. A sharp jab pierced Orden's shoulder, drawing blood.

'It's coming!' Orden unleashed an earthen echo to deter the Shattering Wave that expelled from Oscar's lance. His face twitched from the widespread pain in his shoulder, and he threw his hammer while grabbing Oscar's arm to hold him here. 'Try dodging this!'

Suddenly an armor of silver formed and encased Oscar, but Orden thought it foolish, for his hammer had shattered through it many times. His mighty hammer slammed against Oscar's bulwark and flung his body away, and the silver armor had cracks all over it but was still intact. Orden could not help but shout, "His defense is increased too?"

Suddenly, a heavy blow arched his back, and he grunted to withstand it. Behind him, the deer anima had barely pierced his skin with its antlers. "This little animal!"

Orden used a stone fist and crashed it onto the deer anima, who withstood the blow. Suddenly, he heard a whistle and recalled his hammer to block the incoming blow, a silver star. He looked dumbfounded at how much faster and harder this silver star became compared to before.

"Your speed, offense, defense, and technique are all improved?" Orden blew away the silver star while his face contorted in disbelief at the ridiculous situation. His brown hair was messy, and his breathing grew ragged. "How is this possible?"

Once again, Oscar charged into Orden's face and unleashed a fierce thrashing of his silver lances and erratic kicks. Orden let go of his hammer, letting it float around while he encased his arms in a dense stone fist, smaller than usual, resembling a pair of boxing gloves.

'Weight Boost'

Orden moved swiftly and tightened his guard, keeping his hands close, but each time he attacked, whether with his arms or legs, he used 'Weight Boost' at the last moment to increase the potency of his attacks.

It worked, and his attacks improved, alleviating some of the pressure he felt.


"So far, Oscar had always put his Reis atop his spells or Ein. Such is when he's refining metals, using Shattering Wave and letting the Ein ride on its coattails or using that lance spell of his with Shattering Wave." Draven swirled some sugar into his tea. "But the Ein is the most versatile thing in existence. We use it to perform great feats, transforming Ein into elements, illusions, and more. Who says that Ein can't adapt to fuse with Reis?"

"Impossible, if I recall correctly; you only achieved that at the peak of Knight Exalt," Remulus said.

"Stop thinking about it in terms of Ein and Exalt. The realm doesn't matter; what matters is the control of Reis, and he is far beyond the norm. He truly is suited to be my disciple." Draven laughed, shaking his cup and spilling tea everywhere as Remulus watched solemnly. "He touched upon it with Dual Awaken, but now he's reached the fusion as a Greater Apprentice Exalt, although unconsciously."

"That's a terrifying weapon."

"Truly is. The Ein takes in the physical force of Reis and adapts to become something new. If layering them together is considered an addition, then fusing them is multiplication. The spells he uses would be created from this fused power and become far deadlier than ever."


Oscar's heel stamped atop Orden's head, and despite Orden's attempt to boost his weight, Oscar still forced him to his knees. Soon after, he continued his barrage on Orden's kneeling body.

"UOOOHH!" Orden limped to his feet and fought with all his might, displaying excellent control over his Ein and body. The ground quaked as Orden's foot clashed against Oscar's, but Orden came out the loser as several lance jabs pierced his body, gaping wounds that spilled blood all over him.

Finally, the lances shattered, but Oscar's fist touched Orden's chest.

'Eduresiclad x Ripple Shroud'

Orden was blasted and sent tumbling onto the floor. He chuckled weakly and said, "Unbelievable. What kind of monster are you? Are you truly a Grade Four?"

Oscar stomped forward, his eyes still staring at Orden as if he was an ant with soul-crushing dark pupils. It was as if Oscar had become a soulless monster.


"The problem is he doesn't know when to stop. Everything else is fine, but he will fight even his allies, unable to recognize them. Like a savage beast, all he sees are the prey around him." Draven looked up, wondering how Oscar was doing.

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