The Exalt Cultivation Fantasy

Act 1: Blue Ocean Pavilion - Chapter 282: The Demon Awakens

Act 1: Blue Ocean Pavilion - Chapter 282: The Demon Awakens

Orden's hammer rained down on Oscar and his deer anima like endless lighting strikes under a thunderstorm. Using his 'Flowing Mountain', Oscar mitigated as such of the heavy twenty-multiplied hammer strikes and shot forward with his 'Silver Lance' at Orden's exposed chest.

However, as before, Orden's hammer controlled Orden to surpass the prediction of Oscar's Prinstyct and destroyed his lance, sending reverberations of impact to his arm. Fortunately, with Edureisclad, Oscar avoided serious damage, but he did not look happy at the outlook of the battle.

"I'm sure you realize by now that I'm stronger," Orden came close and bombarded Oscar with his heavy hammer. "The first fight was a draw only because you caught me off-guard with that strange technique, but I was beating you before that point."

Oscar grunted and tried to make a move but ended up being flung into the air. His eyes caught a glint of something, and he deflected the thrown hammer, but his bones rang from the blow, and his body tumbled onto the stone floor.

Leaping up with his hammer returned, Orden swung down with all his might.

'Silver Burst'

Oscar retreated and shot out several silver stars, but Orden erected his stone tower, rendering them useless like droplets of rain on a hard surface. Cursing out, Oscar entered a fierce melee with Orden, using his deer anima to stab with its single lance. However, it was tough as Orden used his earth spikes to disrupt Oscar's footing, and Oscar could barely match the Meld hammer.

"My hammer broke through all your defenses, and your offense is impressive but can't reach me." Orden swung again, flinging Oscar back to crash onto the wall. He was confident in himself because he understood the true nature of Oscar's finishing blow, the Omnireus. He had seen it twice now, first with him being the unfortunate victim but the second time against the Large Grovekeeper.

'That technique requires too much from you, and you can't move after using it. You won't risk it because what if it doesn't work? I'd be free to kill your friend. However, you can't break through me without it.' Orden sighed and felt bad for Oscar, but it was necessary.

Oscar spat out blood, and his eyes dimmed. Orden had gone all out from the start, making Oscar unable to do anything against the Meld hammer. 'He's already seen my Omnireus and probably made measures against it. What can I do?'

Limping to his feet, Oscar made a desperate charge with his deer anima, unleashing his Treble Lance from close range. But Orden was too fast, nullifying Oscar's Shattering Wave with his Earthen Echo. The weight of Orden's blow destroyed the antlers and lance, slamming into the bulwark and shattering Oscar's Silver Sheen.

His body, without the Adamasreis, became battered all over and fell to the floor. The white in Oscar's eyes indicated he had lost consciousness.

"Sleep. I won't kill you or Erik due to our agreement, and I owe you one, but that person you call Austin is a lost cause." Orden walked past Oscar's unmoving body but stopped and stared down to see Oscar's shaky hand gripping his leg. "Let go."

"I can still fight, you bastard." Oscar gasped and tried to stand up. But his body shook all over, and he could not get up. His eyes could barely hold on as they struggled to stay open from his forceful awakening.

Orden shook his head and said, "Do you want to die? You are an enemy, so it's natural, but I respect you. I'm sorry, but I will kill your friend."

Those words made Oscar gnash his teeth, tightening his grip and making Orden frown. Oscar coughed and spat out more blood, faceplanting the pool of his blood.

Orden sighed and brought up his foot with Oscar's hand firmly grasped on it, intent on kicking Oscar away. He could see Oscar was on his last legs, but his body was still attempting to move. "Rest."

However, as his foot tried to kick Oscar, a blur entered his sight, and his Prinstyct warned him of something incoming. Orden moved to block, but the intent suddenly changed at the last moment, and his arm took a fierce kick before his hammer could help.

The kick forced him back, and Orden looked up to see Oscar, who was on his feet and wiping the blood off his face.


Deep within the lake of the Blue Ocean Pavilion, atop the spire of the Abyss Prison, Remulus Grant, the Pavilion Master, sat down while pouring himself some tea and helping himself to some snacks. He looked like a friendly neighborhood elder who enjoyed the sweet candies while rubbing his bald head.

Stolen story; please report.

"Are you not worried about your disciple?" Remulus's mellow green eyes turned to the person opposite him, Draven.

"Worried? Why would I be worried? He's trained in Reis and can use the final technique, Omnireus, if he remembers it." Draven crossed his legs like a noble and elegantly drank his tea. "Oscar is good enough as he is."

"Really?" Remulus munched on a lemon tart, not minding the slight cream on the edge of his lips. "Are you certain? Oscar indeed has certain advantages over others, but many prodigies exist, and many can defeat him. Even with your training in Reis, he could still be in danger."

"Perhaps." Draven waved his hand dismissively, his usual blatant disrespect for the Pavilion Master. "If Oscar fights against someone who's a ranged fighter or a more powerful anima like the girl's dragon, he'll have a tougher time; the only choices would be to take advantage of their potential lack of experience or weaknesses if he finds them, or he can retreat for a better battle."

"Hoh. You seem so certain about his capabilities in melee combat. Reis is powerful, but one shouldn't be so arrogant just because of the boost it provides." Remulus laid down his cup and stared at Draven with a curious gaze as if knowing something was up. "So, what else gives you confidence in him?"

"Hmm," Draven rubbed his chin, deep in thought. "Has a shitty old man like you ever thought, what if there was no such thing as Ein or Exalts?"

"What sort of strange thinking is that? Though, that might be common among those without Exolsias. The fleeting desire for the world to conform to suit their needs rather than finding their path." Remulus sighed and shook his head in disapproval. "Even without Exolsias, there are fine people out there. But what's this notion about?"

Draven downed his cup of tea, letting out a large steam from under his helmet. "I had the thought when I looked at Oscar. When he fights as an Exalt, his moves are slightly rigid and uninspiring. But during our countless spars, his senses for combat and his martial skills were beyond what I expected. He kept getting back up and improving during the battle."

"Enough to make you sweat?" Remulus lifted an eyebrow in disbelief. "That's surprising. However, the reality is that there is Ein. It doesn't matter how fast he can grapple or throw his punches if he's against overpowering Ein; he'll be strung along and toyed with. Besides, Exalts are not without their own martial prowess; look to the Raevens and their sword techniques."

"I don't refer to those gimmick sword techniques that are just another version of spells. If Oscar were in a world without Ein, Anima, Spells, or Prinstyct, he'd have the will and training to be one of the best."

"That's amazing! So forgo the four foundations, and he'd be strong? What a laugh. His current style is slightly rigid, but it has worked so far from what I've seen in his battles. He picks and uses his spells at the right moments, complementing them with his Reis. I don't see your point."

"In the end, the problem is his nature as a wielder of martial arts and user of Reis conflicts with his identity as an Exalt. He uses them in tandem, but they are not complete as a whole. He's made victories against some higher grades but always suffered heavily to do so." Draven sighed.

"It seems we're only talking about his weaknesses. Get to the point." Remulus looked irked and poured more tea for himself.

"What if Oscar can properly utilize that talent with his Reis and Ein in a true fusion, not just layering them together?" Draven stared at his old man.

"You idiot. What the hell did you do?" Remulus frowned, and the air distorted from the pressure he exuded. "Did you do something to the boy?"

"No," Draven said.

"Then what?" Remulus stood up, towering over Draven as his green eyes turned icy cold. "I can't allow another insane person like you. You're calm in this place but don't think I don't know what you do to the prisoners to keep the madness at bay."

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Draven laughed, tossing his head back and forth, truly looking deranged. "That boy is crazier than me. Though that might not be the right term."

"How so?" Remulus narrowed his eyes, recalling Oscar's behavior, and could not see a hint of madness.

"I don't know what it is, but sometimes during our spars, he'd change. It's as though the air stills around him, but a savage nature stirs within. Like a refined beast, if that's possible, brutal and savage attacks but with graceful and sublime technique." Draven continued to laugh. "I didn't tell him, but he landed a hit on him a while before the end of our Prinstyct training. However, he used everything, including his Ein, while I only fought with the same restrictions, so I didn't count it."

"Wait, by everything you mean that he–"

"Everything. I don't know what triggers it, and Oscar doesn't recall those moments. As if some part of him snaps, he gives in to his pure instinct and loses his mind. He and his deer anima fight differently in this state, and the results speak for themselves." Draven poured some more tea. "A complete fusion of everything he wields, a state of true mastery."

Remulus stayed silent, still staring at Draven.

"That state is truly like a demon in human skin. It might have been born from all the torturous training and many experiences he's been through. Quite astonishing." Draven downed his tea again. "He completed his training long ago, and it's bloomed into a demon."


Back in Tectusen, Orden lost his breath, gazing at the large bruise on his arm. Even though his dense muscles protected his bones, he still suffered quite some damage. His confused eyes looked to Oscar as he gripped his hammer tighter. 'What is this?'

In front of him, Oscar looked horrifying, with a pair of murderous eyes unlike any he had seen. Instead of the clear obsidian eyes that shone brightly, these were dark and dull, like an abyss that threatened to swallow everything in its sight. The air around Oscar felt chilly to Orden but was also deathly quiet, and Oscar's face was emotionless, as if the rousing emotions before were a lie.

"You…What the hell are you?"

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