The Exalt Cultivation Fantasy

Act 1: Blue Ocean Pavilion - Chapter 150: The Foundry's Welcome

Act 1: Blue Ocean Pavilion - Chapter 150: The Foundry's Welcome

After a great meal at the Azure City, courtesy of Frederick, Oscar returned to the Commune in high spirits with Frederick by his side.

"So, what is going on between you and princess?" Frederick interrogated Oscar in their dorm room. Frederick had reapplied to return to his old room, and the Pavilion accommodated his request.

"We're good friends and like reading books." Oscar didn't know what Frederick was implying.

Frederick looked frustrated and said, "That's not what I meant. I mean, you know. Are you two together?"

Oscar froze for a moment. His brain stopped working for a moment as he stared blankly at Frederick. "No."

"Really? Don't you feel anything for her? Not enough thinking that there's a chance?" Frederick poked and prodded more like an annoying fly. His eyes shone with interest.

Oscar fumbled off his bed and put his book on the shelf. "If I say I do, what will you do?"

"Support you. There would be many obstacles to getting together with the princess, but I'm sure you can break through them. The hardest would be that bastard." Frederick's eyes narrowed as a hostile air surrounded him. The scar on his face made him seem more menacing than before.

"Are you still seeking revenge on Gilbert?" Oscar returned to his bed.

Frederick sighed. "Not anymore. I have to spend more time caring for Emily than thinking about that bastard. However, I wouldn't hesitate to finish the job if he were at death's door near my feet."

Oscar stared at his friend, a worried look on his face.

Frederick noticed Oscar's strange gaze and chuckled. "Don't worry, Os. I am not that fool anymore."

"I trust your words." Oscar looked at the ceiling. "About Celestina."

"Os, you are daring to call her by name." Frederick jolted a bit.

"You're right. We're close enough to do that. But I don't want to take that next step."

"Why not?" Frederick asked.

"Because what we have right now is fine enough for me. If I try to go for it, what if she rejects me, and it makes the whole thing awkward? Besides…." Oscar paused.


"She is not interested in any relationships like that right now. She wants a book-loving friend; I fulfill that role fine." Oscar turned to the side, wrapping more of the blanket around him. "Good night."

He didn't want to speak more about this.

"Fine." Frederick could tell Oscar was feeling awkward and retreated. In the end, whatever happens, would be up to them; there was only so much he could do. He only hoped Oscar could have someone like he had Emily.


"Oscar!" Celestina smiled brightly with her silver hair draped down her back. She held several books in her arms, placing them on the table. "It's been a while. I've been bored for the past six months."

"It's been a while, Celestina." Oscar smiled and placed his books down.

"I was shocked when I heard you were going to the Abyss Prison, but then I remembered you told me about it." Celestina sat on the chair; her green eyes dazzled with the joy laden inside.

"Would you like to know what I did?" Oscar opened a book.

"Oh, do tell." Celestina opened her book.

After a long retelling, Oscar coughed and drank some water. "That's the end."

The author's tale has been misappropriated; report any instances of this story on Amazon.

"Have you ever thought about being a storyteller or a writer? You tell things so well." Celestina leaned her cheek on her hand.

"Were you paying attention?" Oscar shrugged.

"I was. So you are a fabricator now?" Celestina stared in great interest. "If you enter the Foundry, can you tell me what's in the books over there? All the fabricator stuff is in there."

"I haven't gone there yet, but I need to take the one-star examination." Oscar flipped a page.

The two were quite good at reading and talking at the same.

"I wonder if I should take a profession." Celestina flipped to another page and looked pensive.

"You've got enough on your plate. Would you prefer to be locked away in a workshop, spewing out armaments or potions? Or would you rather put your efforts into running the Empire?" Oscar offered a choice, but he knew which one she would pick.

"Second one."

Oscar smiled with a nod. "Then you have no time. Meanwhile, I have all the time to do everything."

"What a joker." Celestina's eyes glinted dangerously.

"Anyways, how are things in the Inner Hall?" Oscar nervously changed the topic.

"Same as always. Gilbert causes a ruckus somewhere. Perhaps he found a treasure or achieved some feat. Others get jealous or latch onto him. It's all so tiresome being the one trying to avoid all of that." Celestina sighed. Her reading speed increased as she flipped through more pages.

"I don't want anything to do with him. We just got Frederick back to normal." Oscar gripped the book tighter.

"I met your friend. He's a good person. I'm happy for Emily." Celestina smiled and said playfully, "What about you?"

"Why is everyone talking about me?" Oscar was irritated. "If it happens, it happens."

"Hmmm." Celestina seemed disappointed. "This book is good, and the climax is amazing. I want to know what happens next."

She closed her book and pointed to Oscar's book. The two were reading the same series, but Oscar was one book ahead.

"I'm still reading it," Oscar said. "There are other books."

"Hah. I really want to know. But I cannot impose my authority on something like that." Celestina started reading another book.

While reading, Oscar could not help but take certain glances at Celestina. He sighed internally, thinking perhaps she didn't see him like that.


"So your aunt is still uncontactable?" Oscar asked. Ivanka Klein was punished alongside Oscar and fired from her role as a Judge to be sent under Margaret Ward's command.

"Yup, my family is furious at her and me for our actions. I've gotten many letters from them, telling me to come back. But I've ignored all of them." Frederick spat on the floor.

"That's bad manners, Fred." Emily pinched him. "But it's not like I don't understand. Some of those letters were very uncalled for. I know Frederick's father from his memories, but that man really is a *************************."

"Language!" Frederick shook Emily's shoulder. She had spouted a really vulgar word. "In any case, my aunt is probably suffering in some boot camp and is not allowed any resources."

"They're still allowing her to train?" Oscar asked.

"Normally, they would cut her off from Ein, but they didn't. She told me before she was sent away that times called for people to be stronger, but they could not be lax on punishment. This was the compromise. But she's still suffering under the Grand Commander's spartan training." Frederick explained.

"Here we are." Emily looked at the Foundry, seeing its familiar dark skies of smog and smoke. "Good luck, Oscar."

Oscar smiled and held out his two fists. "I'll pass, no problem."

"Of course." Fred bumped fists, as did Emily. "We'll be in the training room. Come after you finish."

Oscar waved goodbye and entered the Foundry. The smell of smoke and the heat that permeated through the air used to bother him, but he had gotten used to it. He strode straight to the counter and spoke to the fabricator manning it.

"Hello. I would like to try for the test to become a one-star fabricator."

The fabricator tilted his head oddly and went through some papers. "Have you ever been to the Foundry?"

Oscar spoke honestly, "Only to purchase a weapon and for repairs, but I have never set foot inside the workshops or worked the anvils of the Foundry."

"Huh?" The fabricator wore his helmet, but his confusion was evident even through it. "Are you serious? To want to be a certified fabricator even without having set foot in tutelage here? Or did you learn from someone outside?"

"Outside…." Oscar scratched his head. "You could say that. I did learn from someone outside the Foundry."

The fabricator was still weirded out but did his job efficiently. He took Oscar's information and Pavilion badge and filled out a form. He glanced at Oscar and stared at the large bag on his side. "Is that your stuff?"

"My uniform and hammer." Oscar nodded.

"Ok then. Everything is in order. Enter this room and get geared up. Someone will fetch you to begin the examination."

"Understood." Oscar entered the room past the counter and got changed. He sat on the bench in the encapsulating uniform, breathing slowly through the tubes to calm down. His hands held the hammer, gifted from Draven, and tapped their fingers on the oak handle.

"I should be able to handle the refinement of raw materials and creation of an armament. But if they ask me to strip a core and apply it to my formation." Oscar told Emily and Frederick he would pass, but he only had a ten percent success rating with core implementation.

Draven often scolded him about his lack of success with the cores.

"Focus." Oscar closed his eyes under the dark glass visor. "There's nothing to do but get the job done. Succeed for master."

The door opened.

Oscar turned and glanced at the big fabricator that walked in.

"Oscar Terr?"

"Yes!" Oscar stood up straight.

"Follow me. We will commence your examination."

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