The Exalt Cultivation Fantasy

Act 1: Blue Ocean Pavilion - Chapter 149: The End of Training

Act 1: Blue Ocean Pavilion - Chapter 149: The End of Training

Oscar growled and punched from the side with all he had, letting out a puff of hot air from his lungs. His eyes were bloodshot, and he stared forward like a predator. The moment he had been waiting for was finally here.

His fist traveled through the air, knocking away the falling grains of sand. His knuckles clenched harder, and they dug into Draven's exposed side. However, it was stopped and could not proceed.

Oscar felt how incredibly sturdy Draven's body was. It was an immovable mountain that nothing could chip away at.

Draven remained unmoving, staring at Oscar's fist on his side. He stared at his own outstretched fist, a hair's breadth away from Oscar's face. In the last moment, Oscar had out-predicted Draven.

"Is it my win, Master?" Oscar smiled, feeling the thrill of victory and battle shiver down his spine.

"Your Prinstyct was a half-step ahead, leading to this result. But who can say that you won? You haven't pierced past my defenses at all." Draven shook his head.

Oscar frowned and sighed. "Aren't you being too stubborn, Master?"

"No, this is me being stubborn." Draven slammed his fist to finish its course on Oscar's face, blowing his thick-headed student onto the arena walls. "However, good job. You have finished this training."

Oscar coughed and spat out a mouthful of sand, but he chuckled despite the pain. It had been six long months, but he finally won one over his master, even if it were a handicapped battle. "Shall we go off to armament training?"

"No. You are leaving tomorrow. You still cannot meld the core well into the armament, but you have done well in the steps beforehand. That is enough for you to attempt the test to become a one-star fabricator."

Draven took Oscar, and they disappeared and reappeared in a clean room with a big table full of delicious food. All kinds of seafood and meats with vegetables and a large jug of cold juice.

Oscar kept his drool from overspilling, but his stomach growled crazily. "Is this for me?"

"It is a celebratory feast. In honor of my teaching skills." Draven crossed his arms and looked proud. "Oh, and your training completion."

Oscar laughed. "Am I just an afterthought?"

He tried to move ahead, but Draven pulled him back.

"Don't think you'll eat while in such a dirty state. Take a shower in the room over there and wear fresh clothes. I won't have you staining my dining table."

Oscar sprinted for the bathroom and took a refreshing shower. He felt the waters wash away the grime, sand, and sweat from his body with delight. During this time, he took out the inhibitor from Elder Saul.

The onslaught of ringing and pain made him lean back on the wall. He had taken this out routinely every day, but he was never used to it. He recalled his master, Draven, suggesting it might not be a physical ailment but something in his mind.

What ailed his mind?

Oscar rubbed the missing ear with a sigh. Shaking his head, he slapped his cheeks to recollect himself. A grand feast was waiting for him outside, and he couldn't go out all gloomy.

"Finally, you're out. It's good to keep oneself clean." Draven said on one end of the table and gestured for Oscar to sit on the other.

Oscar lost all reservations and started to go on the food like a ravenous beast. The sauce for the meat was tangy, and the meat itself was juicy and melted in his mouth. The seafood had so many flavors from the mix of spices, and lemon drips on it that Oscar felt a festival in his mouth.

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'I should teach him manners and etiquette. I think I understand what that old bastard thought when teaching me.' Draven did not eat but watched Oscar.

Oscar burped and let out a loud cry of relief. "That was delicious!"

The entire table was void of food. All of it ended up in Oscar's stomach.

"Disciple, some topics to discuss." Draven snapped his fingers.

"Yes!" Oscar sat firmly in his chair like a soldier.

"First, your friends, Frederick and Emily."

Oscar's ear perked up, and he leaned forward.

"They are doing well. They've been on a few missions together and seem happy together. Romance….I cannot understand it." Draven scoffed.

Oscar didn't say anything but smiled brightly at this news. He was glad to hear they were doing well.

"Second, I do not want you to attend the Grand Gathering this year," Draven said.

"Excuse me?" Oscar stood from his chair with wide eyes. "How can I not attend the Grand Gathering? There are rewards for doing well that I might need. I'm not being arrogant, but I believe I can do well or even win."

"No. That would be a hollow victory with your Prinstyct and Adamasreis. Besides, I want you to watch the Foundry's Clash of Metal."

"The Clash of Metal? Isn't that the year's end competition for the fabricators? You want me to participate there?"

"I want you to watch, not participate. This year's end, you will watch and see the talents of the fabricators. Watch them closely and understand how the others perform. Then next year's end, I want you to participate in it." Draven instructed.

Next year as well? Oscar was shocked. That meant missing two Grand Gatherings.

"You are decent but see your rivals and know how deep the pool is. You don't stand a chance against them as it is right now."

Oscar fell silent and sat back in his chair. After a long moment of silence, Oscar nodded. "I'll do as you instruct."

The loss of the Grand Gathering rewards pained him, but he trusted in his master.

"That's my disciple. Don't worry; you've already received so much from here, so what if you miss a few Grand Gatherings? Now get a good night's sleep. You'll leave in the morning. Oh, and take the one-star examination before the year's end."

Oscar returned to his small room and plopped on the bed. However, he could not calm down. He felt a nagging in his head like an irritating worm had wormed its way in.

He put on his fabricator uniform and went to the workshop next door to continue. Draven's words about him not standing a chance against the others burned a fire in him. He swung his hammer with blue swirl patterns with vigor.

Draven was in his office, looking over some papers. He sighed and stared down. "That idiot. But I suppose that's just how he is."


The next morning.

"I told you to rest, and you do this." Even though Draven was fine with it, he still scolded Oscar.

Oscar bowed like a kid caught making trouble and said, "I couldn't rest."

Draven shook his head and flicked Oscar's forehead.

Oscar staggered back but held his ground, rubbing his red forehead with pain written in his eyes.

"Have a good time on the surface. Til next we meet." Draven turned and began to walk away.

Oscar knelt on the floor and bowed deeply. "Thank you."

Oscar was led outside. The beaming of the two suns blinded him for a moment since it had been half a year since he last saw the sky. With a smile, he ran ahead to the Outer Hall, excited to see his friends again.

"Elder Saul!" Oscar waved over to the elder, who was tying sturdy sticks to growing saplings to make sure they grew nice and straight.

Elder Saul turned and saw Oscar. "Oh, boy. It's been a while. I heard you went to the Abyss Prison. Are you alright?"

"Yes! I cannot thank you enough for the inhibitors; they've worked really well." Oscar was happy to see this elder was the same as always.

"It'll be better if you didn't rely on those. But the issue is up to you to clear." Elder Saul stood up and fanned his face.

"Os!" "Oscar!"

Oscar turned with a bright smile and ran forward, hugging Frederick and Emily tightly. "I'm back!"

"Os, you crazy bastard! You're the only one who makes going to the Abyss Prison look like a picnic." Frederick laughed heartily.

"It's been six months. Let's have dinner. Fred still owes us a meal." Emily was tapping her feet with a smile.

"Here." Elder Saul's voice cut in, and three orange fruits landed on their heads.

"Elder Saul, what are these?" Oscar felt how firm the fruit was.

"A special gift from me. To commemorate the three of you together again." Elder Saul leaned on his reclined chair.

They all took a bite, and their eyes widened from surprise. After they gulped down, they drooled and took several more bites.

"Delicious!" Oscar couldn't believe its taste. Elder Saul had only given out dry biscuits or sour fruits previously.

"How sweet!"

"It's so refreshing!"

"Elder! How did you get fruit like this?" Frederick asked.

Elder Saul looked at Frederick, and his eyes narrowed. "Trade secret. But more importantly, you look more balanced, boy."

"Balanced?" Frederick looked at Oscar in confusion.

"Your true nature is how you are now, and it conflicted with the obsession in your heart. Now that obsession is cleared, you have reached equilibrium. That is good. You are better as you are now." Elder Saul yawned.

"Hmmm." Frederick looked at Emily with a smile. "I've still got an obsession."

Emily blushed and munched on her fruit, but her eyes remained on Frederick with a smile.

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