The Assassin's Enemy Lover

Chapter 461

461 ...Thank you for coming to find me...

A group of men clad in black robes ambled into the main hall of the temple surrounding the man dressed in a white robe. When he entered the room he sat on the throne while the men and women kowtowed before him uniformly uttering the same words of respect.

Yeoh Lang waved his hand impatiently and looked at the four people trembling on the ground. The smile on his face grew wider as he beckoned the youngest of the prisoners.

“Come...,” he said and the little boy raised his head his face a sickly shade of pale. He didn’t want to go over there but he was picked up by the back of his collar and dropped harshly in front of the high priest.

“Come, don’t be afraid young one,” he said his voice soft and calm but the aura surrounding him gave one the feeling of danger. The young boy had been born into an environment filled with malice and he could spot anyone who wanted to harm him at a glance.

His tiny body trembled even more as he climbed the stairs. The high priest’s brows furrowed and with his voice devoid of any patience he said again, “Come here!”

The boy broke down in tears but he didn’t dare make a sound as he climbed up the stairs. He approached the man but he still kept a safe distance.

“Don’t make me say it again,” he spoke through gritted teeth and the young boy moved closer. He thought the man was going to slap him or something but his tiny feet left the floor and he was carried up. When he saw that the man had put him on his lap, the little boy wanted to run but he knew his life would end if he dared make a move.

“My lord,” shouted the priestess wishing to pull this filthy boy off her king’s lap. “He is filthy my lord,” she continued to say but Yeoh Lang ignored her.

He took out a piece of hard candy from the sleeve of his robe and said, “Here, take this. You must be hungry.”


The young boy didn’t want to accept it but he was so frightened that he cowered while stretching out his trembling hand.

“Tha thank you,” muttered the boy. Having lived with an abusive mother he was very careful with his words.

“Ahahaha, what a good child. Your mother must have taught you well. She should have also taught you not to lie, right?”

The young boy’s body quivered even more as he lowered his head further like he was afraid to get into trouble.

“Did she not teach you to answer when spoken to?... Since she didn’t teach you then I will have to punish her,” he said and raised his finger slightly. A woman dressed in a black robe walked over and swung a whip with metal spikes and struck the back of the woman kneeling on the ground.

The little boy raised his head while Nathan and Nayeli cried out simultaneously, “MUM!!!”

“She is not my my mother... please,” said the little boy who rarely opened his mouth to speak. Tears streaming down his cheeks the boy showed a pleading expression.

Yeoh Lang showed a slight smile while saying, “I know but she is your mother now so I will punish her for failing to teach you. Will you answer my questions honestly now?”

The little boy nodded his head like a chicken pecking at rice with snot drooping from his nose. Yeoh Lang raised his hand telling them to stop the whip. The cracking sound of the whip stopped and he asked, “Do you remember the man who saved you?”

The little boy nodded his head and the high priest smiled at him kindly but it made his blood run cold.

“Did he wear strange clothes?” he asked and the little boy shook his head. The man was dressed in regular clothes common to the Republic.

“Did he have a big robot with him?” asked Yeoh Lang and the little boy hurriedly shook his head no. There was no robot at all just a hovercraft.

“Did he have different and unique things like trinkets or something?” he asked again and the young boy who was about to say no suddenly paused. He was afraid his new mother would be hurt again thus he couldn’t lie.

He nodded his head and Yeoh Lang laughed happily. “Tell me, what kind of strange things did he have?” he asked and the little boy lowered his head again tugging at the wrapper of the candy.

Yeoh Lang didn’t waste any time. He commanded, “Beat her.”

The little boy on his lap suddenly cried out, “Fruits... the big brother called it fruits. And sweets like this one.”

Yeoh Lang seemed pleased by his answer and took him off his lap. “Good job. Now go back to your mother,” he said and the little boy whose knees were weak ran off stumbling a few times.

“Fan,” he said and the priestess dashed over her heart pounding in her ears especially when he asked her to lean closer.

“Go and bring me every strange person who entered through the city gates in the past few days. Bring them all here,” he whispered to her, and priestess Fan blushed her ears a little hot.

She turned to leave while the little boy was crying a few feet away from the woman hesitating to move forward but the woman pulled him first and embraced him.

She didn’t want him to feel bad or anything. She had seen how the ravagers behaved and knew this child had suffered so much. She was prepared to take him in as her own thus she embraced him in comfort.

Meanwhile, Zi Han was standing atop a building looking at the temple his expression stern.

Yi Chen hugged him from behind and asked, “Does this have something to do with us going back home.”

Zi Han adjusted the binoculars and said, “Nope. It has something to do with why you came here in the first place.”

Yi Chen buried his face in the crevice of Zi Han’s neck and said, “I was wondering why I would leave my most precious person and wind up in this place. Thank you for coming to find me. I love you.”

Zi Han, “...”

The way Yi Chen jumped from one subject to another was quite baffling.

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