Surviving the Game as a Barbarian

Chapter 89 Player (1)

Chapter 89 Player (1)

Player (1)

“Name Lee Hansu, age 29, missing for a month, his company filed a missing person report. Tsk, any family?”

“Just his mother. But when we contacted her, she said she didn’t want to be involved.”

The man sipped his coffee as he listened to the report.

It wasn’t anything special.

How many people have complicated family situations?

“So, Detective Park, why did this missing person case come to our team?”

“That’s… the CCTV only caught him entering his house, but not leaving. And the windows were all locked.”

“Indeed… something smells fishy.”

The man put down his coffee and started reading the report in earnest.

He had seen all sorts of things during his 15 years as a detective, but even to him, this was a rather peculiar case.

There were no signs of intrusion or stolen belongings.

The last credit card transaction was a month ago.

And most importantly, the clothes the missing person was wearing were found in his bedroom. It wasn’t like he took them off himself, but as if his body had just disappeared.

“Whoever it is, he’s a complete lunatic.”

He had a hunch that this was no longer a simple missing person case.

It might even be a major crime that would shake the entire nation.

“You secured the scene, right? First, send a request to the National Forensic Service. Let’s see the results of the forensic analysis.”

Detective Park hesitated for a moment at his instructions and then spoke cautiously.

“Um, Team Leader… there’s something I want to show you before that.”

Why didn’t you include it in the report?

He had that question, but he nodded, and Detective Park returned with a monitor.

“It’s the monitor that was found in the missing person’s room.”

“What? Why do you have that? Don’t tell me you took it out without permission?”

The man was raising his voice in disbelief when he noticed something and froze.

“Wait a minute, Detective Park, how is the monitor turned on?”

“That’s… I don’t know either……”

There were letters on the black screen of the monitor.

Even though it wasn’t connected to the computer or even plugged into a power outlet.

And it was even updating with sound.

Beep, beep beep beep, beep—

「The coming-of-age ceremony has been successfully completed.」

「New equipment has been equipped.」

「Total item level has increased by +12.」

「Bjorn Yan…….」



What do these letters that keep appearing mean?

“Team Leader, I looked into it a bit… and it seems there have been a few similar cases overseas.”

“What, overseas…?”

There was no way they could know for sure yet.


「The labyrinth is closed.」

「Character is being transported to Lafdonia.」


My vision brightens as the darkness recedes.

As if out of habit, I raise my head and see the usual cloudy sky filling my view.

I let out a long sigh.

‘…I made it back alive again.’

Actually, saying I ‘returned alive’ is a bit inaccurate.

Although I spent every day on edge, expecting something to happen…

…nothing happened in the end.

And twice in a row, at that.

‘Hmm, I really thought something would happen this time.’

Honestly, I’m still bewildered.

It’s because the previous expedition went so smoothly.

Thanks to a good starting point, we reached the ‘Rock Desert’, the 2nd floor connected to the gnome district, in just 9 hours after taking the 2nd-floor portal in the eastern part of the 1st floor.

Well, we didn’t get the portal opening achievement points because there was someone there before us.

「Killed Corrupted Gnome. EXP +1」

「Killed Kobold Shieldbearer. EXP +1」

「Killed Stone Golem. EXP +2」

「Killed Megalith. EXP +2」

「Killed Sandman. EXP +…….」


Various 9th-grade monsters, including gnome variants and the kobold trio. And even various types of 8th-grade monsters, including Stone Golems.

Even though we hunted and defeated all types of monsters at my request, we were able to reach the 3rd floor on Day 4.

‘It was the same while we were going to the Witch’s Forest.’

We reached the central area of the Witch’s Forest on Day 8 without any problems.

The marauders we encountered?

There weren’t any.

And from the moment we entered the 4th floor, [Tower of Heaven], we didn’t even encounter any other explorers.

「Trial completed.」

「Chose the Stairs of Courage.」

It’s time for the real hunting.

We continuously climbed the stairs and fought monsters.

All the monsters that appear on the 3rd floor ‘Pilgrim’s Path’ swarmed out in random groups, and we encountered 6th-grade monsters about once every three days.

「Killed Vitol. EXP +4」

「Killed Lizardman Scout. EXP +2」

「Killed Dullahan. EXP +3」

「Killed Banshee Queen. EXP +3」

「Killed Ilatrek. EXP +3」

「Killed Drake. EXP +4」

「Killed Living Armor…….」


We spent our time until Day 23, when the 4th floor closed.

The 6th-grade monsters that I was once so worried about?

Although there were a few times when I made mistakes during the first few encounters…

…we were able to defeat them all without any major crises thanks to our significantly increased strength.

And as a result, experience points started accumulating rapidly.

‘They don’t call it the Tower of Training for nothing.’

All the monsters that appear on the 3rd floor also appear here.

There are even 6th-grade monsters and monsters that only appear here.

Well, it was still a bit short of reaching level 4, but…

Anyway, as a result of focusing solely on hunting…


“Th, that is… if we divide it equally, it’s about 720,000 stones.”

“It’s 780,000 stones.”

“Huh? Bjorn, what do you mean…?”

“Uh, uh… I recalculated, and you’re right, Bjorn?”


We each received 780,000 stones.

And that’s even with the Mimic’s passive skill [Greed], which increased the magic stone drop rate by 30%. Without it, it would have been around 600,000 stones.

“Hmm, it’s definitely not a small amount of money… but it feels a bit disappointing. Is it just me?”

“Somehow… I feel the same way.”

“Hahaha! Well, it’s only natural since we earned so much before! Now that I think about it, Bjorn, it seems like your ridiculous luck has finally run out!”

I don’t know about luck…

But since there were no hardships, the income was also smaller.

Although marauder bastards are annoying, they at least wear decent equipment.

They’re practically more profitable than mining magic stones.

‘…Somehow, I earned less than when I first entered the labyrinth.’

Now I understand why marauders keep appearing. They’re easier to catch than 6th-grade monsters, and they’re much more profitable.

It’s inevitable that they would be drawn to it like moths to a flame.

Especially for those who consider themselves efficiency freaks.

‘Let’s not be too disappointed. The past few months were just special, this is normal.’

I barely manage to let go of my lingering thoughts, thinking about the game.

The cost of consumables, various expenses in the city…

It’s only natural that you can’t make a lot of money in the early stages.

That’s why newbies who don’t even have 1 million stones end up dying from taxes before even reaching the 2nd year.

‘…In the first place, reaching the 4th floor in just a few months is an absurd speed.’

I say that to myself and spend my time productively in the city.

We occasionally gather as a team for socializing and planning the next expedition, and I fulfill my promise to Raven by visiting the Magic Tower every week.

“Hmm, we only have 4 more sessions left, huh?”

“So when can I meet that senior of yours?”

“Ah, there was a slight problem. If it’s okay with you, Mr. Yandel, I’d like to postpone it to next month…”

“…Do as you please.”

Training, library, socializing, information gathering…

It’s been a truly leisurely time that I’ve never experienced before.

Although I’m so anxious that my hands and feet are trembling…

No one, not the Evil Spirit Hunters, Hans, or anyone else, approaches me until it’s time to enter the labyrinth again.

So I thought something might happen this time…

‘But nothing happened in the end.’

We passed through the ‘Goblin Forest’ and went up to the 3rd floor.

Thanks to that, we were able to catch additional monsters that we missed before.

And eventually, I leveled up during our days on the 4th floor.

That’s all that’s changed compared to the previous expedition.

“Bjorn! What are you thinking about so deeply? Let’s go.”

I snap out of my thoughts as I feel Misha shaking my waist.

“Come to your senses quickly. We’ll have to wait a long time if we’re late.”

A long time my ass.

Maybe if we were still 9th-grade explorers…

But 6th-grade explorers have a different checkpoint, so the waiting time is less than half.

And the officials are much more polite.

“Alright, then let’s go! Hahaha!”

We each go through our respective checkpoints and gather in one place.

And we quickly finish the distribution.

“We each get 790,000 stones.”

“Bjorn? Is that correct?”

Dwarkey’s pupils tremble anxiously at Misha’s question. What kind of mage is so bad with numbers?

“I don’t know. If it’s correct, then it’s correct.”

Since his calculations were accurate this time, we let it go without any complaints.

And as a result…

790,000 stones are deposited into my pocket.

As expected, is the world all about give and take?

Phew, since things went smoothly, the amount of money we earned is the same as last time.

“Then let’s meet separately tomorrow to have our return drinks, and today, let’s each go back and rest!”


We disband as soon as the distribution is finished and head to our accommodations.

But what is this again?

Today, this room feels dirty and cramped.

It feels like just yesterday I was happy that the room was bigger and had windows.


Even though I washed up and lay down on the bed, it doesn’t feel real.

I used to feel alive at this moment…

I suddenly have this thought.

How long will it take for me to move to a place like that inn room with the money I’m earning like this?

‘…And my growth has practically stopped lately.’

The more peaceful things are, the more anxious I feel.

Therefore, I force a smile.

‘…I’m getting too greedy.’

On the first day I woke up in this body…

I made plans, assuming it would take at least a few years, maybe even my whole life. But thanks to a series of coincidences, I’ve been able to shorten the time by at least 2 or 3 years.

Let’s not be impatient.

Things are going well enough.


‘Damn it, what the hell am I thinking?’

I slap myself hard on the cheek.


Things are going well?

The better things are going, the more dangerous the situation is.

There’s no way that things will keep going smoothly forever with my luck.

Don’t forget.

That shitty things always happen when you let your guard down.

‘Evil Spirit Hunters? Guild? Moselan? Nobles? Who is it this time? Or will I be fine until I enter the labyrinth?’

I tighten the screws in my head, recalling the experiences that are etched in my mind like trauma.

‘No, that can’t be.’

I can’t stop.

I have to keep getting stronger.

That’s the only way to survive.

Someone might think I’m paranoid…

But actually, I haven’t changed one bit since the first day.

‘Always think of the worst.’

If I have to become a madman, I want to be a madman who survives.


“Bjorn? Did something bad happen?”

“No. But why do you ask?”

“Your eyes seem a bit fiercer…”

That’s what Misha said as soon as we met the next day.

Therefore, I decide to loosen the screws a bit, just a little. My brain needs that much leeway to make rational judgments—

“Can I touch your ears?”


For a moment, I think I might have misheard because I’m going crazy, but no.

“That… my older brother said it felt good when he touched my ears. It was a long time ago, though…”

What? That asshole did that?

I can’t even imagine it, even though it was when she was young.

“Ah, for reference, I’m talking about my older brother! He’s still nice to me…”

Whether he was nice or not…

What kind of pervert is he?

This is why a good family environment is important when you’re young. Look at her, her eyes are filled with pure kindness. She probably doesn’t even realize what’s wrong with it.

“Misha, don’t say things like that to just anyone. They might misunderstand your intentions and have strange thoughts.”

Maybe I would have misunderstood her words and thought she was flirting if I hadn’t known that Misha likes skinny guys.

“But you’re not just anyone.”

Geez, she’s talking back.

“Just say you understand.”

“…Okay. Anyway, if that doesn’t work, should I grill some meat for you?”

“…If that’s the case, I’ll gladly eat it.”

And so, breakfast is decided to be grilled pork.

Although it’s quite expensive for one meal, even if I buy it myself, since it’s meat…

I make a rational judgment.

It’s definitely not a loss if I can grow even a little by eating this meat.

“Eat slowly! Let me eat some too!!”

“…Didn’t you say you don’t like meat?”

“You insensitive barbarian!!”

Anyway, regardless of the slight mishap during the meal…

We start our day in earnest after filling our stomachs.

It’s evening when we’re supposed to meet the others, so…

“I’ll be out for a bit.”

“Oh, then can I rest today?”

“If you’re bored, just swing your swords. Seeing you drop your sword the other day, it seems like your proficiency is still lacking.”

“That’s! Because I didn’t have enough strength!!”

“Then you need to exercise.”

“You musclehead!!”

Anyway, I leave Misha behind and go out.

“Have a safe trip! And come back as late as possible!”

Well, it’s not like she’ll actually follow my words and spend her time training…

But that’s her choice.

Thud, thud.

I walk diligently with my strong legs and soon arrive at my destination.

It’s the place I always go when I have time to spare.

In other words, the library.

“It seems like there were no major incidents.”

Ragna speaks to me as soon as I arrive, now that we’ve exchanged names and gone through various things.

Of course, it doesn’t feel like we’re close.

“As you can see, there weren’t. Have you been well?”

“Of course.”

“Then I’ll leave it to you today as well.”

Just as I’m about to ask for the [High-Grade Book Detection] spell after a brief exchange of greetings…

Ragna hesitates for some reason.

It’s a habit of hers that she does when she has something to say, although she doesn’t realize it.

“If you have something to say, just say it.”

“…How do you always know?”

“It’s just your expression.”

Ragna makes a slightly offended expression at my honest answer. It seems like she’s quite upset to hear this from a barbarian.

However, as a rational intellectual, she gets straight to the point without any digressions.

“I’ll tell you beforehand, but it’s not confirmed information. However, I thought I should warn you since you’re an explorer.”


It’s a word I didn’t expect at all.

But suddenly, I snap out of it.

Even though she said it’s not confirmed information, it’s not going to be nonsense, considering her personality.

“What is it? Tell me quickly.”

At my urging, Ragna speaks cautiously,

“There might be a dimensional collapse phenomenon in the labyrinth soon.”

I have a reasonable doubt as soon as I hear it.

Dimensional collapse.

It’s a true ‘disaster’ in the labyrinth that can’t even be compared to something like a Floor Master.

‘I was wondering why it’s been so quiet lately…’

Could it be that this is about to happen?

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