Surviving the Game as a Barbarian

Chapter 88 Baron Martoan (4)

Chapter 88 Baron Martoan (4)

Baron Martoan (4)

The Baron's request was simple.

Some Count was throwing a big banquet in two months, and all I had to do was attend with him.

"Is that all...?"

"Hmm, I'd like you to show off some tricks in front of people. Like bending steel with your bare hands."

In short, he wanted to use me as a trophy to make himself look good at the banquet...

"Can you do it?"

What does he take barbarians for?

"That's no problem."

"Then it's settled."

For reference, the reward for the request was a service fee of 1 million stones and lifting Dwarkey's labyrinth entry ban.

Phew, this is what nobles are like?

Wasting that much money just to show off to others.

'Well, I'll just reap the benefits.'

Even without Dwarkey's issue, it's a good deal.

1 million stones just for playing along for a day?

The smelly sewer request was only 150,000 stones.

"Hmm, alright. Then I'll take care of that friend's problem right away. Think of it as my favor to you."

The baron even showed his generosity by resolving Dwarkey's issue first.

I wondered what he would do if I didn't keep my end of the deal later...

'I guess that's the kind of existence nobles are, where they don't have to worry about such things.'

I'm realizing once again that I have a long way to go.

I've built up some strength.

I've even gained a bit of fame.


'I need to start planning for that side of things too.'

I need to gain power.

Just like in the game.

And just like it's been since I woke up in this place.

Incidents that threaten my life don't only happen in the labyrinth.


The next morning.

We gather at the meeting place again.

It's to confirm whether Dwarkey's labyrinth entry permit has been restored.

"So how did it go? Did that baron keep his promise?"

"I checked today, and there seems to be no problem."

"But why does he look so pale?"

"Huhu, it's just your imagination..."

Imagination my ass.

Could it be that he's so shocked that his half-brother, Baron Martoan, didn't even remember him properly, let alone feel threatened by him?

Dwarkey's mental state has completely collapsed since yesterday.

Well, he's trying his best not to show it...


Dwarkey sighs deeply several times a day, as if the world is ending.

I hope he comes to his senses before the labyrinth opens.

"Ah, more importantly, here, take this. It's the reward I promised."


"Didn't you guys come with me to negotiate with the baron?"

Hikurod takes out the 300,000 stones he offered as compensation.

I decide not to accept it.

"Forget it, why are we exchanging money like this?"

"I didn't go there expecting a reward. And besides, negotiating with him was also for the team."

It would be awkward for me to accept it alone when both of them are refusing...

'And it's not like I'll have any problems just because I don't have 300,000 stones right now.'

It's better to consider this a debt.

As we continue to enter the labyrinth, there will surely be times when we exchange favors, give and take, and even have to make concessions.

"Anyway, thank you. It's not easy to swallow your pride as a warrior."

Hmm, well...

Honestly, hearing those words makes me feel awkward.

1 million stones is too much to worry about pride.

"I'll never forget this and will repay you."

"No, why would you repay him? Bjorn, I'll definitely repay this debt tenfold."

"Whoever does it, just do it."

"Hehe, Bjorn is embarrassed!"

What is she talking about? I'm being serious.


There are 8 days left until the labyrinth opens.

What I've been doing during that time is simple.

Besides my usual routine of helping Misha train and reading hidden books at the library...

"It's paper made 150 years ago."

I found out the production date of [Compendium of Rifts II].

It's just ordinary paper that was commonly used back then.

'Phew, what the hell happened 150 years ago?'

The time when the game started.

The death of the first king.

And the time when this book was written.

Many questions keep overlapping with the period of exactly 150 years ago.

'It can't be a coincidence.'

There must be some kind of connection between those events.

That's all I've found out so far, but...

It's at least given me the motivation to move forward.

'I need to focus on researching the history of 150 years ago.'

Who brought the players here?

What was their purpose, and who the hell is Auril Gabis? If I keep gathering clues, maybe I can eventually uncover the secret.

Anyway, onto the second thing.

"Uh, uh... we're doing that...? No! It's not that I don't want to, but it's a bit sudden..."

I opened a bank account at Alminus Bank.

And we designated each other as beneficiaries in case of death.

We plan to deposit a portion of the money we earn together into this account and use it as a shared fund.

"In that sense, let's put all 2 million stones we earned this time into this account."

"Eek? All of it?"

"You don't have any immediate use for it, do you?"

"Ugh... you're not planning on using it for something strange behind my back, are you?"

"What do you take me for?"

We decide to keep the remaining 900,000 stones in cash after depositing 2 million stones each into the account.

There's nowhere to use it right away, and...

Since we've moved on from the days of barely scraping by, it's time to start saving.

Ah, and there was also this.

"You're... Bjorn, son of Yandel?!"

While walking down the street, I coincidentally reunited with one of the barbarians from my coming-of-age ceremony.

His name is Karak, the third son of Fanun.

We just asked about each other's recent situation and parted ways.

He said he became an 8th-grade explorer and is working as a tank in a team of humans on the 2nd floor?

"What about the others? Most of them are dead. There probably aren't many left besides you, Ainar, and me. As you know, it's not an easy place."

Anyway, it seems like his personality has changed a lot since he formed a team with humans.

He used to be much more simple-minded.

"If they had told us more about that place instead of clinging to outdated traditions, they wouldn't have died so much..."

Seeing him express bitterness towards the ways of his tribe, I almost wonder if he's really a barbarian warrior.

Honestly, I felt sorry for him.

He must have gone through a lot to change like that, considering he was a warrior to the core.

'Not all barbarians are the same.'

Thanks to him, I realized something new.

Barbarians also grow mentally.

They might still be weak in terms of knowledge like letters and numbers, but they gain wisdom as they survive in a changed environment.

'...Maybe there are even some seniors who have become almost like humans after several years—'

"Bjorn, what are you thinking about so deeply?"


I end my thoughts at Misha's voice.

Well, it would be a bit rude to be lost in thought when she just cooked and brought me food.

"But Bjorn, you seem a bit taller...?"


"It might be my imagination, but stand here for a moment!"

...This is annoying.

But I get up from the middle of my meal and measure my height. Misha chops the air from the top of her head to my chest and then nods.

"You've definitely gotten taller! About this much?"

"Are you sure you're not mistaken?"

Honestly, I can't believe it.

Leaving aside the fact that I can even grow taller here, how can she tell at a glance that it's less than 1 centimeter?

"Hmm, I'm good at noticing things like that. So you can trust me."

"...If you say so."

Instead of arguing, I just nod.

Well, I might have gotten taller.

I've been eating a lot of meat lately.

'...If I really did grow taller, should I eat even more meat?'

If it's true, it's worth it.

A height that's naturally above average.

That's the decisive reason why I chose a barbarian as a tank, not a dwarf. The [Gigantification] mechanism itself multiplies based on your base height.

'It was exactly 1.771 times, I think.'

Now I have another reason to eat meat.

"...Don't just eat the meat, eat everything!"



After the meal, I check my backpack one last time to see if I've missed anything.

Because it's almost time to enter the labyrinth.

"Let's go, everyone's waiting."

As we head to the meeting place, I see my companions dressed differently than usual.

The dwarf is wearing heavy armor instead of a shirt.

Dwarkey is standing there, holding a long two-handed staff.

"Uh, Rotmiller! Why don't you have a weapon?"

"Don't worry, I put it in the [Treasure Vault]. I've gotten used to it, so it's more convenient to take it out when I need it than to carry it around all the time."

"Oh, I see."

The Mimic's ability, [Treasure Vault].

I used to think it was just a skill that replaced subspace storage, but maybe it's a very convenient essence for Rotmiller, who handles various equipment like crossbows, shields, and swords.

"Then please gather around me. I'm going to cast [Bonding]."

As soon as Dwarkey starts chanting, a green light spreads out and seeps into our bodies.

It's like forming a party.

This spell is necessary for multiple people to enter the labyrinth and start in the same location.

'Ainar used to wait in line at the guild from dawn...'

I'm starting to understand why explorers make such a fuss about mages.

If you have a mage in your team, you don't have to wait in line at the guild from early morning...

...and there are significant financial benefits as well.

On average, it would have cost 100,000 stones in fees for five 6.5-grade explorers to cast [Bonding].

"Let's get going."

As we walk together towards the Dimensional Plaza, I see more and more explorers on the streets.

It's a sight you can only see on the last night of every month.

Everyone looks like beggars when they return.

"Halt! I think we're lost."

"No way! We have to get to the labyrinth within the allotted time!"

Coincidentally, we encounter barbarians again.

Young warriors with their bare bodies, filled with nothing but anticipation and excitement, heading towards the labyrinth after finishing their coming-of-age ceremony.

"...Follow us."

I ask for my companions' understanding and help them.

Although I don't have any sense of tribal duty...

...I feel like I should do it.

"Really? Thank you. If you tell me your name... what! Bjorn, son of Yandel?!! You're Little Balkan!!! I respect you!!"

Anyway, regardless of the young warriors' excessive reactions...

I give them various advice on the way to the Dimensional Plaza.

That they should be wary of fellow explorers, especially humans, since barbarian hearts are traded at a high price.

That they should try to find other races as night companions.

That they should be careful of traps and stick to paths with light, and so on.

I generously share the knowledge that would have been helpful for me when I first entered the labyrinth.

"If I do that, can I become a famous warrior like you?"

Well, I don't know about that.



"Ooh! Is that so! Alright! I'll definitely do everything you said!"

It's better for them if I do this.

They're the kind of guys who only understand when you tell them clearly.

The dwarf quietly speaks to me as I watch the young warriors head towards the portal, engraving my advice in their hearts.

"You... you're very kind to your own kind?"

"I just did what I could. Isn't it harsh to have to learn everything through experience?"

"Hmm, that's true. Hahaha!"

With that small talk as the last exchange, we also head towards the center where the portal is open.


My vision becomes distant, and a brilliant, multicolored light covers it.

Suddenly, past events unfold like a panorama.

'This is the fourth time, isn't it...'

During my first entry, I reached the 2nd floor after defeating countless bastards.

The second time?

I entered a rift with the sole intention of becoming stronger. But it turned out to be a variant rift.

And then it got even crazier.

I formed a team, but we got separated.

In the end, the Floor Master started rampaging, and I barely made it back after practically stepping into the gates of hell.



I hope nothing happens.

There's no way something would happen again, right?

I throw away those thoughts before they even fully form.

'Phew, what kind of bastard is going to appear this time?'

Something will definitely happen again this time.

So let's brace ourselves.


「Entered 1st Floor Crystal Cave.」




「TIP: The character has reached the maximum number of essences that can be absorbed. Hunt new monsters and level up!」

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.