Surviving a Harsh Fantasy with Cheat Items (WN)

Chapter 76.3: Leaf Holy Relic

Chapter 76.3: Leaf Holy Relic

It just came into me that it is really discriminatory if a man chooses a beautiful sister just because of her face.

However, if youre a female hero, its not strange to choose a saint.

So, Ive never seen a female hero and Ive hardly even heard of one. Perhaps saints not being chosen balances the heroes.


Ive thought about it for a long time. The teaching of race and gender equality of the Asama Church is wonderful as a principle but they dont work in the real world at all.

Princess Silhouette cant become a queen because shes a half elf and a woman. Nymphs are being discriminated against. Even in slavery, female slaves are below male slaves.

In that respect, what do you think, archbishop? I think the basis is not equal in the first place.

It cant be helped. Lets not argue about the basis.

But, wasnt the big speech you gave earlier with all your power came from that?

Youre being too unreasonable, archbishop homo. Im sure you understood what I mean.

Anyway, the saints are the ones who are worthy to be with the heroes desu. Saint X Hero is the ideal combination. My dream is that one day, the world will be full of Saint X Hero combination.

There, Ria can no longer bear it and intervenes.

Dont be stupid, archbishop! Hero X Saintess is the supreme couple. History and tradition prove it.

Filthy saintess, dont be stupid! I made a direct visit to Asama and when I asked her about saint X hero, she said OKAY. There was also an oracle saying It is likely to happen..

Thats because Asama is generous. Also, it is only said likely but it cant replace the standard which is hero X saintess, idiot!

Only an idiot calls someone an idiot desu. I can confirm here that any hero wholl get involved with the debauchery saintess will fall without fail. Sister Steriana, I know you were secretly fishing for dirty books in the library. Do you want me to tell that to everyone!

Ah, then, do it by all means, archbishop homo. You also often went into the library and to read forbidden books of debauchery.

No, thats not true. You cant compare what I was reading to yours. Im reading the future bible which depicts the passionate friendship between men!

Im having a headache with what Im hearing..

Why did I even try to listen to these guys?

They are only endlessly arguing about hero X saint and saintess x hero.

Louise came to me asking if it was time to dismantle the dragons body so I gave her permission.

I dont think I can deal with this.

If we wait any longer, the precious dragons internal organs will be damaged.

Archbishop Nicholas, Im afraid I cant help you with your principles.

Ria looked at me with a bright smile.

Archbishop homo, whos almost naked, looked at me with a fearless smile.

Such a pity. It seems like you were only a mediocre person who doesnt understand my dream. Im sure you will regret this.

Archbishop Nicholas picked up his archbishop robe and quickly ran down the stairs, disappearing before I could warn him to put on his clothes first.

Eh? Wait a minute, isnt he going to go home using teleportation magic?

Jennys not here so he cant teleport.

Sensei came to me and pointed out what I was surprised about. However, I wonder how he plans to go down the stairs from the 88th floor and go straight back to the imperial capital.

No, perhaps hes going to join Jenny on another floor. If she has showed up here, Id have the chance of erasing a nasty advance mage.

Cant we just follow him?

Sensei said that we shouldnt because they might have set a trap on a lower level.

Well, he said Freed was busy but if he was bluffing and I rushed after him, I might run into Freed and his elite entourage.

However, sensei is indeed sensei.

In the midst of that inexcusable farce, shell immediately move to kill Jenny if she sees her for a moment. Shes too calm and scary.

However, why isnt she targeting the archbishop Nicholas and only the advance mage?

Theres no point in targeting a homo archbishop since Lyle-sensei always targets arrogant and foolish advance mages.

Until the last advance mage perishes in this world, Lyle-senseis battle will continue.

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