Chapter 42: Perfect Aim

[Lucy's POV]

"These damn relatives... Always fighting for family resources. After a long time, I found a good guy to spd time with, but they ruined it all." Lucy thought, while flying home on her swan.

Bad witch: "Hey baby, stop overthinking. That guy Kt is very young, and look at yourself... you are 6." The bad side of Lucy popped up on her left side and spoke in a discouraging tone. (Imaginative, like something we experice during our thoughts.) Good-bad argumt.)

White Angel: "Don't list to her. Young Master Kt is very interested in you. He ev invited you to dinner, to spd more time." Lucy's good side popped from her right side and she spoke couragingly.

Bad Witch :"Hahaha… you are not little girl Lucy, he just asked formally. Kt is a rich man, and it is common for him to invite others for food. That doesn't mean Kt is interested in you." The bad side laughed mockingly.

White Angel: "You are speaking nonsse." The good side bickered the left side one. "Lucy, he ev held your hand dearly. He stared at you with great interest, and you can also see that he likes you." The good side spoke while fluttering its wings near her ear. (Imaginative)

Bad Witch: "You are stupid if you think that's affection. Any man would do the same thing if a beautiful lady offered her hand. Do you forget how rich he is? Definitely, Kt must have ts of girlfrids rolling on his bed. You are just a passing cloud to him." The bad side replied with a loud smirk while hanging on her left side ear.

White Angel: "Nooo… Don't believe her. Kt has a pure Dao heart. He is a good man with a pure heart. He is not that kind of person. He ev accepted your invitation to the heavly beast gathering." The good side replied with dreamy eyes.

Bad Witch: "He just did that for his pet. Also, anything can happ during a two-day journey. Don't fall for him and offer your body, Lucy. I know you are 6 years old, and your body craves loving m. But don't give your first time to Kt, out of infatuation." The bad side of Lucy began laughing more loudly, buzzing her brain with wild sces.

"Stop…" Lucy cried out, shaking her head. "I can think of the Kt matter later. But first, I need to handle my relatives." Lucy affirmed angrily and rushed inside the Gray family's mansion.


Inside the hanging pearl palace...

Kt sat in the ctral hall, staring at his old, tattered glass orb. The school st a reminder message to him about the 'oppont scheduling evt' tomorrow and that all the competitors in the tournamt must attd. Otherwise, they will disqualify the abstee from the tournamt.

Instead of placing the Fire Kirin in the beast parking space on the g floor, Kt allowed it to stay inside the home with him.

He tossed the glass orb inside the bracelet and picked up the sky pearl.

As the tournamt is just five days away, Kt decided to get serious with his arrow practice. He oped the archer combat video's st by his aunt and began studying them closely.

The Kirin placed its head on his thigh and slept calmly without making any sound. Time passed slowly, and Kt's gaze fixed on the glowing sky orb for hours. Its already pitch dark outside, and Kt forgot about checking time.

"I can't go on like this. Let's practice while following these videos." Kt muttered as he slowly got up from the sofa without disturbing Fire Kirin.

He wt to the combat room specially built for training and took out the Victor bow from the Pegasus bracelet. He placed the sky orb to one side and began practicing the bow like it was shown in the video.


With a deep breath, Kt held the Victor bow and lifted into a combat stance like it showed in the video. His fingers curled a the smooth grip as he mimicked the actions of the archers on the scre.

He could feel the weight of the bow in his hands, and it was a lot less stressful than his first time. The tsion of the string as he drew it back and the anticipation building within him as he prepared to release.

Kt didn't need physical arrows to shoot. Instead, he tapped into his inner ergy, his aura coalescing into a shimmering arrow of light as he drew back the string of his bow. The Victor bow glowed in a gold color, resonating with his aura.

It was a ssation unlike anything he had expericed before... a connection formed betwe his aura and the arrow formed along the bow string. Based on how much aura he infused, the glow of the arrow varied.

With a focused gaze, Kt sighted his target—a small, makeshift bullseye pinned to the far wall of his room. He took a momt to steady his breathing, his conctration unwavering as he aimed with precision.

And th, with a swift release, Kt let fly his arrow, the ethereal shaft of light streaking across the room with astonishing speed and accuracy. It struck true, passing itself from the cter of the target with a satisfying thud.

"What the…?" Kt's mouth oped wide in surprise. "Wh did I have such a good aim? Except for throwing rocks randomly during my walk, I never practiced my aim. Is it because of the bow?!" Kt muttered while staring at the arrow mark.

A triumphant grin spread across Kt's face as he watched the small red dot where his arrow hit its mark, a sse of exhilaration coursing through him.

"It seems the arrow will disappear after the aura fades." Kt thought as he is aiming for the second time.

Instead of practicing the 'spell arrows' mtioned in the Arcane Tome, Kt decided to spd more time handling the bow and mastering the arrow drawing techniques.

The night passed slowly, and Kt immersed himself in the bow training. He perfected his stance, breathing, and conctration technique and spt a lot of time manoeuvring the position during combat.

At the d of combat video's, an old man gave a long lecture on the combat style an archer should develop to become a great arch-magus. From holding the bow to controlling aura, focusing on the target, releasing technique, during the bow weight, etc.

Kt got several insights from the old man. But ev after training for one full hour on how to change the arrow direction during flight, Kt could not grasp the technique behind it.

He kept the bow aside and sat down for a nap. But his body slipped into a deep sleep.


///A/N - We are close to power stones target 80/0. Fill it for the bonus chapter guys.///

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