Chapter 41: Invitation

"Wait, the Great Magus Pet Store gave me this discount card for pet decorations. Is it useful?" Kt asked while placing the black card in Lucy's hand.

Lucy took a look at the discount card and replied, "It is useful in the case of other pets. But not for this fire Kirin." Lucy replied in a dispirited tone.

"What do you mean?" Kt asked with a questioning look.

"Sorry to say, but my pet store doesn't have any decorative ornamts or protective items related to Fire Kirin. Not only my store, but all stores in Silver Leaf City won't have these items." Lucy replied while giving back the discount card to Kt.

"Why?" Kt asked curiously.

"Because Silver Leaf City is just a 3rd-tier city, and not many people buy wild-rank pets here. If you want to decorate your fire, Kirin, you might need to visit the capital city (Gold Bamboo City) or any Tier city." Lucy replied while staring at Kt's face, interestingly.

Kt sighed disappointedly after hearing her reply. "The tire-one city is more than 500 miles away from here. As for the capital city..." Kt stopped talking, as the capital city is very distant from Silver Leaf Town.

"Kt, if you really want to buy protective equipmt for your Fire Kirin, I have a suggestion for you." Lucy paused, waiting for Kt's reaction.

"What is it?" Kt asked while staring into her deep, classy, brown eyes.

"Heavly beast gathering," Lucy said with an excited look.

Kt stared at her questioningly, as he doesn't know anything about heavly beast gathering.

"The Ch family of Gold Bamboo City (Capital City) conducts a beast gathering annually. During that time, a large number of people with unique pets from rich aristocratic families gather at the Ch family backyard to display their pets.

Highly qualified artisans, craftsm, beast tamers, and pet stores op their stalls to show their collections and skills. You can find any type of pet, ornamt, or protective equipmt in that place. Also, you can order custom decorations for your Fire Kirin by paying a suitable price.

This year, my family store in the capital city got an invitation to this gathering. If you don't mind traveling with me, we can go together."

Lucy explained everything in detail, ignoring the fact that Kt is still holding her hand. For some reason, she really wanted Kt to say yes to her invitation.

Kt took his time to think about her invitation as he also needs to participate in the school tournamt.

"Wh will this gathering happ?" Kt asked while staring at her face from close distance.

"First day of the next lunar month. Which is 3 days from now. We need to start our journey two days earlier." Lucy replied with an anticipated look.

The tournamt is 5 days away, and it will take days to finish. So, it's not a problem for Kt to attd the beast gathering. But a lady figure came into Kt's mind as he thought of Lucy's invitation.

"Should I get Thea's permission first?" Kt's thoughts stopped at his promised bride. But Kt shook his head in the next second, remembering, her act of kicking him out.

"Thanks for the offer. I'm very excited to see the beast gathering. Also, it is my first time traveling to another city. Please take good care of me." Kt replied with a joyful smile while shaking Luna's hand in a thank-you manner.

Luna, who finally realized that her hand is still stuck with Kt, pulled back with a shy smile. The Fire Kirin also took a break from eating as its stomach is full to the brim.

"I will be waiting for you, Kt. Don't forget to come on time." Lucy replied, laughing happily, and began packing more food for Kirin.

"Lucy, thanks for your time. It seems you wasted a lot of time here. If you don't mind, let's have a dinner together. I will pay the bill to compsate for your extra care for my pet." Kt, who really wanted to spd more time with her, took this chance with a nice request.

But before Lucy replied, her glass orb, which is a cirrus cloud edition, began glowing with thunderous music. As she stared at the image of the person who was calling, her smile vanished, replaced with a serious face.

She distanced herself from Kt and answered the call. After two minutes, she came back again with a pale, grim face.

"Sorry, Kt. I need to go home urgtly. You can treat me next time." Lucy replied in a serious tone and placed all the packed food in his hands.

"What about the bill?" Kt asked hurriedly as Lucy prepared to leave.

"The food will only last for one week. You can pay me next week." Lucy replied, calling her pet.

In the next instance, she left the store on her swan. Kt stood awkwardly, as he did not understand where it all wt wrong. With a depressed face, he stored the packed food in his bracelet, which could keep it fresh for at least one week.

"Let's go… It seems she is justly fridly with us." Kt muttered while patting on the back of Fire Kirin, who responded by leaning her body and gesturing for Kt to mount her back.

With a dispirited look, Kt flew towards the Hanging Pearl Palace. Several doubts arise in Kt's brain as he thinks about Lucy's opinion of him.


Lambu, who is carrying Mohini, laughed unreasonably while staring at Kt from above.

"What happed? Why are you laughing so suddly?" Mohini asked with a serious look.

"Hehe... Master, look at young Master Kt. He seems to be interested in that food lady (Lucy). But his sad face shows that he failed to catch her heart." Lambu replied with a chuckling laughter, with all his teeth out.

"Stop laughing… We are here to protect young Master Kt. Not to spy on him. Also, from now on, we won't look at young master's personal life. Do you understand?" Mohini said in a warning tone.

"But master, how can we protect young master without spying on him?" Lambu asked in a doubtful tone.

"I will show you how to do it." Mohini put on a grim face and pulled the two short horns of Lambu with full force.

"Ahhh… Master… Please spare me... I beg you." Lambu cried out painfully as tears welled up in his eyes.

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