Solo Resurrection

Chapter 63

Chapter 63 – A Tough Relationship(2)


Her most powerful magic had turned into an ice maker.

The woman’s eyes looked like they might pop out as she stared at the unbelievable reality.

“What do you mean? Back then, I just let myself die on purpose.”

“Damn it! Everyone attack!”

At the woman’s signal, enemies who had been hiding revealed themselves.

Magic power boiled up from all directions, and soon a magical spectacle unfolded across the dawn sky.


As more than ten spells exploded where Kang Hyeon had been standing, light burst with a thunderous roar.

“He’s like a cockroach! Don’t stop, keep attacking!”

“Isn’t cockroach a bit harsh?”


The woman quickly moved away from the voice suddenly right next to her.

‘Oh no, he’s fast!’

However, Kang Hyeon’s movements far exceeded the woman’s expectations. Even though she moved as soon as she heard his voice, her arm was still caught.

“Magic Explosion.”



Kang Hyeon used Magic Explosion while holding onto the woman’s arm.

The explosion at point-blank range blew off the woman’s arm along with her armor, sending it flying through the air.

“Lady Yuri!”

“Damn it! Don’t stop attacking!”

The subordinates around were shocked, but only for a moment.

She might be their superior, but they would abandon her if necessary.

That’s how they had been trained.

“Burning flames of…”

A huge mace flew into the head of the man chanting a spell.


The man’s head burst like a watermelon upon impact with the mace. The fragments thoroughly soaked his nearby comrade.


The man who was suddenly covered in his comrade’s blood and brain matter froze in place.

“This is more like it! Kuhahaha!”

“What in the…”

The man also didn’t finish his sentence before joining his comrade.

The last thing he saw before dying was the hideous mace covered in various internal organs.

“An Yu-seong! Don’t kill them all! Capture them alive if possible!”

“I’ll try my best!”

“That crazy bastard…”

After that, the enemies continued to be helplessly defeated.

They were certainly among the stronger ability users, but they were no match for Kang Hyeon and An Yu-seong.

“Everyone, retreat!”

Finally, unable to hold out, the enemies fell back.

“This won’t do. Everyone, take the new drug.”

Another man who seemed to be a superior gave the order.

“What are you doing? Take it now!”


But the men hesitated, avoiding eye contact.

“That’s right. You shouldn’t take drugs like that. So hand them over while I’m asking nicely.”

“Take it now!”

As Kang Hyeon rushed forward, a shout erupted, and the hesitating men finally took out blue pills and put them in their mouths.

-Crunch, crunch, gulp!

The pills were instantly crushed and swallowed, reaching their stomachs.


At the same time, magic power began to boil up throughout their bodies.

“What’s this? Why are they suddenly like that?”

“Brother, at times like this, it’s best to just watch.”


“So the enemies can get stronger, of course.”

“You crazy fool! Move now!”

Kang Hyeon had no intention of stupidly watching the enemies get stronger.


With a shout, his sword swung, cutting off the enemies’ heads.

One, two, three.

The enemy heads fell quickly, and as Kang Hyeon swung his sword towards the fourth enemy, it happened.


An enemy who had come to his senses caught Kang Hyeon’s sword with his bare hand.


“What are you gonna do after catching it, you bastard!”

Kang Hyeon let go of the sword without hesitation and immediately grabbed the enemy’s face with both hands.

“Magic Explosion!”

Magic spheres generated in both of Kang Hyeon’s hands exploded simultaneously.


“Ugh, this was supposed to be a last resort.”

When used at close range, Magic Explosion also damages the user.

Kang Hyeon frowned at the impact that penetrated his B-grade armor.


Four comrades died in an instant.

The panicked enemies rushed in from all directions.

“Why are they so fast?!”

These enemies were different from those who had transformed due to drug side effects before.

If those previous ones had transformed into monsters with greatly increased physical abilities, these had become monsters themselves.

-Clang, clang, clang!

Their hands and feet were completely beyond human.

Every time Kang Hyeon’s sword clashed with the enemies’ flesh, the sword rang out.

“Hey! What are you do… Kuhek!”

Kang Hyeon, who was calling for An Yu-seong, was sent flying by a hand as big as a hammer.

Flying through the air, what Kang Hyeon saw was An Yu-seong going berserk while surrounded by numerous enemies.

“Kuhahaha! This is it! Yeah!”

Kang Hyeon had already allowed several attacks, but An Yu-seong was ravaging the enemies without taking a single hit.

Although An Yu-seong’s attacks lacked power due to his insufficient strength, he was clearly overwhelming the enemies.

“Damn… This feels oddly unfair.”

More precisely, his pride was hurt.

“Talented bastards should all die!”

Throwing off his tattered armor, Kang Hyeon charged forward.





Dark dawn.

It wasn’t a suitable time to identify fast-moving arrows.


Nevertheless, the man could clearly see the arrow flying through the darkness.


The man who lightly deflected the arrow with his dagger continued to chase the woman in front of him.

‘She’s a tough one.’

Shin Seong-a, who was being chased by such a man, nocked another arrow and aimed at him.

“It won’t work!”

The man’s name was Jeong Seon-gu.

He was one of the Five Kings that Kang Hyeon had seen at the Bait Guild.

“How long are you going to keep running?!”

He was already a powerful ability user, but due to drugs, he had gained even more strength.

‘A mere ordinary ability user… I’ll end it in one strike if I can catch her.’

Unlike the relaxed man, Shin Seong-a was quite desperate.

‘I need to deal with this quickly and help Mr. Kang Hyeon…’

Due to her characteristics, she was bound to be weak in one-on-one combat.

Although she had made a lot of progress in close combat abilities by following Kang Hyeon recently, that was it.

This man was clearly an ability user specialized in close combat.

If she thought of him like the riffraff from the cafe last time and faced him carelessly, she would be taken down in an instant.

“I told you it’s useless!”

Jeong Seon-gu irritably deflected the arrows that kept flying at him.

“Oh, have you finally decided to fight?”

Jeong Seon-gu smiled as he saw Shin Seong-a finally stop in her place.

“What’s this? Looking closely, you’re quite pretty, aren’t you?”


“I’ll have to end this battle quickly. Instead, let’s have an intense battle on the bed.”

Jeong Seon-gu gave a lecherous smile.

“Of course, your role is set in any battle.”


“Your role is to excite me by screaming for your life. Hehehe!”

Jeong Seon-gu’s pants bulged as he imagined the battle to come.

With drool dripping from his mouth, he was clearly not normal at first glance.

“Your protruding snout reminds me of a ‘goblin shark’. With such a repulsive appearance, it must have been difficult for you to meet women.”


Goblin shark.

A deep-sea fish of the Mitsukurinidae family.

Sometimes called a living fossil.

It’s a real existing fish.

“What is this crazy bitch saying?!”

Jeong Seon-gu, greatly excited by the comment about his appearance, rushed forward without hesitation.

-Clang, clang!

“Stop this nonsense!”

Sparks flew as the arrows were deflected by Jeong Seon-gu’s dagger.

“I’ll fix that shameless mouth of yours first!”

Jeong Seon-gu’s daggers struck relentlessly.

Although Shin Seong-a, with her excellent dynamic vision, could perceive all the attacks, that didn’t mean she could respond to them.

“Hehehe! Keep talking like you did earlier!”

Red lines appeared all over Shin Seong-a’s body as blood seeped out.

“Are you running away again?”

Shin Seong-a drew her bow again as she once more increased the distance.

“Magic Arrow!”

The bow of the great warrior Benandi, obtained after clearing a C-rank dungeon.

The ‘Magic Arrow’ ability that the weapon possessed was completely different from what she had expected.

-Just be aware that it consumes quite a bit of magic.

Kang Hyeon’s words when he handed over the great warrior’s bow.

While it might have been “a bit” for Kang Hyeon, for her, it was a truly murderous level of magic consumption.

However, its power was certain.

‘I’ll end it in one shot.’

Currently, the number of times she could use Magic Arrow was a maximum of 5.

She had to end the fight within that.

“What is this?!”

Jeong Seon-gu was startled by the sudden Magic Arrow flying towards him.

‘I can’t block this!’

Sensing the power contained within, Jeong Seon-gu hurriedly twisted his body.


The arrow narrowly missed Jeong Seon-gu’s chest.

“Damn it. Just die without being so troublesome!”

As Jeong Seon-gu cursed, another Magic Arrow flew towards him.

“Magic Shield!”

The most common but useful skill.

The Magic Arrow that hit the Magic Shield exploded, causing magic dust to rise.


Then, an ordinary arrow flew through the dust.

Jeong Seon-gu failed to notice the sudden regular arrow.

The arrow grazed Jeong Seon-gu’s ear, causing a wound.

“Argh! Don’t get cocky!”

Soon, the third Magic Arrow flew, but Jeong Seon-gu easily avoided it by twisting his body.

‘Now only two left…’

However, Jeong Seon-gu had already reached right in front of her.

There was no time to leisurely nock arrows.



She avoided the dagger, but was directly hit by the roundhouse kick that followed.

Shin Seong-a, blown away by the impact, hit the wall, causing cement dust to fly into the air.

“I won’t give you any leeway.”

Although Shin Seong-a’s figure was obscured by the dust, it didn’t matter.

Jeong Seon-gu ran towards the direction where she had been.


Two Magic Arrows flew through the dust cloud.


The two Magic Arrows flying through the dust cloud were visible.

‘If I’m hit, it’s over!‘

It was a technique with an ominous power.

Jeong Seon-gu focused all his attention.

His sense of time slowed down, and the trajectory of the arrows became clearly visible.

‘First, one arrow.’

He bent his back backwards to avoid the arrow flying towards his head.

‘The other arrow!’

Another arrow narrowly grazed his side.


As Jeong Seon-gu let out a sigh of relief, he saw Shin Seong-a running towards him.

‘Hmph. She must be out of magic. Now you’re finished.’

His waist, which he had forcibly twisted to avoid the arrows, slowly returned to its normal position.

In his slowed sense of time, she was still far away.

‘Just a little more…’

The moment he regained his balance. He would dash forward like lightning and pierce that white neck, staining it with blood.

‘What’s that?’

Then he saw her throw something as she was running.

‘A glass bottle?’

It didn’t matter what it was.

Even if an arrow came flying, he was confident he could settle into position and deflect it in that time.

‘Hmph, useless struggle…’


“Get rid of it!”

Finally, his slowed sense of time returned, and Jeong Seon-gu, having regained his balance, quickly struck away the glass bottle flying towards him.

“What is this?!”

As the glass bottle shattered, the unpleasant green liquid inside covered Jeong Seon-gu’s face.

“Huh…? Aaaaargh!”

And then Jeong Seon-gu’s face, covered in the liquid, began to melt.

The liquid was part of the poison that Kang Hyeon had received from Shin Tae-gil.

-Just in case, you should keep some too.


Shin Seong-a thought she didn’t need poison, but she kept it because Kang Hyeon gave it to her.

That poison saved her from crisis at a crucial moment.

“What is this?! Aaaah!”

Jeong Seon-gu screamed madly while grabbing his melting face.

Shin Seong-a approached his side and whispered in his ear.

“I still have one bottle left.”


Shin Seong-a raised another glass bottle.


Kang Hyeon had given her two bottles of poison.


“Now your face looks a bit better. Yeah.”

Generally, sulfuric acid and hydrochloric acid dissolve skin immediately upon contact.

However, for ability users with much stronger skin than normal people, they were actually not very effective as weapons.


But whatever was mixed in the drug that Shin Tae-gil handed over, it had such strong acidity that even Kang Hyeon’s skin would crumble in an instant.

“I’ll kill you. Kill! I’ll kill you!”

Finally, Jeong Seon-gu raised his head, and his face was completely crumbled.

With his skin peeled off and muscles exposed, he glared at Shin Seong-a with murderous intent.

However, what entered his eyes were two arrows flying at high speed.


Jeong Seon-gu, with arrows stuck in both eyes, let out a chilling, desperate scream.

“You look much better now than before. Kind of cute in a way.”




The officials who appeared to clean up the scene.

Shin Tae-gil, who was leading them, was furious.

“Mr. Kang Hyeon. What are we going to do?!”

“I had no choice! Can’t you see my condition?!”

It was a fierce battle that even partially destroyed Ronald’s armor after a long time.

Although it was a B-grade armor with self-repair function, the armor that rarely broke in the first place was completely in tatters.

“You should have kept at least one of them alive, shouldn’t you?”

“How could I keep them alive when these guys took some weird drug and went berserk? I barely survived myself!”


At this rate, the plan to catch the enemy’s tail had completely failed.

It might even drive them further into hiding, creating a sense of crisis.

“Mr. Kang Hyeon.”

Then a familiar voice was heard.

“Where have you been… What’s that?”

Shin Seong-a was walking over, looking quite haggard. She was dragging a man on the ground.

“Urp, urp!”


The employees who saw the man Shin Seong-a was dragging retched.

Even for them, who had seen numerous corpses, the man’s condition was disgusting enough to induce vomiting.

“He’s one of them. Probably someone in quite a high position.”

“Ah… I see. Good job.”

“Thank you.”

Kang Hyeon, who responded with a sour expression, continued speaking.

“But you know.”


“Is that thing… Alive?”

Kang Hyeon asked with an uneasy face, looking at the man whose skin had melted, exposing facial muscles, with arrows stuck in both eyes.

“He’s still breathing, so don’t worry.”


Kang Hyeon silently nodded at Shin Seong-a’s words.

‘How can I not worry seeing that…’

Somehow, Kang Hyeon was starting to feel a bit afraid of Shin Seong-a.

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