Solo Resurrection

Chapter 62

Chapter 62 – A Tough Relationship(1)

A new office was prepared for the Badass Guild.

“This time, please don’t blow it up.”

“Hey, was that my fault? What was I supposed to do when some lunatics suddenly bombed the office?”

“Sigh… I’m just asking you to be careful.”

“Alright. Why are you sighing? It’s bad luck.”

To be honest, Kang Hyeon had done a lot of work.

No matter what anyone said, Kang Hyeon was the one who had made the biggest contribution in the Special Abilities Management Team.

Nevertheless, Shin Tae-gil seriously considered removing Kang Hyeon for the sake of his hair and happiness.

“Oh, and thanks for the poison. I’ll use it well.”


“Then I’ll hang up now.”

“Mr. Kang Hyeon.”


Shin Tae-gil stopped Kang Hyeon as he was about to end the call after finishing their business.

“What are you up to these days?”

“Oh, I was thinking of slowly growing the guild.”

“No. I’m talking about those creepy figure sales.”

“What? What figures all of a sudden…”

At that moment, Kang Hyeon remembered that they had recently started selling guild merchandise.

“We’re selling figures too…?”

“You didn’t know?”

“I didn’t see anything like that when I looked!”

Kang Hyeon thought they were only selling accessories and clothing.

He quickly accessed the homepage and found the problematic figures.

“What is this?!”

There were detailed figures modeled after Kang Hyeon and An Yu-seong being sold.

They were even quite expensive.

“What are these disgusting dolls?”

“That’s what I want to ask. Just in case… was the shirtless idea your own, Mr. Kang Hyeon?”

“Of course not!”

Kang Hyeon’s figure, wearing only pants and smirking arrogantly, was quite revolting.

“Is this what they call… The uncanny valley?”

“I won’t tell you to think about your image, Mr. Kang Hyeon. But actions that could cause social disorder…”

“Damn! It’s not that bad!”

Even so, it wasn’t to the extent of causing social disorder.

Feeling offended, Kang Hyeon ended the call right there.

“Damn… Why is this guy so popular?”

An Yu-seong’s figure had already surpassed 6,000 pre-orders. It was over 10 times more than Kang Hyeon’s, which had just passed 500.

“This is kind of annoying too…”

Honestly, he knew that An Yu-seong was good-looking. He was tall and well-muscled. Even just looking at his face, he was as handsome as any idol.

“But still. If they had dressed me up too, there wouldn’t be this much difference…”

Muttering to himself, Kang Hyeon suddenly startled and slapped his cheeks.

“No, this isn’t right. These disgusting dolls need to be disposed of immediately.”

Coming to his senses, Kang Hyeon looked around the office.

“Shin Seong-a!”

“That wasn’t my idea, though.”

Shin Seong-a, who had already been listening to the call, quickly replied.

“An Yu-seong!”


“What were you thinking when you made this?!”

“I made it exactly like you. Is there a problem?”

An Yu-seong, who was crouched on the floor busily drawing something, answered halfheartedly.

“Why did you take the clothes off?”

“You always bragged about having a good body.”

“What does that have to do with this?!”

Honestly, he did brag a little.

Just asking people he knew to feel his arms, and occasionally taking his shirt off.

“And everyone liked it, didn’t they?”

Occasionally someone would say it was too much and uncomfortable, but those were just people who didn’t understand art.

“So I made it 99% identical to you, and made sure the body shape shows well. What’s the problem?”


“Are you suddenly feeling shy?”

“You should have at least consulted with me. Man…”

“I’ll do that next time.”

Kang Hyeon felt like he had a lot to say, but couldn’t think of anything.

‘This guy… Why does it feel like he’s avoiding the issue today?’

Finally giving up on the conversation, Kang Hyeon accessed a portal site.

It was to check people’s reactions to the figures.

After a few clicks, he saw posts about the merchandise pouring out as expected.

-I heard Badass Guild is selling merchandise.

-Yeah. It’s mostly pretty niche stuff, but the designs are decent.

-And the quality doesn’t seem bad, seems like it’s worth the money.

-But are there really people who buy that stuff? It’s not like they’re idols lol. First time I’ve seen a guild selling merch.

-That place is known for being full of weirdos. But the catch is they’re secretly gaining popularity…

The reactions didn’t seem as bad as he thought.

As Kang Hyeon was sighing in relief, he finally saw the post he was looking for.

-Has anyone seen their figures?

-I saw them lol

-Did you see Kang Hyeon’s figure?

-Yeah lol The muscles were way too much.

-Seriously lol What is he, some exhibitionist attention seeker? Why is he shirtless?

-And the figure looks really scary too. I’m afraid it might appear in my dreams.

-For real, it’s not a figure, it’s Satan’s doll.

-Lol Satan’s doll!

-Satan’s doll, are you crazy lololol

-That joke is insane lololol


Unable to read any more, Kang Hyeon quietly put away his smartphone.





A gloomy atmosphere permeated the abandoned factory.

In this eerie place that resembled a horror movie set, a hummed tune echoed.

“Hmm hmm~”

The owner of the voice was An Yu-seong.

“Why are you so excited?”

Kang Hyeon looked at An Yu-seong with an annoyed expression.

“Do you know the pain of creation, Kang Hyeon?”

“What are you talking about?”

As the Badass Guild’s merchandise sales took off in earnest, An Yu-seong was unknowingly under stress.

It was certainly enjoyable to create works infused with his artistic soul.

But creation always comes with pain.

Especially for An Yu-seong, who had never sat still and focused on something, it was quite a burden.

“What artistic soul are you talking about while making these grotesque skull accessories?”

“How would you understand my artistic spiritual world, Kang Hyeon?”

“I know well enough that you’re crazy.”

Kang Hyeon shook his head and checked his smartphone.

“Let’s see… This should be about right?”

The time was 4 AM.

Kang Hyeon was waiting to purchase Monster Power.

“Ah, just thinking about relieving stress after so long makes me excited already.”

A battle was imminent.

This was also the reason why An Yu-seong was in high spirits.

“You’re in and out of dungeons almost every day, what’s so great about it?”

“Monsters and people aren’t the same, are they?”

“I should have never associated with a madman like you…”

Kang Hyeon didn’t know the saying ‘birds of a feather flock together’.

“Do you see anything?”


As Kang Hyeon spoke, Shin Seong-a’s reply came through the tiny radio connected to his ear.

“Alright. Report immediately if there’s anything unusual.”


Currently, Shin Seong-a was hiding in the darkness, observing the surroundings.

It was just before dawn, said to be the darkest time of the day, but her eyes had no problem piercing through the darkness.

‘It’s certain that I can’t detect anything either.’

Kang Hyeon’s ability to sense magical power had become even sharper. Yet even he couldn’t feel any presence.

“About 10 minutes left until the appointed time?”

“Exactly 13 minutes left.”

“Got it.”

Just as Kang Hyeon was about to check his smartphone out of boredom…

“Kang Hyeon. A vehicle is approaching.”


Not long after Shin Seong-a’s words, Kang Hyeon also began to feel the approaching magical power.

“Wait a minute, there’s more than one or two presences? Do you see anything else?”

“Besides the vehicle… Ah, I’ve spotted someone approaching while hiding.”

“It’s not just him. They’re approaching from at least three directions. Stay well hidden.”


A moment later, with 5 minutes left until the appointed time, a car stopped in front of Kang Hyeon.

Three people got out of the car.

Two sturdy men and one seemingly delicate woman.

“Mr. Seok Chabin?”

The alias Kang Hyeon had prepared came from the woman’s lips.


“Who is the person next to you?”

“My bodyguard.”

The woman nodded at Kang Hyeon’s answer and continued speaking.

“Would you mind taking off your sunglasses?”

Both Kang Hyeon and An Yu-seong were wearing dark sunglasses.

“Is there any reason we need to show our faces?”

“It’s a matter of trust. The world is such a dangerous place, after all. Hehe.”

The woman laughed as she continued.

“If you stay like that, the deal ends here.”

After pondering for a moment at the woman’s words, Kang Hyeon took off his sunglasses.

“Is this okay?”

For a moment, Kang Hyeon regretted coming in person, but he had no choice.

He couldn’t send someone else for such a dangerous transaction.

“Isn’t he going to take his off?”

At the woman’s words, Kang Hyeon turned around. There stood An Yu-seong, still wearing his sunglasses.

“What are you doing, man?”

Kang Hyeon nudged An Yu-seong’s side.

“Kanng Hyeon. That…”

“Hey, I don’t know her either, so there’s nothing to worry about. Take them off quickly.”

“That woman. I know her.”


Kang Hyeon was taken aback by An Yu-seong’s sudden words.

“What are you talking about!?”

As Kang Hyeon shouted loudly in that moment, the woman cast a suspicious glance.

“Is there a problem?”

“Haha. No problem at all. Just a moment, please.”

Kang Hyeon pulled An Yu-seong back.

“How do you know her?”

“You know, from the Ability User Cultivation School.”

“Why is that suddenly coming up?”

“During the sparring class there. The woman whose hand I smashed. Don’t you remember?”

Kang Hyeon vaguely recalled such a memory.

“That’s her?”

“Yes. Actually, I did that back then because I had a bad feeling about her. Seeing her today, it seems I was right.”

“Shit… I thought she looked familiar.”

An Yu-seong smiled innocently, but this wasn’t the time for that.

Things had gotten seriously complicated.

He never imagined they’d meet like this at such a moment.

“Hey. It’s been ten months, do you think she’ll remember your face?”

“I remember her.”

“I guess so.”

There was nothing more to say.

“I don’t know. Let’s go out for now. We’ll figure something out.”

Kang Hyeon stood in front of the woman again and smiled awkwardly.

“It’s a bit awkward to take off the sunglasses. This friend has a badly injured eye.”


“Anyway, you just want the money, right? I’m the one doing the deal.”


The woman reluctantly nodded and approached the car’s trunk.

As she took out a suspicious-looking 007 briefcase, Kang Hyeon was lost in thought.

‘But she does look strangely familiar…’

It wasn’t just the woman.

The men standing on either side of her also looked familiar somehow.

‘Is it because of the memory from the Ability User School?’

But while that might explain the woman, there’s no way he could have seen the men there.

Kang Hyeon kept pondering but couldn’t recall the reason.

“The drugs are in this bag.”

“I’ll check first.”

“Show me the money first.”

Kang Hyeon nodded at the woman’s words and called An Yu-seong.

“Secretary Ahn. Bring the money.”


Fortunately, things were going smoothly.

Now they just need to exchange the drugs and money.

Then, using the miniature tracker attached to the money, they can find the enemies’ hideout and take them all down at once. That would be the end of it.

-Bzzt.. Gang, bzzt.. Kang Hyeon!

Just then, Shin Seong-a’s voice came through the radio with some static. But being in the middle of the deal, he couldn’t show any sign of surprise.

-We’ve been found out! You need to go to Plan B!

As soon as Shin Seong-a’s transmission came through, everyone present drew their weapons.

“What’s the meaning of this?”

“Kang Hyeon of Badass. You’re as stupid as they say.”


“We’ve been watching you for a long time.”

Kang Hyeon’s brow furrowed at the sudden words.

“Are you stalkers or what?”

“I wonder how that hole in your stomach is doing.”


“I don’t know how you survived, but this time I’ll make sure to kill you for real.”

Kang Hyeon’s mind suddenly cleared at the woman’s words.

“Shit, I remember now!”

Bait Guild.

Jeong Eui-hyeon.

The last of the Five Heavenly Kings.

It wasn’t even that long ago.

The day Kang Hyeon raided Bait Guild’s headquarters and died. There were five men and women standing next to Jeong Eui-hyeon, carrying themselves with importance. And Kang Hyeon met his death at their hands.

“Right. You guys. I wondered where you’d gone.”

Come to think of it, on the day he killed Jeong Eui-hyeon, they hadn’t shown themselves.

“I really wanted to see you too.”

“Hmph. This time, I’ll freeze you so thoroughly you won’t come back to life like before…”

The woman speaking suddenly looked flustered.

“You, you are…?”


She had finally seen An Yu-seong’s face as he removed his sunglasses.

“How are you…”

“Well, it’s a small world, isn’t it? Hahaha!”

“Hmph. This works out well. Die, all of you!”

For the woman, An Yu-seong was an unexpected gift.

Remembering her hand that still ached, she used her most powerful magic.


An intense cold arose, and the ground began to freeze instantly.

“How about that? I’ve improved a lot since then, haven’t I?”

It seemed the woman’s magic had developed considerably in the meantime.

If before it only froze the ground and feet a little, now the cold was climbing up from the floor and freezing Kang Hyeon’s entire body.

An Yu-seong had already noticed the magic and moved away.

“Hmph, running away is useless. I’ll find and kill you soon enough anyway.”

The woman was smiling smugly when it happened.

-Crack, crash!


Kang Hyeon, who had been completely frozen, broke the ice and moved his body.


Even as his body kept freezing, Kang Hyeon casually brushed it off as if it were annoying.

“Whew, that’s refreshing.”


“What did you say earlier? I couldn’t hear properly because I was in the ice.”

Kang Hyeon peeled off some ice stuck to his body and chewed on it.

-Crunch, crunch.

“Want some?”

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