Single Wish: Rise Of The Omniscient Paragon

Chapter 216 215: The Clown's Wits

Chapter 216 215: The Clown's Wits

215: Racing on The Mountains of Soundless Death

The moment the female Underworld official spoke the word: "Continue", every vehicle roared to life, and the winds stirred.

Not wasting a second, Rosa completely floored the gas pedal, causing Corey and his group members to fall backward, their heads hitting their chairs due to the sudden inertia.

Corey grimaced for a second, gave Rosa a brief glance, then looked to his front, which had a long and wide fissure.


A vehicle that resembled an SUV sped past them at an incredible speed, and Corey watched as the SUV jumped over the fissure. But just as it landed on the other side of the fissure, numerous and various attacks landed on the SUV, destroying it and causing a beautiful explosion that resembled to reflect in the pupils of all those who gazed at the SUV.

The SUV was not the only vehicle to jump over the fissure. It was just among the unfortunate and foolish ones that got destroyed.

Corey could see some vehicles deploying various defensive measures to defend themselves from the attacks directly or indirectly launched at them.

Corey looked at Rosa, wanting to speak. But just as his lips parted, Rosa pressed a button on the dash box, and a pale blue circular barrier appeared around Racing Wolf for a second before disappearing.

Corey, seeing that, felt relieved. He shifted his attention back to his surroundings, and from what Corey could see, everything was pure chaos.

Almost every contestant launched an attack at anybody who was not their ally. The desire for their time limit to increase, even if it was by a minute, made so many people attack any contestant without disregard for their cultivation base or status.

There were a few fools who shouted and cursed their attackers. They tried to flaunt their status, telling their attackers of their affiliation and their 'high' ranking position in their affiliation.

Unsurprisingly, most of those fools died.

Nobody cared about the status of any contestant. All everyone cared about was surviving the death race.

Every vehicle moved at mind-boggling speeds, and with the incredible speed came incredible and beautiful fireworks.

Racing Wolf had already crossed the large fissure, and while in the air, a vehicle resembling a giant mechanical bull almost crashed into Racing Wolf. But Rosa's driving expertise was top-notch, and she was able to dodge the attack by using a burst of nitro to push Racing Wolf forward.

The mechanical bull crashed into an unfortunate vehicle, destroying it entirely while also killing the contestants in the vehicle.

The mechanical bull snorted. Its snort releasing steam in the process, then it drove, no, ran at an incredible speed.

Vehicles crashed into one another, and attacks continued to be launched at every vehicle in sight as the race continued. Some vehicles had exceptional drivers who could swerve and dodge most of the attacks hurled at them.

Rosa was also one of the exceptional drivers as she expertly swerved Racing Wolf to the sides, dodging some vehicles that tried to ram into her or attacks she could see through the side mirrors.

It was just the beginning of their race in the Mountains of Soundless Death, and the amount of danger their group was facing was immense. Remembering the name of the zone they were in, Corey shifted his gaze to the mountains in the distance and wondered if they would face much deadlier situations.

As Corey looked at the mountains, he felt Racing Wolf shake, and his eyes squinted. He saw the pale blue barrier flicker after a slightly powerful attack hit it. A curse escaped the lips of Fatty Black Bonez.

"What the hell! Everybody has gone bat shit crazy!"

"An ability of the clown."

Divine spoke calmly, his voice carrying no hint of emotion as he looked at the chaos ensuing around them.

"What do you mean?"

Hearing Fatty's question, Divine remained silent for a few seconds, then he replied:

"The clown is a cunning, treacherous, and insidious bastard."

'Doesn't that mean the same thing?'

Corey thought but didn't disrupt Divine.

"Due to his immense wits, he can subtly make people people do… stupid things… like killing themselves."

Gesturing to the mayhem in their surroundings, Divine spoke with his eyes rippling with a dark emotion.

Meanwhile, Corey shifted his attention to his surroundings, and his expression became slightly grim.

Assuming The Clown gave them sufficient time to complete the death race, most contestants would have focused on completing the race on time rather than attacking one another.

Sure, there would have been deaths, but it would never have been this to this extent.

From what Corey saw, there were around fifty cars when Corey and his group entered the Mountains of Soundless Death. But now, Corey could only see about thirty-something cars.

In the span of a few minutes, approximately twenty cars were destroyed, and at least forty people had died. One should not forget that most vehicles would likely not have just one person in them.

Back to The Clown.

Apart from not giving them enough time to complete the death race, The Clown also decided to withhold information on how to increase their time limit.

Most people would have been worried about what little time they had left, and not only that. Corey was sure that some people didn't bother killing anybody on the bridge of the Red Sea, making those people have a sense of urgency towards increasing the time allotted to them to complete the death race.

This added to the chaos that was currently happening around them.

Another thing that added to the chaos was that every contestant was at the same place when they all got information on how to increase their time limit.

Observing all of these small and seemingly inconsequential details, Corey shuddered as he was able to get a glimpse of how deadly The Clown was.

'Though I highly doubt I truly know how terrifying The Clown is. There should be a reason why the overconfident Divine is worried and even…. scared of The Clown.'

Corey released a sigh, and a few seconds later, his brows furrowed heavily.

'The female Underworld Official didn't say how long we have to cross the Mountains of Soundless Death and other zones before they collapse.'

Although not having this information bothered Corey slightly, he decided not to dwell on it since the solution to such a question was simple:


Just drive as fast as you can to avoid death.

Wasn't that the whole point of the death race in the first place?

Who could reach the finish line first?


Or… Death?

Corey released a sigh, trying to clear his mind of unnecessary thoughts. Racing Wolf got closer to the mountains in the distance, and as it did, a confused light appeared in Corey's eyes.

"What's happening now? Why are so many of them in one place?"

Fatty Black Bonez spoke with confusion and also a tinge of caution.

He, as well as Corey, were worried about the numerous people in front of them grouping up to launch attacks on them.

'From what I can see, they're up to twenty… if not more.'

Corey had a heavy frown, and a few seconds later, Divine spoke.

"Just speed past them Rosa."

Rosa nodded and, without hesitation, pressed the nitro button on the steering wheel.


Racing Wolf's speed drastically increased. And in a few seconds, the car passed the group, and to Corey and his group member's surprise, no attack was launched at them. Instead, the entire seemed to be preoccupied with something else… something which was on the floor.

Due to the speed of Racing Wolf, it wasn't easy for Corey to see what it was the group had their attention on, but luckily for him, he had a skill that could reduce his perception of time.


A frown emerged on Corey's face as he looked at the object on the floor that had the group's attention- A corpse.

Despite only getting a glimpse of the corpse, Corey could see that the corpse had visible black veins.

Corey's frown deepened.

"Were you able to see what they were looking at?"

Corey looked at Divine, who had a calm and neutral look through the rear-view mirror.

A few seconds passed, and Corey nodded, and then he spoke:

"It was a corpse… A corpse whose veins had turned completely black."

Corey's voice carried a tinge of uncertainty, and Divine, sensing that, raised his brows.

"You're not sure?"

Corey shook his head but didn't comment. He looked outside, and he saw a large rocky object not too far away from the mirror beside him.

He looked up, and just like he expected, he saw a mountain, but the mountain had a thick fog at its peak that sent shivers down Corey's skin. He didn't know why, but he felt an enormous amount of danger from the fog at the top of the mountain.

'Hopefully, it doesn't contain a gigantic and dangerous monster… especially one that can fly.'

Corey released a soft sigh, and just as he did, his eyes widened to its limit.


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