Single Wish: Rise Of The Omniscient Paragon

Chapter 215 214: Reaching The Mountains of Soundless Death

Chapter 215 214: Reaching The Mountains of Soundless Death


A darkness so uncomfortable enveloped the entire group of four as Rosa drove them into whirling black portal.

A disturbingly strange sense of unease crept into the hearts of the four, and without anybody telling them what to do, they all became instinctively vigilant… despite the fact that they couldn't see a thing.

As Corey turned his neck to the side, he ignored the urge to use his Tri-Pupil Eyes or his Eyes of Omniscience. The unforgettable feeling of using his Eyes of Omniscience to look at the void was deeply engraved in his mind, and he absolutely did not want to make such a grave mistake again.

Who knows what he might see or attract this time around?

He wasn't going to bank on Nina nor the wife of The Paragon Ancestor to save him.

Despite him not having the capability to see anything, Corey felt oddly comfortable in this dark space.

He even felt slightly invigorated as an unknown energy entered his body.

'Is this spatial energy?'

Corey wondered as he observed his body. He tried to observe and study the energy more, but when he blinked, his surroundings changed.


A baffled expression came upon Corey's face and with his mouth slightly open, he looked around.

"What's the problem?"

Rosa spoke, her voice which contained a tinge of confusion flowed into Corey's ears.

"Hm? There's no problem. I was just thinking of how strange that place was."

"Huh? What place? When we went through the portal, we appeared here.

What place are you talking about?"

'The fuck?'

A stunned expression appeared on Corey's face as he heard Rosa's words. He observed Rosa's expression, and when he noticed that she wasn't lying to him, a slight frown crept upon his face.

"Was it just my imagination?"

Corey mumbled, and Rosa tilted her head to the side.

Despite speaking those words, Corey was sure the dark space was not his imagination. His reason for speaking those words was to just make Rosa assume he was imagining things.

He didn't have the desire to give a proper reply to her question.

"If you two are done talking. Look at your environment please."

Divine's voice rang out in the car, and with his brows raised slightly, Corey looked around, and a few seconds later, his eyes widened.

"Huhhh. Captain? Why are these guys here? And why are they not racing?"

"How do you expect me to know Fatty? I'm just as surprised as you are."

The voices of both Divine and Fatty Black Bonez resounded in the car, causing Corey to give both of them a glance before shifting it back to his surroundings.

'Well, this is surprising.'

Corey thought, and just as he had this thought, a feminine voice filled with laziness and boredom rang out loud.


Corey looked up and with a squint of his eyes, he noticed a holographic screen high up in the air.

As he looked at the screen, the image of a female with blonde hair and a bored expression reflected in his pupils.

He gazed at the blonde female for a few seconds before shifting his gaze to his surroundings which was filled with numerous vehicles.

As he looked around, he saw quite a number of strange vehicles and even people. There were vehicles whose appearance made even Racing Wolf look normal.

To Corey's surprise, he saw some contestants using beasts as their vehicles instead of machines.

'Well, there was no rule against using beasts as the racing vehicles.'

Corey thought, then he looked at another strange vehicle.

The most absurd looking vehicle Corey saw was a vehicle which looked like a gigantic robotic spider. It was extremely high, it also had eight legs like that of a spider and the main body was also round like a spider.

Corey glanced at the spider vehicle for a few seconds before shaking his head and taking his sight off it.

Deciding to stop observing the vehicles and other contestants, Corey decided to observe his actual environment, and as he did, he noticed mountains of various sizes around them and also in the distance.

As he looked in the distance, he saw a large fissure on the ground and his brows furrowed slightly. He turned his head towards Rosa and spoke:

"Is it because of the fissure you're not driving?"


Rosa shook her head and with a slight furrow of her brows, she spoke:

"Racing Wolf isn't starting no matter how much I start the ignition."

Corey gave a brief glance to the holographic screen up in the air, and just as he did, he felt something change.

He looked back and to his surprise, he saw the whirling black portal shrink. Some seconds passed, and the portal shrunk to the size of an egg before disappearing completely.

"Hey kid. Look."

Before he could have any thoughts on the disappearance of the portal, Divine's voice flowed into his ears.

He looked at Divine and he saw his finger pointing towards the sky. He looked up, then he saw the image on the holographic screen change.

'The Fuck.'

Corey's eyes remained unblinking as he stared at the holographic screen which showed the bridge of the Red Sea…. A collapsing bridge of the Red sea.

Corey could see the 200km long bridge breaking apart at a breathtaking speed. Its remnants falling into the Red Sea, disturbing the calmness and stillness of the Red Sea.

As the surviving contestants gazed at the holographic screen, they all had varying expressions, though the major expression was that of shock.

Numerous could not fathom how the bridge of the Red Sea which was 200km long collapsed so easily.

As the bridge of the Red Sea disintegrated, Corey could see six vehicles driving at extremely fast speeds in an attempt to survive, to escape the falling of the bridge.

But despite the vehicles moving at an extremely fast speed, the speed of the collapse of the bridge of the Red Sea was much faster, and in a matter of seconds, the collapse of the bridge caught up to them.

A few tried to save their lives using various methods. The most used life saving method was flight. Some tried to fly or at least levitate, but a few seconds later, their bodies fell into the Red Sea at lightning fast speed.

[What a bunch of fools.]

The image on the screen changed and a lazy feminine voice drifted into the ears of the surviving contestants.

A strange and uncomfortable silence encompassed the surroundings as everybody gazed at the Underworld Official.

The blonde female Underworld Official released a tired sigh, then she spoke:

[Welcome to the second stage of the death race, The Mountains of Soundless Death.]

[I know all of you have questions, but I don't give a fuck about them. So make sure to keep your damn mouths shut. I'm just going to give whatever information I'm obliged to give you.]

Frowns emerged on the faces of every contestant and a few murmurs and curses flew about.

Not caring about the thoughts of the contestants, the blonde female Underworld Official continued speaking:

[In case you don't know. All of you are the survivors of the first stage of the Death Race.]

[There was a time limit to passing the bridge of the Red Sea and it'll also be the same for the remaining stages. What you saw happening on the bridge of the Red Sea would also happen in the remaining stages. Though, this time around, the portals wouldn't close.]

As the words of the blonde female Underworld Official reached Corey's ears, Corey furrowed his brows slightly as he remembered the remaining time he and his team members had left to complete the race.

He checked his U-Watch and a few seconds later, his eyes widened.

'What the?'

[Oh. I forgot something.]

Corey's gaze shifted to the blonde female Underworld Official and he saw a light and seemingly harmless smile on her lips.

[Some of you might have noticed, and some might not have noticed.]

[The time limit of some groups have increased.]

As soon as the blonde female Underworld Official said those words, murmurs escaped the lips of almost every surviving contestant..

Fatty Black Bonez exclaimed with a shocked expression as he gazed at his U-Watch.

[The reason for your time limit increasing is because of what you've killed. Or to be more precise, your group killed.]

[Killing a tier 0 grants you an extra minute.]

[Killing a tier 1 grants you three extra minutes.]

[Killing a tier 2 grants you five extra minutes.]

[Killing a tier 3 grants you ten extra minutes.]

Corey's eyes landed on his U-Watch and a calculating glint emerged in his pupils.


'So that explains it.'

Corey released a soft sigh of relief as he gazed at his timer.

One of his and practically, almost everybody's biggest fear was the timer. The time given to them was exceedingly short, and everybody wondered how they would be able to complete the death race in such a short amount of time.

Corey even had thoughts that The Clown did not want any of the contestants to come out alive from the Death Race. But with the addition of the new rule, the Death Race made much more sense.

And it also made it all the more deadlier.

Corey could imagine the chaos that was ensue when they're allowed to continue the race.

'Tier 3's and 2's would be targeted.'

Corey's brows furrowed slightly, then he shrugged and looked at the holographic screen which showed a slightly wide smile on the lips of the female Underworld Official.

[Without further ado. Let the race… CONTINUE!!]

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