Single Wish: Rise Of The Omniscient Paragon

Chapter 208 207: Rules of The Death Race Game

208  207: Rules of The Death Race Game

(The Following Day)

In a small room that had two beds. A handsome male figure slept on one of the beds with a black axe by his side. His breathing was stable and the only movement the figure made, which would allow one to recognize the absence of death in him, was the rising and falling of his chest.

Ring Ring

A few seconds later, a ringing sound reverberated in the room, disturbing the serenity of the room, and in the next instant, the male figure groaned and moved.

His eyes opened and a confused light at first appeared in his eyes, before it was instantly replaced by caution. He turned his head, and scanned the room he was in, his gaze spending more time on the second empty bed in the room.

'Justin is still not around?'

The handsome male figure, who is Corey, furrowed his brows as he noticed the absence of Justin in the room once again.

A fee thoughts went through Corey's mind for a few seconds before he then decided to shrug it off and get up from the bed.

He released a soft yawn as he rubbed his eyes softly. He then looked at his battle axe and touched it. A second later, the axe disappeared and appeared inside the space in his Tri-Pupil Eyes.

After sending his battle axe into the space in his Tri-Pupil Eye, he stood up and walked to the bathroom in the room.

[You know you don't need to take your bath right? I have a self cleaning ability which can rid your body of your sweat, dirt, and also allow you to smell nice.]

[Although, you don't need that ability since a Paragon's natural smell is always nice.]

To Corey's extreme surprise, Nina's voice rang out in his mind. It took him around two seconds to process Nina's words, then he spoke:

"I didn't know you had that ability."

[I have so many abilities you do not know of.]

Nina said, and Corey raised his brows.

"Can you give me a list of all them?"

Corey asked with an intrigued tone, but Nina, with a nonchalant tone, gave a harsh reply:

[Despite all that you've done, all that you're doing, and all that you're probably going to do. You're still not worthy of me.]

Corey raised his brows, then his gaze moved to the human sized mirror in the bathroom, and a small smile crept up on his lips.

"Guess I still have a long way to go then."

He mumbled, then he looked at his body through the mirror. His gaze fell on the black bird tattoo on the left side of his chest, and he touched it. As he did, a reminiscent glint flashed in his eyes.

"How long has it been since I last talked to you Rhea? It's been a long time."

Corey mumbled and inside a certain space which was connected to Corey, Rhea, who was sleeping on top of a large body of water, opened her eyes.

"How long has it been since we came here?"

Corey mumbled as he continued rubbing the tattoo while gazing at his reflection in the mirror.

"Two months? Three months? Four months?... Half a year?"

"It feels so long and we're not even close to reaching the level where I can have my revenge, save my sister, and also find out who you really are."

Voices and images of his dead parents, sobbing, injured and despair stricken sister appeared in his eyes and mind as Corey spoke.

He clenched his fists as the image of the pope flashed in his mind, but a few seconds later, he released a soft breath and released his clenched fists.

"You know. At first, the only thing that was on my mind was leaving this place. But I've decided… I'm going to use this place to strengthen myself to a point that I'm satisfied with."

"Then… I guess we'll see what I hold for the Underworld's future right?"

A soft chuckle escaped Corey's lips as he willed for his nano-clothes to be absorbed into his body, making him completely naked.

"Despite your ability Nina, I still prefer to take my bath like this once in a while."

Corey mumbled softly as he walked away from the mirror, to the shower in the bathroom.

Meanwhile, in the strange space where Nina was located, a glint of recognition appeared in Rhea's eyes as Corey's words drifted into her ears.

She looked up and the reflection of a large white orb of light appeared in her eyes. A tinge of fear and intrigue appeared in her eyes as she gazed at the orb of light in the distance. A few seconds later, she turned her neck to her left, and in the distance, the image of a chain which went deep into the large body of water reflected in her gaze.

She alternated her gaze between the chain and the large white orb of light a few more times, before resting her head atop the stagnant large body of water, and going back to her slumbering.

(Some minutes later)

Corey got out of the bathroom with a white towel on his head, and just as he did, a ringing sound reverberated in his room.

He raised his hand and after seeing the caller's ID on his U-Watch, he tapped his watch, picked the call, and the instant he did, Divine's familiar voice drifted into his ears.

"Hey Kid. How are you? Hope you slept well and jerked off a lot?"

Corey's lips twitched and after releasing a soft tired sigh, he spoke:

"I did sleep well actually captain. And funny enough, I dreamt about you."

Corey placed his towel in the space in his Tri-Pupil Eyes, then he willed for his Nano-clothes to appear on his body as he spoke with a nonchalant tone. A few seconds later, Divine's voice which contained visible bafflement and discomfort.

"Huh? You did?. Well, that's… disturbing."

"Yeah I did. Do you want to know what the dream was about?"

Corey asked as he walked back to the bathroom, and observed himself in front of the human sized mirror. As he did, Divine's voice once again rang out from his U-Watch.

"Uhm… I'm not really sure I want to know. Besides, we don't really have the time-"

"The dream is short actually. It'll only take a second."

With a nonchalant tone, Corey cut off Divine and spoke as he continued observing himself in the mirror.

"The dream I had, was about a woman placing a curse on you. When I heard the words the woman said as she placed the curse, I even felt pity for you as a fellow man."

Corey paused, and without waiting for Divine to speak, he continued:

"The woman's words were: 'I curse Divine, to never have the ability to ejaculate ever again, no matter how aroused and how much he desires to ejaculate. Not only that, I curse Divine's penis, to become as small as that of a baby's pinky and to never have the ability to satisfy anything. Either a female, male, or even beast. Anything living, Divine shall not be able to satisfy it or them.'…"

"Those were her words captain, and that was the end of my dream captain. And because of that dream, I genuinely had a good sleep."

With a small smile on Corey's lips, Corey spoke, and for at least five seconds, there was no reply from Divine, and Corey was not bothered in the slightest.

Corey straightened the collar of the black short sleeved t-shirt he was wearing as he walked out of the bathroom, and just as he walked out of the room, Divine's voice rang out from his U-Watch.



"I hate you."

"The feeling is mutual captain."

A soft chuckle escaped Corey's lips after speaking. He walked to the chair in the room, sat on it with his legs crossed, rested his head atop the back rest of the chair and closed his eyes. Just as he did that, Divine spoke once again.

"Have you read the contents of the information I gave you on credit by the way?"


Hearing Divine' question, Corey's mind went back to the information which Divine gave to him concerning the Death Race game, and as Corey remembered what the death race game was going to be about, a deep frown crept up on Corey's face.

The death race game was just like the name suggested, a race that could lead to one's death.

The death race game is a game where every contestant's main goal is to cross the finish line without dying, and within a time limit which nobody knew of.

One can use a car, a horse or beast, or even decide to run themselves, though that would be foolish.

The death race game is obviously not just a normal race, it's a race where they would encounter numerous and various obstacles as they got closer and closer to the finish line.

There were few rules in the death race game. For example:

Flying is prohibited for the contestants, and even floating a few meters above the ground would warrant several consequences towards the offender.

Another rule, which relieved Corey at first, was the rule where mystical beings would not be placed in the same match as them.

Only tier 0s to tier 3s would be placed in the same death race match.

At first, Corey was relieved by the fact that there would be no mystical beings in the death race match he was partaking in, but then, he remembered about the tier 3s, and he checked for any rule that would probably regulate their strengths and abilities.

But despite searching, he found none, except a particular part, stating that tier 3s would have no specific restriction towards them in the match.

Which meant that, they could perform to the fullest of their capabilities.

Which also meant, that if they wanted, they could decide to slaughter numerous tier 0s, tier 1s and even tier 2s.

Corey was not delusional to believe that, just because his stats were in the Violet Star phase, he could go toe to toe with a tier 3.

That would just be utter foolishness from him for various reasons.

In the beginning, Corey first thought that the rule only applied to the death race game, but to his shock, it was not so.

There were countless complaints amongst the Underworld residents who were between tier 0s and tier 3s, but knowing that nothing could be done about it, the complaints died down and an atmosphere of utmost despair and dread hung above the city of sin. Especially, the outer area of the city of sin.

But, just as countless residents had given up hope, groups and organizations which had at least tier 3s amongst them, started opening up public recruitments, reviving the flame of hope in the hearts of many.

There were even new groups that formed in the span of twenty four hours, with their leader being a tier 3 or sometimes, even higher.

Due to that particular rule, Corey had to join Divine, Rosa and Black Bonez Fatty as a team to have a better chance of survival in the death race game.

Apart from all these, there were two things which intrigued Corey, and that was the location of the death race game.

Corey had no idea if the death race was going to hold in the Amphitheater or in a location which he knew not of, and this intrigued Corey.

The other thing that intrigued Corey, was their mode of transportation to the location of the death race.


According to the information given to him by Divine, they were all going to be teleported the location of the death race, and this also intrigued Corey.

Beep! Beep!

Just as Corey was deep into his train of thoughts, a beeping sound resounded from his watch, dragging him out of his thoughts.

He opened his eyes and looked at his U-Watch, and just as he did, a monotonous voice rang out from his U-Watch.





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