Single Wish: Rise Of The Omniscient Paragon

Chapter 207 206: Games Of The Clown

In a room that had it's walls painted red, the clown who was dressed in a blood red suit, sat on a chair with his legs crossed, and his black gloved hands on his knees. In front of him was a camera which broadcasted his entire face to every single individual in the Underworld, either through their U-Watches or a holographic screen up in the sky.

A few seconds later, his lips parted open, and with a voice that was slightly deep, strangely charismatic, and also contained a tinge of humor, The Clown spoke:

"I'm sure a lot of you have been anticipating my arrival. I mean, who wouldn't? I'm the only one who can bring a smile to your miserable pathetic lives. So, here I am people."

The Clown paused, as he spread out his arms, making out a welcoming gesture before continuing his words.

"Some of you already know that I've done some things in the Underworld, like the removal of some Underworld officials, temporarily stopping the battles in the Amphitheater et cetera, et cetera."

"Now, one of the things I'm going to do as the new leader of the Underworld, is abolish the battle in the Amphitheater. They're too boring."

"Instead of the Amphitheater battles, what we'll be having now are games. Games of The Clown to be specific."

"From now on, a wheel, The Clown Wheel to be precise, would appear at sporadic times from your U-Watches. The wheel Clown Wheel have games which the great me, has thought of."

"The Clown Wheel would be automatically spun after it appears, and well. You better pray to the goddess of luck, that whatever game the arrow lands on, favors you."

"When a game has been chosen for you, you can buy information about the game online, and you can use that information for, whatever."

"Due to the mercy and pity I have towards your sorry and pathetic lives, I have decided to make the first games, start tomorrow. The clown wheel would appear seconds after I'm done with this message, so you better start praying to the goddess of luck."

"So people. Although it has been exhausting talking to you fools, but, what can I do? What has to be done, has to be done."

"May the dead gods be with you. Amen."


Looking at the space where the holographic image of the clown previously was, a slight frown emerged on his face as he recalled the last words of the clown.

"The dead gods?"

Corey mumbled and just as he was about to delve into his train of thoughts, a different image appeared from his U-Watch.

His attention shifted to the image, which was that of a blood red wheel. His gaze moved to the words on the blood red wheel, but before he could make out the words on the blood red wheel, the wheel spun at a speed that surprised Corey.

Although he had the urge to use Focus and Eyes of Omniscience, he decided not to and waited for the wheel to end its spin.

Approximately three seconds later, the wheel slowed down and Corey's gaze followed the arrow on the wheel as it moved.

"Truth or Dare?"

"Never Have I Ever?"

"How Best Do You Know Your Partner?"

"Death Race?"

"Knife and Fingers?"

"Haunted Mansion?"

An extremely baffled expression appeared on Corey's face as he mumbled the games on the clown wheel.

A few seconds later, the arrow on the blood red clown wheel, stopped and when Corey gazed at the game the blood red arrow landed on, he raised his brows.



Just as Corey was staring at the blood red clown wheel, a ringing sound rang out from his U-Watch, and with a furrow of his brows, Corey looked at the caller ID.

Seeing the caller ID, Corey raised his brows with a surprised expression, then he answered the call.

"Hey Kid. Missed me?"

Corey's lips twitched as the unmistakable, familiar voice of Divine flowed into his ears. He rubbed the middle of his brows, and with a nonchalant tone, he spoke:

"Where have you been?"

"Awwn. I knew you missed me kid. You're just too shy to admit it."

Divine's teasing voice rang out and in the next moment, Corey ended the call by tapping it.

He looked around the hotel room, and seeing the thick fog around the room, he waved his hand and the fog gradually dispersed.



A few seconds after Corey waved his hand, a ringing sound rang out from his watch once again, and with a tinge of tiredness in his eyes, he checked the caller ID before tapping the screen of his U-Watch.

"What do you want?"

"How dare you kid? Why would you hang up on your captain. Don't-"


"So let's see, I need to buy or find out the information about my game first. After that, I need to find a way to protect myself from the alchemy tribulation and my first tribulation of hell.

Corey mumbled, and just as he was about to check for the information on his U-Watch, his U-Watch vibrated and rang out loud once again.

Corey released a tired sigh, then he tapped his U-Watch and rejected the call.


Ring Ring


Ring Ring


Ring Ring


Ring Ring


Ring Ring


Hearing the continuous ringing sound from his U-Watch. Corey released a tired sigh and just as he did, his U-Watch vibrated and rang out once again.


"What do you want Divine?"

Corey spoke with an annoyed tone after finally accepting Divine's incessant call.

But despite his words, he received no response from Divine for at least three seconds, and Corey frowned. Just as his lips parted open to speak, Divine's voice flowed into his ears from his U-Watch.

"What game did you receive?"

Corey's brows furrowed slightly as he noticed a slight indescribable difference in Divine's tone.

'Is he pissed?'

Corey's brows rose as this thought came to his mind, but a second later, he shrugged it off and gave a reply to Divine's words.

"I got the Death Race game."

"Hmm… I also got the death race game."

Corey's brows rose in surprise as soon as he heard Divine's words.

"You're also in the death race game? That's surprising."

"Yeah. Rosa and Fatty are also in the death race game."

Hearing the words of Divine, Corey's brows rose once again in surprise, but a second later, a dreadful and baffling thought came to his mind.

"So does that mean we're going to face one another?"

Corey's brows furrowed heavily as he wondered whether the clown would be so mad to make tier 1s fight tier 3s, tier 4s and possibly tier 4s.

'If the clown does that, then there's no way a tier 1 would survive in any of the games where tier 2s and above are involved.'

'The clown's mind should not be so deranged to the point that he'd do that right?'

Despite having this thought, Corey remembered the past behaviors of the clown and a frown crept up on his face.

"Yes, we're going to face one another, but there's a catch."

A curious light appeared in Corey's eyes as the words of Divine flowed into his ears, and with a tone that contained curiosity, Corey spoke:

"What's the catch?"

"You'll have to pay for that information. I wanted to give it to you for free when I first called you, but since you rejected my calls countless times, you have to pay."

Corey's left eye twitched as he heard Divine's words.

'Petty bastard.'

Corey cursed Divine internally, and with twitching lips, he spoke:

"What's the price?"

"Ten Thousand value points."

"Why don't you just rob a bank instead?"

Corey immediately spoke back at the absurd price Divine gave him.

"It's much cheaper than you think. If you want, I can give you on credit."

Divine replied calmly, and a skeptical expression appeared on Corey's face. He tapped his U-Watch to look for the price of the information on the games, but some seconds later, a baffled expression appeared on his face as he gazed at the words of the holographic screen.

"Let me guess. You tried to look for the price of the information on E-Underworld, but you found out that you couldn't buy any, right?"

Just as Corey had various thoughts regarding the image he was seeing, Divine's voice which contained a little bit of mockery rang out from his U-Watch.

"What did you do Divine?"

Corey asked as his attention shifted from the holographic screen to Divine's voice.

"Well, I made a deal with the clown and decided to buy the information on all the games a while back. And now, I'm selling it to people who want, need and can afford the information… People like you."

"You made a deal with the clown? I thought you hated him?"

Corey asked with a baffled tone as he remembered the state of Divine after the abrupt appearance of the clown in the Amphitheater.

"Do you want to buy the information or not?"

Corey frowned as he noticed that Divine ignored his question and instead threw a question back at him. Corey shrugged and with a nonchalant tone, he spoke:

"I'll buy it on credit."

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