Secret Marriage: Wife Spoiling Husband

Chapter 122 Have I forgotten something?

Chapter 122 Have I forgotten something?

Zhehan was already awake when his parents were talking about those two conditions with Li Xiaolu. Initially when he opened his eyes he was very confused about what was going on and where the hell was he?

One by one all the flashes of that accident passed through his brain. After that, the first thing that came to his mind was the whereabouts of his wife. She was waiting for him and he was supposed to pick her up. Where was she? Did she know about his accident? If yes, then she would be so worried about him....

As he couldn't get up, Zhehan turned his head around and realised that he was at an hospital and his parents were happily chatting with Li Xiaolu. At that point he heard then talking about the two conditions. Watching his wife's smile, he sighed in relief.

Before he was a little worried about whether his parents would accept Li Xiaolu as their daughter-in-law or not because he knew that his parents had already selected a girl for him. And on top of that, the girl was the daughter of his parent's bestfriends.

But looking at the situation now, he was happy that his sweet little wife was accepted by his parents and she had someone whom she could call her parents and receive all the parental love that she missed from childhood.

He wishes that his parents would fill the empty gap in Li Xiaolu's heart until he finds her real parents and brings them all together as a happy big family.

At first he was happy and fine with all the fun that was going on in the room but as the time passed he suddenly started feeling sour. It was already more than 10 minutes that he had waken up but nobody paid attention towards him.

He pouted his lips while watching them pull each others legs and interact with his parents. It was fine if they were the only one who were having fun but all these things were talking away his wife's attention from him. And hence, he was completely ignored by everyone.

Humph! You heartless people! I am the patient here.... How dare you all ignore me and have fun with each other? Who allowed you to take my wife's attention away from me? Humph! Cruel Wife Attention Grabbers!!

Suddenly he coughed loud enough to make everybody in the room realise that they were in a hospital room with a patient who they have cruely ignored had woken up.

Watching him open his eyes, Li Xiaolu's eyes shined brightly and she immediately rushed towards him, "Zhehan you're awake... "

Zhehan blinked his eyes and glanced at her indifferently. "How are you feeling? Should I call the Docter for you? Do you feel any pain? Do you need something Zhehan? " she asked sweetly.

"W-water... " he asked in a hoarse voice.

Li Xiaolu nodded her head as she immediately filled a glass of water and brought it towards him. Adjusting his bed, she made him sit carefully and held the glass over his lips.

"Thank you so much, beautiful lady. " Zhehan thanked her after drinking the water. Suddenly the smile on Li Xiaolu's face froze and she blinked her eyes. Huh? Did Zhehan just call her... beautiful lady?

"W-what did you call me? "

"Beautiful lady, I'm sorry... I don't know your name. Who are you? Are you the nurse? " Zhehan asked innocently as he looked around, "Mom, Dad you all are here. But what am I doing in the hospital? "

It was as if Li Xiaolu was electrocuted. Her whole body shook and she almost fell down in shock. She glanced at Zhehan as tears came into her eyes.

Everybody was shocked and they looked at Zhehan in confusion. Bai Lingyu walked forward and stared at Zhehan suspicionsly. Under his mother's stare, Zhehan gulped nervously but still managed to maintain his cold face.

"Zhehan you don't remember anything?" she asked. "No mom... " Zhehan said while holding his head with his right hand, "What am I doing here? What happened to me? " he asked innocently.

Bai Lingyu smirked. Sure enough, this guy is acting. A child can't lie to his own mother. Humph! He dared to prank my dear daughter-in-law.... Just wait and watch my son, your mother will show you what acting is.

Leaving Bai Lingyu everybody else had almost believed in Bai Lingyu words. Hu Yutian was the first person who came out of shock and immediately grabbed Zhehan's right hand, "You really forgot everything? "

"What? Hu Yutian what did I forget? Can someone explain to me what the hell is going on? " he asked innocently while peaking glances at Li Xiaolu who stood there motionless just staring at him.

My dear wife, this is your small punishment for ignoring me! Zhehan thought to himself smiling inwardly.

"Zhehan you were in an accident today and your car crashed. " Tang Jun said explaining the whole situation.

"Oh! That explains why I am here... but you all said that I forgot something. Have I forgotten something?" he asked looking at Hu Yutian.

"W-well... that you umm... her. You forgot her. " Hu Yutian said pointing at Li Xiaolu.

"Her? Who is she? " Zhehan frowned glancing at Li Xiaolu.

"She is my sist- " Hu Yutian was about to say sister-in-law and your wife when suddenly Bai Lingyu quickly interrupted him by pushing Li Xiaolu towards Hu Yutian, "Wife. She is Hu Yutian's wife... "

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