Secret Marriage: Wife Spoiling Husband

Chapter 121 We were just acting

Chapter 121 We were just acting

Zhang Yishan and Bai Lingyu were shocked when Li Xiaolu accepted their demand. They glanced at each other while frowning.

"Young lady, we are the Zhang's. Do you think we lack money? Just name your price. Whatever price you state, we can give you. " Father Zhang said and then looked at his daughter, "See princess, love is nothing infront of money..." he commented.

"Sister-in-law why? Why are you doing this? My brother loves you so much... " Ziyi said with her watery eyes. It looked like at any moment she would cry.

"What more can you accept from a women from the entertainment industry? " Bai Lingyu commented.

"Your price? " Father Zhang asked.

Li Xiaolu smiled as she turned and placed a kiss on Zhehan's forehead, "My price is this unconscious handsome man. He is way more valuable than anything in this world for me. He makes my world complete and with him I lack nothing. "

She took a deep breath and turned to look at her in-laws, " Mr. and Mrs Zhang he is my price. Are you willing to give me? "

Everybody in the room was shocked once again. They looked at Li Xiaolu in complete surprise and awe. The Zhang couple glanced at each other and suddenly burst out laughing.

Everybody including Li Xiaolu were puzzled at their behavior. Why are they laughing?

Bai Lingyu looked at everybody's confused gaze and smiled cheekily, "Yishan didn't I say our daughter-in-law is quite smart. See, I told you already she would give us this answer. As per our bet, you lost! "

"Hmm... " Yishan nodded sadly but inside he was happy watching his wife laughing. "Fine, I lost... " he pouted his lips.

Everybody : "....." Can someone please explain us what the hell is going on?

Zhang Ziyi went forward and held her father's arm, "Mom, Dad are you alright? What bet are you both talking about? What is going on? "

"Ziyi before coming here, your father and I made a bet on what would be Xiaolu's answer to our question. I told him she would say her husband's name as the price but your father said she would say something else. So we made a bet and he lost.... Haha " Bai Lingyu giggled like a small schoolgirl.

"So what was all that harsh words you said to sister-in-law before? " Ziyi asked. She was puzzled about her parents behavior. What she wanted to know was did they accept sister-in-law or not?

"Oh that.... " Bai Lingyu laughed waving her hand, "We were just acting. "

Everybody : "....."

Walking towarfs Li Xiaolu, Bai Lingyu looked at her from top to bottom. "You are really very beautiful.. " she praised Li Xiaolu.

"T-Thank you... "

"Xiaolu dear, whatever we said earlier please don't take it to your heart. We were just testing you. We are happy with your marriage with Zhehan. I hope you and Zhehan love each other for the rest of your life." Bai Lingyu smiled.

Zhang Yishan too walked forward and stood beside Bai Lingyu, "But you have to fulfil our two conditions if you want us to acknowledge you as our daughter-in-law..." he said.

"What conditions? " Li Xiaolu asked nervously.

"First, Call us Mom and Dad. And second, give us cute little grand babies soon! " he stated. Li Xiaolu was almost startled for a second at those conditions but then she blushed nodding her head shyly, "Okay, Mom and Dad."

"Great... " Bai Lingyu and Zhang Yishan laughed. They were in a good mood beacaue of Li Xiaolu's answer.

They already knew everything Li Xiaolu and her situation with the Li family on the day their son got married with her. At first, when they got to know the news about their son's marriage with Li Xiaolu... they were happy, sad and angry at same time.

They were happy because they had never seen their son having a girlfriend or being in any relationship. He hated to be with girls so when they got to know that their son loved someone they were extremely happy.

They were a little sad because they have already decided that Zhehan would marry their bestfriend's daughter but then again if their son loved someone else then they would not hinder his relationship. And they were angry because he didn't tell them about his marriage. In all, they were happy with Li Xiaolu being their daughter-in-law.

"My dear daughter-in-law, what do you think of my acting? Was it good? " Suddenly Zhang Yishan asked excitedly making everybody in the room shake their head. Everybody in the room knew about Mr. Zhang's infatuation with acting.

"Umm... Yes Dad, it was good. " Li Xiaolu said giving him a thumbs up.

"Did you hear that Lingyu? " Zhang Yishan laughed, "Haha, my dear daughter-in-law also thinks that I can be a great actor. See... I told you I can be a good actor. Where is that guy? " he said glancing around looking for Hu Yutian who was currently hiding behind Tang Jun and Yang Mi.

"Please don't see me! Please don't see me! I am invisible " Hu Yutian murmured.

"Dad, he's hiding behind Brother Jun and Sister Yang Mi... " Zhang Ziyi whispered with a devilish grin on her face.

"Yutian! What are you doing behind Tang Jun and Yang Mi? Are you hiding from me? " Zhanh Yishan frowned. This guy, whenever I talk to him about my acting skills, he always goes into hiding.

"Hehe, Of course not Uncle Zhang! Why would I hide from you? " Hu Yutian chuckled awkwardly coming out. "Really? " Zhang Yishan asked suspiciously, "Then what were you doing behind them? "

"Oh! That.... I was.... Yes! There was a bug on Tang Jun's back. I was just helping him remove it." he sais giving his best 'I am speaking the truth. Please trust me." smile.

"Anyways, Yutian did you hear? My daughter-in-law also thinks that I have all the quality to become a great actor. Then should I come to your company tommorow? " Zhang Yishan smiled.

Hu Yutian was in a complete tight spot. He looked at his friends asking for help but they completely ignored him. Traitors!! All of you are traitors!! He shouted in his heart.

"Uncle Zhang you see - "

"Yishan you are already so old. Why do you want to be an actor? Leave it, it's not your cup of tea... " Bai Lingyu commented from the side.

"What? I am Old? You didn't say that last night... " he teased making Bai Lingyu blush in embarrassment. She glarred at him, "What nonsense are you speaking in front of the kids! "

Everybody chuckled. The once tense atmosphere was completely turned into a light and funny one that they completely forgot the man who was already awake on the bed.

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