Regressing as the Reincarnated Bastard of the Sword Clan

Chapter 18

Chapter 18: The First War (3) >

“The head of the family has bestowed his first strike in over ten years!”

This was the first event that had occurred since Julius had been given the title of .

Of course, the opponent was a novice who hadn’t even gone through the Blossoming Ceremony yet, so it was natural that the strike did not contain the essence of magic or its principles.

However, the mere fact that the head of the family personally wielded a sword was overflowing with symbolic significance.

All the more so, when the recipient of that strike was ‘Ragnar’s cripple.’

“How about the cripple? What happened to him?”

“They say he’s fine, aside from being exhausted.”

“What? How is that possible? Even if there was no magic in the strike, how could he be fine after being hit by the head’s sword?”

“That’s what I’m saying.”

“Could it be… the head of the family felt sorry for his crippled son…?”

“Shh! Are you insane? Do you have any idea what you’re saying? The head of the family hates nothing more than people who can’t distinguish between public and private matters. Have you forgotten?”

“But otherwise, it doesn’t make sense….”

“I thought the same, but if you think carefully, you can’t just look at it that way.”

“True. There were also rumors going around that the captain of the White Armored Dragon Cavalry had his eye on him. Maybe it wasn’t just idle gossip.”

Some people began investigating how Theo had come to receive the head’s first strike and were shocked by what they uncovered.

“The Byron family, the Ceres Trading Company… The Gathering of the Hidden Dragons was oppressing Young Master Theo?”

“And when Young Master Theo punished them, they got upset and plotted against him?”

“Fifteen different forces went to such lengths to take down a single illegitimate son? Does that even make sense?”

“It wasn’t even a one-on-one duel, they bullied him with sheer numbers…”

“And yet, in the appeal, Young Master Theo still came out on top?”

“It seems the real fools were someone else all along!”

Now, the nickname ‘Ragnar’s cripple’ no longer referred to Theo, but to the group from the Gathering of the Hidden Dragons.

Moreover, they had foolishly even lost Camellia Palace, so the rumors spread far and wide, to the point where there wasn’t a person in Winterer who didn’t know about it.

As a result, the people who had once belonged to Camellia Palace couldn’t even lift their heads in public.


Some ordinary knights began to cheer as they learned about Theo’s actions.

Was it because of that?

“The Hidden Dragon, who had been lying low… Is he about to rise now?”

With two months remaining until the Blossoming Ceremony.

People began to wonder if they would witness an unexpected star rise.

One by one, they started to keep their eyes on Camellia Palace, where Theo now resided.

* * *

“Why on earth should I, the lord of this palace, be the one to leave, when there’s a perfectly fine palace right here?!”

“My Lady, please calm down!”

“If you keep running around like that, you’ll hurt yourself! Please, take a breath!”

“Let go of me, you fools! I’ll take this matter up with the head of the family directly!”

The maids were in chaos, struggling to restrain Emil, who was furiously thrashing about.

In truth, they too were victims of the sudden upheaval. Just moments ago, they had been living comfortably in Camellia Palace, only to find themselves abruptly evicted.

“The head of the family has handed Camellia Palace over to Cecilia and her son.”

Emil shot a sharp, dagger-like glare toward Ed.

“You, brother, are the last person who should be saying anything after creating this mess!”

“I have no excuse, my Lady. This is all because I misjudged our opponent.”

Ed was sincere. He had never expected Theo to endure the head of the family’s first strike and walk away unscathed.

‘If at least he had been seriously injured and hospitalized, it would’ve made things easier to handle… But not now.’

Even the possibility of a “death due to aftereffects” was no longer within reach.

It was clear that if they wanted to hunt Theo down, they would need to go all out.

“And what exactly do you plan to do now? You can’t seriously expect me to stay in this filthy, disgraceful place, can you?”

“Just endure it a little longer. I promise you, the humiliation you’ve suffered will be repaid twice over.”

Ed’s eyes gleamed ominously.

Whether that promise was directed at Emil or himself was something only he knew.

* * *


“Yes, Uncle.”

Axion, who had been watching Emil throw a fit, tossing objects around in hysterical rage after being kicked out of her residence, turned his gaze toward the source of the voice.

“The next time you encounter Theo Ragnar, you must kill him, no matter the cost.”

“I was already planning to at least sever one of his arms during the Blossoming Ceremony.”

“Don’t settle for half measures. Make sure of it—his head. You must cut off his head. Do you understand?”

Axion wanted to ask.

What exactly had happened at the Judgment Hall?

But no matter how much he prodded, Ed and Emil kept their lips sealed, as if they had made a pact.

‘They’ll all be exposed if I dig into the details. They must be utterly humiliated.’

The image of his mother, who would slap him whenever she was displeased, was nowhere to be seen now.

Axion found Emil’s current state more laughable than pitiful.

‘So, you received a strike from Father, did you? Ha. That crippled fool. It seems you’ve grown quite a bit.’

The corners of Axion’s lips twisted into a smile.

It was the feeling of realizing that a toy, which he had thought amusing, was far more entertaining than he’d initially expected.

It couldn’t have been more satisfying.

“May I ask one thing?”

“What is it?”

“The ‘relic’ that’s said to be in the Rose Palace… What exactly is it? What is it about that place that has you and Mother so desperate to get your hands on it?”

On the surface, the Rose Palace appeared to be nothing more than a place where the women of the family head were gathered.

However, both Ed and Emil had been working for a long time to gain control of it.

So, for a moment, Ed hesitated.

Should he share the secret, one he had learned almost accidentally through Troyban, with his young nephew?

Fortunately, the hesitation didn’t last long.

After all, Axion was half Troyban himself.

“Have you heard of the Ancient Dragon?”

“Isn’t that the ancient ancestor of the guardian dragon, the one who made a contract with our founder?”


“But what does that have to do with this?”

“What if I told you that traces of the Ancient Dragon lie within the Rose Palace? Would you believe me?”


Axion’s eyes widened slightly. He hadn’t expected such an answer.

“But the Ancient Dragon is something that only exists in old folktales…!”

“No. It truly lived. And during its life, it gave everything for the humans it cherished—its body, its magic power, even its soul.”


“And what remains of the Ancient Dragon is what we typically call a ‘relic.’ Among those relics, the one with the most noble value is said to be in the Rose Palace.”

For a brief moment, Axion’s eyes glinted with a cold, sharp light, but Ed failed to notice.

“The Rose Palace isn’t the only place. Camellia Palace, where we once lived, the Plum Blossom Palace of the Lord of Plum Blossom Palace, and the family head’s quarters—there are relics scattered throughout all of them.”

“What form does this relic take? If we forcefully seize the Rose Palace and steal only that…!”

“The problem is, each relic is a spirit, and they all take different forms. Until it’s directly in your hands, you can’t even tell if it’s a relic.”

“That complicates things.”

“That’s why both I and your mother have been trying for so long to take control of the Rose Palace.”

“It seems we’ll need to take down Theo, no matter the cost.”

“Exactly. That’s it. He’s dangerous. Far more so than we anticipated. If he stays in this world, he’ll be a constant thorn in our side.”

Perhaps he’s already been chosen by the relic.

Ed added a final comment.

“That’s why the Gathering of the Hidden Dragons will continue to stay by your side.”

“These rumors I’ve been hearing lately don’t sound too good. Still, you’re going through with this?”

“I don’t like your tone.”

“Haha. If it came off that way, my apologies.”

“…Just so you know, nine groups have already declared their withdrawal a little while ago. However, six remain who still want Theo Ragnar’s head. I’ll make sure to give you a good opportunity. When the time comes, move.”

“I will.”

“Especially since the Ceres Trading Company is connected to your mother’s family. That should be helpful…”


Ed abruptly stopped speaking and raised his head.

His expression hardened instantly.

A bird with black feathers soared high in the sky—a carrier pigeon, specially raised by the Ceres Trading Company.

But… the bird was covered in blood.

Its wingbeats looked weak, as if it might die at any moment.

For some inexplicable reason, Ed suddenly recalled Theo’s blood-red eyes staring at him, sending a chill down his spine.

* * *

Julius’s eyes widened at the sight of Evelyn, who looked as though she’d bathed in blood and dust.

“You… What in the world happened to you?”

She looked as though she’d just returned from completing a mission.

Even Wellington, standing next to her, was in the same state.

Evelyn smiled faintly at Julius, despite her labored breathing, while Wellington handed over a wooden box he had been carrying to Theo.

“Is this the box you requested?”


Theo forcibly pried open the wax-sealed lid, inspected the contents, and nodded.

“Yes, it seems to be the right one. This takes a load off my mind. Thank you for your hard work.”

Julius, listening to the cryptic exchange, couldn’t contain his curiosity and urgently asked, “What is that, exactly?”

Theo answered in a calm tone.

“It’s the lifeline of the Soaring Dragon.”


“If I told you that the Soaring Dragon has been leaking the family’s information to Troyban through the Ceres Trading Company, would you believe it?”


Julius’s eyes widened to the size of lanterns.

Stunned, he quickly turned to Evelyn for confirmation.

With a blank expression, Evelyn nodded and replied, “As per Young Master Theo’s request, I just finished eliminating every member of the Ceres Trading Company’s branch stationed in Winterer.”


“Fortunately, most of the branch’s security personnel were out on other assignments, so their defenses were weak, making the task relatively easy.”

The Ceres Trading Company was one of the vassal forces under the House of Ragnar, responsible for handling military supplies.

No matter how strained the relationship was with Theo, making a reckless move could bring back the political backlash that had just been patched up.


“I found something interesting while I was there.”

“…That must be what’s inside that box. What exactly is in it?”

“It’s a letter that the head of intelligence secretly sent to Troyban through the Ceres Trading Company. A considerable amount of critical information is written in it.”


Julius’s face twisted.

His relationship with Ed had never been particularly good, but Ed was still one of the Nine Dragons, the core of the family. The sense of betrayal was overwhelming.

“Then we must immediately bring this to light…”

“No, I have no intention of doing that.”

Theo shook his head.

“What are you saying, Young Master Theo? Are you suggesting we let the Soaring Dragon’s deception remain hidden?”

“The Soaring Dragon isn’t someone who would be easily trapped by something like this.”


“Even if this were exposed, he’s probably already prepared to cut off loose ends. Moving too hastily would only backfire.”

“…I see.”

Julius couldn’t find the words to respond.

As Theo said, Ed was not someone to be taken lightly.

“Furthermore, the family head likely already knows about this.”

“Is that true?”

Theo nodded.

‘In my previous life, the fall of the Soaring Dragon and the Lord of Camellia Palace had followed the head’s plan all along.’

Being part of the intelligence division, Theo was well aware of how everything had unfolded.

In reality, the Gathering of the Hidden Dragons was nothing more than a front that Ed used to try to seize control of Ragnar, with Axion acting as his proxy.

Though the Gathering grew large enough to eventually threaten the Elders, its downfall came all too easily.

Falling out of the family head’s favor in Ragnar was as dangerous as it could get.

‘Still, thanks to this incident, a significant portion of the Gathering likely withdrew. The public opinion won’t be kind to them either.’

At this point, the Gathering of the Hidden Dragons had yet to solidify itself as Ed’s private faction.

‘On the other hand, my own value will have increased because of this.’

“That’s why I plan to leave things as they are. If the Soaring Dragon has any sense, he won’t dare to touch me carelessly.”

“…And you’re aiming to cut off any controversy that might arise from the fall of the Ceres Trading Company under your control.”

Theo smiled silently.

It was an unspoken confirmation.

For a moment, Julius involuntarily shuddered.

He could see what Theo was scheming, even without it being explicitly said.

‘No matter what, on the surface, it will look as though Young Master Theo personally punished the Ceres Trading Company as an example, and the Soaring Dragon yielded in response.’

Theo’s reputation would only rise further.

Any factions still harboring grudges against him might reconsider, seeing what happened to the Ceres Trading Company, and be cautious.

‘When did he develop such a cold, calculating mindset…?’

Considering that just a few days ago, Julius had offered Theo advice, thinking his approach was still blunt, the change seemed too swift.

At the same time, a thought crossed his mind.

– Where exactly is Theo getting this kind of information?

But it wasn’t the right moment to ask.

“For the time being, the Soaring Dragon won’t be able to confront me.”

“In the meantime, he’ll wait for an opportunity—perhaps through Young Master Axion. Something like that.”

“The Blossoming Ceremony, most likely. Everyone will be too distracted then.”

Julius nodded heavily.

Theo nodded in agreement as well.

There were two months left until the Blossoming Ceremony.

In that time, he had to grow stronger, strong enough to face the Soaring Dragon’s schemes.

The first war was far from over.

‘The storage room on the second floor, the one bathed in blue light… That place will definitely be a great help.’

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