Regressing as the Reincarnated Bastard of the Sword Clan

Chapter 17

Chapter 17: The First War (2) >


Wolfgang swallowed dryly.

In his eyes, Theo was no longer a “cripple” but a “madman.”

‘To propose a deal directly to the head of the family!’

Kyle was a tyrant.

Once he decided he must have something, he would stop at nothing to get it. And once he set his mind on accomplishing something, he had to succeed at all costs—nothing less would satisfy him.

For someone like Kyle, the notion of a “deal” was unthinkable.

After all, a deal is something that only happens between those on equal footing.

That’s why Wolfgang thought this:

‘That clueless brat, just because the head of the family took a brief liking to him, he’s now acting out of his place.’

The outcome for a fool like him was obvious, like watching a fire slowly burn its way to the end—

“Very well.”


Words completely beyond expectation.

Wolfgang’s eyes widened.

“If he’s aiming for the position of heir, he should at least have the guts for it.”

Kyle’s gaze shifted to Ed.

“If this boy manages to properly take my strike, I’ll transfer the ownership of Camellia Palace to him. Soaring Dragon, you have no objections, do you?”

“…Everything of Ragnar belongs to the family head. How could I possibly have anything to say on the matter?”

“Since Soaring Dragon has guaranteed it, there shouldn’t be any issue.”


Ed clenched his teeth hard, careful not to let the family head notice.

“Good. Then prepare the stage immediately. I will test Theo Ragnar from this moment.”

At Kyle’s command, the Nine Dragons moved in perfect coordination.

* * *

[Observing ‘Kyle Ragnar’.]


Kyle Ragnar (67 years old / Male)

· Title: Incarnation of the Dragon.

· Talents: Sword Resonance. Dragon’s Blood. Dragon’s Eye. Dragon Power. Dragon’s Essence. Leadership. Tyranny. Charisma. Feats of a Sovereign. (Details omitted)

· Condition: Currently intrigued by a new aspect of a son he hadn’t paid much attention to before.


‘Details omitted?” This is the first time I’ve seen that… Just how many talents does he have? As expected, he’s truly remarkable.

Even if Theo unlocked all of the authority embedded in the message, it still wouldn’t compare to the number of talents Kyle possessed.

How much hardship would it take to reach Kyle’s level?

But even after realizing the vast difference between them, Theo didn’t feel daunted at all.

He was excited.

Because it meant that if he kept pushing himself, he could one day reach that height.

Thud… Thud…!

His heart pounded heavily.

With the excitement of knowing this was going to be fun.

But in my current state, taking Father’s strike is impossible. I’ll have to rely on the power of the message.

Theo pretended to stretch as he glanced at his reflection in the sword’s scabbard.


[Observing ‘Theo Ragnar’.]


Theo Ragnar (15 years old / Male)

· Level: 2

· Stats (▼)

Strength: 18
Agility: 16
Stamina: 17
Magic Power: 195

Intelligence: 16
Luck: -20

Additional Stat Points: 5 (new!)

· [Unavailable for viewing]

· [Unavailable for viewing]


‘Just as I thought!’

Theo clenched his fist.

The boldly highlighted [Additional Stat Points] with a value of 5.

This must represent the stat points he could freely distribute, just as he had seen in the message.

Thump thump thump!

His heart pounded wildly.

Adrenaline surged through his brain, making him feel euphoric.

‘What should I increase?’

But despite his excitement, Theo’s gaze remained sharp as he examined his status window.

For a novice like him, a single point in any stat would make a significant difference, but against his father, it would hardly make any impact.

‘Even if I poured all 5 points into one stat, it would still be the same. What should I do?’

A brief yet deep contemplation followed.

‘Wait, if I use that method…?’

Suddenly, a thought struck Theo, and without hesitation, he moved his hand toward the status window.

* * *

‘Damn it, damn it, damn it!’

Ed clenched his fists tightly as he looked at the central arena of the Judgment Hall.

Theo and Kyle stood facing each other.

Though there was a clear difference in height, their appearances were strikingly similar, as if time itself had shifted between them.

Both had jet-black hair, like the dark midnight sky, and burning crimson eyes.

Their unreadable expressions and piercing gazes that bore into their opponent only added to the similarity.

The Judgment Knights, standing silently as they guarded the hall, glanced at Theo with envy.

Receiving a strike from the family head was an honor every member of the House of Ragnar coveted.

To be personally instructed by the family head with his sword.

After this, surely the entire family would be buzzing with gossip.

This was why Ed’s insides were burning with frustration.

The stage he had prepared to bring Theo down was, instead, boosting him up.

‘If only that brat fails to receive the strike and dies right here…!’

Ed’s eyes filled with bloodlust.

Then, suddenly, he snapped back to his senses.

‘Wait, dies…?’

A sudden thought crossed his mind.

Theo had only just recently learned how to hold a sword.

Could a novice like him really withstand a strike from the family head?

Even higher-level knights struggled to withstand it. How could Theo?

Theo had a high chance of dying.

Even if he didn’t, there was a good possibility he would be broken so badly that he would never be able to hold a sword again.

In that moment, a subtle smile crept onto Ed’s lips once more.



Kyle suddenly looked Theo up and down, as if sensing something strange, and tilted his head in confusion.

He had noticed that something had changed.

‘As expected, he’s sharp. It seems even the other Nine Dragons haven’t noticed yet.’

Feigning ignorance, Theo asked, “Is something wrong?”

“Did you perhaps take some sort of elixir without me noticing…? No, that’s not it. But still, for you to change so suddenly, hmm.”

Kyle stroked his chin in thought, then shook his head.

“Well, at your age, boys grow quickly from one day to the next. Fine. Have you warmed up properly?”


“Good. Let’s get started, then.”

Kyle smiled lightly as he raised his sword.

In that instant, the atmosphere around them shifted dramatically.


A tremendous force began swirling around Kyle, and at the same time, an overwhelming pressure weighed down on Theo’s shoulders.



The ground beneath Theo’s feet collapsed under the force, sinking as his legs dug deep into it.

His body bent forward, nearly crumpling to the ground.


Theo clenched his teeth and struggled to withstand Kyle’s overwhelming presence.

‘I can’t lose here.’

Blood vessels bulged around his eyes as his heart pounded fiercely in his chest.

Thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump!

The Dragon’s Heart began pumping madly, sending a surge of energy and magic-infused blood through his body.

On top of that, thanks to the stat points he had distributed earlier, his body felt tougher and stronger than usual.


His knees, which had seemed on the verge of buckling, were now filled with strength.

His upper body straightened as Theo locked eyes with Kyle.

The veins under his skin swelled, threatening to burst at any moment.

“You’re holding up better than I thought,” Kyle said with satisfaction.

All the while, his pressure bore down on Theo like a sledgehammer, striking him repeatedly.

Boom! Boom, boom, boom, boom!

But with each blow, Theo tightened the Dragon’s Heart even more, forcing his body to rise slowly against the crushing force.

[You are being overwhelmed by immense pressure. You have gained a large amount of experience.]

[Ragnar’s trait has been applied.]

[You have leveled up.]

[You are demonstrating an indomitable spirit, refusing to bow against an insurmountable foe. You have gained a large amount of experience.]

[Ragnar’s trait has been applied.]

[You have leveled up.]


Theo internally shouted with joy. Just as he had hoped, “facing off against Kyle” was being counted as experience!

Theo had gambled based on the fact that Evelyn’s party play had also been considered as real combat. And his guess had been exactly right.

As a result, his level had increased by 6 in total.

Without hesitation, Theo dumped all of the 30 additional stat points into [Strength], just as he had done before.

[Strength: 53]

Crack, crack—

Theo immediately felt his body undergo a drastic change. His skeletal structure subtly shifted, and his muscles tightened as power surged into the hand gripping his sword.

Then, a sensation like lightning coursed through his entire body.

It was a feeling of liberation.

—The sense of freedom that comes when one steps out of the ordinary and into the realm of the extraordinary.

Why did it feel as if some of the chains that had bound him through both his previous life and his current one had finally fallen away?

In that moment—


Kyle moved.

From above, a single streak of light came crashing down toward Theo’s head.

Kyle hadn’t used any magic power, considering Theo’s level, but the strike was still far too fast, fitting for the sword wielded by the “Son of the Dragon God.”


‘I can see it!’

The flash of light that Theo wouldn’t have been able to perceive before now became visible.


Theo stomped hard on the ground and twisted his body in response.

His left hand gripped the scabbard, while his right hand separated the handle of his sword.

What was revealed was none other than the broken half of the Zweihander, which had been split three months ago.

Though he had considered replacing it many times, he had grown so accustomed to it that he couldn’t bring himself to abandon the weapon, which had become like an extension of himself.


Sword clashed against sword with a resounding impact.

And then—

Clang, clang, clang—

The swords slid against each other, generating intense friction as they deflected off to the sides.

Theo veered right, and Kyle to the left.


In the process, the remaining half of the Zweihander shattered, scattering into the air.

Standing amidst the glinting fragments, Theo’s figure was so striking that it drew gasps from those watching.

He had done it.

Although his stamina was completely drained, and his body felt so heavy it could collapse at any moment, he was overwhelmed with satisfaction. He had finally stood his ground against his father’s sword, something he had desperately longed for.

But there was something else—something that filled him with even greater joy.

‘Father’s sword… it was beautiful.’

The flash of light from his father’s strike.

It resembled the one he had once seen from Julius.

—I want to be like that.

Once again, a fierce longing bloomed within him.

—One day, I want to wield that kind of sword with my own hands.

The streak of light from the sword’s trajectory seemed to linger vividly before Theo’s eyes.

For a long while, he stood there, dazed, immersed in the rapture that the inspiration had brought him.

And then—




In the deep silence, Ed, Wolfgang, and the Lord of Plum Blossom Palace stared blankly at Theo.

He had faced the family head’s sword strike directly, yet wasn’t thrown back, still standing his ground?

An inexperienced boy who hadn’t even mastered magic?

Could such a thing even be possible?

Even Axion, who had been called a genius from a young age, might have struggled to achieve something like this.


At that moment, Julius jumped onto the stage to check on Theo.

He was also making sure Ed and Wolfgang didn’t try anything foolish.

“He’s just passed out, so there’s no need to worry,” Julius said after hearing Kyle’s words. Only then did he realize that Theo, despite keeping his eyes wide open, was actually unconscious.

He quickly checked Theo’s pulse.

Fortunately, it was normal.

His breathing was calm too.

‘Even though the strike wasn’t infused with magic, to think he stood against the family head’s sword without suffering serious internal injuries… How fast is he growing?’

But what surprised Julius the most was something else.

Theo was… smiling.


A soft, incredulous laugh escaped his lips.

Had Theo truly enjoyed crossing swords with the family head that much?

Most people would be trembling in fear.

‘A true fighter… Truly a Ragnar.’

The fact that he had passed out while still standing was another testament.

Just how strong was his will for something like this to happen?

He was an extraordinary young man in many ways.

“Really… you certainly have a knack for making people worry,” Julius muttered quietly, as Kyle turned away and brought the situation to a close.

“Theo Ragnar has proven his innocence through his own will. This trial is now concluded!”

* * *


Theo slowly opened his eyes.

He remembered that his Zweihander had shattered after clashing with Kyle’s sword.

And he vividly recalled the intense inspiration that had pierced his mind after that.

The flash of light.

The single strike.

Both his father and Julius possessed that very strike, and the memory of it still lingered at the edges of his vision.

But what had happened after that, he couldn’t recall at all.

“My son? Are you awake? Can you recognize your mother’s face?”

It was only then that he realized Cecilia was gently caressing his face, her expression filled with sorrow.

“I… I’m fine,” he replied.

“How terrified do you think this mother was when she heard you had faced the family head’s sword! Your arm—how is your body? Are you sure you’re not hurt? Try moving your shoulder. If there’s even the slightest fracture or dislocation, I’ll call for a doctor right away.”

Even though Cecilia’s fussing overwhelmed Theo, he couldn’t help but feel a strange sense of peace. It was an odd feeling, knowing that someone cared for him so deeply.

“You look paler than usual…! This won’t do. I’ll have to spend my own money to get some elixir brewed.”

Just as Cecilia hurriedly stood up, laughter came from behind, and the door opened.

“It only seems that way because Theo has naturally fair skin. His pulse is fine, so there’s no need for you to worry so much, madam.”

It was Julius.

Theo realized that Julius had brought him back from the Judgment Hall, and he tried to stand up to thank him.


But his body felt like a heavy, soaked sponge.

“Oh dear! Just stay seated. Though you’re not injured, your body must be utterly exhausted. Really, who told you to push yourself so hard?”

“Still, I wanted to thank you. If not for you, I wouldn’t have made it back safely.”

“There’s no need for that. But if you really want to show your gratitude, you could join the White Armored Dragon Cavalry after the Blossoming Ceremony. Haha.”

Theo couldn’t help but smile wryly. He’s just the same as always, he thought. But then, he noticed the burning fire in Cecilia’s eyes as she stared at the two of them.

…So that’s why my head feels like it’s heating up. She’s definitely going to ask a lot of questions later.

Pretending not to notice his mother’s gaze, Theo turned to Julius and asked, “By the way, where am I?”

Theo looked around, puzzled by the unfamiliar surroundings—the interior and decorations were all things he’d never seen before.

“You don’t even know where you are, yet you asked the family head to give it to you as a reward?”

“What do you mean…?”

Suddenly, Theo’s eyes widened, and Julius grinned as he nodded.

“This is Camellia Palace. Just earlier, following the family head’s orders, the former lord of Camellia Palace and Axion were forced to leave, almost as if they were being chased out, along with the director of the Bureau of Internal Affairs. You should have seen the scene with your own eyes—it was priceless! Haha!”

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