Professor Vampire.

Chapter 119 - 119 He can replace them.

Chapter 119: Chapter 119 He can replace them.

"Tell me, what do you think?"

In the dim Defense Against the Dark Arts professor's office, Dracula looked at the black-haired young man in front of him and asked with interest,

"As Voldemort's Horcrux, it's fine if you don't help your creator, but you actually want to come to me to be his enemy? I don't quite understand."

Diary Riddle exhaled lightly, looked at Dracula seriously, and said: "Voldemort didn't pay me the attention I deserved. He just treated me as another life as a backup."

"Since I have been born with his memory of his youth, it is difficult for me to convince myself to follow his established route and just treat myself as a tool and an object without independent consciousness!"

"Mr. Dracula, I want to break free from his control!" Riddle said.

Dracula smiled and walked towards Riddle with interest, and stopped when he was beside him.

"Let me see... Well, this is a body made up of soul power, right?" He looked at Riddle's slightly illusory figure and asked, "I have some impression of this body structure. At that time, Voldemort confronted me in this state inside the restricted area where the Philosopher's Stone was stored."

"You are right." Riddle nodded gently, "He originally possessed Quirrell's body, but under the huge pressure brought by you, the state of parasitism on a human was not enough for him to have enough power, so he thought of his Horcrux."

"Voldemort has always known that I was the first Horcrux he made, and I also have most of his memories before the age of sixteen. I must have a stronger soul power than other Horcruxes... So he used some means to take me out of Malfoy Manor, wanting to absorb the soul essence retained in the Horcrux."

"But what he didn't expect was that I had already developed self-awareness, and his forced occupation caused my resistance." Riddle said.

"As far as I know, as a Horcrux, it is difficult for you to resist the power of the main body." Dracula looked at him deeply, "In addition, when Voldemort officially started to steal the Philosopher's Stone, I did not find your existence."

"Yes, I couldn't resist the power of the main soul at all, and he easily occupied the soul body that I had worked so hard to condense." Riddle pulled the corner of his mouth, his expression was very unwilling, "Even before the final action, he told me that he would not take risks with his own Horcruxes, and even returned my body..."

"...But I know that Voldemort is not He is not thinking about me, but is worried about his own life. He will not take risks with any Horcrux. I am no different from those Horcruxes without self-awareness! "

"In fact, I also know that the mind that accidentally gave birth to a Horcrux is a burden and a disaster to my suspicious main soul... That is, he realized that he might fail to steal the Philosopher's Stone, so he was willing to return the soul body to me and let me lurk in the castle to complete his backup plan..."

Riddle stared at Dracula's eyes, his eyes full of arrogance.

Riddle is using practical actions to show that he was born from the memory of the Dark Lord who cannot be named, and has similar personalities and characteristics to Voldemort. He will never be manipulated and lose his autonomy!

Dracula also looked into Riddle's eyes, and there was a bit of appreciation in his eyes.

"When Voldemort was young, his personality and appearance were more stylish than his current bald head." He chuckled and said, "I really don't know what he did later to make himself look like that."

"Although it's hard to accept, I can understand his choice." Riddle said softly, "For me, immortality and power are much more important than external things like appearance."

"Oh, immortality again." Dracula sneered disdainfully, "What's so good about immortality? There are always so many superficial humans who want to pursue it. It's so boring!"

Riddle was about to refute, but Dracula raised his hand to interrupt him, "Don't talk about those boring things. Tell me what you did when you were lurking in Hogwarts Castle."

"Is the backup plan Voldemort gave you just to seduce Harry Potter's mind?" Dracula looked at Riddle and asked thoughtfully, "It can be seen that you have obtained Potter has a large part of trust, and there should be a lot of hands -on opportunities. "" There are so many opportunities, just creating an accident can let him die, but you just do things like confusing. Is there any other reason for this? " Speaking, I asked me to leave Harry Potter. So I not only could not kill Harry directly, but even protect him! " For the reason, he was not stupid. "Ridhr shook his head gently," Do you know the prophecy made by Sibir Terrina twelve years ago? "Dracula frowned slightly. Of course, he knew what the prophecy was. But twelve years ago, Dracula was still in deep sleep, and had no idea what was happening in the wizarding world, let alone the prophecy that was listed as a secret by both the Ministry of Magic and the Death Eaters.

'Damn it, how many magnificent things happened in the hundred years I was asleep? ! ' Dracula gritted his teeth in hatred and looked at Riddle with cold eyes.

Seeing Dracula's cold eyes, Riddle's expression tightened, and he immediately said the prophecy he knew from the main soul -

"'The one who has the ability to defeat the Dark Lord is approaching... Born in a family that has resisted him three times, born at the end of July... The Dark Lord will mark him as his rival...' - This is the prophecy that Voldemort learned, which may not be complete, but it is enough to select qualified candidates."

"So Voldemort chose Harry Potter as his rival, went to Godric's Hollow to kill him, but eventually fell under his own killing curse?" Dracula asked with a strange expression, "If it weren't for this prophecy , maybe he won't fail? "

"Yes, this is one of the reasons why I am dissatisfied with him." Riddle said coldly, "Instead of doing his best to achieve his goals, he believed the prophecy he heard from others and finally fell into this prophecy... It's really stupid!"

"So... just because of this prophecy, he didn't allow you to hurt Potter?" Dracula asked, "If it is really because of this, then Voldemort's understanding of the prophecy is too superficial."

"Want to hear what the real prophet thinks of the prophecy, Riddle?" He looked at Riddle with a chuckle and asked casually.

Dracula didn't care about letting Riddle know the true meaning of the prophecy, nor did he care about the tiny possibility that he might reveal it to Voldemort.

Because this kind of knowledge needs to be understood and respected with heart, even if it is revealed to Voldemort himself, it will not change his mind as a dark wizard who has long lost his original beliefs, but is more likely to disturb his thoughts.

Now Dracula is willing to tell Riddle about the prophecy. He wants to know how different Riddle is from Voldemort and whether he is really helpful.

"Have you thought about it, Riddle?" Dracula asked with a chuckle, "The prophecy ability of my prophet friend is not comparable to the current divination professor of Hogwarts."

"Mr. Dracula, are you willing to tell me such important knowledge?" Riddle's eyes shrank slightly, and he looked at Dracula in disbelief, "I thought it would be difficult to gain your trust."

"Gain my trust?" Dracula raised his eyebrows, "Then you think too much, I can't trust you. I will only consider how much help I can give you based on how much fun you can bring me."

Riddle was stunned for a moment, and then he laughed, "Then trouble you to tell me about the knowledge of prophecy, Mr. Dracula."

"I guess you can guess who my prophet friend is," Dracula smiled and glanced at him, and said, "Nico Flamel said that the reason he went to learn prophecy is because he was a prophet. , not just to kill time, nor to accurately predict the future-"

"The meaning of prophecy is not this, but to get rid of the shackles of fate, let us know that there are more possibilities in this world, so that our lives can be freer."

"In short, prophecy is a kind of magic to help us live, not to restrict our behavior."

"Wait a minute, I have a question..." Riddle raised his hand and asked Dracula, "Since we already know the prophecy, how can we not be constrained by it? If we put the prophecy aside completely, what is the difference between us and wizards who don't know the prophecy at all?"

"Riddle, no matter what the future mentioned in the prophecy looks like, everyone lives in the present." Dracula said to Riddle as he walked slowly behind the desk and sat comfortably on the sofa.

"The present is complete, but the prophecy is not. The prophecy is fragmented. It is impossible for it to tell us all the possibilities of the future, and naturally there is no need to let it interfere too much with our present."

"For that old guy Nico, the role of prophecy is just a hint and a choice; for me, prophecy is just one of the ways to find a more interesting future." Dracula said, "Voldemort's real life was interfered by the prophecy, so he fell into the prophecy."

Unconsciously, the two people in the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor's office seemed like an ordinary professor and student, one asking questions and the other answering. It was impossible to tell that one was the Dark Lord's Horcrux and the other was a vampire count who had lived for more than a thousand years.

"I understand, Professor." Suddenly, the young Riddle used the honorific that he would have used sixty years ago, "All magic is controlled by wizards, not wizards being controlled by magic."

"Not bad, you have some understanding." Dracula chuckled and raised a goblet, sipping a sip of bright red wine, "But I suggest you replace 'wizard' with 'magical creature', otherwise I will not be happy."

"Yes, I subconsciously forgot that Professor Dracula is not a wizard." Riddle also smiled and changed his words.

For a while, the atmosphere in the office was harmonious and friendly, with a warm school scene.

However, the next moment, this harmonious atmosphere was broken by a sentence-

"I have told you the true meaning of the prophecy, which is quite sincere, right?" Dracula gently placed the wine glass on the table in front of him and said softly, "In this case, shouldn't you also tell me some more useful information?"

"Well, I won't make it difficult for you. I just need to know three things-"

"First, what is the most fundamental reason for your betrayal of Voldemort; second, what is the purpose of Voldemort keeping you by Harry Potter's side; third, when was the most recent large-scale action of the Death Eaters, and what was the content of the activity."

Burst after burst of dark breath with a strong sense of oppression emanated from Dracula, and the atmosphere in the office quietly became solemn, as if even the air was filled with lead, so heavy that Riddle could not breathe.

The wine-red light in Dracula's eyes moved, quietly rotating near the child's hole, making Riddle feel that all his secrets had nowhere to hide.

"... I stayed with Harry for his blood." Riddle couldn't bear the heavy pressure in front of him, and said honestly, "Father's bones, enemy's blood, servant's flesh, these are the three things needed for resurrection, now only Harry's blood is missing..."

"As for the reason why I chose to betray... it's because I absorbed the soul essence of another Horcrux of the main soul, and he will find out about it sooner or later..."

Hearing this, even Dracula looked at Riddle in surprise.

He didn't expect that this Horcrux diary was so bold that it actually absorbed one of Voldemort's Horcruxes directly...

"What about the last thing?" Dracula asked with interest.

"The most recent large-scale operation was on Halloween night..." Riddle said slowly, "Voldemort ordered me to get Harry's blood before that. He wanted to be completely resurrected that night, and then break through Azkaban in one fell swoop and rescue his most loyal servant!"

Riddle looked at Dracula, but found that Dracula had exaggeratedly raised the corners of his mouth, revealing two sharp side teeth.

This is Dracula's most common behavior when he thinks of something very interesting.

"Listen to me, Riddle..." Dracula said evilly with an exaggerated smile on his face.

"Do you have any idea to replace Voldemort?"

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