Professor Vampire.

Chapter 118 - 118 It’s a good show

Chapter 118: Chapter 118 It's a good show

Just when Harry was still in shock and confusion, a golden-red flame suddenly appeared in the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor's office, illuminating the dim atmosphere of the office.

"Oh? It seems that we have a guest."

Dracula raised his lips and walked towards the direction of the fire.

An old man with white hair and a long white beard up to his waist strode out of the fire.

His face was solemn, and he asked directly: "Professor Dracula, I heard from Severus that you took Harry Potter away?"

"You are much later than I expected, Dumbledore." Dracula chuckled and said to the old man, "In fact, I thought Snape would contact you earlier!"

Snape may have been addicted to scolding the little wizard in the duel club, or he subconsciously did not think that Dracula would hurt Harry Potter. He stood on the stage of the duel club for a long time and finally remembered that Harry was taken away.

So Snape used a special Patronus Charm to send this message to Dumbledore in the headmaster's office.

After receiving this message, Dumbledore came to Dracula's office as soon as possible to prevent any possible accidents to Harry, who was extremely important to him.

However, this period of time was already very sufficient.

It was sufficient for Dracula to detect the relationship between Harry and Slytherin, find out Harry's memory, and even pull out Riddle's diary, which had been bewitching Harry's mind, from his arms.

"Actually, you came at the right time. I have a surprise for you." Dracula showed an interesting smile, then turned sideways, allowing Riddle's figure to appear in Dumbledore's sight.

Even a wise old man like Dumbledore, his expression became extremely stunned in an instant.

"Tom?" Dumbledore looked at the handsome black-haired young man in front of him in surprise, "You are..."

His eyes flashed quickly, and his memory seemed to go back to sixty years ago-

The handsome black-haired young man in front of him completely overlapped with the appearance of the brilliant Tom Riddle holding high the Special Contribution Award for the school!

"Long time no see, Professor Dumbledore." Riddle showed a flawless smile and bowed gracefully to Dumbledore, "My memory actually stays at the time when I won the Special Contribution Award for the school-at that time, only you, the professor, had doubts about it."

"So you are Tom sixty years ago?" Dumbledore frowned, and his sharp eyes seemed to penetrate the slightly illusory figure in front of him.

After a moment, he suddenly revealed a look of understanding.

"So that's how it is..." Dumbledore nodded slightly, then turned to look at Harry who was full of doubts in his heart, "Harry, can you go back to the Gryffindor common room to rest for a while? Professor Dracula and I have other things to discuss."

"But... I think this matter has a lot to do with me, professor!" Harry said hurriedly.

Harry certainly didn't want to leave. He still had a lot of things to figure out, and a lot of questions to ask, and he was full of doubts about what happened today!

"When the time is right, I will explain it to you one by one, Harry." Dumbledore looked into Harry's eyes, his eyes were still gentle, but extremely determined, "But please go back now, okay? After going through so many things today, it's time for you to have a good rest."

Harry opened his mouth, wanting to tell the two professors that he was not tired at all and didn't need to rest at all.

But looking at Dumbledore's increasingly tough eyes, he finally nodded silently and turned to leave the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor's office.

He left the blank diary in the office, lying quietly on the cold ground...

After Harry left, only Dracula, Dumbledore and Riddle were left here.

"You are the Horcrux that Tom made after killing Myrtle, right?" Dumbledore looked at Riddle first and asked in a deep voice.

"I can't hide it from you, Professor Dumbledore." Riddle said softly, "I really want to know, is there anything in this world that can be hidden from you?"

"There are too many things I don't know, Tom." Dumbledore shook his head slowly, "If it weren't for your performance in the Wu Orphanage that gave me a preconceived impression and I have been wary of you, I would have been fooled by your performance like other professors."

"I am honored to hear the greatest wizard in the world say this!" Riddle's voice gradually cooled down, "I didn't expect that even after so many years, the greatest wizard in the world is still called Albus Dumbledore."

"I thought that the foreign The 'I' outside only needs a few years to replace you... However, not only did he fail to achieve this, but he was defeated by a baby! "

Listening to Riddle's cold words, Dracula raised his eyebrows slightly and asked with interest: "You seem to be very dissatisfied with your original body, Mr. Riddle."

"Indeed, Mr. Dracula." Riddle looked at Dracula and gave him a meaningful look, "The 'I' outside not only failed to fulfill the wish he made when he was young, but also became more and more stupid. He completely fell into the powerful force. "

Dracula's expression became more and more intriguing, and the corners of his mouth raised an exaggerated arc.

"So what do you think, Mr. Riddle?" he asked.

"Professor Dracula!" Dumbledore's voice suddenly resounded throughout the office, interrupting the conversation between Dracula and Riddle, "I think I have an obligation to remind you not to forget our most important goal-"

"Voldemort cannot be truly eliminated before all of Voldemort's Horcruxes are destroyed!"

Dumbledore looked at Riddle with a sharp look, "Tom, I guess Voldemort must have more than just you, right?"

"It turns out that Professor Dumbledore also has things he doesn't know." Riddle smiled and shrugged, "Of course, according to our thinking, a single Horcrux is definitely not foolproof."

"As for how many Horcruxes he made... Even I don't know. After all, I only have the memory of Voldemort before he was sixteen years old. "

"I know." Dumbledore nodded gently, "Thank you for the clues, Tom, I am also very happy to see you again without the distortion of the dark magic."

Then, he gently raised the wand, "But I'm sorry, Tom, you should have guessed it - as a Horcrux, there can only be such an ending..."

A wisp of red flame gushed out from the tip of Dumbledore's wand, burning violently in the air, and in an instant it expanded to the size of half a room, surging and burning towards the blank diary on the ground.

"Dumbledore's iconic firestorm?"

Feeling the air that became scorching in an instant, Riddle closed his eyes gently, letting the flames penetrate his illusory body and approach the diary.

He knew that he could not escape from the hands of the most powerful wizard in the magic world, so he did not hold any fluke.

Riddle was waiting for another person to take action.

'I have given all the hints, I hope it will arouse his interest...' He thought with his eyes closed.

For a long time, Riddle did not feel the pain of the burning diary.

So he opened his eyes and saw two different colors of flames, both extremely bright and beautiful, almost occupying the entire space of the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor's office, confronting and competing with each other.

On one side was a red that was thicker than magma, and the volatile heat seemed to be able to ignite the eyes of all the wizards present!

On the other side was a white that was colder than bones. Although it was in the form of flames, Riddle could not feel any heat from it, but felt that it had a chill deep into the bone marrow!

The two flames touched each other scorchingly, melting each other, and neither gave in.

"Professor Dracula, have you really forgotten our most important goal?" Dumbledore's voice came from the sticky red, and his voice was unprecedentedly serious. "Don't you want to do your part for the safety of Nico's Philosopher's Stone and the lives of him and Perenelle?!"

"Mr. Principal, I have always protected the Philosopher's Stone of that old guy, and I have never forgotten it." Dracula's voice sounded in the white flames, "But I thought you had already understood that destroying Voldemort has never been my most important goal..."

After a period of silence, the red flames suddenly began to shrink and dissipated in the blink of an eye.

Dumbledore's figure emerged from it, and a faint red light could still be seen on the wand in his hand.

"I always thought that your attempt to find any interesting things in the world was based on a solid bottom line." He said in a deep voice, "Nico has always told me this. He told me that although you are a little cynical, you still have the firm principles of being a noble..."

"Professor Dracula, but I can't see any principles in your behavior of protecting Voldemort's Horcrux today!"

"Since you can't see it, why bother to say more? It's better to use personal strength to decide what is right and what is wrong!" Dracula smiled evilly, "I wanted to fight with you a long time ago, Dumbledore. Let me see what kind of surprise the greatest wizard in the magic world can bring me!"

The black and red cloak behind Dracula moved without wind, and waves of dark breath emerged around him without reservation. Gradually, a dark moon quietly appeared in this office, cold and heavy.

Dumbledore's face changed slightly, and then he sighed softly.

"Professor Dracula, I won't fight you here." He said softly, "Choosing the battlefield inside the Hogwarts Castle, do you want to demolish the entire castle? Many students will be injured or even killed!"

After that, the phoenix Fawkes landed on Dumbledore's shoulder and gently spread a pair of broad wings.

"I hope you don't regret what you did today, Professor Dracula." He looked at Dracula deeply and said finally.

The next moment, a golden-red flame wrapped Dumbledore's whole body and instantly took him to the principal's office.

In the principal's office, there were already two other professors waiting there.

"Albus, did you fight with Professor Dracula?" Professor McGonagall asked anxiously, "I clearly felt in the office on the second floor that there was a very strong magical fluctuation coming from the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor's office! I came here to ask Severus and found out that you just happened to go to Professor Dracula's place."

"What kind of conflict did you have that you had to fight to resolve it?!"

It was very rare that Professor McGonagall rushed to the principal's office without even wearing a hat.

Compared to Professor McGonagall's anxiety, Snape's face looked even more nervous, "Albus, why did you suddenly fight?"

"Tell me, did Dracula do something bad to Potter?!"

Looking at the nervous Professor McGonagall and Snape, Dumbledore suddenly laughed happily.

"Don't be nervous, Minerva, Severus." He said with a smile, "I did fight with Professor Dracula, but it was just a good show performed by the two of us!"

Dumbledore stroked Fawkes' feathers and recalled what had just happened-

After learning that Harry was taken away by Dracula, he was very anxious, so he asked Fawkes to take him into the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor's office in an instant.

"You came at the right time, I have a surprise for you." Looking at the uninvited guest in front of him, Dracula said meaningfully.

Dumbledore saw that there was a brilliant light flowing quickly in Dracula's eyes, and it seemed that there was some other information and content turning in those wine-red eyes.

So he also activated Legilimency, colliding the spirits and thoughts of the two people together-

"The results of Potter's blood test are out, I think it is necessary to let you know." Dracula looked at the sharp eyes behind Dumbledore's half-moon glasses and communicated with him silently, "I have checked, Potter does not have any Salazar blood, but he can use Snake Tongue."

"So... my judgment is not wrong, right?" Dumbledore also said silently, "Did Voldemort really accidentally leave the soul fragment in Harry's body, making Harry an alternative Horcrux?"

"That's right, so if Voldemort is to be eliminated, the child Potter must also die!" Dracula said, "Is this really an ending you can accept?"

"Hu——" Dumbledore exhaled silently, "Of course I won't let this happen, I already have a plan..."

He quickly passed the plan he prepared to Dracula's mind.

"I have to say that your plan requires too many coincidences." Dracula frowned, "and the price paid is too high, you are using yourself as a pawn!"

"I have lived enough for more than a hundred years, it doesn't matter, as long as I can succeed." Dumbledore smiled silently.

"Forget it, I want you to live a few hundred more years to feel what it means to be really tired of living!" Dracula sneered, "I have another plan here, do you want to listen to it?"

"Of course, you need to cooperate with me to put on a good show in front of Riddle!"

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