Paradise Pokeball System

Chapter 117: PP SYSTEM ACTIVATION: Penultimate Primordial System.

Chapter 117: PP SYSTEM ACTIVATION: Penultimate Primordial System.

All my anger boiled up at once as soon as I got the message. My anger at myself for not working harder. My anger at Cryo for refusing my request to save people who were clearly going to die. My anger at the Endbringers who came here to hurt me and the people I cared about.

All of it fueled the new System that had been activated.

I let out a scream that shattered Prisma, bringing me back to Jolene's house, but I no longer felt in control of my body as the earth under the house ripped up the flooring, and then shot me forward, through the wall in the direction that I could feel the familiar energy.

Back in Prisma, Joy and Lusamine just stared at each other until Cryo finally started moving, but he was red, not blue now.

Noticing this, Joy rushed over to Cryo, who was now in deep thought. The Pokémon didn't know what this power was, nor did it have any access to its master to stop them.

"Cryo? Is Landon going to be okay?" She asked, but the Pokémon made a shrugging motion.

"I wish that I had the answers. While it is clear I am just like the Cryo that the Endbringer has beside him, I had no idea something like this was dormant inside of me," Cryo explained, still feeling lost.

His master, Ultramex, had not given him much information, but he did give three rules:

1. Landon's choices were his own, and Cryo was not allowed to interfere with them.
2. Cryo was to serve Landon and help him get stronger, without violating the first rule.
3. Protect Landon at all costs, even if that means breaking the first rule.

All these things had been done by Cryo, and the rules followed, but what was he to do now? Landon had somehow locked him out, preventing any kind of forced control Cryo attempted.

"Do you think that he will be okay?" Lusamine asked, watching Landon move on a wave of the earth at unnatural speeds.

"I honestly don't know. This power... it's beyond anything I anticipated. Landon has tapped into the Penultimate Primordial System, and I have no control over it. I can only hope that he can harness this power without losing himself in the process," Cryo replied, his blue eyes now glowing with uncertainty.

As Landon tore across Paldea with incredible speed, the landscape around him blurred. He could feel the primal energy coursing through his veins, a power that seemed both chaotic and awe-inspiring. The rage that fueled him seemed to amplify the strength of this newfound system.

Meanwhile, the Recon Squad members continued to struggle against Garon, who held them both by their necks. He could easily kill them both in an instant, but he had felt it.

"Looks like we won't have to kill everyone after all!" Garon laughed, and the Cryo nodded.

"It seems the target is headed directly for us at high speeds. From what I can tell, he is traveling by ground, but his system has only just been unlocked. While this won't be easy, I think you should be able to win this fight without killing him," the Cryo explained, and Garon groaned.

"Why can't we just kill him, and scoop up the Pokémon? It will drop if he dies, right?" Garon asked as the two continued to struggle in his grip, but the Cryo shook its head.

"The user is advancing fairly fast and has already been connected to the host for over 10 years. It will be easier and faster to just reeducate both of them at the same time, rather than trying to find a new human that will be compatible," the Cryo explained, making Garon shake his head, but then focus on the two in his hands.

"You too are going to make quite the martyrs, and even more when I find where that other little witch is hiding!" Garon laughed, but Soliera just struggled harder.

They had tried everything, but they were like children with sticks in the face of a tiger. No attacks their Pokémon had tried could even get close to the Endbringer, and now they had all fainted.

"Landon might not be that strong yet, but one day you will see!" Soliera wheezed out, making Garon laugh even harder.

"Do you get it? He is already coming! Maybe I will wait to kill you all? I wonder what would be worse? Kill you all now, or wait till I beat him to a pulp, and then do it before dragging him off to get brainwashed?" Garon mused almost playfully and then grinned. "There are so many good choices!"

The sensation of riding on a wave of earth at breakneck speed was both exhilarating and disorienting. I could feel the power surging through me, a force that seemed to respond to the uncontrollable rage within. Garon's presence ahead fueled my anger even further.

As I approached, the Recon Squad members in Garon's grasp came into view. Soliera and Dulse were struggling, their faces contorted with effort. The sight of their vulnerability intensified the fury within me.

My body, however, had a mind of its own. It acted without my command, and I could only watch as it launched a devastating attack. A sudden burst of energy shot from my hands, colliding with Garon and forcing him to release the Recon Squad members.

"Soliera! Dulse!" I shouted internally, desperation creeping into my voice. The wave of the earth beneath me shifted, guiding me towards the fallen duo. I desperately tried to regain control, but the Penultimate Primordial System had a hold over me.

The impact of my attack sent Garon tumbling backward, his grip on Soliera and Dulse loosening. The Recon Squad members were thrown aside, landing a distance away from the Endbringer. The chaotic energy around me intensified, making it clear that this newfound power was not to be taken lightly.

As my body landed on the ground, I tried to move, to stop what was happening. But it was as if I was a spectator in my own body, watching events unfold without the ability to intervene.

Garon, recovering from the unexpected assault, locked eyes with me. There was a moment of hesitation in his expression, a recognition of the power that emanated from my transformed state.

"Looks like you're not just a pushover after all," Garon sneered, his red eyes narrowing as he assessed the situation. The Control Calamity System, his own powerful ability, was at the ready.

In the distance, Soliera and Dulse struggled to rise as Zossie came rushing over to them from her hiding spot. The Recon Squad's situation was dire, and the burden of responsibility weighed heavily on me.

The red glitch from before flickered across my vision, a brief disruption that caught my attention. It was a reminder of the Penultimate Primordial System's influence, an entity beyond my understanding.

Garon grinned, his form shifting as he activated his own system. The ground beneath him trembled as he transformed into a monstrous figure, reminiscent of Groudon. His form was now covered in crimson energy, and the debris around him seemed to respond to his will, forming a protective barrier.

"You've got some surprises up your sleeve, kid. Let's see if you can handle this!" Garon declared, his voice resonating with the power of his System.

As the Recon Squad members struggled to regroup, I felt a surge of determination within me. Despite the lack of control over my own body, the desire to protect those I cared about burned fiercely.

[Primordial Evolution Unlocked]

The announcement echoed in my mind, and I could feel a profound shift in the energy surrounding me. The Penultimate Primordial System responded to the imminent threat, offering a glimpse of its true potential.

My form began to change, a transformation unlike any I had experienced before. The chaotic energy coalesced into a more refined and powerful state. The sensation was both exhilarating and overwhelming.

Before Garon could make another move, I felt the newfound power coursing through my veins. The wave of the earth beneath me lifted me into the air, and I could sense the transformation reaching its peak.

My appearance shifted, and the surroundings warped as the Primordial Evolution took hold. I was no longer the same; I had become something greater, tapping into the primal forces that shaped the world.

The energy enveloped me, and my form took on an ethereal quality. Wings of pure energy extended from my back, and a majestic aura surrounded me. I had evolved into a form reminiscent of Lugia, but with a power that transcended conventional evolution.

My transformed state was a magnificent fusion of human and Lugia, a harmonious blend of elegance and power. The white and blue dragon-like features of Lugia seamlessly intertwined with the humanoid aspects, creating a form that radiated strength and grace.

My wings, expansive and majestic, stretched wide, gleaming with a pristine blue hue that matched the ocean depths. The ethereal energy that emanated from them created a mesmerizing display, illuminating the surroundings with a soft, radiant glow.

The snout, reminiscent of a beak, retained the essence of Lugia's majestic appearance. The sharp yet regal lines conveyed a sense of authority, while my eyes glowed with an otherworldly intensity, reflecting the power coursing through my newly evolved form.

The transformation had not only altered my physical appearance but also heightened my senses and connection to the primal forces. I could feel the energy of the Penultimate Primordial System resonating within me, amplifying my abilities to unprecedented levels.

As I hovered in the air, the Recon Squad members and Garon stared in awe at the transformed figure before them. The power I now wielded was a force to be reckoned with, and the battlefield stood on the brink of an extraordinary confrontation.

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