Paradise Pokeball System

Chapter 116: Garon, CC System Wielder

Chapter 116: Garon, CC System Wielder

The Ultra-Space Wormhole opened just north of Cortondo, and a strange-looking man stepped out. The wormhole closed behind him, and the man looked down at his hand.

"So this is the place where the PP System wielder is hiding? Why can't I feel him?" Garon asked as his Pokémon appeared so only the man could see.

"They have retreated into their Ultra-Space domain. While they are there, we won't be able to do anything," the Cryo replied, but Garon laughed.

"Nothing we can do? We will just start making a mess of this world. Why did the other Ultramex even betray all of us anyway?"

"Difference in opinions. That was why Utimax locked him away, but now that the Ultramex had recreated itself like me, we can retrain it to be part of the cause," The Cryo explained, making Garon click his tongue.

"That's all well and good, but what's the plan now? We can't just wait for them to come out of their little hideout," Garon said, looking around the Cortondo region.

"True. We need to draw them out and make them face us directly. The Recon Squad is currently heading in our direction. We can assume that they are linked with the PP System user. You know what that means, right?" The Cryo asked, and a vicious grin spread across the strange man's face.

"They gave us the title of Endbringers, and I don't hate it, but we can't have anyone knowing about us. The more recon Squad members we can kill, the fewer people that can stop our goal, right?" Garon asked, and the Cryo nodded.

"Exactly. We eliminate the Recon Squad, and it will force the PP System wielder to come out and face us. We need to strike fear into the hearts of the people, make them understand the power we possess."

Garon chuckled. "I like the way you think, Cryo. Let's show them the true meaning of fear."

As the two of them set off towards Cortondo, their presence sent shivers down the spines of anyone who crossed their path. The Endbringers had arrived, and their destructive intent echoed through the air.

Meanwhile, in Prisma, I continued my training within the special area Cryo had revealed to me. The serene surroundings contrasted with the urgency of the situation outside. I couldn't afford to waste any time.

[Time dilation has been set to 4x. Training efficiency increased.]

Cryo's voice echoed in my mind as I focused on my training. Part of me wanted to go see my girls, but there was a screen up in the sky. I could see the Recon Squad moving in slow motion, and that made me focus.

"What do I need to do to get stronger?" I asked, the sweat already pouring off my body. Cryo was already using his abilities on my body. It was something I should have had him doing every time that I came to Prisma.

"We will ask for Joy and Lusamine's help for that," Cryo explained, and then the two of them appeared to my surprise.

"Yeah, we are going to help you learn how to fight," Lusamine said with an evil-looking smile as she cracked her fingers.

"I am sorry Landon, but I am going to have to hurt you a bit for you to learn this fast," Joy apologized, but I put up my hands.

"Hold on! Why do I have to fight my girls!?" I demanded, but Lusamine launched at me without any hesitation, driving her fist into my stomach.

The pain shot through me, and I stumbled backward, clutching my stomach. Lusamine stood before me, a fierce determination in her eyes.

"That's how it feels to be attacked. You need to learn how to defend yourself and counter-attack," Lusamine explained, her tone serious.

Joy stepped forward, her expression apologetic. "I know it's not pleasant, but it's necessary. We need to make sure you can handle yourself in a fight."

Taking a deep breath, I nodded, understanding the importance of the training. "Okay, I get it. Let's do this."

The training session continued, with Joy and Lusamine taking turns sparring with me. They taught me basic defensive moves, how to evade attacks, and the importance of quick reflexes. Despite the physical strain, I could feel myself improving with each round.

Cryo monitored my progress and provided feedback, guiding me in adjusting my stance and improving my reaction time. The combination of physical training and Cryo's assistance allowed me to grasp the basics of combat more quickly than I expected.

As the training intensified, I could see the Recon Squad arriving at the scene just outside of Cortondo. I was glad that they made it before the Endbringers could get there, but I was worried about them. Whatever this thing was, it had killed before, but I didn't plan on letting that happen.

[Status Update: Recon Squad Engages Endbringers]

The holographic screen in the sky displayed the Recon Squad confronting the Endbringers. The battle unfolded in slow motion, allowing me to analyze their movements and strategies. Soliera, Dulse, and Zossie faced a strange-looking man, but his red skin and shattered-looking clothing were not what caught my eye.

"Is that a red version of you beside him?" I asked, and Cryo appeared.

"Yes, from what I can tell, but I don't know why it is with that person other than the same reason I am with you," Cryo explained, and I frowned.

The situation outside was dire, and my focus shifted back to the training at hand. Joy and Lusamine continued to guide me through various combat scenarios, pushing me to my limits. The physical strain was intense, but I welcomed it as a means to grow stronger.

[Training Efficiency: 75%]

Cryo's voice echoed, indicating that my progress was substantial, but there was still room for improvement. I could feel the energy coursing through my body, a newfound strength emerging from the rigorous training.

As the Recon Squad faced the Endbringers, a surge of determination fueled my efforts. I couldn't let them face this threat alone. The realization hit me—this was my battle too. I needed to be prepared to confront the Endbringers when the time came.

The holographic screen displayed Soliera, Dulse, and Zossie engaging in a fierce battle. The Endbringers, Garon, didn't call out a Pokémon but instead transformed like I did, but into a much larger form. The Recon Squad and their Pokémon stood no chance.

Despite their valiant efforts, the Recon Squad members and their Pokémon were overwhelmed by the sheer power and ferocity of Garon's transformed state. The battle played out in agonizing slow motion, and I felt a sense of helplessness.

"We can't just stand here! We need to help them!" I exclaimed, frustration and worry evident in my voice.

[Your training is not complete. I cannot allow you to face such a formidable opponent unprepared. You need more time to strengthen your abilities. Trust in the Recon Squad; they are capable fighters. You must focus on your training for now.]

Cryo's words resonated in my mind, urging me to prioritize my own development before rushing into battle. It was a difficult pill to swallow, but I knew he was right.

As I continued my training, the Recon Squad members faced relentless attacks from Garon's transformed form. Each strike seemed more devastating than the last, and my heart sank with every moment.

[Status Update: Recon Squad Members Critical]

The holographic screen displayed critical status for Soliera, Dulse, and Zossie. It was a dire situation, and I felt a growing urgency to join the battle.

[Training Efficiency: 90%]

Cryo's voice echoed, signaling that my training was nearing completion. The newfound strength and skills I gained during the training gave me a sense of confidence, but I couldn't shake the worry for the Recon Squad.

"Please, Cryo, let me go help them! I can't just stand here!" I pleaded, my desperation evident.

[Your training is essential. Your abilities are still incomplete, and rushing into battle could jeopardize your safety. Trust in the Recon Squad; they knew the risks when they confronted the Endbringers. Focus on completing your training. Your Life is the most important right now.]

Cryo's words were firm, and I reluctantly refocused on my training. The battle outside continued, and I could see the Recon Squad members enduring the relentless assault. The urgency weighed heavily on my mind, but I knew that impatience could lead to disastrous consequences.

[Training Efficiency: 95%]

The final moments of my training approached, and I pushed myself to the limit. The skills and strength I gained were significant, and I could feel the transformation within me. As the holographic screen displayed the ongoing battle, a surge of determination filled my heart.

[Training Complete]

Cryo's announcement signaled the end of my training. I took a deep breath, feeling the newfound power coursing through my veins. The time had come for me to face the Endbringers and protect those I cared about.

I turned to the screen to find the monster holding both Dulse and Soliera by the neck. Something had also changed about the Endbringer. His form had become bigger, and now the debris and destruction floated around them like it had no wait.

[Emergency Override: Prevent all departures from Prisma.]

The sudden announcement caught me off guard as I whirled on Cryo with rage-filled eyes. I had done everything that he asked.

"This Ganon is too strong for you. If you go out there now, you have a 95% chance of losing your life. Do you not understand what this means?" Cryo asked, but I shook my head.

"I am not letting those people die for me! Let me out and I will catch them all and return!" I demanded, but Cryo just shook his head.

"I can't let you do that, Landon. We are leaving this timeline to go hide in another until things cool down. This one is lost, and the Endbringer will not stop until this reality vanishes. This is not our problem anymore," Cryo replied in a cool voice, and my arms fell to my sides as something inside of me started to crack.

All the people of Paldea, the Recon Squad, and then the rest of the people of this world were about to disappear because of me? This wasn't my problem? Why did I even have these powers?!

[P3^ult1m@t3 Pr1m0r@l...]

Something red glitched across, but anger was consuming me.

"Landon, calm-" Cryo started to say but froze.

[PP SYSTEM ACTIVATION: Penultimate Primordial System.]
[All Limiting Restrictions have been lifted.]
[Access to Primordial Form granted.]

The sudden surge of power overwhelmed me, and my surroundings transformed. The serene training area shifted into a chaotic realm of red and black energy. The power coursing through me felt immense, and I could sense the primal force within.

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