Overpowered Soul Transmigrate In Apocalypse

Chapter 103: EP14: It izz what it iz.

Chapter 103: EP14: It izz what it iz.

The yellowish-board outside the circus tent thundered and lighting chains poured down from the milky stars. The chains lashed at Jaaun torso for breaking the rules and personally assaulting a person being judged.

The strikes were super potent in hurting Jaaun, each chain lashed out like a hungry tigress and gut out a portion of Jaaun flesh, blood began to paint the torso. The lashing stopped after the entire torso was painted scarlet with blood.

Jaaun was beaten black and blue for breaking the rule and regulations set by elder Bai.

Jaaun had silently tolerated the punishment, as he knew he will undergo immediate retribution for his actions. Yet, he still took them to stop Feng Mei from leaving this place.

After the punishment, Jaaun happy giggles resounded in the circus tent. 'I will triple the pain on the mortal that dared to fool me,'Jaaun thought.

He was the great advisor of the Galactical Collosi race, how dare a mortal step on his pride, again and again. 

The lightning chains acted in response to Jaaun thoughts. They then wrapped around Jaaun torso, two chains went out, one sealed Jaaun face and one went inside his empty eye sockets to seal Jaaun soul.

The lightning chain that had sealed Jaaun soul morphed into an Ancient face, the face of elder Bai.

[Do as you are supposed to do or else...] Elder Bai said in an archaic voice and warned Jaaun.

Jaaun, who was determined on changing his class to a chicken butcher and tear Feng's limb like a chicken began to tremble.

The jester respectfully replied to elder Bai, "As you command, your highness," 

Feng was calmly seeing the torture though it stopped pretty fast. Feng wasn't satisfied.

'They should have poured lava on the whipped torso, that would have been fun. Che, this lord couldn't take the leap of hope all because of that bastard and he is let off so easily. Thankfully, he won't be able to pull off such cheap moves as the lightning chains had sealed off his powers,' Feng thought as he felt his heels pressed against his butt.

The tormented souls became satisfied after seeing their tormenter getting tormented. Their excitement died down when the creepy voice of the tormented tormentor rang inside the circus tent.

[The next game will begin in five minutes] Jaaun made an announcement, as he was threatened by the lightning chain that had wrapped his soul and chopped body parts.

'I need to think about the next question! Feng thought after he heard the announcement. "But there's only five minutes. No matter how hard I try I might not be able to guess or remember the answer to the next question!"  Feng muttered like a madman, his voice barely audible and his hairs dangling on top of his forehead and covering his eyes.

"The only thing I can do is pray to the God of luck. Maybe, lady luck will smile on me and I will be able to provide the answer to the next question within three-second, " Feng muttered, he was purposely saying his words out loud for someone to hear.

"Darlinggg, our game continues... " Jaaun said in a girly voice, acting like a tsundere. He began to flirt with Feng Mei by blabbering in his ears.

Feng controlled himself and didn't retort or answered back. He acted as if Jaaun didn't exist. After five minutes, the last game will begin. He was only one jump away from getting out of the boundary of Jokers judgment.


In Elder Bai soul space.

Deicide blood avatar had appeared in the soul space of the First Evil Empyrean, still holding a pot filled with blood alcohol in his hand. He directly appeared on the wooden plank 'Dun-Dun'. He blinked and teleported near elder Bai, who was intently watching everything Feng faced. He had also seen everything Feng went through.

"Bai, why are you tormenting the last inheritor?" am 1. 9-meter tall ant, who was standing behind a very tall giant raised a question.

Elder Bai calmly said in response, "It's the intention of the Tenth Evil emperor, the choice he made before the nine of us performed soul cleanse on him. And why is it that you didn't tell little wind about soul cleanse?"

Deicide answered in response to a

"Burp! I forgot".

The insolent behavior of the third evil empire caused Elder Bai to lose his calm. He shouted, "Why!".

The giant shout created layers of Shockwave that waved over Deicide blood avatar. The shock waves were so strong that they literally exploded the blood avatar into a blood puddle. Though, the pot containing blood alcohol/wine managed to remain

unscathed, it dropped over the wooden plank, on top of the blood puddle.

"You just killed me, wtf man!" Deicide voice came from with the blood puddle. "The last inheritor always told you to chillax, you really need to chill!" The blood puddle began to float up and combine together to re-form a humanoid blood avatar.

In three-second, Deicide 1. 9m tall blood avatar was reformed.

Elder Bai took two deep breaths to calm his inner-rage at the carefree Third Evil Empyrean. "Deicide, you were the first to be awakened so why didn't you tell little wind aboutt soul cleanse. It's the duty of the nine Evil Empyrean to help the last inheritor of the soul line of Evil. Do not forget your duty even if you are a demon," Elder Bai chided Deicide.

Deicide avatar once again exploded and created a blood puddle.

"Ok mama, I will do as you command, my ass. Tian wu is already dead, Ze'ath vow is upheld, the ancient prophecy is fulfilled. We have already completed our duty," Deicide sarcastic voice came from within the blood puddle. The blood-avatar reformed.

" Does that mean you..." Elder Bai gazed turned murderous.

"Nope, I like the last inheritor and I don't have anywhere else to go. So I will remain here." Deicide replied, but Elder Bai was still excluding murderous intent, ready to strike him into a blood puddle.

Deicide had enough of being exploded into a blood puddle. He evaded his fate  by seriously saying "It has only been some days since I woke from my slumber. I forgot to tell the Tenth about soul cleanse, alright? So, there is no need to shout at me, now is it? It's wasting my blood energy to reform this blood avatar!"

Elder Bai calm down. Decide gulped down a lot of blood alcohol from the pot and burp right on elder Bai face, thrice.

Bang! Deicide was exploded into a blood puddle.

"Your careless attitude is the reason why the other Evil Empyrean didn't trust you." Elder Bai shook his head at Deicide, who had turned into a blood puddle.

"Bai, even I won't trust myself, what so another. I am a demon, who carries little to no expectation of someone trusting me. Only a fool would trust a demon." Deicide voice came from within the blood puddle, he wasn't gonna waste his precious blood to reform his blood avatar.

Elder Bai saw this, and he gave up all hope of redeeming Third into a better path.

A hand extended from the blood puddle and pointed at the chessboard that showed what is happening to Feng Mei "Though, you doing this for what?" Deicide said.

"It was to help little wind remember his past and let him enter a unique state, a unique state that will help him form a connection with his truth emblem of Dominator. But..." The elder gazed turned sad as he looked at Jaaun.

"Jaaun is a legit disappointment. He still hadn't realized that the person before him is the Tenth Evil Empyrean," Deicide completed Bai words. Two eyeballs appeared from the blood puddle and they looked at Bai, "Collosi giant never had brain just brawn. Only you were born intelligent" he complimented.

"Sigh, at the very least we managed to check the extent of the damage caused by Soul cleanse on little wind memories. It's not too bad and not too good, either," the elder said disappointed.

Elder Bai and Deicide both proceeded to stare at the chessboard. The last game had started.


In the circus tent.

The five minutes passed and the last game began!

[The third question] Jaaun voice resounded inside the circus tent. This time, it wasn't ear-wrenching. But the normal voice of a palace eunuch. 

All the tormented souls got excited when they heard the announcement. They had become Feng Mei fan, right after they saw Jaaun getting tormented by lightning chains. They wanted Feng Mei to leave this place and not become like them, tormented souls meant to forever suffer eternal torment in this hell.

All of them stared at the haggard Feng Mei, who was crouching in front of the torso. He had no arms, feet oozing with blood, long black-hairs draped over his head, and covered his eyes and face.

No one knew, what Feng was thinking as his complexion was hidden out of sight. But Feng was ready to play this game!

Jaaun began to announce the question written on the scroll he took. [Whether you are a king or a slave.

Whether you are rich or poor] 

'Is it that question?' Feng thought after hearing the first sentence of the question.

Jaaun said, [Whether it be an immortal or a mortal

Whether it be a God or a Devil]

'It is, ' the second sentence confirmed Feng's suspicion.

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