Other world chimera [Naruto fanfic]

168. Infiltration plan? Wasdat?

168. Infiltration plan? Wasdat?

Tomoka could help but think about Kurama’s idea. As she did she couldn’t help but think that even if she did that it wouldn’t be right. She felt like she would be taking advantage of her girls she felt… No, she realized that all she was doing was making excuses. 

Was she afraid? But what was she afraid of? Taking advantage of her girls maybe? No, she knew that the girls wanted it as much as she did. Then what was holding her back? As they moved through the forest in silence Tomoka kept thinking over and over again about it. 

Finally after a deep introspection she came to realize that she simply felt anxious. Could she please them? Would she be enough? Would they enjoy it? Would they lie and act as if they did even if they didn’t? These and many other questions had been subconsciously assaulting Tomoka’s mind. 

In the end she decided to bite the bullet. If she didn’t do it now then when? Originally she had wanted to do it when all of them were at least fifteen. However, now that she thought about it, it didn’t really matter. What did matter was that she wanted to, they wanted to and that was it. Making up her mind Tomoka decided to make preparations for their first time once they had their own place. 

Though the anxiety was still there, Tomoka also felt like a weight had been lifted from her shoulders. All this introspection and thinking had taken quite a bit of time. Enough for them to reach the desert of the land of wind. 

“Alright girls, we should camp since it’s getting late anyway.” With that said the girls got their tents placed before eating their rations. Tomorrow they would need to travel through the scorching desert. 

The night went by peacefully and on the dawn of the next day they packed up their things and began moving. Not even half an hour in and they could already feel the god awful heat. 

“Tomoka, can’t you do something about this horrid heat?” Nozomi said while fanning herself with her sweat soaked shirt. 

“Actually now that I think about it, I might be able to help” It would be wasteful in terms of chakra but it would be worth it for her girl’s comfort. The next moment Tomoka made a bubble of chakra around them with ice attributes. Thanks to that the temperature went from scorching hot to mildly hot. 

“Much better, though you will spoil us rotten at this rate” Said Hinata with a content sigh. Even though it was still hot compared to Konoha’s usual temperature it was still a hundred times better than before. 

“Anything for my girls.” Responded Tomoka. She had to admit that it was a good idea as well. Even though her inner body temperature had dropped thanks to the Yuki bloodline she now had, the heat was still bothersome for her. 

“You know, I never asked, but how are you planning on getting inside Suna without being detected?” Nozomi looked towards Tomoka with curiosity. 

“Well, I actually didn’t think about that… Tehe~” Tomoka had forgotten that Suna, like any other village, would have their own method of detection for intruders. Then again, she could sneak in and out of Konoha easily so she thought it would be even easier for Suna.

“Let me guess, you were just going to wing it once we got there?” Said Hinata after sighing. A knowing smile steadily sneaks into her expression. 

“No no, I have a plan, it is a very convoluted and efficient plan.” Yeah no, both girls didn’t believe Tomoka’s half baked lies at all. 

“Fine, I don't have half a plan but how hard could it be? We sneaked out of Konoha and it is said that Konoha is many times more powerful than Suna. I doubt we will have any trouble.”

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