Other world chimera [Naruto fanfic]

167. A good(?) idea

167. A good(?) idea

Warmth, love, worry. She could feel those emotions from the sudden hug the other two girls gave her. She could feel how her guilt, anger and sadness bleed away almost unnaturally. Opening her eyes Tomoka could see Nozomi’s mangekyou spinning as she looked at the red head with a burning intensity. 

Tomoka could feel how Nozomi’s eyes made her negative emotions diminish while the positive ones she felt from her girls grew in intensity. It once again made her remember that time. Someone else might get angry at the girl’s blatant manipulation. Tomoka only felt content. 

“Thanks, I needed that.” That's all Tomoka said while enjoying the hug.

They stated like that for a while longer until with a sigh Tomoka reluctantly decided that they needed to continue moving. Getting up, the girls prepared to move out once Tomoka made sure Nozomi’s eyes would be alright.    

While the girls moved through the jungles of the land of fire they couldn’t help but send each other glances and smiles. A pink atmosphere floating around them as a certain fox felt like puking rainbows from it. 

[Get a room already! I can’t take this for much longer. Those two are sending you fuck me eyes every other moment and it’s getting to me!]

Hearing Kurama’s rant, Tomoka cringed a little. She had noticed it too, the girls had their first period just like herself not too long ago meaning puberty had started for all of them. It was through incredible amounts of will that Tomoka hadn’t jumped them yet.

‘They are still too young Kurama, I am no pedo’ Hearing Tomoka’s words made the giant fox’s eye twitch with annoyance. 

[You are brat just like them dammit all! Not to mention the make out sessions the three of you have! If it bothers you so much then just make them look older inside your mind and go at it! I can’t take it any more!] 

The constant flirty and sexual tension between the three was so high even Kurama, a genderless, asexual being was able to feel it. Of course he didn’t want anything to do with it. However, he hoped that should they do the deed the three would calm down some. 

‘You amazing fox! Might your glorious fur forever be shiny and soft! That is the best idea you have ever had!’ 

[... Why do I feel like I made a mistake?] Kurama felt a bit put off by Tomoka’s grin. That and the fact she was drooling.

“Hey, Tomoka, what has gotten into you? Why are you drooling like that” Hinata asked while poking the girl’s side. 

“eh? What?” Being brought out of her lewd fantasies Tomoka quickly wiped away the drool. 

“I was thinking about food, yeah, food and nothing else, promise” Of course the other two didn’t believe Tomoka for even a second. However, they decided not to press for answers. If Tomoka didn’t want to tell them then there should be a good reason for it. 

“Sure, I believe you,” Nozomi said with as much sarcasm as she could add.

“You know, with how good you are at scheming sometimes it is quite amazing to see how badly you lie when you don’t plan for it.” Hinata said amused. 

“Lie? Me!? Please I am a paragon of virtue that has never, and will never do anything wrong” Yeah, it didn’t take even a second before the other two gave Tomoka the look. 

“Sure and I am descendant of an alien race that wants to drain the world of life to grow a fruit for power” Silence and then the three girls laughed so hard Tomoka forgot to look forwards and smacked her face on a tree. It took the better of half an hour before the three could stop laughing.   

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