Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 277: Soul Fusion

Chapter 277: Soul Fusion

Ye Xiaolu was excited, I remember the book said the fox possessed Su Hus daughter, Su Daji. We can just kill her before she succeeds!

The army marched towards the trio. Since they were transparent, the army couldnt see them.

Were too late.

Li Mo shook his head as he watched the palanquin.

The Celestial Eye confirmed his fears. There was a thick demon qi surrounding it.

Whitey sensed the familiar demon qi as well, What now?

It will become even harder if we let the army take her to Zhaoge. We have no choice but to act now.

Li Mos snap of his fingers got the three into action mode.

The army charged at them and Li Mo roared. 

In this world, Li Mo could use the full extent of his peak sixth level power, knocking the entire army out with a shout.

Nice, teach it to me later.

Demon qi shot out of the palanquin and morphed into a beauty.

Su Daji!

Su Daji and Whitey had some differences in appearance, and even their charm was on a different level.

Su Daji is even prettier? Ye Xiaolu looked excited.

Goddamnit, if only I was a man. I wouldve thrown her on the ground and have my way with her.

If you want to, I can find a new male vessel for you.

Zip it, I was only joking.

Su Dajis eyes stopped over Whitey.

They looked somewhat different, but their demon qi was identical. It brought about mutual attraction.

Whitey turned into wicked wind and rushed Daji, the latter doing the same.

The two were essentially one, with a fight hardly avoidable. Their demon qis entwined as they fought in the sky and on the ground.

What do we do? Can we help her? Ye Xiaolu was tense.

Li Mo took out a sealing talisman.

Whats that?

Sealing talisman, used in trapping her power and turn her back to a common human.

Balls, what are you doing taking it out only now? Cant you see foxy is in trouble? Dont just stand there, use it!


Just use it. Didnt you say it seals her power?

Yeah, but the problem is we have to place it on her head. How do you figure we do that?


Ye Xiaolu cursed.

How to use it when Whitey and Daji had turned into wicked wind?

Next time keep these trashy things to yourself. God damn it!

Ye Xiaolu rolled up her sleeve and punched at the demon qi, only to hit nothing as it flew in the air.

Curses, when can I fly too?

Ye Xiaolu was running around the place. 

Li Mo eyed the two demon qis, ready to use the sealing talisman when opportunity came.

The two demon qis were in fierce competition, leaving Li Mo no room to act.


The demon qis sometimes shot for the clouds then slammed back down to earth.

Ye Xiaolu ran over to punch and the oddest thing happened. The two demon qis fused, surged, and then vanished, replaced by a person.

It was Su Daji.

Whitey? Is it you or her? Ye Xiaolu asked.

Its me, and her. But its finally done. Su Daji smiled.

Why do you mean?

With the Celestial Eye, Li Mo saw in shock that she had only one soul inside.

That tense battle before was a tie, with neither White nor Daji on the advantage.

But now, Dajis body clearly housed one soul.

Its quality was double that of Whitey


A light went off in Li Mos head.

Whitey and Daji fused souls!

Relax, I am still me. I am Whitey. I can still remember you.

Just that they arent limited to just you.

Su Daji held her head and smiled at Li Mo, You were truly honest. My previous fate

Only allowed on

It doesnt matter now.

Fusion isnt something that happens easily. Li Mo frowned.

He couldnt understand how this occurred.

But seeing it now, it couldnt be a better outcome. As fusion their souls, Whiteys power increased, bypassing the peak fifth level and going straight to peak sixth level, just like Li Mo. 

Odd, why is this world still standing

Li Mo said.

Usually, with the mission over, the world shouldve collapsed.

Li Mo popped a Gate open and went home, then back again. 

Whitey and Ye Xiaolu left as well this time, but the Investiture of the Gods world was still there.

The Investiture of the Gods world is still standing

Li Mo had no clue why this was happening.

Is it a good thing or bad thing?

Bad, but I can use this to my benefit.

God Prison was made up of 992 rare ingredients, missing only eight. And Li Mo knew the Investiture of the Gods world had two rare ingredients he needed.

This would be quite the easy harvest.

Li Mo took the girls back to the Investiture of the Gods world and closed the Gate. Not doing so would leave a way for all the demons and other monsters to go into the real world, bringing the end of days upon humanity.

Li Mo popped open a portal this time.

Where to?

Penglai Island, Green Water Palace.

Eh~, whats that? Ye Xiaolu said.

Where Grandmaster of Heaven teaches! Su Daji added. 

Arent you a modern woman? Dont you ever read?

Please, this sister loves lemon books. With Investiture of the Gods written in ancient scrip, just looking makes me sick.

Green Water Palace is where Grandmaster of Heaven lives. Its bes you keep these opinions to yourself, or bad things will crop up. Better yet, youll be muted from this point on.

Li Mo sealed Ye Xiaolus voice.

Ye Xiaolu popped a vein in trying, but no sound came out.


The trio walked into the portal.

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